The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

Naw, I want all working folks to get a living wage... and I want the corporate abomination that is McDonald's to DIE.

Then why do you want the employer of 210,000 people to go belly up? There is no such thinig as an employer of 210,000 people which isn't corporate...

No, they'll just go to work somewhere else... No big deal.

Who's going to be in a position to employ 210,000 people at the drop of a hat? No one, that's who.

You say you want these people to have have jobs, yet you wish for the demise of their employer. If you're unable to see just how fucked up that is, you're beyond help...

But seriously, Fuck McDonalds.

When I was in my mid-teens, I had about a dozen friends who worked at McDonald's. They were making minimum wage; maybe a bit more if they'd been there a while. They all lived at home, did their homework after they got home, went to school, played sports, and did other shit that kids do, including working their minimum wage jobs. That's who minimum wage is designed for. It's not for someone with a mortgage and two car payments and three kids. It was never meant to be for those people.

I've no great amount of love for McDonald's, but they provide jobs to people who need jobs. If those people need better paying jobs, to use your words, "they;'ll just go work somewhere else'. See, you've solved your problem. McDonald's doesn't have to pay these people $15 an hour, because, according to you, they can just go work elsewhere...
Then why do you want the employer of 210,000 people to go belly up? There is no such thinig as an employer of 210,000 people which isn't corporate...

No, but most corporations don't engage in the level of asshattery McDonald's does.

You say you want these people to have have jobs, yet you wish for the demise of their employer. If you're unable to see just how fucked up that is, you're beyond help...

This is where you wingnuts get confused. Jobs aren't created by corporations or the rich. They are created by consumer demand. So people will still need to eat. Sometimes they will want to eat without having to cook. There are a lot of other chains and even corner burger shops that would be far better.

When I was in my mid-teens, I had about a dozen friends who worked at McDonald's. They were making minimum wage; maybe a bit more if they'd been there a while. They all lived at home, did their homework after they got home, went to school, played sports, and did other shit that kids do, including working their minimum wage jobs. That's who minimum wage is designed for. It's not for someone with a mortgage and two car payments and three kids. It was never meant to be for those people.

So you think that it's okay to have a child exploitation scheme, then? Really?

I agree, the minimum wage was designed for one purpose, to keep employers from firing everyone when there was a recession or depression and hiring a bunch of newly unemployed people for a lot less. That's what it was designed for. The fact that EvilClownCo exploits adults and teens because it hasn't kept up with inflation, is really the problem here
No, but most corporations don't engage in the level of asshattery McDonald's does.

Your position still advocates the loss of 210,000 jobs...

This is where you wingnuts get confused. Jobs aren't created by corporations or the rich. They are created by consumer demand. So people will still need to eat. Sometimes they will want to eat without having to cook. There are a lot of other chains and even corner burger shops that would be far better.

For fun, let's say McDonald's says "fuck it, we're done", and closes shop.

Immediately, 210,000 people are out of work. Also, those folks who enjoy a Big Mac and a medium order of fries can no longer get them. This is where your position fails. Despite the consumer demand, which you insist is what creates jobs, the consumer demand for a Big Mac and fries won't create a fucking thing.

And if you think McDonald's operates in such a vastly different manner than most fast food chains, you're dumber than I thought...

So you think that it's okay to have a child exploitation scheme, then? Really?

Oh, my God. You're just a delicate little flower aren't you, Princess?

The legal age to work in New York is 16. Hell you can have a paper route at age 12. Do you really view these as a "child exploitation scheme"?

Because I knew a bunch of 16 and 17 year old kids back on Long Island who would tell you that you're a fucking idiot...

I agree, the minimum wage was designed for one purpose, to keep employers from firing everyone when there was a recession or depression and hiring a bunch of newly unemployed people for a lot less. That's what it was designed for. The fact that EvilClownCo exploits adults and teens because it hasn't kept up with inflation, is really the problem here

No, I'm guessing the real problem here is that your pussy hurts because, once upon a time, you were fired from McDonald's for failing to master the "lettuce, tomato, onion" system they have...[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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The unemployment dilemma is a false issue as far as I am concerned. The legal and physical infrastructure already exists to engender an upward pressure on wages on an Institutional basis by merely solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. Promoting and providing for the general welfare is in our federal Constitution.
Building a house destroys the environment. Laying concrete destroys the environment. Making solar panels destroys the environment. Everything you do as a human being, has an environmental impact.

Blaming McDonalds, or any other corporation, for what you yourself are doing is ridiculous.

And honestly if you cared at all about the environment, you would kill yourself immediately, which would not only reduce pollution, but increase the average IQ of the world.

MY IQ is higher than yours, and I'm probably better educated... but the point is, McDonald's net behavior is a negative on the environment and the health of Americans overall.

You wouldn't have noticed, yet claim you know it didn't happen. That makes you an arrogant idiot. Not trying to be insulting.... just a fact. You are saying "X didn't happen" and then following that up with "Well I never would have noticed X anyway".

Right... most normal people don't gorge themselves on the GARBAGE that comes out of McDonalds... that's why they wouldn't notice if they made the fry containers slightly smaller (OH NOES)!

Knowledge and wisdom, are not the same. I've met people who had tons of knowledge, and their lives were utter wrecks because they had no wisdom whatsoever.

McDonald's net behavior is a negative on the environment and the health of Americans overall.

Yeah, and so is yours. Your behavior is a net negative to the environment and health of America.

*shrug*... according to your own standard, you should hope that you die.

Right... most normal people don't gorge themselves on the GARBAGE that comes out of McDonalds... that's why they wouldn't notice if they made the fry containers slightly smaller (OH NOES)!

Or apparently anything else, including things I posted in this very thread, since I listed an article about how everyone was doing that, not just McDonald's. Everyone. Including everyone. Even companies that sold cereal and other store bought products. Not just fast food, or so on.... EVERYONE.

Every single company that directly, or indirectly had their labor costs rise because of the minimum wage from that happened from 2007 to 2009, passed on those costs to consumers in higher prices... which in this case was through reducing portions or net weight of products.

Which again... is exactly what we predicted, and now is historically proven to happen when you increase the minimum wage.

There is not one dollar that companies have, that doesn't comes from either customers in high prices, or employees in lower wages.

So if you arbitrarily increase wages, the money has to come from somewhere. Either they have to increase price on consumers, or at the very absolute best possible result... they have to reduce working hours.

Bernie Sanders infamously reduced the working hours of his staff, when his staff complained that he was "fighting for $15", while not paying his own staff $15/hour. So he did increase their wages to $15/hour... by reducing working hours.

Even an avowed socialists, has to confront economic reality when it comes to their own money.

It's only when dealing with 'other people's money' as Margret Thatcher famously said, that socialists thing their ideology works.

Well... you are wrong.
Your position still advocates the loss of 210,000 jobs...

Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.

You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

For fun, let's say McDonald's says "fuck it, we're done", and closes shop.

Immediately, 210,000 people are out of work. Also, those folks who enjoy a Big Mac and a medium order of fries can no longer get them. This is where your position fails. Despite the consumer demand, which you insist is what creates jobs, the consumer demand for a Big Mac and fries won't create a fucking thing.

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

The legal age to work in New York is 16. Hell you can have a paper route at age 12. Do you really view these as a "child exploitation scheme"?

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

No, I'm guessing the real problem here is that your pussy hurts because, once upon a time, you were fired from McDonald's for failing to master the "lettuce, tomato, onion" system they have...

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

Of course, of the three jobs I held during that time, two of them are out of business now. one of them was "Farrell's Ice Cream". Now, I bring that up because it was a great example of corporate sleaze. Farrells had a giveaway where you could sign your kid up for a birthday party by giving them your child's name and date of birth and other particulars.

Farrell's parent company took that list and sold it to the Selective Service, who started hounding people to sign up.
Knowledge and wisdom, are not the same. I've met people who had tons of knowledge, and their lives were utter wrecks because they had no wisdom whatsoever.

That kind of describes most Trump supporters, the kind of people who live in trailer parks and hate other poor people of color.

Or apparently anything else, including things I posted in this very thread, since I listed an article about how everyone was doing that, not just McDonald's. Everyone. Including everyone. Even companies that sold cereal and other store bought products. Not just fast food, or so on.... EVERYONE.

Blah, blah, blah, nobody cares tl;dr.
Building a house destroys the environment. Laying concrete destroys the environment. Making solar panels destroys the environment. Everything you do as a human being, has an environmental impact.

Blaming McDonalds, or any other corporation, for what you yourself are doing is ridiculous.

And honestly if you cared at all about the environment, you would kill yourself immediately, which would not only reduce pollution, but increase the average IQ of the world.

MY IQ is higher than yours, and I'm probably better educated... but the point is, McDonald's net behavior is a negative on the environment and the health of Americans overall.

You wouldn't have noticed, yet claim you know it didn't happen. That makes you an arrogant idiot. Not trying to be insulting.... just a fact. You are saying "X didn't happen" and then following that up with "Well I never would have noticed X anyway".

Right... most normal people don't gorge themselves on the GARBAGE that comes out of McDonalds... that's why they wouldn't notice if they made the fry containers slightly smaller (OH NOES)!

Knowledge and wisdom, are not the same. I've met people who had tons of knowledge, and their lives were utter wrecks because they had no wisdom whatsoever.

McDonald's net behavior is a negative on the environment and the health of Americans overall.

Yeah, and so is yours. Your behavior is a net negative to the environment and health of America.

*shrug*... according to your own standard, you should hope that you die.

Right... most normal people don't gorge themselves on the GARBAGE that comes out of McDonalds... that's why they wouldn't notice if they made the fry containers slightly smaller (OH NOES)!

Or apparently anything else, including things I posted in this very thread, since I listed an article about how everyone was doing that, not just McDonald's. Everyone. Including everyone. Even companies that sold cereal and other store bought products. Not just fast food, or so on.... EVERYONE.

Every single company that directly, or indirectly had their labor costs rise because of the minimum wage from that happened from 2007 to 2009, passed on those costs to consumers in higher prices... which in this case was through reducing portions or net weight of products.

Which again... is exactly what we predicted, and now is historically proven to happen when you increase the minimum wage.

There is not one dollar that companies have, that doesn't comes from either customers in high prices, or employees in lower wages.

So if you arbitrarily increase wages, the money has to come from somewhere. Either they have to increase price on consumers, or at the very absolute best possible result... they have to reduce working hours.

Bernie Sanders infamously reduced the working hours of his staff, when his staff complained that he was "fighting for $15", while not paying his own staff $15/hour. So he did increase their wages to $15/hour... by reducing working hours.

Even an avowed socialists, has to confront economic reality when it comes to their own money.

It's only when dealing with 'other people's money' as Margret Thatcher famously said, that socialists thing their ideology works.

Well... you are wrong.
From one perspective, our first world economy should not be required to pick up the slack of any capitalist regime of cheap labor and that form of, race to the bottom with human capital. Tariffs could used for purchasing power parity regarding costs for the sake of our first world fixed Standard of living and the infrastructure required to support it.
Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.

You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

Seriously? That's your fucking response?

See, unlike mentally retarded folks like you, I thought I would discuss the actual point at hand. You, however, have to start tap dancing when it's pointed out that your argument was a complete failure.

I think the loss of any number of jobs is bad. You seem to think that, since Covid killed so many jobs, it's no big deal if we lose 200,000 more.

You're a disgusting person, wishing that on working Americans...

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

Burger King and Wendy's are far more expensive than Burger King. How nice of you to now want people to spend more for their shitty food.

You're a piece of work...

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

Sure they do. I was in New York in June, dealing with a townhouse I'm selling, and while I was standing in the driveway the paperboy, on an actual bicycle, was cruising through the neighborhood.

But you're dodging your ridiculously stupid "child exploitation" thing. I;d love for you to explain that...

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

You know why I think you're full of shit and have an axe to grind?

Because you bitch and moan and piss and whine about burger flippers needing to be paid $15 an hour as a mimimum [sic] wage so they can work their way through college, but you don't say a single fucking word about addressing the problem of ridiculously high college tuition. Since you keep bringing up how you worked your sorry ass through school, tuition today is obviously a sore spot for you, yet you seem content to let that problem fester, unaddressed.

Wouldn't it make more sense to address the problem head on, as opposed to whining about an employer not paying someone enough to afford the problem?

Of course, of the three jobs I held during that time, two of them are out of business now. one of them was "Farrell's Ice Cream". Now, I bring that up because it was a great example of corporate sleaze. Farrells had a giveaway where you could sign your kid up for a birthday party by giving them your child's name and date of birth and other particulars.

Farrell's parent company took that list and sold it to the Selective Service, who started hounding people to sign up.

Wow. It's almost scary how stupid you are.

The sale of that list occurred only once. The source of the problem was identified and Farrell's stopped using the list which was purchased. You're trying to make it seem as though that was their stand mode of operation, and it wasn't. Far from it...
See, unlike mentally retarded folks like you, I thought I would discuss the actual point at hand. You, however, have to start tap dancing when it's pointed out that your argument was a complete failure.

I think the loss of any number of jobs is bad. You seem to think that, since Covid killed so many jobs, it's no big deal if we lose 200,000 more.

You're a disgusting person, wishing that on working Americans...

Not at all... the point I was making is that everyone got better, eventually... they all got new jobs (or they will shortly) and were better off for it.

So saying that on the happy day we toss MickyD's on the scrap heap of history... most of their employees will be fine.

Burger King and Wendy's are far more expensive than Burger King. How nice of you to now want people to spend more for their shitty food.

Actually, they're comparable... but never mind.

In fact, a big mac costs 50 cents more than a whopper on average.

But you're dodging your ridiculously stupid "child exploitation" thing. I;d love for you to explain that...

I already did, but if I had to dumb it down any more for you, we'd be getting into special ed territory.

Because you bitch and moan and piss and whine about burger flippers needing to be paid $15 an hour as a mimimum [sic] wage so they can work their way through college, but you don't say a single fucking word about addressing the problem of ridiculously high college tuition. Since you keep bringing up how you worked your sorry ass through school, tuition today is obviously a sore spot for you, yet you seem content to let that problem fester, unaddressed.

I've addressed the high cost of college on many other threads... that's not the topic of this thread. Actually, I was fine with tuition back in the 1980's... half of it the Army picked up for me. But the point was, I COULD work my way through college then. A kid really can't do that today, partially because the minimum wage is shit compared to what it was then.

The sale of that list occurred only once. The source of the problem was identified and Farrell's stopped using the list which was purchased. You're trying to make it seem as though that was their stand mode of operation, and it wasn't. Far from it...

They only had ONE list to sell, and they never should have sold it at all. (The reason why we know they sold the list was because a few people put down their dogs' names as jokes, and Selective Service started looking for those Dogs who hadn't registered for the draft.) It was beyond sleazy, but the whole company was kind of sleazy.

And now, thankfully, out of business. Hoping McDonald's joins them soon.
Not at all... the point I was making is that everyone got better, eventually... they all got new jobs (or they will shortly) and were better off for it.

So saying that on the happy day we toss MickyD's on the scrap heap of history... most of their employees will be fine.

Tell that to those who don't find other jobs (and there will be folks like that). Your cavalier approach to this is disgusting; that you would wish such gross misfortune on someone who simply wants to work...

Actually, they're comparable... but never mind.

In fact, a big mac costs 50 cents more than a whopper on average.

Wow. You are fuckin' clueless.

A Big Mac is more appropriately compared to Double Whopper (cheese, two patties, etc).

A Big Mac costs $3.99. A Double Whopper with cheese is $5.29.

But let's look at a Quarter Pounder with cheese. It costs $3.79. A Whopper with cheese is $4.69. A "Dave's Single" at Wendy's is $5.49; a full $1.70 more than the Big Mac.

So, yeah, once again you're wrong. How's that fail taste?

I already did, but if I had to dumb it down any more for you, we'd be getting into special ed territory.

All you did was whine...

I've addressed the high cost of college on many other threads... that's not the topic of this thread. Actually, I was fine with tuition back in the 1980's... half of it the Army picked up for me. But the point was, I COULD work my way through college then. A kid really can't do that today, partially because the minimum wage is shit compared to what it was then.

And, even more so, because college tuition has skyrocketed. When Kamala Harris went to Howard University, it cost her $3,045 a year (1986). Now, tuition to Howard University will set you back $24,966.

Why are you giving universities, which have raised their tuition by more than eight times, a complete pass and, instead, insist that employers pay workers enough to pay for those exorbidant tuitions??

They only had ONE list to sell, and they never should have sold it at all.

Farrell's was in business for 56 years. Once, in 1983, a list broker, NOT EMPLOYED BY FARRELL'S, sold the "birthday list" to Selective Service without the permission of Farrell's.

You act like it was an ongoing scandal that reached right to the top of Farrell's. Of course, though, that's not what happened. It's far more likely that the brass at Farrell's knew nothing about it until after it had occurred...
Automatic UC for simply being unemployed can also help automatically stabilize this market as well.
Why not just use the payroll taxes paid into FICA to buy vans that will go around to job sites and companies that are going to lay off people and just gas the unemployed, since all the right wingers agree they're worthless and should work free anyway to line shareholders' pockets and pay big bucks to execs? You can always import more workers when you need them, there has never been any labor shortages in human history. That way there are no uppity proles around who keep insisting on stuff like food and housing to stand in the way of all that 'free enterprise' they keep babbling about for 'Everybody Else' but never get around to practicing themselves. Just cancel citizenship for people below a certain net worth.
Knowledge and wisdom, are not the same. I've met people who had tons of knowledge, and their lives were utter wrecks because they had no wisdom whatsoever.

That kind of describes most Trump supporters, the kind of people who live in trailer parks and hate other poor people of color.

Or apparently anything else, including things I posted in this very thread, since I listed an article about how everyone was doing that, not just McDonald's. Everyone. Including everyone. Even companies that sold cereal and other store bought products. Not just fast food, or so on.... EVERYONE.

Blah, blah, blah, nobody cares tl;dr.

Oddly having known co-workers that lived in trailer parks, I don't know a single one that was not Democrat.

Regardless, I find it oddly hilarious that every Democrat I meet on the forum, that isn't poor... hates the poor.

As much as you claim to be in favor of the working class, and the poor, and against the wealthy, it's the Democrats that spew the most hate and derision at the poor and working class.

And it's not just you. Every left-winger I've met is like this. The poor and lower class, sit around praying to the left-wing government 'god' to shower them with government blessings, while at the same time the left-wingers that are wealthy hate the poor, and look down on them at every turn. Here you are, like a typical spoiled rich boy, looking down your nose at everyone that is think is beneath you.

You in this post, have done just that. Typical left-winger.

Blah, blah, blah, nobody cares tl;dr.

Case and point. I posted facts, and this was your response. Typical left-winger. When you can't reply to the statements made, just act like a toddler.
Your position still advocates the loss of 210,000 jobs...

Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.

You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

For fun, let's say McDonald's says "fuck it, we're done", and closes shop.

Immediately, 210,000 people are out of work. Also, those folks who enjoy a Big Mac and a medium order of fries can no longer get them. This is where your position fails. Despite the consumer demand, which you insist is what creates jobs, the consumer demand for a Big Mac and fries won't create a fucking thing.

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

The legal age to work in New York is 16. Hell you can have a paper route at age 12. Do you really view these as a "child exploitation scheme"?

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

No, I'm guessing the real problem here is that your pussy hurts because, once upon a time, you were fired from McDonald's for failing to master the "lettuce, tomato, onion" system they have...

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

Of course, of the three jobs I held during that time, two of them are out of business now. one of them was "Farrell's Ice Cream". Now, I bring that up because it was a great example of corporate sleaze. Farrells had a giveaway where you could sign your kid up for a birthday party by giving them your child's name and date of birth and other particulars.

Farrell's parent company took that list and sold it to the Selective Service, who started hounding people to sign up.

Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.
You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

Because Trump had nothing to do with it, and you are blaming him for government actions he did not do, and was even against?

Trump didn't want the lock downs. Democrats did. Trump didn't lose those jobs. Democrats lost those jobs.

You can't blame Trump for things he opposed the entire time. That's ridiculous. Saying incoherent things like that, is how we know you are a non-thinking individual.

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

That's ignorant. Increase the prices of whatever services you sell by 25%, and tell me how demand goes up, and you'll have to hire someone to help you do your job.

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

My nephew has been working since he was 16.

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

No, the minimum wage was not closer to the living wage back then. Sorry. Not true.

You can live on the minimum wage today, just as easily as you could back then. You can find crappy apartments, like they had in the 1970s, that have no Air Conditioning, and are the size of a shoe box, and be able to afford a 1970s lifestyle. The problem is you want a 2020 lifestyle on a 1970s wage. Sorry, you can't do that. You want more stuff? You more more amenities? You want cell phones? You want cable TV? And high speed internet? And a modern car? You want more things and services, than you had in the 1970s? Then you have to pay more. That's how life works. You want to live a 1970s life? You can do that on minimum wage. I show you houses you can buy for barely $30,000 near down town Columbus, and I know people who worked $10/hour jobs, and paid for their house.

College was more affordable back then, which is exactly why any rational thinking person, should ask themselves how it is that after 30 years of government directly involved in trying to make college more affordable, why it is less affordable now, than ever before?

And given the amazing success of all the programs and regulations to make college more affordable.... why do people on the left want more government programs involved in housing, and health care, and everything else?

College dorms in the 1970s were practically nothing. I've seen them. College dorms today are luxuries. If you go back even farther, you had 4 people in a room, with 2 bunk beds, and you were not even supposed to study in your room, you went to a library to have a desk. Now you have 2 people, with separate beds, and individual desks. And that doesn't include the insanity that covers the rest of the campus, with yoga classes, and pools, and entertainment rooms.

That's why college costs more. If you go to a college that doesn't have all that crap, it's still cheap. You go to Columbus State Community College, it's $4,500 a year. You can earn enough working minimum wage to pay for that, if you are a student living at home.

College is still very affordable, to anyone who really wants it. And honestly, if you just work hard, you can get enough scholarships to get through free, or almost free. I know a guy that got a double degree in education and physics, going through Capital State University, and paid almost nothing. Pretty close to 25% of the cost, with everything else through scholarships. His parents didn't fund him a penny. He cash flowed the degree himself, from working a $10/hour job.

No excuse for anyone who really wants a degree, to not get one. You don't have to spend $40,000 a a major university. That's pointless and stupid. I haven't had an employer yet that cared where you got your degree from, as long as you had it, and could do that job.
Tell that to those who don't find other jobs (and there will be folks like that). Your cavalier approach to this is disgusting; that you would wish such gross misfortune on someone who simply wants to work...

You just got on here and claimed the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers... now you are bemoaning the fact people are being deprived jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof on their heads.

you really need a consistent argument, buddy.

Wow. You are fuckin' clueless.

A Big Mac is more appropriately compared to Double Whopper (cheese, two patties, etc).

That's debatable... The point is, the Whopper is BK's signature product, the Big Mac is McD's signature product.

And, even more so, because college tuition has skyrocketed. When Kamala Harris went to Howard University, it cost her $3,045 a year (1986). Now, tuition to Howard University will set you back $24,966.

Yes, but what you MORONS don't understand is why they've skyrocketed.

Reason 1- The states don't support as much of the cost anymore, which have been shifted to the students.
Reason 2- Thanks to Supply and Demand, the costs of college have gone up because there are still as many classroom seats, but more people want them.

Has a lot more to do with the fact that most entry level jobs require a college degree now. Used to be, you could get a purchasing job with just a High School diploma. Then about 20 years ago, they started demanding a college degree, and a lot of buyers I know with decades of experience got their resumes tossed out by Applicant Tracking Software merely because there was no bachelor's degree listed. Today, they not only want a bachelor's degree, they want one in Business or some related field.

So understanding that, you now know why college is so expensive. Which wouldn't be so bad if Minimum wage had kept up. Instead these kids put themselves into massive debt, can only get a job at McDonalds, and when they graduate, their ability to get a job working someplace better is iffy.

Farrell's was in business for 56 years. Once, in 1983, a list broker, NOT EMPLOYED BY FARRELL'S, sold the "birthday list" to Selective Service without the permission of Farrell's.

You act like it was an ongoing scandal that reached right to the top of Farrell's. Of course, though, that's not what happened. It's far more likely that the brass at Farrell's knew nothing about it until after it had occurred...

Yeah, sure.... kind of like this.


of course they were outraged, WHEN THEY GOT CAUGHT.
No excuse for anyone who really wants a degree, to not get one. You don't have to spend $40,000 a a major university. That's pointless and stupid. I haven't had an employer yet that cared where you got your degree from, as long as you had it, and could do that job.

Uh, guy, as someone who writes resumes professionally, I can tell you straight up, employers pay more attention to your resume if you go to a major university than you do if you went to a community college.

But I'm sure your degree from Cleetus U didn't matter when you got the Possum Catching Job.
You just got on here and claimed the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers... now you are bemoaning the fact people are being deprived jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof on their heads.

What a lying scumbag you are.

I defy you to point out where I said the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers. I never said it...

you really need a consistent argument, buddy.

You need to stop lying about what others have said. It makes you look desperate...

That's debatable... The point is, the Whopper is BK's signature product, the Big Mac is McD's signature product.



The MX-5 is Mazda's "signature" sports car. The Aventador is Lamborghini's "signature" sports car.

Only a fool like you would attempt to compare them.

It makes no sense to compare things which are so different. Doesn't matter, though. I've already shown that you're wrong about which burger is more expensive...

Yes, but what you MORONS don't understand is why they've skyrocketed.

Reason 1- The states don't support as much of the cost anymore, which have been shifted to the students.
Reason 2- Thanks to Supply and Demand, the costs of college have gone up because there are still as many classroom seats, but more people want them.

You're stupid. There's just no other way to see it. You lament about "supply and demand" when it comes to college tuition, but you refuse to apply that same concept to employment. Nobody wants to pay someone $15 to flip burgers, simply because that skill set isn't worth $15 an hour...

Has a lot more to do with the fact that most entry level jobs require a college degree now. Used to be, you could get a purchasing job with just a High School diploma. Then about 20 years ago, they started demanding a college degree, and a lot of buyers I know with decades of experience got their resumes tossed out by Applicant Tracking Software merely because there was no bachelor's degree listed. Today, they not only want a bachelor's degree, they want one in Business or some related field.


What "entry level jobs" require a degree? Are you saying the gal waiting tables at the local Denny's has her degree in waitressing?

So understanding that, you now know why college is so expensive. Which wouldn't be so bad if Minimum wage had kept up. Instead these kids put themselves into massive debt, can only get a job at McDonalds, and when they graduate, their ability to get a job working someplace better is iffy.

As I've said earlier, anyone who takes on "massive debt" and ends up working at McDonald's after they graduate is a failure at life, and I've little sympathy for those people...

of course they were outraged, WHEN THEY GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not going to explain to you how mailing lists, and the dissemination of them, works, but the corporations involved are rarely, if ever, the ones holding them. I harbor no illusion that you have an actual clue...[/QUOTE]
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Our welfare clause is General and must provide for any given exigency. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

The private sector is a price taker in our economy. Government has the social power to fix the Standard for any goalposts established for the general welfare.
No excuse for anyone who really wants a degree, to not get one. You don't have to spend $40,000 a a major university. That's pointless and stupid. I haven't had an employer yet that cared where you got your degree from, as long as you had it, and could do that job.

Uh, guy, as someone who writes resumes professionally, I can tell you straight up, employers pay more attention to your resume if you go to a major university than you do if you went to a community college.

But I'm sure your degree from Cleetus U didn't matter when you got the Possum Catching Job.

Whjen I retired from the Navy, I took a retail job selling guitars at a now defunct guitar store in San Diego. I was there for two and a half years when the increase in sales of one particular brand in our store was noticed by the manufacturer, which was also located in southern California. I was the main acoustic guitar guy there, and was predominantly responsisble for the growth in sales. The company called me and asked me if I would come in for an interview. I said I would, and they told me to bring my resume.

My resume had two things on it: "US Navy 1981-2001" and "Guitarorama 2001-2004".

Long story short, they hired me as Inside Sales Coordinator with starting pay at $18.45 an hour. Within 6 months I was doing outside sales. My best year was 2010, when I made $170K.

Selling fucking guitars.

I've heard since I was a kid that you can't get a good job without a degree.

Nothing could be further from the truth...

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