The Fight For Free Speech

Censorship is the final bastion of those who have lost on the battlefield of ideas. The Left is getting slaughtered in the fight for truth and justice. They cannot defend their ideas with facts. They cannot morally justify what they believe in. In fact, most of them have no morals. They believe morality is like a piece of taffy that can be stretched to suit whatever they want to say or do. So now they have no choice but to try to silence the opposition.

Beware of those who would deny you access to information. For in their hearts, they dream themselves your master.

Prison » The Fight For Free Speech

The fact that prison planet exists is proof that free speech is alive and well, screaming nonsensical rants while running naked in the park that is the internet...

Please don't confuse "censorship" with people pointing out how batshit insane Alex Cox is. If the U.S. Government pulled the plug on Alex Cox without cause/ due process, that would be censorship.

Censorship is NOT boycotts, public outcry, ridicule, fact checking, criticism, or tuning you out. The public responding to your free speech IS Free Speech. That's how it works. You open your mouth. We roll our eyes and say STFU crazy Larry...
The irony here is that RWNJ has put a number of USMB'ers, including me I believe, that had the audacity to disagree with him on his ignore list.:bannedsmileee:

I only ignore people who have personally attacked me, never anyoen who can have a rational conversatiuon about opposing political ideologies.
It's called being an adult, nice job. Are you also RWNJ?

I am a conservative in my ficscal policy preference. Identity politics are not important to me. everyone should be happy and live how they want to live as long as they are not infringing upon anyone else's freedoms to live a happy life.

The golden rule is essentially my social ideology.

it was always taught to me that stereotyping is bad.
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Youtube, Twitter, Facebook. They all censor people they don't agree with. They label it fake news, or hate speech, or whatever, then ban them. You never see anyone on the right doing that. You never see Conservatives banning someone for their political views. That's what the Left does. If you can't see what a bunch of fascists the left are, then I pity you.
Everybody has a right to free speech and the consequences their speech might stir up
People who actually believe in freedom of speech would never intimidate or punish others for expressing themselves.

They'd never try to shut them down or shout them down when they speak.

The Regressive Left has no interest in REAL freedom of expression. They'll talk about "consequences" for daring to speak.

The Regressive Left is not liberal. They are illiberal leftist authoritarians.

People who truly believe in freedom of expression can beat people with ideas, not "consequences".
Censorship is the final bastion of those who have lost on the battlefield of ideas. The Left is getting slaughtered in the fight for truth and justice. They cannot defend their ideas with facts. They cannot morally justify what they believe in. In fact, most of them have no morals. They believe morality is like a piece of taffy that can be stretched to suit whatever they want to say or do. So now they have no choice but to try to silence the opposition.

Beware of those who would deny you access to information. For in their hearts, they dream themselves your master.

Prison » The Fight For Free Speech

The fact that prison planet exists is proof that free speech is alive and well, screaming nonsensical rants while running naked in the park that is the internet...

Please don't confuse "censorship" with people pointing out how batshit insane Alex Cox is. If the U.S. Government pulled the plug on Alex Cox without cause/ due process, that would be censorship.

Censorship is NOT boycotts, public outcry, ridicule, fact checking, criticism, or tuning you out. The public responding to your free speech IS Free Speech. That's how it works. You open your mouth. We roll our eyes and say STFU crazy Larry...
They would love to ban sites like Prison Planet. But they can't. Not yet. So youtube, Facebook and Twitter are doing their best to silence the opposition. They will fail, because our Constitution still protects us. If there is ever a time when it doesn't, then we still have over three hundred million guns and people willing to risk everything to protect our Constitutional right to free speech.
Everybody has a right to free speech and the consequences their speech might stir up
People who actually believe in freedom of speech would never intimidate or punish others for expressing themselves.

They'd never try to shut them down or shout them down when they speak.

The Regressive Left has no interest in REAL freedom of expression. They'll talk about "consequences" for daring to speak.

The Regressive Left is not liberal. They are illiberal leftist authoritarians.

People who truly believe in freedom of expression can beat people with ideas, not "consequences".
Authoritarian thought is not based on critical thinking, our Constitution is.
Censorship is the final bastion of those who have lost on the battlefield of ideas. The Left is getting slaughtered in the fight for truth and justice. They cannot defend their ideas with facts. They cannot morally justify what they believe in. In fact, most of them have no morals. They believe morality is like a piece of taffy that can be stretched to suit whatever they want to say or do. So now they have no choice but to try to silence the opposition.

Beware of those who would deny you access to information. For in their hearts, they dream themselves your master.

Prison » The Fight For Free Speech

The fact that prison planet exists is proof that free speech is alive and well, screaming nonsensical rants while running naked in the park that is the internet...

Please don't confuse "censorship" with people pointing out how batshit insane Alex Cox is. If the U.S. Government pulled the plug on Alex Cox without cause/ due process, that would be censorship.

Censorship is NOT boycotts, public outcry, ridicule, fact checking, criticism, or tuning you out. The public responding to your free speech IS Free Speech. That's how it works. You open your mouth. We roll our eyes and say STFU crazy Larry...
They would love to ban sites like Prison Planet. But they can't. Not yet. So youtube, Facebook and Twitter are doing their best to silence the opposition. They will fail, because our Constitution still protects us. If there is ever a time when it doesn't, then we still have over three hundred million guns and people willing to risk everything to protect our Constitutional right to free speech.

You don't seem to understand freedom of speech. It protects us from censorship by government. It doesn't apply to YouTube.
Youtube, Twitter, Facebook. They all censor people they don't agree with. They label it fake news, or hate speech, or whatever, then ban them. You never see anyone on the right doing that. You never see Conservatives banning someone for their political views. That's what the Left does. If you can't see what a bunch of fascists the left are, then I pity you.

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are private companies, not government entities. Conservatives understand the significance of this. You're a shitty conservative.
Gimme some examples. I'm seriously drawing a blank. I hear your "lock her up" and "lock 'em up" and "shoot 'em" shit from the right all the time, but I'm not recalling that shit from the left. Maybe they'll torch your car or block traffic on the interstate at rush hour, but "lock him up?"

I see your point, burning cars, destroying property, blocking interstate,and using violence is in no way as bad as chanting lock her up.
Y’all liberals are a hoot.

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Everybody has a right to free speech and the consequences their speech might stir up
And the panties that will be permanently knotted while windows and doors are shattered where a conservative might speak? The Left does not want free speech because they could not win one debate.
The left wins most debates. That's why your pedophile in Alabama refused to debate Doug Jones.

When leftist just start screaming racist at anyone they debate isn’t considered a win!

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Gimme some examples. I'm seriously drawing a blank. I hear your "lock her up" and "lock 'em up" and "shoot 'em" shit from the right all the time, but I'm not recalling that shit from the left. Maybe they'll torch your car or block traffic on the interstate at rush hour, but "lock him up?"

I see your point, burning cars, destroying property, blocking interstate,and using violence is in no way as bad as chanting lock her up.
Y’all liberals are a hoot.

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I didn't say burning cars or using violence was better than wanting to lock up the opposition. Both extremes are whacked, imo.
Censorship is the final bastion of those who have lost on the battlefield of ideas. The Left is getting slaughtered in the fight for truth and justice. They cannot defend their ideas with facts. They cannot morally justify what they believe in. In fact, most of them have no morals. They believe morality is like a piece of taffy that can be stretched to suit whatever they want to say or do. So now they have no choice but to try to silence the opposition.

Beware of those who would deny you access to information. For in their hearts, they dream themselves your master.

Prison » The Fight For Free Speech

The fact that prison planet exists is proof that free speech is alive and well, screaming nonsensical rants while running naked in the park that is the internet...

Please don't confuse "censorship" with people pointing out how batshit insane Alex Cox is. If the U.S. Government pulled the plug on Alex Cox without cause/ due process, that would be censorship.

Censorship is NOT boycotts, public outcry, ridicule, fact checking, criticism, or tuning you out. The public responding to your free speech IS Free Speech. That's how it works. You open your mouth. We roll our eyes and say STFU crazy Larry...
They would love to ban sites like Prison Planet. But they can't. Not yet. So youtube, Facebook and Twitter are doing their best to silence the opposition. They will fail, because our Constitution still protects us. If there is ever a time when it doesn't, then we still have over three hundred million guns and people willing to risk everything to protect our Constitutional right to free speech.

You don't seem to understand freedom of speech. It protects us from censorship by government. It doesn't apply to YouTube.
It doesn't change the fact that they are suppressing free speech. And the government is allowing them to get away with it, and even passing laws that punish people for exercising their first amendment rights.
It doesn't change the fact that they are suppressing free speech. And the government is allowing them to get away with it, and even passing laws that punish people for exercising their first amendment rights

I agree. The government needs to ensure that YouTube, Facebook, and, Twitter allow all views to be heard. Let’s call it: The Fairness Doctrine. :lol:
It's like you people are intent on wiping out all our rights by sheer stupidity.
It's like you people are intent on wiping out all our rights by sheer stupidity.
What Leftists fail to realize is that that if someone can censor someone's free speech, they can also be censored. Even if they succeed in silencing the opposition, history teaches that they will eventually turn on each other. They somehow believe that they will be immune against the very tools they use on others.
Only for the Only for the Brave: US messageboard peeps: See my query regarding Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission in the USMB Law and Justice section. There I focus on the history and controversy surrounding public accommodations. In this topic I may go ahead and express my opinion about free speech in the USA and this Supreme Court case.
Is this the point we have gotten to, people that call themselves conservatives are wanting the Govt to tell private companies what they must allow on their sites?

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Is this the point we have gotten to, people that call themselves conservatives are wanting the Govt to tell private companies what they must allow on their sites?

So it would seem. Trump's goons aren't conservatives. They're fascists.

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