The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.
and yet MORE republicans voted for the Civil rights act then democrats.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.
They opposed gay rights

Still do
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
We are headed for economic disaster because gays can get married?
More perhaps the morals that changed in sexual ways and made Hetero marriage a joke that enabled gays to get married. A lot of single parents out there.......a lot of them.....
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.
and yet MORE republicans voted for the Civil rights act then democrats.

You guys really need to quit this shit.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
I can tell you exactly when we republicans will nominate a black presidential candidate.
The 14th of never...LOL!

That is a stupid thing to say. Plenty of good candidates in just the last few years. I'm sure there will be more once Trump and Pence have their turns.

Perhaps those candidates should try to get elected to congressional and senate seats so Tim Scott won't be the ONLY BLACK REPUBLICAN in elected to DC -- and no, the other black guy isn't running for re-election....because he said stuff like this about your Trump cult...

“Don’t be a racist,” Mr. Hurd went on to say, according to the The Washington Blade. “Don’t be a misogynist, right? Don’t be a homophobe. These are real basic things that we all should learn when we were in kindergarten.”

Will Hurd, Only Black Republican in House, Is Retiring From Congress

1. Don't know, don't really care why they choose to not run for lesser office. Someone probably asked them, at sometime. If you care, you could look it up.

2. The support for Trump seems pretty normal to me. Your spin of calling it a "cult" is just you being an asshole. So, fuck off.

3. Why do you think that I would care about what Hurd has to say? "ists?" And "phobes"? Sounds like the same old shit.
Anytime a Diamond and Silk say the corniest rudimentary shit, morons like you cheer and treat them like rock stars -- trumpers like yourself believe Candace Owens is the second coming of Sarah Palin and want her to run for president -- all for putting on a minstrel show for goofy ass Trumpers....

But when it comes to serious minded people who don't put on a Stepin Fechit routine for closet racists -- then suddenly its "Who cares"
View attachment 311278

-- its almost like you want to keep the black republicans around for entertaintment instead of actual policy making...
Uncle toms were blacks kissing the ass of DEMOCRATS.. that would be black democrats...
How black Republicans are debunking the myth of a voter monolith
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.
and yet MORE republicans voted for the Civil rights act then democrats.

You guys really need to quit this shit.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
Look RETARD we were talking about the Civil rights act, god you are pathetic. As for the bill you cited it had major flaws if you had bothered to read it. Anything created by democrats is usually designed to benefit democrats and disenfranchise republicans.
They opposed gay rights

Still do
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
We are headed for economic disaster because gays can get married?
More perhaps the morals that changed in sexual ways and made Hetero marriage a joke that enabled gays to get married. A lot of single parents out there.......a lot of them.....
Last I checked
Heterosexuals can still marry

Maybe your marriage is a joke but mine is solid
And not one Conservative..Liberals the Republican party WAS the party of the that time. Those Blacks you cited were all products of Reconstruction--with the vast multitude of southern whites unable to vote--as their franchise had not yet been returned to them.

Learn history might embarrass yourself a lot less!
And we are still progressives look at Trump is doing an amazing job progressing America forward
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.
and yet MORE republicans voted for the Civil rights act then democrats.

You guys really need to quit this shit.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
Look RETARD we were talking about the Civil rights act, god you are pathetic. As for the bill you cited it had major flaws if you had bothered to read it. Anything created by democrats is usually designed to benefit democrats and disenfranchise republicans.

Look retard, you were trying to give todays republicans credit for being a party of racial equality based on their vote on civil rights in the 1960's. That bill was not created to benefit democrats and it had few if any flaws. I have read the bill hundreds of times idiot, and I certainly won't be listening to some racist white assholes opinion of it.
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
We are headed for economic disaster because gays can get married?
More perhaps the morals that changed in sexual ways and made Hetero marriage a joke that enabled gays to get married. A lot of single parents out there.......a lot of them.....
Last I checked
Heterosexuals can still marry

Maybe your marriage is a joke but mine is solid
The instiution is a joke. Stats prove it. and 50% of the millennial males are not even considering marriage. More to the point will not get married. But we all get charged for this. Lets have freedom but not get charged for everything. Why? because there are plenty of people who are not getting into the cheaper or no cost help who are above the poverty line. We really do need a stock market collapse. A big one. I do not know if that will happen. and maybe really do not want to experience it. But I damn well bet you will change your opinion on this issue if it does happen. Suffering is a mutha!
Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?
It was nothing new

Just another rehash of “States can restrict the Civil Rights of their citizens if they want to”

If a state wants have second class citizens, they are free to do so. Even if those citizens are not allowed to vote.

Did it hurt when you pulled that out of your ass? You race baiting asshole.
Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.

If he was sincere in his stated concern about government overreach, then he was not insulting the intelligence of blacks , when he made that statement.

It would only have been an insult to their intelligence if it was not only a lie, but a stupid lie.

If his concern was sincere, and his stated reason was the truth, then his opposition to that particular bill was not opposition to the idea of civil rights but how it was being done in that bill.
8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.
He is putting words in your mouth so he can argue about that instead of the reality of what you said...that is what he does.....

Which is why he gets slapped up and down this message board for sport...

Except I didn't. And I don't. I have kicked your ass here, and you know it, loser.
8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.

Funny how the government was not overreaching when it was making laws to segregate and provide whites with extra rights.

Show me where Barry Goldwater said that, or admit that you are a filthy liar.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.
and yet MORE republicans voted for the Civil rights act then democrats.

You guys really need to quit this shit.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
Look RETARD we were talking about the Civil rights act, god you are pathetic. As for the bill you cited it had major flaws if you had bothered to read it. Anything created by democrats is usually designed to benefit democrats and disenfranchise republicans.

Look retard, you were trying to give todays republicans credit for being a party of racial equality based on their vote on civil rights in the 1960's. That bill was not created to benefit democrats and it had few if any flaws. I have read the bill hundreds of times idiot, and I certainly won't be listening to some racist white assholes opinion of it.
You don't get to change the goal post we were talking about the civil rights act so you are simply WRONG. As a matter of fact you were specifically talking about why after 67 the blacks left the republican party and you claimed it was because of Goldwater and the civil rights act.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
We are headed for economic disaster because gays can get married?
More perhaps the morals that changed in sexual ways and made Hetero marriage a joke that enabled gays to get married. A lot of single parents out there.......a lot of them.....
Last I checked
Heterosexuals can still marry

Maybe your marriage is a joke but mine is solid
The instiution is a joke. Stats prove it. and 50% of the millennial males are not even considering marriage. More to the point will not get married. But we all get charged for this. Lets have freedom but not get charged for everything. Why? because there are plenty of people who are not getting into the cheaper or no cost help who are above the poverty line. We really do need a stock market collapse. A big one. I do not know if that will happen. and maybe really do not want to experience it. But I damn well bet you will change your opinion on this issue if it does happen. Suffering is a mutha!
Maybe your marriage

You think people are putting off marriage because gays are allowed to marry?
Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.

Funny how the government was not overreaching when it was making laws to segregate and provide whites with extra rights.

Show me where Barry Goldwater said that, or admit that you are a filthy liar.
Where did he ever claim Goldwater said that?

Goldwater did say let the states decide on their own Civil Rights
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