The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?

I call it less than half. YOu claimed he won the South. How does less than half, equal "winning"?

Were you lying or simply wrong?

You are going all goofy on me again
What are you claiming is the South.......South Dakota?

The South, you fucking moron. As defined by the United States Census.

Southern United States - Wikipedia


You claimed Wallace "won the South", in 1968.

Winning FIVE, out of THIRTEEN, is not "winning the south" as you claimed, you fucking moron.

It is insane to me, that you are too craven to admit to admit that you were just wrong. Do you really think I would make fun of you for not having the final results of the 1968 Presidential Election memorized?

Or are you just, by reflex, always a fucking liar?

Seriously, there is something really, fucking wrong with you. AND you are an asshole.

My point stands. The South flipped because of a relatively small change in voting patterns. The republicans always had a strong minority of the votes in the South, and the Dems losing the support of the racists, seemed to only cost them a little, but enough support to change the South from one side to the other.

This does not support your narrative of the South, or America as inherently racist, and that is why you are being such a prick about every little detail, you fucking moron.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?

I call it less than half. YOu claimed he won the South. How does less than half, equal "winning"?

Were you lying or simply wrong?

You are going all goofy on me again
What are you claiming is the South.......South Dakota?

LOL! He must have meant Brazil. After all that's South America. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Said another math challenged moron.
Do you know what the definition of the word "racism" is? Don't give me your definition; give me the dictionary definition and the definition as most of the rest of the world understands the word.
My definition is what dictionaries provide.
[ rey-siz-uh m ]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
The power dynamic is implicit.

No, it is not. And why didn't you post the complete definition? Here, let me do that for you:

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Merriam-Webster's defines racism as:

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Again, what did IM2 do to make you cry like such a victim in public?

He called me a liar in public. Where the fuck else was I going to talk about it?

He assumed I lied and made up my story because I'm white.
I doubt it was that simplistic,

Were you there? Did you even fully read my earlier post about it? As I already said, that discussion was where he and I had our first exchanges. He didn't know me from Adam but had the temerity to accuse me of lying about my experience.

It doesn't get any more simplistic than that. Here, see for yourself: Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

My reason for bringing that up in the first place was to illustrate how quickly people today are inclined to see racism around every corner.

but please explain how that threatens or harms you given the definition provided?

It doesn't and I never said it did. But what it does do is show how IM2 judges people by race.

Now let me ask you a question. IM2 considers me racist and has called me one numerous times. Given that I have never oppressed him and have no power or authority to do so; and given that I do not even meet the criteria laid out in the definitions (I hold no beliefs in inherent differences between the races and I do not feel my race is superior or that any race is inferior), on what basis does he justifiably consider me racist?

Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

No, when we say things, we generally actually mean them. We are pretty much the opposite of people like you.
I'm not sure why it is "my" math, as we are both speculating on what went on with Southern voters, but sure.

So, lets take a look.

1956, Ike republican vs stevenson dem, the dem won 56.5% to 40%.

1956 United States presidential election in Alabama - Wikipedia

1960, Kennedy won over Nixon, 56.4% to 42%.

1964 Goldwater the republican won over the Dem, 69.4% vs 56.4%

1968 WALLACE won the state with 65.9% vs, 19.7% for the dem, and 14% for Nixon.

1972 Nixon won it with 72.4% vs 25.5% for the dem.

1976 CARTER won it, with 55.5% vs 42.6%.

So, Jim Crow South, the dems allied with the racists of the South, had a solid hold on 60% vs about 40% of the vote for Republicans.

Goldwater vs Johnson, in 64, it seems at least 30% crossed party lines.

68 looks like an odd outlier, with Wallace taking a huge majority, vs what we can assume were hard core dem and republican partisans of less than 20% for the dem and less than 15% for Nixon. Interestingly, this is AFTER you libs claim the Southern Strategy was in operation...

in 72, Nixon won Alabama, 72% vs 25% for a very liberal North Eastern Dem.

in 1976, again well after the Southern Strategy was supposed to be in operation, Jimmy CARTER, a strong Civil Rights Dem, won the State with a strong, 55 percent of the vote against 42, percent for Ford.

Elections in Alabama - Wikipedia

This is interesting. It shows Carter in 76, LOSING the white vote, 48% to 52%.

The narrative that the Myth of the Southern Strategy tells, is that the Evul Racist Whites of the South, betrayed by the dems, and pandered to by Evul Whites like Goldwater and Nixon, stopped voting dem and started voting republicans.

What we see instead is that 40 percent of whites in Alabama, one of the deepest and most reactionary states, were always voting republican, and that even after all the changes, that number only climbed, at most ten or twenty percent, depending on the candidates.

Ronald REAGAN, only beat Jimmy freaking CARTER, by less than TWO percentage points, in 1980.

Decades of supposed "Southern Strategy", moved the republican vote from 42% in 1962 to 48.7% in 1980.

A shift of less than ten percent of the vote.
So, let’s look where the Southern vote went after passing the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

1964. Republican Goldwater beat Southern Democrat LBJ
1968. The South supported rabid segregationist George Wallace
1972. South Supported Republican Nixon
1976. South Supported Democrat Carter
1980. South Supported Republican Reagan.

So, with the exception of 1976, when it supported fellow southerner Jimmy Carter.....The South went Red

More importantly to the Southern Strategy, was 1964 marked the point when the South started to vote for Republican Governor’s, Senators and Congressmen.

1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 5 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.
Do you know what the definition of the word "racism" is? Don't give me your definition; give me the dictionary definition and the definition as most of the rest of the world understands the word.
My definition is what dictionaries provide.
[ rey-siz-uh m ]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
The power dynamic is implicit.

No, it is not. And why didn't you post the complete definition? Here, let me do that for you:

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Merriam-Webster's defines racism as:

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Again, what did IM2 do to make you cry like such a victim in public?

He called me a liar in public. Where the fuck else was I going to talk about it?

He assumed I lied and made up my story because I'm white.
I doubt it was that simplistic,

Were you there? Did you even fully read my earlier post about it? As I already said, that discussion was where he and I had our first exchanges. He didn't know me from Adam but had the temerity to accuse me of lying about my experience.

It doesn't get any more simplistic than that. Here, see for yourself: Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

My reason for bringing that up in the first place was to illustrate how quickly people today are inclined to see racism around every corner.

but please explain how that threatens or harms you given the definition provided?

It doesn't and I never said it did. But what it does do is show how IM2 judges people by race.

Now let me ask you a question. IM2 considers me racist and has called me one numerous times. Given that I have never oppressed him and have no power or authority to do so; and given that I do not even meet the criteria laid out in the definitions (I hold no beliefs in inherent differences between the races and I do not feel my race is superior or that any race is inferior), on what basis does he justifiably consider me racist?

Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

Well I am not a Republican but you are a Racist kid.
So, let’s look where the Southern vote went after passing the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

1964. Republican Goldwater beat Southern Democrat LBJ
1968. The South supported rabid segregationist George Wallace
1972. South Supported Republican Nixon
1976. South Supported Democrat Carter
1980. South Supported Republican Reagan.

So, with the exception of 1976, when it supported fellow southerner Jimmy Carter.....The South went Red

More importantly to the Southern Strategy, was 1964 marked the point when the South started to vote for Republican Governor’s, Senators and Congressmen.

1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 4 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.

Is he really this much of a fucking moron, or is he just playing a fucking asshole game?
1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 4 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.

Is he really this much of a fucking moron, or is he just playing a fucking asshole game?
He is just IGNORANT, he claimed no blacks ran for the dem nomination. He probably supports Asslips claim that Wuhan Virus is not from China too. He always plays word games and lies through his teeth.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 4 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.

Is he really this much of a fucking moron, or is he just playing a fucking asshole game?
He is just IGNORANT, he claimed no blacks ran for the dem nomination. He probably supports Asslips claim that Wuhan Virus is not from China too. He always plays word games and lies through his teeth.

Except that I linked to the US Census data, showing the south having 13 states, and he is not so stupid as to now understand that 5 is not 13, not even half of it.

And he will admit nothing. He will play games to the end of time. He will be a complete asshole.

So, it is not just ignorance. He is ignorant and an incredible asshole.
I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 4 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.

Is he really this much of a fucking moron, or is he just playing a fucking asshole game?
He is just IGNORANT, he claimed no blacks ran for the dem nomination. He probably supports Asslips claim that Wuhan Virus is not from China too. He always plays word games and lies through his teeth.

Except that I linked to the US Census data, showing the south having 13 states, and he is not so stupid as to now understand that 5 is not 13, not even half of it.

And he will admit nothing. He will play games to the end of time. He will be a complete asshole.

So, it is not just ignorance. He is ignorant and an incredible asshole.

Only on her good days.
Free shit?

Like that $1.5 trillion tax cut Trump gave to billionaires?
I got a tax cut. Everyone with a job did.

So it's understandable why you didn't get one.

The hell they did

Not if you were in a blue state. You had your SALT tax deduction capped and lost your personal exemption.
Of course everyone got a Federal tax cut.

Blue states, however, like to fuck the working class, so of course they raised taxes.
It is called funding for schools, poverty programs, the elderly.

The ones who got tax cuts were the ones who don’t do shit for their people
I'm sure that fantasy makes you feel better, but it's bullshit.
That is the reality of the Trump tax cuts
They were punitive towards those who didn’t vote for Trump
So, let’s look where the Southern vote went after passing the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

1964. Republican Goldwater beat Southern Democrat LBJ
1968. The South supported rabid segregationist George Wallace
1972. South Supported Republican Nixon
1976. South Supported Democrat Carter
1980. South Supported Republican Reagan.

So, with the exception of 1976, when it supported fellow southerner Jimmy Carter.....The South went Red

More importantly to the Southern Strategy, was 1964 marked the point when the South started to vote for Republican Governor’s, Senators and Congressmen.

1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 5 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.
Name them
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
1. 1968, the "south" did not support George Wallace. He did not even win half of the Southern States. Why you lie?

2. You challenged me to "show my math" on how big or little the shift was. I have done so, it was less than ten percent. Your narrative of a massive backlash being the only story in the South, is just false.

3. ESPECIALLY in light of what we know happened to George Wallace and his career.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 5 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.
Name them
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, not sure what they consider the 13th State. But of those 12, 11 were in the Confederacy, which if you were an American you would know from History class in Grade school.
I got a tax cut. Everyone with a job did.

So it's understandable why you didn't get one.

The hell they did

Not if you were in a blue state. You had your SALT tax deduction capped and lost your personal exemption.
Of course everyone got a Federal tax cut.

Blue states, however, like to fuck the working class, so of course they raised taxes.
It is called funding for schools, poverty programs, the elderly.

The ones who got tax cuts were the ones who don’t do shit for their people
I'm sure that fantasy makes you feel better, but it's bullshit.
That is the reality of the Trump tax cuts
They were punitive towards those who didn’t vote for Trump
You project the left's use of government to punish dissenters on to the right.

You project a lot. As much as you disagree with what the left does, one wonders why you're still a leftist.
Do you know what the definition of the word "racism" is? Don't give me your definition; give me the dictionary definition and the definition as most of the rest of the world understands the word.
My definition is what dictionaries provide.
[ rey-siz-uh m ]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
The power dynamic is implicit.

No, it is not. And why didn't you post the complete definition? Here, let me do that for you:

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Merriam-Webster's defines racism as:

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Again, what did IM2 do to make you cry like such a victim in public?

He called me a liar in public. Where the fuck else was I going to talk about it?

He assumed I lied and made up my story because I'm white.
I doubt it was that simplistic,

Were you there? Did you even fully read my earlier post about it? As I already said, that discussion was where he and I had our first exchanges. He didn't know me from Adam but had the temerity to accuse me of lying about my experience.

It doesn't get any more simplistic than that. Here, see for yourself: Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

My reason for bringing that up in the first place was to illustrate how quickly people today are inclined to see racism around every corner.

but please explain how that threatens or harms you given the definition provided?

It doesn't and I never said it did. But what it does do is show how IM2 judges people by race.

Now let me ask you a question. IM2 considers me racist and has called me one numerous times. Given that I have never oppressed him and have no power or authority to do so; and given that I do not even meet the criteria laid out in the definitions (I hold no beliefs in inherent differences between the races and I do not feel my race is superior or that any race is inferior), on what basis does he justifiably consider me racist?

Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

I call you racist because you are. And no, I don't call you racist for pointing out white racism. It goes much deeper than that. You are racist for assuming I concocted my story on no basis whatsoever other than that I am white.

I told you some time back that I would never let you forget that you summarily judged me a liar without cause and I meant it.
WHAT States do you think George Wallace won?
New England?

I know he did not win all or even the majority of the South, like you falsely claimed, in your constant attempt to smear The South.

Were you lying or just wrong?

George Wallace won Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas...

What do you call the that? Midwest?
There are a lot more then 5 States in the South that is not even a majority of the old Confederate States.
Name them
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, not sure what they consider the 13th State. But of those 12, 11 were in the Confederacy, which if you were an American you would know from History class in Grade school.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

Which proves the point that the Republican Southern Strategy worked

By 1968, four years after passing of the Civil Rights Bill

Segregationist George Wallace won: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas

Republican Nixon won: Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky

Democrat Humphrey: Texas

Up till passing the Civil Rights Act, Democrats won them all for a hundred years
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....

OMG! It all fits together. Obama gave all the poor people the Obama phone. Trump says fuck it, I’ll give them all cash money. That son of a bitch knows how to promote better than PT Barnum.

Donald Trump wants checks for Americans IMMEDIATELY | Daily Mail Online
Trump wants IMMEDIATE cash handouts for Americans: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says everyone will get MORE THAN $1,000 within two weeks once he strikes Senate deal - and tax payments are deferred for 90 days too

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