The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?
When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat – which he had done in the 1964 Democratic primaries and would again in the 1972 Democratic primaries – but as a candidate of the American Independent Party. The American Independent Party was formed by Wallace,[1] whose pro-segregation policies as governor had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. In 1968 he ran on the idea that "there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two major parties".
Black Republican Presidential nominees anyone?

None have yet won the Primaries. YOu libs seem to think that proves something. But can't seem to explain why.
Why Republicans so rarely elect black people compared to Democrats? Seems Republicans don't actually like them as much.
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

I don't agree with that. Why? Because whites like correll make this claim in order to deny their racism or come fort with some sorry ass false equivalence. The fact is that what people like him call black racism is the response to the racism we are forced to face from whites. I will say that blacks can be prejudiced, but when it comes to racism we cannot get our prejudices enforced by the implementation of law and public or private policy. Whites have consistently done that.
Do you know what the definition of the word "racism" is? Don't give me your definition; give me the dictionary definition and the definition as most of the rest of the world understands the word.
My definition is what dictionaries provide.
[ rey-siz-uh m ]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
The power dynamic is implicit. Again, what did IM2 do to make you cry like such a victim in public?
He assumed I lied and made up my story because I'm white.
I doubt it was that simplistic, but please explain how that threatens or harms you given the definition provided?
The power dynamic is horseshit made up by people to let them excuse their own racism.

Only according to white racists. And Ghost rider is still crying because I applied EEOC standards to his story about racism he said he faced on a job after he went and told a supervisor on a black employee. He narced on a black employee and the black employee got mad and spit on him. Now given the circumstances, without the black employee making any racial comment before he spit on ghost rider, there can be no determination that race had anything to do with the situation according to EEOC guidelines. Ghost needed to have documented examples of his racist behavior in order to prove this. This is the standard. You just don't get to run up and claim that somebody was being racist to you without evidence.

This is the same problem I had with you before. This is completely opposite and wrong from what happened and what I told you, you stupid fuck.

I didn't "narc" on anybody. The guy was giving me problems because he thought I was singling him and the other black crewmember out for asking them to COMPLY WITH COMPANY SAFETY PROCEDURES and (In his particular case) wear gloves for the job he was doing. I asked our immediate supervisor to come and mediate a discussion and maybe help us work it out. It became obvious during this discussion that he was not interested in working it out and that he had his mind made up that I was singling them out so we just left it at that.

I simply resigned myself to the fact that it would be a tense work atmosphere from that day forward as he hadn't done anything up to this point to merit having him fired or removed from the vessel. However, in the company truck going to the office and home at the end of the hitch a week later (I was driving), he turned to me, said "This is what I think of you" and spit on me.

The man was fired for committing assault on another employee, that's it. Racism was never brought up by myself, him, the supervisor or the office. It was merely the conclusion I arrived at as to why he behaved as he did.

But the story itself was not the point. The point is, you accused me of concocting the story at the outset, i.e., you accused me of lying on no basis or evidence whatsoever. You didn't know me well enough at that point to make that determination and had no way of knowing I made it up in any case. It wasn't until later in the discussion that you tacitly acknowledged that it actually happened and started citing EEOC bullshit which was irrelevant and didn't apply in this case. So the only conclusion I could come to as to why you thought I lied is because I'm white.

I know whites like most of you racists think that all a person has to do is holler racism and that's proof, but all claims of racism must be supported by documented evidence. Every claim a person of color makes in this regard has such documentation. So whites must follow the same rules.

There won't be documented incidents of racism if this was the first offense you idiot.
Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

I call you racist because you are. And no, I don't call you racist for pointing out white racism. It goes much deeper than that. You are racist for assuming I concocted my story on no basis whatsoever other than that I am white.

I told you some time back that I would never let you forget that you summarily judged me a liar without cause and I meant it.

IM2 is not used to people actually paying attention to what he says. Most of his friends or work associates, just let him get away with saying moronic shit and pretend it makes sense.

I keep pointing out to him, that letting him get away with saying moronic shit and pretending that it makes sense, is actually a sign of complete contempt. They are treating him like he is a retard. "Good IM2, you made a sentence, and errr, we AGREE WITH YOU, YES WE DO. Here, have a cookie".

While people like me and you, that point out that what he said, was fucking moronic, we are actually holding him to adult human standards.

And thus, the only people showing him ANY respect.

Have you seen him pretend to not understand proportions? It is very, very sad.
Simply smearing people is not saying anything. Certainly not being an adult.

Corell, I have made city governments listen. I understand proportion very well. Seems that you don't understand TOTAL REAL NUMBERS.

Ghost, I don't give a fuck what you mean. You were held to workplace standards in regards to filing a claim of racism. You could not produce a comment stated by the black guy that showed evidence of his racism. Whites spit on each other and blacks spit on each other so that alone does not constitute racism. If he had made some kind of racist statement or a racial slur, then it would. And yes I called your white ass a liar because in this forum whites whine all the time about being victims of racism just because somebody black looks at them harshly.
Name them
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, not sure what they consider the 13th State. But of those 12, 11 were in the Confederacy, which if you were an American you would know from History class in Grade school.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

Which proves the point that the Republican Southern Strategy worked

By 1968, four years after passing of the Civil Rights Bill

Segregationist George Wallace won: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas

Republican Nixon won: Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky

Democrat Humphrey: Texas

Up till passing the Civil Rights Act, Democrats won them all for a hundred years

Before you move on to your next stupid claim, what happened to your claim that Wallace won the South?

Are you admitting that it was wrong? Can you admit, that you did not have the results of the 1968 national election memorized?

I will go first. I did not, and still do not have them memorized. I had to look it up. Oh, my god, how embarrassing. NOT.

So, now you. Can you show any sign of having a soul, or are you only a partisan hack bot?

What happened to your claim that the Southern Strategy didn’t happen? Wallace won the Deep South. Any state he didn’t win was won by Republican Nixon
Dems won ONE state in a region that before the Civil Rights act they used to win EVERY

Nothing happened to it. I am and will continue to discuss it.

I'm just taking a few seconds here to point out that you cannot admit that you did not have the 1968 election results memorized and were wrong when you claimed that Wallace "won the SOuth".

That reveals that nothing you say, ever, should be given any credibility. Because you are unable to be honest on even the smallest of details.

This mistake you made, was TINY.

And meant NOTHING. It did not reflect badly on you as a person, nor did not even undermine your argument.

Yet, you cannot admit it.

YOu are a completely dishonest person, totally consumed by partisan zealotry and ideological fanaticism.

And in this, you are completely representative of the liberal mainstream in this country.
Wallace won the SOUTH
Those states that had the worst Civil Rights record. The states where Federal Troops had to be called in

Republican Nixon still took the others

Once again, you lose
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

I don't agree with that. Why? Because whites like correll make this claim in order to deny their racism or come fort with some sorry ass false equivalence. The fact is that what people like him call black racism is the response to the racism we are forced to face from whites. I will say that blacks can be prejudiced, but when it comes to racism we cannot get our prejudices enforced by the implementation of law and public or private policy. Whites have consistently done that.
Understood and I think we actually agree. I was responding in the abstract alone. Hypothetically. To the question not the questioner. In the context of the entire Earth and throughout history, not just in the U.S. currently. Yes, I don't think a white person could currently make a legitimate case for black on white harm due to race here. Easy to cite examples of the opposite occurring almost daily.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

1. Thank you for admitting the obvious. What do you think it means that people like IM2 can openly argue the absurd claim that it is not, and expect to be taken seriously?

2. Not in my lifetime. In my life time, the federal government, state governments, local governments, large corporations, large institutions, media, hollywood, vast portions of the population, have all been rabidly anti-racist and committed to pro-black discrimination.
When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat – which he had done in the 1964 Democratic primaries and would again in the 1972 Democratic primaries – but as a candidate of the American Independent Party. The American Independent Party was formed by Wallace,[1] whose pro-segregation policies as governor had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. In 1968 he ran on the idea that "there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two major parties".
Black Republican Presidential nominees anyone?

None have yet won the Primaries. YOu libs seem to think that proves something. But can't seem to explain why.
Why Republicans so rarely elect black people compared to Democrats? Seems Republicans don't actually like them as much.

Hard to elect people that are in the other party. I mean, that is pretty obvious. How did you miss that?
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

1. Thank you for admitting the obvious. What do you think it means that people like IM2 can openly argue the absurd claim that it is not, and expect to be taken seriously?

2. Not in my lifetime. In my life time, the federal government, state governments, local governments, large corporations, large institutions, media, hollywood, vast portions of the population, have all been rabidly anti-racist and committed to pro-black discrimination.
To your delusional closeted racist ass -- being anti racist is in and of itself evidence of being racist against whites...

You dic suckers have always thought one group gaining equal rights protections meant white folks are losing rights ...fuck you and your inadequacies
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

I don't agree with that. Why? Because whites like correll make this claim in order to deny their racism or come fort with some sorry ass false equivalence. The fact is that what people like him call black racism is the response to the racism we are forced to face from whites. I will say that blacks can be prejudiced, but when it comes to racism we cannot get our prejudices enforced by the implementation of law and public or private policy. Whites have consistently done that.

Grumblenuts read your posts, where you claimed it was not possible for blacks to be racist.

He disagreed. But he did not challenge you on it.

Because as a white liberal, he doesn't hold you to the same standards, he does me, a white conservative.

YOu get a pass for saying obviously wrong shit.

Why do you think that is?

You should ask Grumblenuts where he sends HIS kids, private or public schools.
Correll continues whining about non existent pro black racism.
Grumblenuts read your posts, where you claimed it was not possible for blacks to be racist.

He disagreed. But he did not challenge you on it.
Context lacking. A liberal has empathy where a conservative remains fixated upon their own navel.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, not sure what they consider the 13th State. But of those 12, 11 were in the Confederacy, which if you were an American you would know from History class in Grade school.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

Which proves the point that the Republican Southern Strategy worked

By 1968, four years after passing of the Civil Rights Bill

Segregationist George Wallace won: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas

Republican Nixon won: Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky

Democrat Humphrey: Texas

Up till passing the Civil Rights Act, Democrats won them all for a hundred years

Before you move on to your next stupid claim, what happened to your claim that Wallace won the South?

Are you admitting that it was wrong? Can you admit, that you did not have the results of the 1968 national election memorized?

I will go first. I did not, and still do not have them memorized. I had to look it up. Oh, my god, how embarrassing. NOT.

So, now you. Can you show any sign of having a soul, or are you only a partisan hack bot?

What happened to your claim that the Southern Strategy didn’t happen? Wallace won the Deep South. Any state he didn’t win was won by Republican Nixon
Dems won ONE state in a region that before the Civil Rights act they used to win EVERY

Nothing happened to it. I am and will continue to discuss it.

I'm just taking a few seconds here to point out that you cannot admit that you did not have the 1968 election results memorized and were wrong when you claimed that Wallace "won the SOuth".

That reveals that nothing you say, ever, should be given any credibility. Because you are unable to be honest on even the smallest of details.

This mistake you made, was TINY.

And meant NOTHING. It did not reflect badly on you as a person, nor did not even undermine your argument.

Yet, you cannot admit it.

YOu are a completely dishonest person, totally consumed by partisan zealotry and ideological fanaticism.

And in this, you are completely representative of the liberal mainstream in this country.
Wallace won the SOUTH
Those states that had the worst Civil Rights record. The states where Federal Troops had to be called in

Republican Nixon still took the others

Once again, you lose

No, you just revealed yourself to be a complete partisan hack with zero honesty or credibility.

Over nothing.

Once the situation stabilized, the shift in voting was well under ten percent. The story you tell of the "Southern Strategy, of the evul racist whites switching sides, and making the South red, is just not true.

As you well know.

Especially as we have discussed the interesting career of George Wallace, post segregation.
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

I don't agree with that. Why? Because whites like correll make this claim in order to deny their racism or come fort with some sorry ass false equivalence. The fact is that what people like him call black racism is the response to the racism we are forced to face from whites. I will say that blacks can be prejudiced, but when it comes to racism we cannot get our prejudices enforced by the implementation of law and public or private policy. Whites have consistently done that.
Understood and I think we actually agree. I was responding in the abstract alone. Hypothetically. To the question not the questioner. In the context of the entire Earth and throughout history, not just in the U.S. currently. Yes, I don't think a white person could currently make a legitimate case for black on white harm due to race here. Easy to cite examples of the opposite occurring almost daily.

IM2 will only respect your view, or even your right to have an opinion on this issue, as long as you agree with him.

ANY disagreement, and he will dismiss you as a white person who thus does not have the right to have their voice or interested considered.
Grumblenuts read your posts, where you claimed it was not possible for blacks to be racist.

He disagreed. But he did not challenge you on it.
Context lacking. A liberal has empathy where a conservative remains fixated upon their own navel.

Allowing a black lefty to misrepresent the definition of racism, to give a pass to all black racists for their racism,

is not "empathy".

It is you allying with some very unpleasant people.

You are accepting racism and racists as political allies.

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

I call you racist because you are. And no, I don't call you racist for pointing out white racism. It goes much deeper than that. You are racist for assuming I concocted my story on no basis whatsoever other than that I am white.

I told you some time back that I would never let you forget that you summarily judged me a liar without cause and I meant it.

IM2 is not used to people actually paying attention to what he says. Most of his friends or work associates, just let him get away with saying moronic shit and pretend it makes sense.

I keep pointing out to him, that letting him get away with saying moronic shit and pretending that it makes sense, is actually a sign of complete contempt. They are treating him like he is a retard. "Good IM2, you made a sentence, and errr, we AGREE WITH YOU, YES WE DO. Here, have a cookie".

While people like me and you, that point out that what he said, was fucking moronic, we are actually holding him to adult human standards.

And thus, the only people showing him ANY respect.

Have you seen him pretend to not understand proportions? It is very, very sad.
Simply smearing people is not saying anything. Certainly not being an adult.

Corell, I have made city governments listen. I understand proportion very well. Seems that you don't understand TOTAL REAL NUMBERS.

Ghost, I don't give a fuck what you mean.

Obviously. You don't give a fuck what any white person says unless they're kowtowing to you and pandering to your racism.

You were held to workplace standards in regards to filing a claim of racism.

I never filed a claim of racism and never said I did.

You could not produce a comment stated by the black guy that showed evidence of his racism.

Why are specifically racist comments required to determine a black person is racist but the most innocuous actions by whites are enough to label them racist? Class, can you say "Double standards"?

Someone said earlier in this discussion that Republicans show their racism by their actions. Apparently, that is enough to get a white person labeled a racist and yet, even spitting on a white person is not enough to get a black person labeled a racist. Why?

Whites spit on each other and blacks spit on each other so that alone does not constitute racism. If he had made some kind of racist statement or a racial slur, then it would. And yes I called your white ass a liar because in this forum whites whine all the time about being victims of racism just because somebody black looks at them harshly.

First of all, I am not "whites on this forum", I am an individual with individual experiences and viewpoints. Second, I only ever related ONE story of black racism, which does not constitute "whining all the time". Third, if you thought I lied in the beginning, why did you change your mind? Apparently you came to the realization yourself that you were wrong about me concocting the story and then proceeded to argue with my conclusions. In other words, first you thought I lied and then later you argued that what I thought was black racism was not.

You're so full of shit it's leaking out of your ears.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...

Not at all. We are hoping that Trump get re-elected and then Pence gets another 8 years.

In that context, it is way to early, at least for me, to get excited about any possible NEXT candidates.

And we won the war in 1965. It was you slavers that lost it.

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