The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat – which he had done in the 1964 Democratic primaries and would again in the 1972 Democratic primaries – but as a candidate of the American Independent Party. The American Independent Party was formed by Wallace,[1] whose pro-segregation policies as governor had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. In 1968 he ran on the idea that "there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two major parties".
Black Republican Presidential nominees anyone?

None have yet won the Primaries. YOu libs seem to think that proves something. But can't seem to explain why.
Why Republicans so rarely elect black people compared to Democrats? Seems Republicans don't actually like them as much.

Hard to elect people that are in the other party. I mean, that is pretty obvious. How did you miss that?
Cop out

Republicans claim they do so much for blacks and mock Democrats.
Meanwhile, they don’t even have offices or campaign in black and minority communities.

If they have so much to offer, why can’t they win those areas?
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...

Not at all. We are hoping that Trump get re-elected and then Pence gets another 8 years.

In that context, it is way to early, at least for me, to get excited about any possible NEXT candidates.

And we won the war in 1965. It was you slavers that lost it.
Name a conservative who was marching along side of MLK and putting their life on the line in 1965?

The only people who consistently have to lie and twist themselves into knots to try to explain away the reality that conservatives have always been on the wrong side of equal rights are??? --- you guessed it...conservatives...
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?

1. Thank you for admitting the obvious. What do you think it means that people like IM2 can openly argue the absurd claim that it is not, and expect to be taken seriously?

2. Not in my lifetime. In my life time, the federal government, state governments, local governments, large corporations, large institutions, media, hollywood, vast portions of the population, have all been rabidly anti-racist and committed to pro-black discrimination.
To your delusional closeted racist ass -- being anti racist is in and of itself evidence of being racist against whites...

You dic suckers have always thought one group gaining equal rights protections meant white folks are losing rights ...fuck you and your inadequacies

Nope. We republicans have been supportive of equal rights for generations, way back when dems were still cozying up to the Klan.

But what we have today, is anti-white discrimination.

You know that, which is why you try to cover it up with bluster and vulgarity.

You are the one with the sense of "inadequacy", not US.
Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?

I call you racist because you are. And no, I don't call you racist for pointing out white racism. It goes much deeper than that. You are racist for assuming I concocted my story on no basis whatsoever other than that I am white.

I told you some time back that I would never let you forget that you summarily judged me a liar without cause and I meant it.

IM2 is not used to people actually paying attention to what he says. Most of his friends or work associates, just let him get away with saying moronic shit and pretend it makes sense.

I keep pointing out to him, that letting him get away with saying moronic shit and pretending that it makes sense, is actually a sign of complete contempt. They are treating him like he is a retard. "Good IM2, you made a sentence, and errr, we AGREE WITH YOU, YES WE DO. Here, have a cookie".

While people like me and you, that point out that what he said, was fucking moronic, we are actually holding him to adult human standards.

And thus, the only people showing him ANY respect.

Have you seen him pretend to not understand proportions? It is very, very sad.
Simply smearing people is not saying anything. Certainly not being an adult.

Corell, I have made city governments listen. I understand proportion very well. Seems that you don't understand TOTAL REAL NUMBERS.

Ghost, I don't give a fuck what you mean.

Obviously. You don't give a fuck what any white person says unless they're kowtowing to you and pandering to your racism.

You were held to workplace standards in regards to filing a claim of racism.

I never filed a claim of racism and never said I did.

You could not produce a comment stated by the black guy that showed evidence of his racism.

Why are specifically racist comments required to determine a black person is racist but the most innocuous actions by whites are enough to label them racist? Class, can you say "Double standards"?

Someone said earlier in this discussion that Republicans show their racism by their actions. Apparently, that is enough to get a white person labeled a racist and yet, even spitting on a white person is not enough to get a black person labeled a racist. Why?

Whites spit on each other and blacks spit on each other so that alone does not constitute racism. If he had made some kind of racist statement or a racial slur, then it would. And yes I called your white ass a liar because in this forum whites whine all the time about being victims of racism just because somebody black looks at them harshly.

First of all, I am not "whites on this forum", I am an individual with individual experiences and viewpoints. Second, I only ever related ONE story of black racism, which does not constitute "whining all the time". Third, if you thought I lied in the beginning, why did you change your mind? Apparently you came to the realization yourself that you were wrong about me concocting the story and then proceeded to argue with my conclusions. In other words, first you thought I lied and then later you argued that what I thought was black racism was not.

You're so full of shit it's leaking out of your ears.

Racist, Rural, Relatively Rich, Republican neighborhood,... unfortunately!

The issue of segregation came up recently between IM2 and myself. I challenged him to ask his white lib friends where they send their kids to school, private or public.

He pretended to misunderstand the question at first. And then refused, for reasons, which were so weak that I don't recall them.

My child goes to an urban public school. It has what I can only call a "fascist" Principle, who manages to keep the shit at bay, enough that the school numbers made it a better choice than the local private schools.

Are you aware of the amusing practice of white libs avoiding public schools and thus supporting segregation?
When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat – which he had done in the 1964 Democratic primaries and would again in the 1972 Democratic primaries – but as a candidate of the American Independent Party. The American Independent Party was formed by Wallace,[1] whose pro-segregation policies as governor had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. In 1968 he ran on the idea that "there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two major parties".
Black Republican Presidential nominees anyone?

None have yet won the Primaries. YOu libs seem to think that proves something. But can't seem to explain why.
Why Republicans so rarely elect black people compared to Democrats? Seems Republicans don't actually like them as much.

Hard to elect people that are in the other party. I mean, that is pretty obvious. How did you miss that?
Cop out

Republicans claim they do so much for blacks and mock Democrats.
Meanwhile, they don’t even have offices or campaign in black and minority communities.

If they have so much to offer, why can’t they win those areas?

A fair question, but one that does not make my previous point a "cop out".

Regardless of why the vast majority of blacks chose to be dems, they are dems which makes the potential pool of possible black candidates for the republicans much, much smaller.

That you deny that, is probably just about you being a completely dishonest person.

And nothing to do with us republicans.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...

Not at all. We are hoping that Trump get re-elected and then Pence gets another 8 years.

In that context, it is way to early, at least for me, to get excited about any possible NEXT candidates.

And we won the war in 1965. It was you slavers that lost it.
Name a conservative who was marching along side of MLK and putting their life on the line in 1965?

The only people who consistently have to lie and twist themselves into knots to try to explain away the reality that conservatives have always been on the wrong side of equal rights are??? --- you guessed it...conservatives...

While MLK was marching in the Streets, Republicans were in the Congress writing and passing Civil Rights bills.

Do you know who actually desegregated the Southern Schools? I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with Mixon.

That is the reality, that YOU LEFTIES twist yourselves into knots trying to explain away.
Are you aware of the amusing practice of white libs avoiding public schools and thus supporting segregation?
Amusing compared to the record of white conservatives? No.
You agree that blacks can be racists, and you are allying with a black that pretends that blacks cannot be racist.
You certainly run from nuance with a vengeance.

1. Really? Are you operating under the belief system that the whites going to the private schools are the conservative whites, while the liberals are the ones staying in the public schools?

2. IM2, is not "nuanced". He is a raving hate filled man, and you are siding with him. That is the clear and simple Truth. What "nuance" am I missing?
What "nuance" am I missing?
I was speaking hypothetically from a privileged, disinterested, third party perspective. IM2 speaks from the perspective of one who's experienced harmful racism. I don't blame him for showing negligible respect for my opinions on the subject. I know next to nothing by comparison.
View attachment 312992 Could have been this guy if democrats weren’t so racist
Yeah, those damn racist southern conservatives.
Democrats have always been against black flight
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?
View attachment 312992 Could have been this guy if democrats weren’t so racist
Yeah, those damn racist southern conservatives.
Democrats have always been against black flight
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.
Also as racism left it became more conservative and Republican, and progressive as many blacks built schools down here, almost all the blacks I went to school with moved to the south. Less racist
What "nuance" am I missing?
I was speaking hypothetically from a privileged, disinterested, third party perspective. IM2 speaks from the perspective of one who's experienced harmful racism. I don't blame him for showing negligible respect for my opinions on the subject. I know next to nothing by comparison.

1. You have no privilege.

2. You have an interest in the issue. You might think you don't, but someday, you or someone you care about will be bitten in the ass by this issue.

3. Race relations in this country are not just about the interests and concerns of minorities. Whites have rights and interests and we count too. It is racist of you to pretend otherwise.

4. YOur willing acceptance of the moral superiority of blacks, is racism.

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