The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Democrats have always been against black flight
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?
Confederate army was the most diverse army in America at the time it had Latinos that Indians in that Asians it had free blacks! Brazil still celebrates confederacy day, blacks celebrate confederacy! Where did you go to school?
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.
I’m sorry was there a race riot in Baltimore? Run 100% by democrats? Lol Chicago black people over 50 fucking shot already this year in Chicago? Lol what is your a fucking definition of racism America would love to know lol
The riot in Baltimore was spurred by police killing a black while in their custody. That's your idea of Democrat racism?m

And in Chicago, who shot those blacks?
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.
I’m sorry was there a race riot in Baltimore? Run 100% by democrats? Lol Chicago black people over 50 fucking shot already this year in Chicago? Lol what is your a fucking definition of racism America would love to know lol
The riot in Baltimore was spurred by police killing a black while in their custody. That's your idea of Democrat racism?m

And in Chicago, who shot those blacks?
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?
Confederate army was the most diverse army in America at the time it had Latinos that Indians in that Asians it had free blacks! Brazil still celebrates confederacy day, blacks celebrate confederacy! Where did you go to school? View attachment 313201

You Russian bots need to learn American history if you're going to post here. The Confederacy formed as a secessionist entity, hell bent on keeping slavery legal in the nation of their dreams.

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.
I’m sorry was there a race riot in Baltimore? Run 100% by democrats? Lol Chicago black people over 50 fucking shot already this year in Chicago? Lol what is your a fucking definition of racism America would love to know lol
The riot in Baltimore was spurred by police killing a black while in their custody. That's your idea of Democrat racism?m

And in Chicago, who shot those blacks?
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?
Confederate army was the most diverse army in America at the time it had Latinos that Indians in that Asians it had free blacks! Brazil still celebrates confederacy day, blacks celebrate confederacy! Where did you go to school? View attachment 313201

You Russian bots need to learn American history if you're going to post here. The Confederacy formed as a secessionist entity, hell bent on keeping slavery legal in the nation of their dreams.
Yes they disagreed with the north on many issues not just slavery and How to end slavery,, many fought for that.. Frederick Douglass wrote that the north elites did not understand the Southerners, and he felt more comfortable with Southerners that he did with black elite Northerners.. just facts get a education
I’m sorry was there a race riot in Baltimore? Run 100% by democrats? Lol Chicago black people over 50 fucking shot already this year in Chicago? Lol what is your a fucking definition of racism America would love to know lol
The riot in Baltimore was spurred by police killing a black while in their custody. That's your idea of Democrat racism?m

And in Chicago, who shot those blacks?
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
That’s your substance for all the crime rape and murder is police state run democrat run towns? Lol haha you just been retired
Before you move on to your next stupid claim, what happened to your claim that Wallace won the South?

Are you admitting that it was wrong? Can you admit, that you did not have the results of the 1968 national election memorized?

I will go first. I did not, and still do not have them memorized. I had to look it up. Oh, my god, how embarrassing. NOT.

So, now you. Can you show any sign of having a soul, or are you only a partisan hack bot?

What happened to your claim that the Southern Strategy didn’t happen? Wallace won the Deep South. Any state he didn’t win was won by Republican Nixon
Dems won ONE state in a region that before the Civil Rights act they used to win EVERY

Nothing happened to it. I am and will continue to discuss it.

I'm just taking a few seconds here to point out that you cannot admit that you did not have the 1968 election results memorized and were wrong when you claimed that Wallace "won the SOuth".

That reveals that nothing you say, ever, should be given any credibility. Because you are unable to be honest on even the smallest of details.

This mistake you made, was TINY.

And meant NOTHING. It did not reflect badly on you as a person, nor did not even undermine your argument.

Yet, you cannot admit it.

YOu are a completely dishonest person, totally consumed by partisan zealotry and ideological fanaticism.

And in this, you are completely representative of the liberal mainstream in this country.
Wallace won the SOUTH
Those states that had the worst Civil Rights record. The states where Federal Troops had to be called in

Republican Nixon still took the others

Once again, you lose

No, you just revealed yourself to be a complete partisan hack with zero honesty or credibility.

Over nothing.

Once the situation stabilized, the shift in voting was well under ten percent. The story you tell of the "Southern Strategy, of the evul racist whites switching sides, and making the South red, is just not true.

As you well know.

Especially as we have discussed the interesting career of George Wallace, post segregation.
Do you realize how big ten percent of the vote is?

In this case it was big enough to move from “Solid South” Democratic to almost all Republican today.

i know it is more than "less than ten percent, which is what I said.

And that is my point. That the republicans had a strong minority support in the South, even before the dems gave up their alliance with the southern racist bloc.

THe vast majority of dems that supported the dems during Jim Crow, stayed with the dems after the national party flipped on the issue, and even when the state parties gave up on it.

The vast majority of the republican voters who supported the republicans before and after the dems giving up Jim Crow, were the same.

This Myth you libs tell of this massive reversal, is just that, a myth.

When the dems gave up the ghost on White Racism, that issue became a moot issue. As you can see with what happened with George Wallace.

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?
Confederate army was the most diverse army in America at the time it had Latinos that Indians in that Asians it had free blacks! Brazil still celebrates confederacy day, blacks celebrate confederacy! Where did you go to school? View attachment 313201

You Russian bots need to learn American history if you're going to post here. The Confederacy formed as a secessionist entity, hell bent on keeping slavery legal in the nation of their dreams.
Yes they disagreed with the north on many issues not just slavery and How to end slavery,, many fought for that.. Frederick Douglass wrote that the north elites did not understand the Southerners, and he felt more comfortable with Southerners that he did with black elite Northerners.. just facts get a education
Slavery was their number #1 cause. States rights was #2 -- they wanted their states to have the right to keep slavery legal.
The riot in Baltimore was spurred by police killing a black while in their custody. That's your idea of Democrat racism?m

And in Chicago, who shot those blacks?
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
That’s your substance for all the crime rape and murder is police state run democrat run towns? Lol haha you just been retired
No, that's my response to the bullshit you posted.
Democrats have always been against black flight
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?
An interesting claim. How would you back that up?
Confederate army was the most diverse army in America at the time it had Latinos that Indians in that Asians it had free blacks! Brazil still celebrates confederacy day, blacks celebrate confederacy! Where did you go to school? View attachment 313201

You Russian bots need to learn American history if you're going to post here. The Confederacy formed as a secessionist entity, hell bent on keeping slavery legal in the nation of their dreams.
Yes they disagreed with the north on many issues not just slavery and How to end slavery,, many fought for that.. Frederick Douglass wrote that the north elites did not understand the Southerners, and he felt more comfortable with Southerners that he did with black elite Northerners.. just facts get a education
Slavery was their number #1 cause. States rights was #2 -- they wanted their states to have the right to keep slavery legal.
To who? Democrats yes.. most of the people in the south didn’t even see a slave..
they were protecting the land from the north that was invading.. The elite Democrats have always been wanting slavery we have urban slaves plantations today based off of facts..

You are the racist
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
That’s your substance for all the crime rape and murder is police state run democrat run towns? Lol haha you just been retired
No, that's my response to the bullshit you posted.
The definition of racism is people in power creating policy to hurt another race,, THAT IS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY LOL
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.. HELLLOOO BALTIMORE Please treat is a Democrat,, Chicago policies are causing depression which is causing people to murder other human beings.. Policy created by Democrats! And they do nothing we already know there’s gonna be dozens of blacks shot this weekend you sit there and you do nothing.. YOU ARE THE RACIST LOL
Please treat is a Democrat

WTF?? Sorry comrade, I don't speak your native Russian.

And cite the Chicago policies causing depression....
All Democrat policies are racist and create depression every major city in America Is a police state and has high violence numbers!
If you’re a police state is supposed to be temporary it is supposed to reduce the violent crimes it’s the opposite of democratic Run-towns lol From the destruction of public education to the breakdown of the African-American family democratic policies are destroying the African-American community causing oppression and depression
That’s your substance for all the crime rape and murder is police state run democrat run towns? Lol haha you just been retired
No, that's my response to the bullshit you posted.
  • a doctrine or political programbased on the assumption of racismand designed to execute its principles
    b: a political or social system foundedon racism
  • 3: racial prejudice or discrimination

    this is the definition of racism,,
    Democrats are in control of 100% of the principles executed in black communities!
    This is the definition you are the racist
And the racist conservative south that was once heavily Democrat is now heavily Republican.

As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
Wherever you went to school get your money back you were lied to! Lol people of color celebrate the confederacy every year lol your either ignorant or stupid lol
As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.
"Grumblenuts read your posts, where you claimed it was not possible for blacks to be racist.

He disagreed. But he did not challenge you on it."


There was no need to challenge him because he recognizes the situation and does not try arguing false equivalences and lies.

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