The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
We aren’t rebranding America.. our culture is what made it strong will never change

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
We aren’t rebranding America.. our culture is what made it strong will never change

Who said America as a country is rebranding? I was referring to the confederate flag.

You are rather slow, aren't you?
Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
We aren’t rebranding America.. our culture is what made it strong will never change

Who said America as a country is rebranding? I was referring to the confederate flag.

You are rather slow, aren't you?
I love that flag

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
We aren’t rebranding America.. our culture is what made it strong will never change

Who said America as a country is rebranding? I was referring to the confederate flag.

You are rather slow, aren't you?
I love that flag

No doubt that you do. It is unfortunate that you weren't around during the time of the civil war, you could have fought for the confederacy, instead of trolling in this forum.
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.
Sad day, Correll & co. Jitbag has crafted a fairly sensible definition of racism. Example:
"Racial Profiling" refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Criminal profiling, generally, as practiced by police, is the reliance on a group of characteristics they believe to be associated with crime. Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as "driving while black or brown"), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband.
That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.
We aren’t rebranding America.. our culture is what made it strong will never change

Who said America as a country is rebranding? I was referring to the confederate flag.

You are rather slow, aren't you?
I love that flag

No doubt that you do. It is unfortunate that you weren't around during the time of the civil war, you could have fought for the confederacy, instead of trolling in this forum.
I would have been Neutral
The definition of racism is having power and using policy to destroy people based off of their race and racial characteristics.
Sad day, Correll & co. Jitbag has crafted a fairly sensible definition of racism. Example:
"Racial Profiling" refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Criminal profiling, generally, as practiced by police, is the reliance on a group of characteristics they believe to be associated with crime. Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as "driving while black or brown"), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband.
That’s fallacy,, blacks live in urban areas with cops everywhere of course they get pulled over more.. more victimizing blacks instead of telling them the truth
Do you know what the definition of the word "racism" is? Don't give me your definition; give me the dictionary definition and the definition as most of the rest of the world understands the word.
My definition is what dictionaries provide.
[ rey-siz-uh m ]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
The power dynamic is implicit. Again, what did IM2 do to make you cry like such a victim in public?
He assumed I lied and made up my story because I'm white.
I doubt it was that simplistic, but please explain how that threatens or harms you given the definition provided?
The power dynamic is horseshit made up by people to let them excuse their own racism.

Only according to white racists. And Ghost rider is still crying because I applied EEOC standards to his story about racism he said he faced on a job after he went and told a supervisor on a black employee. He narced on a black employee and the black employee got mad and spit on him. Now given the circumstances, without the black employee making any racial comment before he spit on ghost rider, there can be no determination that race had anything to do with the situation according to EEOC guidelines. Ghost needed to have documented examples of his racist behavior in order to prove this. This is the standard. You just don't get to run up and claim that somebody was being racist to you without evidence.

I know whites like most of you racists think that all a person has to do is holler racism and that's proof, but all claims of racism must be supported by documented evidence. Every claim a person of color makes in this regard has such documentation. So whites must follow the same rules.
Your racism has been pointed out to you before. You screeched NUH UH!!, as if that is a valid refutation.

Further, the use of the charge by leftists to shut down debate because they have no argument is absolutely undeniable. Look at Trump. Never had a charge of racism levied against him until he won the nomination. But the left expects us to take it seriously simply because they say it.

And if all you've got is NUH UH!!, save it. I'm not impressed.
No, it is not. And why didn't you post the complete definition? Here, let me do that for you:

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Merriam-Webster's defines racism as:

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

He called me a liar in public. Where the fuck else was I going to talk about it?

Were you there? Did you even fully read my earlier post about it? As I already said, that discussion was where he and I had our first exchanges. He didn't know me from Adam but had the temerity to accuse me of lying about my experience.

It doesn't get any more simplistic than that. Here, see for yourself: Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

My reason for bringing that up in the first place was to illustrate how quickly people today are inclined to see racism around every corner.

It doesn't and I never said it did. But what it does do is show how IM2 judges people by race.

Now let me ask you a question. IM2 considers me racist and has called me one numerous times. Given that I have never oppressed him and have no power or authority to do so; and given that I do not even meet the criteria laid out in the definitions (I hold no beliefs in inherent differences between the races and I do not feel my race is superior or that any race is inferior), on what basis does he justifiably consider me racist?

Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?
Nope. We call you racist because you are racist.

Nah, you call me a racist because I refuse to just take your racism and be quiet. So you call me a racist thinking that's going to make me feel bad and then I'll shut up. But that won't work as long as you guys continue posting your racism.
Hey, remember when you said you have proof for every charge of racism you lay?

Hop to it. Show me where I've been racist.

Or retract the charge.

Prediction: You will do neither.
No, because we know Candice Owens is a loser who took a 37,500 settlement for being racially abused by whites who goes around telling white folks how blacks who complain about white racism have a victim mentality and you idiots suck it up while paying her high dollar to listen to her stupidity.

You poor kid, everything you type screams victim hood". Everything is Whitey's fault to you. She is your exact opposite, she is intelligent, educated, well spoken and civil. You? Not so much.

No, Owens is just a sellout that says what you desperately need to hear. I can say that white racism is the cause of our problem and I show why in the The Stone Cold Truth
She is not even very original.
You would think she could add some black perspective to being Republican. Instead, she just mimics white hate speech
I'm sure you'd know -- what's the female equivalent of "Uncle Tom"?

Uncle Tom.
A...female...Uncle Tom?

That's dumb as fuck.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So? Free Speech is their "right".
So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So? Free Speech is their "right".

Yeah right. Seems that sentiment doesn't apply to the New Black Panther Party.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.
You poor kid, everything you type screams victim hood". Everything is Whitey's fault to you. She is your exact opposite, she is intelligent, educated, well spoken and civil. You? Not so much.

No, Owens is just a sellout that says what you desperately need to hear. I can say that white racism is the cause of our problem and I show why in the The Stone Cold Truth
She is not even very original.
You would think she could add some black perspective to being Republican. Instead, she just mimics white hate speech
I'm sure you'd know -- what's the female equivalent of "Uncle Tom"?

Uncle Tom.
A...female...Uncle Tom?

That's dumb as fuck.

Candice Owens is as dumb as fuck and idiots like you call her intelligent.
As it became less racist, it became less Democratic. Until eventually, dems stated losing elections.

What part of this doesn't make sense to you?

The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.
Lefties call people racist, because lefties are lying assholes.

That is their "justification".
View attachment 313053

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?
Nope. We call you racist because you are racist.

Nah, you call me a racist because I refuse to just take your racism and be quiet. So you call me a racist thinking that's going to make me feel bad and then I'll shut up. But that won't work as long as you guys continue posting your racism.
Hey, remember when you said you have proof for every charge of racism you lay?

Hop to it. Show me where I've been racist.

Or retract the charge.

Prediction: You will do neither.

Your posts do it for you.

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