The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So? Free Speech is their "right".

Yeah right. Seems that sentiment doesn't apply to the New Black Panther Party.

They have "rights" too. That's the difference between you and everyone else. You're a punk assed partisan racist bitch. The rest of us are happy to let you be you.

You are the racist. You just can't deal with a black man who not only calls you out on your racism, but you can't dispute him. You can't gaslight him into agreeing with your racism, and you can't out debate him.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.

People like you make Northerner's regret their sacrifice.

Northerners sacrificed nothing for blacks. And I am not going for the racist sentiment of how we should be grateful to whites for freeing us when we never should have been slaves in the first place.
Then perhaps your anger would be better directed at the Africans who sold Africans into slavery to begin with.

LOL! Just kidding. Everything is Whitey's fault.

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.

The white liberals tell us nothing. We think for ourselves. And here is an example of your racism.
That's not at all racist. But you have no rational argument, so you act as predicted.

You think for yourselves? Some of you do, certainly.

They're rarely liberals. And you hate them.

Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so. In your opinion the only blacks thinking for themselves are the ones who validate or repeat what you believe. That's not thinking for themselves, it's internalized racism.

Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen D. Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In a study named “The Psychology of Racism”, Robin Nicole Johnson points out that internalized racism entails both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color." Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

Blacks doing this are not thinking for themselves. This is thinking the way white racists tell them to think. That they exist below whites and that our standards are not equal to theirs, hence blacks must adopt their standards, ideas and opinions in order to be accepted. Can you say ASSIMILATION into a claim of white culture?
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.

The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.

The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Democrats seek to destroy history all the time. You know why? Because it proves their plans and policies are failures.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.

People like you make Northerner's regret their sacrifice.

Northerners sacrificed nothing for blacks. And I am not going for the racist sentiment of how we should be grateful to whites for freeing us when we never should have been slaves in the first place.
Then perhaps your anger would be better directed at the Africans who sold Africans into slavery to begin with.

LOL! Just kidding. Everything is Whitey's fault.

The Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture has excellent information about the African slave trade that provides a stark contrast between what happened and what some use as an excuse to discount the experiences of blacks in America. The web site is named, “The Abolition of the Slave Trade-African Resistance.” From the introduction, information contained in this collection debunks the race pimped tales presented by some in America today.

“Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

The Africans’ resistance continued in the Americas. They ran away, established maroon communities, used sabotage, conspired, and rose against those who held them in captivity. Freed people petitioned the authorities, led information campaigns, and worked actively to abolish the slave trade and slavery.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books. Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery.”

The tale of Africa’s role in the slave trade as told by a segment of white society is incomplete and disingenuous. This has been done on purpose. It was not so simple as blacks capturing each other and selling them to whites. Europeans did not just waltz into Africa and overwhelm a bunch of backward, naked, dumb savages. They were in a fight for 400 years. Quite a number of Europeans entered Africa and Africa ended up being their final resting place.

“Some leaders actively worked against the transatlantic slave trade. One of the most famous was Abdel Kader Kane, the Muslim leader of the Futa Toro region in northern Senegal. Kane had succeeded in peopling his kingdom by retaking by force his people who had been kidnapped and by forbidding slave caravans from passing through his territory. After the French took three children from Futa, Kane sent a letter to the governor:

We are warning you that all those who will come to our land to trade [in slaves] will be killed and massacred if you do not send our children back. Would not somebody who was very hungry abstain from eating if he had to eat something cooked with his blood? We absolutely do not want you to buy Muslims under any circumstances. I repeat that if your intention is to always buy Muslims you should stay home and not come to our country anymore. Because all those who will come can be assured that they will lose their life.”

Slavery was said to have ended in 1865. But it did not. For 100 years after slavery blacks endured a system just as bad called apartheid. The Stone Cold Truth So yes, the root cause of the problems blacks face is whiteys racism.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.

The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Democrats seek to destroy history all the time. You know why? Because it proves their plans and policies are failures.

Well son being that I am black and lived during the last movement of blacks away from the republican party, a process that began in the early 1900's thanks to the lily white republican movement, you trying to tell me about history is like a man trying to explain to a pregnant woman what morning sickness or labor pains feels like.
Of easy, so obvious you will now tell us when that exact time is.....right?
That's really a stupid question.

Tell us exactly when the Democrats will nominate the 2nd black, or the first fully black, or the 1st black woman, or anyone ever again that supports Human Rights?

Your incessant need to be a pitiful victim and be defined by something you had nothing to do with is really childish. Stop being a loser and grow up.
"Then perhaps your anger would be better directed at the Africans who sold Africans into slavery to begin with."

“As the slave trade expanded, resistance to it grew as well, and the need for shackles, guns, ropes, chains, iron balls, and whips tells an eloquent story of continuous and violent struggle from the hinterland to the high seas. As one slave trader remarked:

For the security and safekeeping of the slaves on board or on shore in the African barracoons, chains, leg irons, handcuffs, and strong houses are used. I would remark that this also is one of the forcible necessities resorted to for the preservation of the order, and as recourse against the dangerous consequences of this traffic.”

“Wherever possible, such as in Saint-Louis and Gorée (Senegal), James (Gambia), and Bance (Sierra Leone), the Europeans' barracoons were located on islands, which made escapes and attacks more difficult. In some areas, as soon as local people approached the boats, the crew is ordered to take up arms, the cannons are aimed, and the fuses are lighted . . . One must, without any hesitation, shoot at them and not spare them. The loss of the vessel and the life of the crew are at stake.”

“The heavily fortified forts and barracoons attest to the Europeans' distrust and apprehension. They had to protect themselves, as Jean-Baptiste Durand of the Compagnie du Sénégal explained, from the foreign vessels and from the Negroes living in the country."

“These precautions notwithstanding, in the eighteenth century, Fort Saint-Joseph on the Senegal River was attacked and all commerce was interrupted for six years. Several conspiracies and actual revolts by captives erupted on Gorée Island and resulted in the death of the governor and several soldiers. In addition, the crews of quite a few slave ships were killed on the River Gambia; in Sierra Leone, people sacked the captives' quarters of the infamous trader John Ormond. Similar incidents occurred in other parts of the African coast. Written records document how Africans on shore attacked more than a hundred ships.

Some Western slavers maintained occult centers in their barracoons, staffed by men they paid to work on the captives, sometimes with medicinal plants. The objective was to kill any spirit of rebellion, to tame the detainees, and make them accept their fate. The existence of these centers shows the extent of the precautions taken by slavers to prevent rebellions on land and during the Middle Passage: shackles and guns controlled the body, while the spirit was broken.

But revolts on slave ships, although extremely difficult to organize and conduct, were numerous. About 420 revolts have been documented in slavers' papers, and they do not represent the totality. It is estimated that 100,000 Africans died in uprisings on the coast or during the Middle Passage. The fear of revolts resulted in additional costs for the slavers: larger crews, heavy weapons, and barricades. About 18 percent of the costs of the Middle Passage were incurred due to measures to thwart uprisings, and the captives who rose up saved, according to estimates, one million Africans from deportation by driving up the slavers' expenses.”

Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture “The Abolition of the Slave Trade-African Resistance.” African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

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Of easy, so obvious you will now tell us when that exact time is.....right?
That's really a stupid question.

Tell us exactly when the Democrats will nominate the 2nd black, or the first fully black, or the 1st black woman, or anyone ever again that supports Human Rights?

Your incessant need to be a pitiful victim and be defined by something you had nothing to do with is really childish. Stop being a loser and grow up.

Obama was black. And the democrats don't have to answer any such question. Republicans here have nothing to say until they nominate their first black presidential candidate, not when democrats nominate another one, or one that's fully black, or a black woman. Democrats have nominated a black man for president and a woman. Republicans have nominated none. Your excuses have no merit boy.
Just because blacks resisted the slave trade does not mean blacks did not actually sell other blacks, because they did. Your slight of hand won't work. Black tribes were involved DIRECTLY in selling black slaves they had to white slavers. As a point in fact, you DISMISS the whites that died opposing slavery as to little to late or other bullshit. While claiming just because Black tribes also fought against slavery some how nullifies the fact that other black tribes sold black slaves.
Just because blacks resisted the slave trade does not mean blacks did not actually sell other blacks, because they did. Your slight of hand won't work. Black tribes were involved DIRECTLY in selling black slaves they had to white slavers. As a point in fact, you DISMISS the whites that died opposing slavery as to little to late or other bullshit. While claiming just because Black tribes also fought against slavery some how nullifies the fact that other black tribes sold black slaves.

What it means is that the story whites are telling is not true. Now you need to accept that because there is ample evidence of how whites sold arms to certain African tribes so they could use them against tribes they were at war with, then pay them for the prisoners of war. There is also proof that whites instigated trouble between black tribes that ended up in battles where whites armed one side in order to get the captives. Africans wanted to trade for guns and whites would only accept slaves in order for Africans to get guns. Furthermore the Africans did not see themselves as one monolith, but they were nations and tribes no different than the Europeans. So Africans did not see themselves selling other Africans, they saw a Mali selling a Nigerian, no different than the British selling Irish as slaves in Europe.

So again, the story you want to create is disingenuous and that's just the way it is.

Last, I don't ignore shit. Whites created the problem here in America and you want to pretend that blacks ran around willingly capturing each other to sell to the white man and then the white man died to free us. But that's not how it went. Whites never died to free slaves. Northern or southern. The northern whites did not give a damn about slaves, Lincoln got them to fight for the preservation of the union. So you might be able to tell that lie to so9mebody like a Candice Owens, but I have studied this and continue doing so and what you say is not the way things happened.
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Just because blacks resisted the slave trade does not mean blacks did not actually sell other blacks, because they did. Your slight of hand won't work. Black tribes were involved DIRECTLY in selling black slaves they had to white slavers. As a point in fact, you DISMISS the whites that died opposing slavery as to little to late or other bullshit. While claiming just because Black tribes also fought against slavery some how nullifies the fact that other black tribes sold black slaves.

What it means is that the story whites are telling is not true. Now you need to accept that because there is ample evidence of how whites sold arms to certain African tribes so they could use them against tribes they were at war with, then pay them for the prisoners of war. There is also proof that whites instigated trouble between black tribes that ended up in battles where whites armed one side in order to get slaves. Africans wanted to trade for guns and whites would only accept slaves in order for Africans to get guns. Furthermore the Africans did not see themselves as one monolith, but they were nations and tribes no different than the Europeans. So Africans did not see themselves selling other Africans, they saw a Mali selling a Nigerian, no different than the British selling Irish as slaves in Europe.

So again, the story you want to create is disingenuous and that's just the way it is.

Last, I don't ignore shit. Whites created the problem here in America and you want to pretend that blacks ran around willingly capturing each other to sell to the white man and then the white man died to free us. But that's not how it went.
LOL you ADMIT black tribes sold blacks to slavers and claim me saying it is disingenuous. Now racist retard go back and CITE with a quote where I ever claimed black tribes did not fight to stop the slave trade. All I and others ever said was that YES IN FACT Black TRIBES sold black slaves to Slavers. You ignore the fact that blacks sold black slaves to slavers while claiming because some tribes fought against it that is all we need to know. Meanwhile you dismiss the same 400 years of whites fighting to end slavery. You dismiss 600000 dead white people fighting a war that ended slavery here. You ignore all the whites that worked tirelessly to free black slaves in the US and around the world. You dismiss all the whites that died before the civil war fighting slavery. Like I said you are a racist and can not see past skin color.
Just because blacks resisted the slave trade does not mean blacks did not actually sell other blacks, because they did. Your slight of hand won't work. Black tribes were involved DIRECTLY in selling black slaves they had to white slavers. As a point in fact, you DISMISS the whites that died opposing slavery as to little to late or other bullshit. While claiming just because Black tribes also fought against slavery some how nullifies the fact that other black tribes sold black slaves.

What it means is that the story whites are telling is not true. Now you need to accept that because there is ample evidence of how whites sold arms to certain African tribes so they could use them against tribes they were at war with, then pay them for the prisoners of war. There is also proof that whites instigated trouble between black tribes that ended up in battles where whites armed one side in order to get slaves. Africans wanted to trade for guns and whites would only accept slaves in order for Africans to get guns. Furthermore the Africans did not see themselves as one monolith, but they were nations and tribes no different than the Europeans. So Africans did not see themselves selling other Africans, they saw a Mali selling a Nigerian, no different than the British selling Irish as slaves in Europe.

So again, the story you want to create is disingenuous and that's just the way it is.

Last, I don't ignore shit. Whites created the problem here in America and you want to pretend that blacks ran around willingly capturing each other to sell to the white man and then the white man died to free us. But that's not how it went.
LOL you ADMIT black tribes sold blacks to slavers and claim me saying it is disingenuous. Now racist retard go back and CITE with a quote where I ever claimed black tribes did not fight to stop the slave trade. All I and others ever said was that YES IN FACT Black TRIBES sold black slaves to Slavers. You ignore the fact that blacks sold black slaves to slavers while claiming because some tribes fought against it that is all we need to know. Meanwhile you dismiss the same 400 years of whites fighting to end slavery. You dismiss 600000 dead white people fighting a war that ended slavery here. You ignore all the whites that worked tirelessly to free black slaves in the US and around the world. You dismiss all the whites that died before the civil war fighting slavery. Like I said you are a racist and can not see past skin color.

You do understand what disingenuous means don't you. It means the story is dishonest or lacking in candor. You say blacks sold other blacks, but when you consider how the sales were made, mostly under duress, situations created by outside forces instigating strife, blackmail or extortion by refusing to sell guns unless whites got bodies, all of these things you do not dare mention and try creating s story whereby blacks just sold other blacks wantonly and with no regard is dishonest. I don't miss 400 years of whites fighting against slavery because it did not happen that way. I don't ignore the whites who worked tirelessly because they were very few in number and you want to conflate the numbers. I don't dismiss 600,000 dead people including the 40,000 dead blacks or the generations of blacks before them that you ignore who really died fighting for freedom that really never happened for blacks after the civil war ended.

Me seeing skin color doesn't make me a racist. Your lying about the role whites had in this is what racists do. If whites died to make us free, then explain why blacks were still in slavery but it was called share cropping and convict labor,. Explain the vagrancy laws and black codes, explain the Plessy v. Ferguson decision, explain how Rutherford Hayes made an agreement with southern democrats to remove the military out of the south thus ending reconstruction. Explain how republican justices led the nullification of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the civil rights cases. You talk all that white racist you blacks need to be grateful to whites for freeing you bullshit and I'm not going to be grateful. Because whites didn't die to free us, they did not die fighting against slavery, they did not fighting for 400 years against slavery, and that's just the way it is.
Ohh I see you have a laundry list of EXCUSES for why black tribes sold slaves. You of course realize that black tribes had been taking slaves for about a 1000 years by then and simply found a more profitable way to use them? That IN FACT some blacks STILL TO THIS DAY ENSLAVE other blacks? What is your excuse for THAT?
Ohh I see you have a laundry list of EXCUSES for why black tribes sold slaves. You of course realize that black tribes had been taking slaves for about a 1000 years by then and simply found a more profitable way to use them? That IN FACT some blacks STILL TO THIS DAY ENSLAVE other blacks? What is your excuse for THAT?
If they were excuses I wouldn't be making them. But what they show is what you don't want to see. Therefore you try dismissing it. Whites had slaves for the same 1000 years. Still to this day whites enslave other whites. But you see, the deal here is that blacks slaves in Africa somehow could get out of slavery by repaying their debt or serving their time for crimes committed. They could own property and purchase their freedom and some even became kings. I don't think a serf was able to do that. Now would you like to talk about what happened to blacks after slavery ended? Or did blacks create Jim Crow segregation too?
Ohh I see you have a laundry list of EXCUSES for why black tribes sold slaves. You of course realize that black tribes had been taking slaves for about a 1000 years by then and simply found a more profitable way to use them? That IN FACT some blacks STILL TO THIS DAY ENSLAVE other blacks? What is your excuse for THAT?
If they were excuses I wouldn't be making them. But what they show is what you don't want to see. Therefore you try dismissing it. Whites had slaves for the same 1000 years. Still to this day whites enslave other whites. But you see, the deal here is that blacks slaves in Africa somehow could get out of slavery by repaying their debt or serving their time for crimes committed. They could own property and purchase their freedom and some even became kings. I don't think a serf was able to do that. Now would you like to talk about what happened to blacks after slavery ended? Or did blacks create Jim Crow segregation too?
LOL more excuses, just accept the fact you are racist and whites for you are the boggy man.

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