The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....


The conservative south remains the most racist part of the country.

An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.

The white liberals tell us nothing. We think for ourselves. Your post is an example of your racism.
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Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.
The white liberals here kissing your ass will believe you, but rational people won't.
No, Owens is just a sellout that says what you desperately need to hear. I can say that white racism is the cause of our problem and I show why in the The Stone Cold Truth
She is not even very original.
You would think she could add some black perspective to being Republican. Instead, she just mimics white hate speech
I'm sure you'd know -- what's the female equivalent of "Uncle Tom"?

Uncle Tom.
A...female...Uncle Tom?

That's dumb as fuck.

Candice Owens is as dumb as fuck and idiots like you call her intelligent.
She's "clean and articulate".

She's also a hell of a lot smarter than you are.

Is that why all you white republicans here call me a racist?
Nope. We call you racist because you are racist.

Nah, you call me a racist because I refuse to just take your racism and be quiet. So you call me a racist thinking that's going to make me feel bad and then I'll shut up. But that won't work as long as you guys continue posting your racism.
Hey, remember when you said you have proof for every charge of racism you lay?

Hop to it. Show me where I've been racist.

Or retract the charge.

Prediction: You will do neither.

Your posts do it for you.
You lose. You have no proof. You call me a racist in a vain and stupid effort to shame me into silence.

You know -- exactly as the graphic I posted said you do.

You're nothing if not predictable.
An interesting claim. How would you back that up?

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.

The white liberals tell us nothing. We think for ourselves. And here is an example of your racism.
That's not at all racist. But you have no rational argument, so you act as predicted.

You think for yourselves? Some of you do, certainly.

They're rarely liberals. And you hate them.

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So? Free Speech is their "right".

Yeah right. Seems that sentiment doesn't apply to the New Black Panther Party.

They have "rights" too. That's the difference between you and everyone else. You're a punk assed partisan racist bitch. The rest of us are happy to let you be you.
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.

People like you make Northerner's regret their sacrifice.
"Grumblenuts read your posts, where you claimed it was not possible for blacks to be racist.

He disagreed. But he did not challenge you on it."


There was no need to challenge him because he recognizes the situation and does not try arguing false equivalences and lies.

He was kowtowing to you. Even though he knows that what you said was stupid. That was him being completely racist. To you and to himself.

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.

Your pretense of missing the last 150 years of history, is not credible.

The flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride for over 5 generations.

So, that is you failing to support your claim that the South is the most racist portion of the country.

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.

Sure it did. IN the early 1860s, it stood for an army of the Confederacy.

Not long after that, it slowly morphed into a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And has been accepted as such, by America as a whole, for over 5 generations.

Never mind your eyes. You've now shot your mouth off.
Oe noes! A liberal disagrees with me! Whatever shall I do? Wherever shall I go?

I'm curious what you believe your disagreement obligates me to do. Way I see it -- nothing. What do you think...errr, sorry, wrong word...feel?
Never mind your eyes. You've now shot your mouth off.
Oe noes! A liberal disagrees with me! Whatever shall I do? Wherever shall I go?

I'm curious what you believe your disagreement obligates me to do. Way I see it -- nothing. What do you think...errr, sorry, wrong word...feel?
Your sense of humor is truly tragic. Okay, back to shooting your eye out..
Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
Never mind your eyes. You've now shot your mouth off.
Oe noes! A liberal disagrees with me! Whatever shall I do? Wherever shall I go?

I'm curious what you believe your disagreement obligates me to do. Way I see it -- nothing. What do you think...errr, sorry, wrong word...feel?
Your sense of humor is truly tragic. Okay, back to shooting your eye out..
Given you believe the pinnacle of humor is a Trump = Hitler photoshop, I'll feel free to disregard your judgement.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
When will Democrats nominate a candidate that doesn't think blacks are so inferior to whites they need Affirmative Action?
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Funny how I am still the only one who has named any possible black republican candidates...

And instead of Trumpers discussing the merit of these candidates -- they are still trying to argue against easily verifiable facts from 50 plus years ago..

It's almost like there is some pathological compulsion to keep fighting a war they lost since 1865...
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.

The north won the civil war. Not republicans.

People like you make Northerner's regret their sacrifice.

Northerners sacrificed nothing for blacks. And I am not going for the racist sentiment of how we should be grateful to whites for freeing us when we never should have been slaves in the first place.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
When will Democrats no longer inate a candidate that doesn't think blacks are so inferior to whites they need Affirmative Action?
The day white republicans understand they have been getting affirmative action since the beginning of the country.

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