The first domino falls in GA

Cool. The others better be making their deals quick. 5 misdemeanors and getting probation, and agreeing to testify for the prosecution won't last for everybody, and no need to wait and go down with trump.
The guy is most likely scared shitless not to testify. We know what our government does to intimidate people to carry their water for them. Trump did nothing wrong. The case is bullshit.
The Trump Crime Syndicate is going to prison.

Remember when "conservatives" believed in law and order?

This guy is just the first one to come to his senses. It's been a while since the indictment, the initial shock wore off and people realize they are in the finding out phase of this mess.
Number of criminal charges against Trump: 91
Number of criminal charges against the other 45 Presidents: 0

  1. Decades as a bootlegger.
  2. Tax evasion.
  3. Racketeering.
  4. A lifetime of every street crime known to man.
  5. Murdered dozens of people if not more including the St. Valentines Massacre.
Was only charged with tax evasion and got 11 years in prison.

Moral of the story:
There is no correlation between guilt and prosecution, and the bigger a crook you are, usually the more protection from prosecution you can buy.​
Gee, I wonder what it took to bribe him to pay him off to a plea deal to lie against Trump in exchange for leniency?

Gotta get Trump.

I thought you already HAD him?! :71:
You are exactly right,,,,,,,THEY GOT TO THIS AXXHOLE,,,,probably gave him 10 million or so.

The more shit the Deep State conjures up to stop Trump and save the country , the more I will support Trump.

It is very disturbing to see NORMIES ( aka Zombies) walking around spouting America Hate.

The Masstards have been brainwashed into thinking that all the misdeeds that happened in America was due to Americans,,,,,thats a lie America did not steal land from the Mongolians here, the Super Rich did and this goes for just about every misdeed such as the Opium trade.

Democrats were responsible for the KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery yet THEY SCREAM THAT AMERICA was responsible ! Not true,,,the North ( Republican mostly) were Free states. DONT LET THE PUNDITS CLAIM AMERICA WAS BAD when it was tiny groups of powerful tyrants that were responsible.
The guy is most likely scared shitless not to testify. We know what our government does to intimidate people to carry their water for them. Trump did nothing wrong. The case is bullshit.
That's what all the MAGA's say about everything.
Trump rape (sexual abuse) case
Trump fraud case
Trump election case
Trump documents case
Trump business records case

One by one, Trump has lost the cases against him.
Trump co-defendant in Georgia criminal case, of interfering in the election, pleads guilty

The news continues to get worse for Donald Trump. Scott Walker pleads guilty to his part in interferring in the Georgia election. He has agreed to testify.

What is amazing as more truths come forward about Donald Trumps negative actions the Trump cult loves him more.
Trump may be one of the most effective cult leaders in history.

That may complicate the defense.
I believe Hall was involved with the plot to steal voting machine data. His plea may have implications for crazy Sidney Powell since she was one of the organizers of the plot.
  1. Decades as a bootlegger.
  2. Tax evasion.
  3. Racketeering.
  4. A lifetime of every street crime known to man.
  5. Murdered dozens of people if not more including the St. Valentines Massacre.
Was only charged with tax evasion and got 11 years in prison.

Moral of the story:
There is no correlation between guilt and prosecution, and the bigger a crook you are, usually the more protection from prosecution you can buy.​
Trumps only crime was trying to stop the Deep State and the Royal families that control it from destroying the West via Agenda 2030. The FBI / CIA under Comey and Brennan could not find anything on Trump, so they make up crimes. If they had a real crime against Trump, they would have used it to impeach him on REAL CHARGES when he was in office. Why are they waiting for the election to level all sorts of allegations against him ? Are the masstards so brain dead that they cannot see the political motivation ?

Lord Rothschild recently said Trump was a threat to the New World Order with his Nationalism. The original article was posted in the Illuminati magazine "The Economist"; one of the most respected journals .

Australian National Review - Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order
I believe Hall was involved with the plot to steal voting machine data. His plea may have implications for crazy Sidney Powell since she was one of the organizers of the plot.

Here he is with his hands in the cookie jar
What it took? The five years minimum he was looking at.
In other words, they threatened him and he caved.

Don't try that on me, I won't cave so easily.

People cave because they have a lot to lose. It's a weapon, that people who have nothing, use against them.

The use of such weaponry is an open declaration of war. The culture of shutting down anyone you don't agree with is open warmongering. It's a threat to everyone who worked hard their whole lives to build something meaningful.

Once you evoke the wrath of people like that, there's no turning back. It worked in South Africa but it won't work here. Here, a solid 80% of the population has assets that are important for the family and important for things they hold dear, like maybe small businesses or something.

Democrats right now, are generating a lot of hatred, and when it comes back to them, they better be ready to step up to the plate. Because they won't be given the chance to cave.
The guy is most likely scared shitless not to testify. We know what our government does to intimidate people to carry their water for them. Trump did nothing wrong. The case is bullshit.

Hey, Lastdeadender

Put these numbers in your sig:

Number of cases won by Trump re election fraud in 2020: 1
Number of cases lost by Trump re election fraud in 2020: 65


Keep on clinging!
  1. Decades as a bootlegger.
  2. Tax evasion.
  3. Racketeering.
  4. A lifetime of every street crime known to man.
  5. Murdered dozens of people if not more including the St. Valentines Massacre.
Was only charged with tax evasion and got 11 years in prison.

Moral of the story:
There is no correlation between guilt and prosecution, and the bigger a crook you are, usually the more protection from prosecution you can buy.​

It's 2023, not 1923.

You might be that old, but the population isn't.
Scott Hall, a Georgia bail bondsman accused in a plot to steal election data to help Donald Trump discredit the vote in Georgia, pleaded guilty to five counts of of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties on Friday.

The plea agreement was presented to the judge in brief unscheduled hearing, and the judge immediately sentenced Hall in accordance with the plea agreement.

He’s the first defendant in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willi’s sprawling election conspiracy case to take a plea deal.

A video posted by Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee’s chambers shows Hall entering his plea.

Hall was indicted last month on seven counts, including a RICO charge and conspiracy to commit election fraud. Under the plea agreement, prosecutors downgraded five counts from from felonies to misdemeanors, and the remaining two charges were dropped.

First Plea Deal And Sentencing Wraps Up In Georgia RICO Case

He's the first of what I'm guessing is many to come. Fani has a wealth of evidence to prosecute these folks with. Congrats to her and the grand jury. All of whom have received threats from Trump's mob.
Just a reminder to any of the indicted co-conspirators who might be reading this:

He who pleas soonest gets the best deal.
Trump co-defendant in Georgia criminal case, of interfering in the election, pleads guilty

The news continues to get worse for Donald Trump. Scott Walker pleads guilty to his part in interferring in the Georgia election. He has agreed to testify.

What is amazing as more truths come forward about Donald Trumps negative actions the Trump cult loves him more.
Trump may be one of the most effective cult leaders in history.

Well if this isn’t proof of over charging I don’t know what is…some random guy named Scott Hall, who’s never met trump, gets charged with racketeering, among other serious felonies and pleas to a couple misdemeanors…and gets no time.

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