The first domino falls in GA

In other words, they threatened him and he caved.

Don't try that on me, I won't cave so easily.

People cave because they have a lot to lose. It's a weapon, that people who have nothing, use against them.

The use of such weaponry is an open declaration of war. The culture of shutting down anyone you don't agree with is open warmongering. It's a threat to everyone who worked hard their whole lives to build something meaningful.

Once you evoke the wrath of people like that, there's no turning back. It worked in South Africa but it won't work here. Here, a solid 80% of the population has assets that are important for the family and important for things they hold dear, like maybe small businesses or something.

Democrats right now, are generating a lot of hatred, and when it comes back to them, they better be ready to step up to the plate. Because they won't be given the chance to cave.
He's guilty and they have the evidence to prove it. He made the best out of his situation. You can't blame him for that.
Trumps only crime was trying to stop the Deep State and the Royal families that control it from destroying the West via Agenda 2030. The FBI / CIA under Comey and Brennan could not find anything on Trump, so they make up crimes. If they had a real crime against Trump, they would have used it to impeach him on REAL CHARGES when he was in office. Why are they waiting for the election to level all sorts of allegations against him ?...
As Mitch McConnell said in the 2nd Trump impeachment, that now that he was out of office, he was subject to civil and criminal justice.

The DOJ OLC was why Trump couldn't be indicted or prosecuted while in office. Robert Mueller gave it as the reason charges were never made against Trump during his investigation.

How that Trump is out of office, and enjoys none of the protections of the office, is why all the charges during and after his 4 years in office, are now the chickens who have come home to roost.
Trumps only crime was trying to stop the Deep State and the Royal families that control it from destroying the West via Agenda 2030. The FBI / CIA under Comey and Brennan could not find anything on Trump, so they make up crimes. If they had a real crime against Trump, they would have used it to impeach him on REAL CHARGES when he was in office. Why are they waiting for the election to level all sorts of allegations against him ? Are the masstards so brain dead that they cannot see the political motivation ?

Lord Rothschild recently said Trump was a threat to the New World Order with his Nationalism. The original article was posted in the Illuminati magazine "The Economist"; one of the most respected journals .

Australian National Review - Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order
You really think this
Something democrats never believed in.

And still don't.

10% for the big guy.

Hunter being paid a million a year to sit on the board of a company he knew nothing about while his daddy was VP. A company with ties to his daddy. A company his daddy had the prosecutor fired for looking into his sons business dealings, admitted to on video by his daddy.

Oh yea, lefties, the epitome of law and order. rolleyes
Thats not a legal defense for Trump.
Well if this isn’t proof of over charging I don’t know what is…some random guy named Scott Hall, who’s never met trump, gets charged with racketeering, among other serious felonies and pleas to a couple misdemeanors…and gets no time.
Remember RICO like a web of conspiracies involves people who know nothing about the big picture. It's no difference from the person who did a straw purchase of a firearm, for somebody who later commits a mass shooting. Realizing their role in a much more serious crime, leads them to help themselves, which requires they confess to what they knew.
Number of cases won by Trump re election fraud in 2020: 1
Wrong. 2. Both where the evidence was actually adjudicated.

Number of cases lost by Trump re election fraud in 2020: 65
They weren't lost, they were dismissed on technical grounds like standing, time of filing, etc.
The evidence was never heard.
Number of cases lost by Trump re election fraud in 2020: 65

They weren't lost, they were dismissed on technical grounds like standing, time of filing, etc.
The evidence was never heard.
And in cases where the evidence was heard, judges said the evidence was so specious that they sanctioned the lawyers for introducing it.
The guy is most likely scared shitless not to testify. We know what our government does to intimidate people to carry their water for them. Trump did nothing wrong. The case is bullshit.
We? I guess you are speaking for all trumpers being cowards. Make no mistake, he made a smart deal, obviously not afraid of anything, as you say he did nothing wrong, but he got himself out of association with the big crimes, smoothly, saving tons on legal fees and no longer part of a racketeering wrap with the Trump sh#t show, going to court and going down for Trump, as lord know, Donny only goes down on a skirt, but never for the people that helped his cause, which has always been himself.
Trump co-defendant in Georgia criminal case, of interfering in the election, pleads guilty

The news continues to get worse for Donald Trump. Scott Walker pleads guilty to his part in interferring in the Georgia election. He has agreed to testify.

What is amazing as more truths come forward about Donald Trumps negative actions the Trump cult loves him more.
Trump may be one of the most effective cult leaders in history.

So he's guilty of 5 misdemeanors, pays a fine, surrenders his firearms license and he will turn
States evidence. The DA is starting at the bottom, got the rat out in the open and she's working her way up to the big cheeses.
This is gonna be juicy.
We? I guess you are speaking for all trumpers being cowards. Make no mistake, he made a smart deal, obviously not afraid of anything, as you say he did nothing wrong, but he got himself out of association with the big crimes, smoothly, saving tons on legal fees and no longer part of a racketeering wrap with the Trump sh#t show, going to court and going down for Trump, as lord know, Donny only goes down on a skirt, but never for the people that helped his cause, which has always been himself.
This is no different than what drug traffickers do. They hire people to transport or receive "packages" without telling them more than what they need to know. And only when they get charged as part of a billion dollar worldwide drug cartel, do they realize it's in their best interest to separate themselves from the cartel.
This is no different than what drug traffickers do. They hire people to transport or receive "packages" without telling them more than what they need to know. And only when they get charged as part of a billion dollar worldwide drug cartel, do they realize it's in their best interest to separate themselves from the cartel.
First thing investigators ask is give me names and maybe you get a deal.
A proven liar is going to tell you the truth? :auiqs.jpg:
You are going into cult mold.

10 Signs You're Probably In A Cult
  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.

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