The first financial cracks shows in some campaigns.

The key word is NEARLY, as you wrote.

And, the field was not nearly as crowded as will be in 2016.

Nice try at an attack, it didn't work.

Better luck to you next time, dottering old man.
Sorry but which campaign is bankrupt? Seems you are making your usual claims with no evidence.

Rick Perry cannot pay his staff.

Was there ever a time when John McCain could not pay his staff?

And I never said that any campaign is bankrupt yet. YOU mentioned McCain's finances in late 2007. I did not.

Do you have difficulty reading?
I see you are logically challenged. When you write "the key word is nearly" you imply that someone is actually bankrupt. Since none of the candidates is actually bankrupt they are in the same position as McCain in 2007.


By "nearly" I was quoting YOU.

This is the exact quote, from YOU:

"McCain's campaign was nearly bankrupt at about this point. He went on to become the nominee."

To which I responded:

"The key word is NEARLY, as you wrote."

Please point to any sentence in the OP where I said that any candidate at all is bankrupt.

You do this alot: you deliberately distort someone's words and play games like this. Only, I will not let you.
You have already demonstrated you lack of ability in both Hebrew and English.
So if McCain's campaign was "nearly" bankrupt and that distinguishes it from the present candidates, what does that say about the present candidates' campaigns? They are flush with cash?

You mentioned McCain, I did not.

And I made no financial comparison between his campaign and any 2016 GOP campaign.

All you are doing is trolling here and the nice part of it is that the entire membership of USMB can see it for themselves.

In the OP, I wrote:

$$$$ rules whether you stay in or not.

Perry can't pay his staff.
And Paul is on a desperate dodge to get rich donors even in his home-state of KY.

So, from 22 candidates, can you winnow this list down to the 6-7 Republicans and maybe 2-3 Democrats you think will still be standing come Iowa in the middle of Winter?

Here's the listing of all candidates (from both parties), in order of presidential announcement:


My list is in posting no. 2.

Have fun.

That's all I wrote.

Everything else is conjecture on your part.

Oh, and a lot of trolling, trolling, trolling, in zone 2, to note.
God. Does anyone really want to have to choose between another Bush and another Clinton?

No. Which is why neither one will be the nominee.

Clinton will be the DEM nominee.

Now, go back to making wonderful Greece predictions that are totally wrong, old man.
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Sorry but which campaign is bankrupt? Seems you are making your usual claims with no evidence.

Rick Perry cannot pay his staff.

Was there ever a time when John McCain could not pay his staff?

And I never said that any campaign is bankrupt yet. YOU mentioned McCain's finances in late 2007. I did not.

Do you have difficulty reading?
I see you are logically challenged. When you write "the key word is nearly" you imply that someone is actually bankrupt. Since none of the candidates is actually bankrupt they are in the same position as McCain in 2007.


By "nearly" I was quoting YOU.

This is the exact quote, from YOU:

"McCain's campaign was nearly bankrupt at about this point. He went on to become the nominee."

To which I responded:

"The key word is NEARLY, as you wrote."

Please point to any sentence in the OP where I said that any candidate at all is bankrupt.

You do this alot: you deliberately distort someone's words and play games like this. Only, I will not let you.
You have already demonstrated you lack of ability in both Hebrew and English.
So if McCain's campaign was "nearly" bankrupt and that distinguishes it from the present candidates, what does that say about the present candidates' campaigns? They are flush with cash?

You mentioned McCain, I did not.

And I made no financial comparison between his campaign and any 2016 GOP campaign.

All you are doing is trolling here and the nice part of it is that the entire membership of USMB can see it for themselves.

In the OP, I wrote:

$$$$ rules whether you stay in or not.

Perry can't pay his staff.
And Paul is on a desperate dodge to get rich donors even in his home-state of KY.

So, from 22 candidates, can you winnow this list down to the 6-7 Republicans and maybe 2-3 Democrats you think will still be standing come Iowa in the middle of Winter?

Here's the listing of all candidates (from both parties), in order of presidential announcement:


My list is in posting no. 2.

Have fun.

That's all I wrote.

Everything else is conjecture on your part.

Oh, and a lot of trolling, trolling, trolling, in zone 2, to note.
Wow. Just wow. Total and complete face plant failure.
Yes, I pointed out McCain's campaign was also nearly broke at about thsi time, so no one should count out any of the candidates just on that score yet.
So now you reject the entire comparison, having had your ass handed to you on the topic.
The point stands: Yes some candidates are nearly out of money but they could swing back from that with a good performance or other event and go on to win the nomination.
Nothing you have said refutes any of that yet your "point" has been refuted. Deal with it.
No. Which is why neither one will be the nominee.

Clinton will be the DEM nominee.

Now, go back to making wonderful Greece predictions that are totally wrong, old man.
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.
Clinton will be the DEM nominee.

Now, go back to making wonderful Greece predictions that are totally wrong, old man.
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
How sad someone as Scandal plagued, lied and obstructed investigations going on, is corrupted to her core. is predicted to get to be the nominee for the Democrats

why even bother voting anymore. this country is doomed when you have a Base of people who doesn't care about the character of someone they put in to be a leader of this country who also put some nobody community agitator in charge of our lives

this country is hopeless


The only scandal is really going on in your head. You have lied about every democrat so far and are ideologically led and see no problem in continuing to lie if the GOP win.
Your a joke, a side show... You don't care about truth or honor just how much shit you can throw...

STFU troll. Hillary's in the NEWS daily about being investigated over one thing or another. but the Scandals are in our head. the sad thing is you would stick up for someone as corrupted and a liar that she is
You offer nothing of value on here but going around attacking others
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
No. You just lied. Your prediction did not come true. Go suck an egg.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Clinton will be the DEM nominee.

Now, go back to making wonderful Greece predictions that are totally wrong, old man.
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.
Moving the goalposts again, dottering old fool. "Almost" means nothing. Al Gore "almost" won Florida in 2000... you are a pathological liar who lacks the ability to introspect or admit even one mistake. I enjoy seeing you twist yourself into a pretzel over this. Now, go lie some more, it's your modus operandi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I see 8 Republicans definitely (barring any unforseen catastrophe) making it past the Iowa caucuses and probably through the first four primaries total:

1.) Trump - with 10 B to his name, he can be last place and be in till the end. Right now, he's in 1st place.
2.) Bush, Jeb! - with a Bush dynasty rolodex of rich donors, Bush can make it to the end.
3.) Walker - just getting started
4.) Cruz - has done some impressive fundraising and has stick-to-it-iveness
5.) Fiorina - independently wealthy, rising in the ranks, has nothing to lose by sticking out the first four primaries at least.
6.) Rubio - will stay in because those who want to see a young Kennedy in him want him to at least make a splash.
7.) Kasich - will stay in until at least the Ohio primary on March 15th.
8.) Huckabee - the only true Evangelical in the bunch, he holds sway with a group that the GOP needs. In the case of a Trump implosion, Trump followers could just as easily consider Huckabee.


9.) Carson - ???? wait and see. His fundraising is not stellar.

The other 7? Naw, fuggedaboudit.


1.) Hillary - she will also be the nominee
2.) Sanders
3.) O'Malley

Webb and Chafee will be out in short order.

Good list

I would drop Huckabee and add Rand Paul

Paul will be able to draw his fathers crackpot supporters
How sad someone as Scandal plagued, lied and obstructed investigations going on, is corrupted to her core. is predicted to get to be the nominee for the Democrats

why even bother voting anymore. this country is doomed when you have a Base of people who doesn't care about the character of someone they put in to be a leader of this country who also put some nobody community agitator in charge of our lives

this country is hopeless


The only scandal is really going on in your head. You have lied about every democrat so far and are ideologically led and see no problem in continuing to lie if the GOP win.
Your a joke, a side show... You don't care about truth or honor just how much shit you can throw...

STFU troll. Hillary's in the NEWS daily about being investigated over one thing or another. but the Scandals are in our head. the sad thing is you would stick up for someone as corrupted and a liar that she is
You offer nothing of value on here but going around attacking others
Uhm, you are in no position to tell him to do anything, word-salad girl.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
No. You just lied. Your prediction did not come true. Go suck an egg.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Keep saying it long enough and someone will believe you. Even if it's just you.
Sucks to be you.
Top Aides Leave McCain Camp

Clinton loses support every day. No one would be talkign about Biden if Hillary were doing that well.
As for Greece, wash the sand out of your mangina, admit I was correct, Greece did default, and move on.

And where in the OP did I write that any aides were leaving any camp?

As for Greece, by now, the entire membership knows what you wrote and the timeline, your timeline, and how your prediction failed miserably.
Did I state you wrote anyonee's aides were leaving? You argue with yourself.
As for Greece, I was correct. They did default, right on my predicted schedule. Quit being butthurt. You should be used to being wrong by now.

You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.
Moving the goalposts again, dottering old fool. "Almost" means nothing. Al Gore "almost" won Florida in 2000... you are a pathological liar who lacks the ability to introspect or admit even one mistake. I enjoy seeing you twist yourself into a pretzel over this. Now, go lie some more, it's your modus operandi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You calling anyone a pathological liar is funny. Remember how you "quoted" Trump as saying he liked a nice piece of ass?
I see 8 Republicans definitely (barring any unforseen catastrophe) making it past the Iowa caucuses and probably through the first four primaries total:

1.) Trump - with 10 B to his name, he can be last place and be in till the end. Right now, he's in 1st place.
2.) Bush, Jeb! - with a Bush dynasty rolodex of rich donors, Bush can make it to the end.
3.) Walker - just getting started
4.) Cruz - has done some impressive fundraising and has stick-to-it-iveness
5.) Fiorina - independently wealthy, rising in the ranks, has nothing to lose by sticking out the first four primaries at least.
6.) Rubio - will stay in because those who want to see a young Kennedy in him want him to at least make a splash.
7.) Kasich - will stay in until at least the Ohio primary on March 15th.
8.) Huckabee - the only true Evangelical in the bunch, he holds sway with a group that the GOP needs. In the case of a Trump implosion, Trump followers could just as easily consider Huckabee.


9.) Carson - ???? wait and see. His fundraising is not stellar.

The other 7? Naw, fuggedaboudit.


1.) Hillary - she will also be the nominee
2.) Sanders
3.) O'Malley

Webb and Chafee will be out in short order.

Good list

I would drop Huckabee and add Rand Paul

Paul will be able to draw his fathers crackpot supporters
This means you're supporting Rubio? OR is it Cruz?
You said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within 6 months. You made that prediction on January 26th, 2015. On July 26th, 2015, exactly 6 months later, the time-frame for your prediction was up. Greece is still in the Eurozone. Therefore, your prediction did not come true. And Greece is not in default at this time. Are you aware of this?

You can lie all you want, but the quote is there for all to see.

Now, back under your rock you go, and wipe the dribble off your chin, old man.
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
No. You just lied. Your prediction did not come true. Go suck an egg.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Keep saying it long enough and someone will believe you. Even if it's just you.
Oh, all I need to do is to keeping quoting you from January 26th, 2015. Over and over again.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Greece was nearly kicked out, and may again. It was not my fault that the Eurozone committed enormous resources to rescuing a dead man. That my prediction might take 2-3 months more does not make it invalid. Only tiny minds capable of the most literal thinking, like yours, could see it as failure.
In January Spain and Italy were nearly as bad off as Greece and yet I did not predict their exit. Hardly anyone was predicting a Grexit then. I did. And I was basically correct.
You're just butt hurt because I called it right and you were waaay off. As you are here.

That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
No. You just lied. Your prediction did not come true. Go suck an egg.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Keep saying it long enough and someone will believe you. Even if it's just you.
Oh, all I need to do is to keeping quoting you from January 26th, 2015. Over and over again.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
ANd showing how prescient I was in my predictions. Yes, thank you!
Maybe if you fall on your face and scream and bang your arms and legs it will turn out different.
I see 8 Republicans definitely (barring any unforseen catastrophe) making it past the Iowa caucuses and probably through the first four primaries total:

1.) Trump - with 10 B to his name, he can be last place and be in till the end. Right now, he's in 1st place.
2.) Bush, Jeb! - with a Bush dynasty rolodex of rich donors, Bush can make it to the end.
3.) Walker - just getting started
4.) Cruz - has done some impressive fundraising and has stick-to-it-iveness
5.) Fiorina - independently wealthy, rising in the ranks, has nothing to lose by sticking out the first four primaries at least.
6.) Rubio - will stay in because those who want to see a young Kennedy in him want him to at least make a splash.
7.) Kasich - will stay in until at least the Ohio primary on March 15th.
8.) Huckabee - the only true Evangelical in the bunch, he holds sway with a group that the GOP needs. In the case of a Trump implosion, Trump followers could just as easily consider Huckabee.


9.) Carson - ???? wait and see. His fundraising is not stellar.

The other 7? Naw, fuggedaboudit.


1.) Hillary - she will also be the nominee
2.) Sanders
3.) O'Malley

Webb and Chafee will be out in short order.

Good list

I would drop Huckabee and add Rand Paul

Paul will be able to draw his fathers crackpot supporters
This means you're supporting Rubio? OR is it Cruz?

Try this

I see 8 Republicans definitely (barring any unforseen catastrophe) making it past the Iowa caucuses and probably through the first four primaries total:

1.) Trump - with 10 B to his name, he can be last place and be in till the end. Right now, he's in 1st place.
2.) Bush, Jeb! - with a Bush dynasty rolodex of rich donors, Bush can make it to the end.
3.) Walker - just getting started
4.) Cruz - has done some impressive fundraising and has stick-to-it-iveness
5.) Fiorina - independently wealthy, rising in the ranks, has nothing to lose by sticking out the first four primaries at least.
6.) Rubio - will stay in because those who want to see a young Kennedy in him want him to at least make a splash.
7.) Kasich - will stay in until at least the Ohio primary on March 15th.
8.) Huckabee - the only true Evangelical in the bunch, he holds sway with a group that the GOP needs. In the case of a Trump implosion, Trump followers could just as easily consider Huckabee.


9.) Carson - ???? wait and see. His fundraising is not stellar.

The other 7? Naw, fuggedaboudit.


1.) Hillary - she will also be the nominee
2.) Sanders
3.) O'Malley

Webb and Chafee will be out in short order.

Good list

I would drop Huckabee and add Rand Paul

Paul will be able to draw his fathers crackpot supporters
This means you're supporting Rubio? OR is it Cruz?

Try this


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How sad someone as Scandal plagued, lied and obstructed investigations going on, is corrupted to her core. is predicted to get to be the nominee for the Democrats

why even bother voting anymore. this country is doomed when you have a Base of people who doesn't care about the character of someone they put in to be a leader of this country who also put some nobody community agitator in charge of our lives

this country is hopeless
this country is hopeless

Only for people looking out from the prism of their trailer park
That is all delusional... Spain and Italy were never even close to Greece's problems. But Rabbi you are wrong then and you are wrong now...
I was correct. Sucks to be you.
No. You just lied. Your prediction did not come true. Go suck an egg.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Keep saying it long enough and someone will believe you. Even if it's just you.
Oh, all I need to do is to keeping quoting you from January 26th, 2015. Over and over again.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
ANd showing how prescient I was in my predictions. Yes, thank you!
Maybe if you fall on your face and scream and bang your arms and legs it will turn out different.

Your prediction will eventually be right


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