The FISA REPORT is going to be EXPLOSIVE...A Grand Jury already impaneled!

It will be, like the Mueller report. .. . a big nothing burger.

No one big will go down. Just small folks taking a dive for big fish.
It will be, like the Mueller report. .. . a big nothing burger.

No one big will go down. Just small folks taking a dive for big fish.
Mueller found no collusion even though he and his Trump hating investigative team so badly wanted to .....however if Bar and Durham find corruption you can bet it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent .
I was wondering why Schiff, Pelosie, Schumar, and Feinstine have all retained counsel.. It also explains the rush to get Trump..
It will be, like the Mueller report. .. . a big nothing burger.

No one big will go down. Just small folks taking a dive for big fish.
Mueller found no collusion even though he and his Trump hating investigative team so badly wanted to .....however if Bar and Durham find corruption you can bet it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent .
. . . and yet, Mueller indicted a few small fry.

So will it be with this report.

We may find out that the FISA warrant was issued based on crappy intel, but we will never know where or who gave the initial order. There will be no accountability on up the line.

It will be like that whole Iran-Contra thing. Not one person was held accountable.

Or like the Hillary Email thing. This is all meant for TEE VEE ratings and to distract folks, that is all.

. . . all the top elites are all on the same side. They would never harm each other.
I was wondering why Schiff, Pelosie, Schumar, and Feinstine have all retained counsel.. It also explains the rush to get Trump..

. . . all these millionaire politicians have attorneys on speed-dial. :71:
It will be, like the Mueller report. .. . a big nothing burger.

No one big will go down. Just small folks taking a dive for big fish.
Mueller found no collusion even though he and his Trump hating investigative team so badly wanted to .....however if Bar and Durham find corruption you can bet it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent .
. . . and yet, Mueller indicted a few small fry.

So will it be with this report.

We may find out that the FISA warrant was issued based on crappy intel, but we will never know where or who gave the initial order. There will be no accountability on up the line.

It will be like that whole Iran-Contra thing. Not one person was held accountable.

Or like the Hillary Email thing. This is all meant for TEE VEE ratings and to distract folks, that is all.

. . . all the top elites are all on the same side. They would never harm each other.
i agree with why no one with real power has been held into account in the recent past !!! ....Trump however is not part of the elitist cast !! thats one of the reasons he is both feared and hated by people in the political good old boy system !
Sorry bout that,

  1. All I want to know if cuffs will be in use.
It will be, like the Mueller report. .. . a big nothing burger.

No one big will go down. Just small folks taking a dive for big fish.
Mueller found no collusion even though he and his Trump hating investigative team so badly wanted to .....however if Bar and Durham find corruption you can bet it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent .

I agree that there will be criminal charges filed..

They already have conclusive evidence of criminal conduct involving the FISA warrants. Both James Comey and Andrew McCabe signed FISA warrants and told the court that the Steele dossier had been verified. That was an outrageous and damnable lie! Nothing contained within the pages of the Steele dossier was verified and the FBI knew it! Making false statements to a Court is a felony which should cause at least those two individuals to be disbarred and imprisoned. It is possible that the two received orders and support from an authority above them and if so those people are also in deep trouble.

Note: I have already posted articles on the USMB proving the the Steel Dossier was nothing but a fairy tale. If anyone wants to read them use the USMB search function and input my screen name and the word dossier.
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The DOJ won’t say how Brady Toensing got the job, but the entire family has close ties to Trump. In 2016, Brady Toensing served as Trump’s Vermont campaign chair. Last year, Victoria Toensing and diGenova—a husband-and-wife legal team who frequently appear on Fox News—agreed to represent Trump in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. That arrangement quickly fell through, but the couple has since worked with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to dig up damaging information on Joe Biden in Ukraine and advance bogus theories about the origin of the Russia probe. They also represent Dmytro Firtash, a Kremlin-linked Ukrainian oligarch fighting extradition to the United States on bribery charges. Firtash reportedly employed two Giuliani associates who were involved in the effort to smear Biden and were arrested last week on campaign finance charges.
The Justice Department hired the son of a vocal Trump defender

all trampers and esp Lou Dobbs.
The DOJ won’t say how Brady Toensing got the job, but the entire family has close ties to Trump. In 2016, Brady Toensing served as Trump’s Vermont campaign chair. Last year, Victoria Toensing and diGenova—a husband-and-wife legal team who frequently appear on Fox News—agreed to represent Trump in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. That arrangement quickly fell through, but the couple has since worked with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to dig up damaging information on Joe Biden in Ukraine and advance bogus theories about the origin of the Russia probe. They also represent Dmytro Firtash, a Kremlin-linked Ukrainian oligarch fighting extradition to the United States on bribery charges. Firtash reportedly employed two Giuliani associates who were involved in the effort to smear Biden and were arrested last week on campaign finance charges.
The Justice Department hired the son of a vocal Trump defender

all trampers and esp Lou Dobbs.
Who needs to dig dirt on Biden when he dropped a backhoes worth on himself on the CFR video
Toensing, 51, announced his resignation as vice chair of the Vermont Republican Party on May 23. An activist lawyer, advocate for open government and head of President Donald Trump’s Vermont campaign committee in 2016, Toensing has long been a thorn in the side of moderate Republicans, iconoclastic lefty U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democratic establishment in Vermont.
“We are going to miss Vermont, but I am excited to be joining the Department of Justice in a dream job and under the leadership of Attorney General Bill Barr,” Toensing said in an email. “Our youngest is graduating from high school this week, so the timing is pretty good.”
Toensing’s connection to Trump runs deep. Last year the president considered retaining Toensing’s mother and stepfather, prominent conservative D.C. attorneys Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova, to be part of his team handling the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Toensing tapped by U.S. Department of Justice; resigns as GOP vice chair
Fox at night is full or radical republicans. Can you say a "conflict of interest".

There is probably enough TROUBLE for the scandal free Surrender Monkey regime to last up to and after the November election....BUT the president....the impeachment....the NY Times lies!!!!..... ah, so much to look forward to!

any day now....
Out of morbid curiosity, I assume the "Surrender Monkey" is Obama?
I was wondering why Schiff, Pelosie, Schumar, and Feinstine have all retained counsel.. It also explains the rush to get Trump..
Devil=word image given an intangible- nature power of death and destruction /nature towards death/destruction/destabilization
Satan-word meaning hinderer/obstructionist/opposition/ adversary.
The hindering opposition obstructionist Dems are rushing perhaps, because as in Rev12 “knows that their time is short.. to do it [3 1/2 years]” (Revelation 12:12) until they are put back out....thrown out of heaven (olam habah means time to come=future). The lawless ones will be disgraced by their acts- as light (knowledge and truth) is shined on their darkness (lies, ignorance, and folly).
As I stated many times: The 3 layers of prophecy:
History, repeat/emulated history, and emulated spiritual resemblance
*it just happens to be a good emulation/reflection of what's taking place*
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Toensing, 51, announced his resignation as vice chair of the Vermont Republican Party on May 23. An activist lawyer, advocate for open government and head of President Donald Trump’s Vermont campaign committee in 2016, Toensing has long been a thorn in the side of moderate Republicans, iconoclastic lefty U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democratic establishment in Vermont.
“We are going to miss Vermont, but I am excited to be joining the Department of Justice in a dream job and under the leadership of Attorney General Bill Barr,” Toensing said in an email. “Our youngest is graduating from high school this week, so the timing is pretty good.”
Toensing’s connection to Trump runs deep. Last year the president considered retaining Toensing’s mother and stepfather, prominent conservative D.C. attorneys Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova, to be part of his team handling the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Toensing tapped by U.S. Department of Justice; resigns as GOP vice chair
Fox at night is full or radical republicans. Can you say a "conflict of interest".

What conflict of interest? No more conflict than having all democrat donors on the Mueller Team.
Republicans are allowed to be hired by the DOJ.
Toensing, 51, announced his resignation as vice chair of the Vermont Republican Party on May 23. An activist lawyer, advocate for open government and head of President Donald Trump’s Vermont campaign committee in 2016, Toensing has long been a thorn in the side of moderate Republicans, iconoclastic lefty U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democratic establishment in Vermont.
“We are going to miss Vermont, but I am excited to be joining the Department of Justice in a dream job and under the leadership of Attorney General Bill Barr,” Toensing said in an email. “Our youngest is graduating from high school this week, so the timing is pretty good.”
Toensing’s connection to Trump runs deep. Last year the president considered retaining Toensing’s mother and stepfather, prominent conservative D.C. attorneys Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova, to be part of his team handling the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Toensing tapped by U.S. Department of Justice; resigns as GOP vice chair
Fox at night is full or radical republicans. Can you say a "conflict of interest".
Your insinuation and conclusion inadvertantly admits Clinton and Obama obstructed the Mueller investigation.-oops
Out of morbid curiosity, I assume the "Surrender Monkey" is Obama?
It seems more than appropriate to name the Manchurian muslim as the Surrender Monkey AFTER I read this beginning paragraph in the N.Y. Sun from April 22, 2018..... " It looks like the cheese-eating surrender monkeys are back. That’s the meaning of the plot by the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, to try to salvage the Obama administration’s articles of appeasement with the Iranian regime." Do you also need why I call him the Manchurian muslim, after His administration’s articles of appeasement with the Iranian regime. and his IRAN, BIG BUCKS GIVEAWAY, and BUYING BACK our sailors that were taken by the Ayatollahs?

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