The fix is in.

Do you have the transcripts? Stop talking out of your ass.

Nope. Cuz nobody in Obama's administration thought it would save the nation to make his conversations public.

Trump embarrassed the nation in those phone calls. And you don't care.

I am not embarrassed at all. Who cares about Europe(soon to be shithole) the mess it is in. Those world leaders need to clean their own houses. Trump wields power that is not embarrassing, it is necessary.

you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.

at best, he's in way over his orange head.

at worst he's a Russian asset.

now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.
. Personally I think you ought to be fined for your extreme disrespect against the U.S. president in which you show here, and especially without conclusion of the facts. Just sayin. I mean this is the President in which has to meet with heads of states, and does our business for us, and you disrespect the man like that ?? Kidding me right.

Yeah, just like North Korea and Russia.

That's tho opposite of our First Amendment.

beagle9 Be careful what you wish for and know that under the authoritarian regime you want, you would lose your rights too. Think about that.

Sent from my iPad using
. Don't want nothing but respect for the office again, and our 1st amendment doesn't say anything about having the right to openly threaten the white house (Madonna), or threaten to kill the President with fake senarios suggesting such a thing to happen in plays or videos, or threaten and/or to kill innocent cops, personally attack the President and his family in a most disgusting manor. You say I am the ones pushing for an athoritarion regime ???. I think you got it completely backwards. It is the Demon-crats that are pushing for the thing you are fretting and fearing the most. Wake up man.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

No, but let them work. They are making Trump stronger then they ever know. Giggity.
PredFan , let's say this is all true. Let's even say that the Republican members of "the swamp" are fine with it. Anything is possible.

Exactly what did Trump supporters expect? That one wild, vulgar billionaire non-politician would be able to change the system by himself?

Did you really think that Republican swampers were just going to bend over for him after he personally insulted them time after time? That the media would instantly acquiesce because they'd be so intimidated, or because they'd develop some overnight objectivity? That the Democrats would cower in the corner, licking their wounds for a few decades?

Seriously, lay it out: What were you expecting?
. So what you are saying is that the corruption in Washington, and that is supported by the freaks in Hollywood, are stronger than the American voter (who elected Trump to represent them) ???? Have we reached a true athoritarion state that pulls all states into one for controlling them all as one now ??? Are we no longer America, and have fallen without any resistance at all ?? Do tell...

If your president didn't lose the popular vote by 3 million votes, your claims might have some credibility.

You need to fix that yeast infection. It still stinks and we still got like 71/2 years to go.
Nope. Cuz nobody in Obama's administration thought it would save the nation to make his conversations public.

Trump embarrassed the nation in those phone calls. And you don't care.

I am not embarrassed at all. Who cares about Europe(soon to be shithole) the mess it is in. Those world leaders need to clean their own houses. Trump wields power that is not embarrassing, it is necessary.

you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.

at best, he's in way over his orange head.

at worst he's a Russian asset.

now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.
. Personally I think you ought to be fined for your extreme disrespect against the U.S. president in which you show here, and especially without conclusion of the facts. Just sayin. I mean this is the President in which has to meet with heads of states, and does our business for us, and you disrespect the man like that ?? Kidding me right.

Yeah, just like North Korea and Russia.

That's tho opposite of our First Amendment.

beagle9 Be careful what you wish for and know that under the authoritarian regime you want, you would lose your rights too. Think about that.

Sent from my iPad using
. Don't want nothing but respect for the office again, and our 1st amendment doesn't say anything about having the right to openly threaten the white house (Madonna), or threaten to kill the President with fake senarios suggesting such a thing to happen in plays or videos, or threaten and/or to kill innocent cops, personally attack the President and his family in a most disgusting manor. You say I am the ones pushing for an athoritarion regime ???. I think you got it completely backwards. It is the Demon-crats that are pushing for the thing you are fretting and fearing the most. Wake up man.

funny... I didn't hear rightwingnuts "respect the office" when the black guy was president.

the orange sociopath who called the White House a dump and does putin's bidding isn't worthy of respect.
If they are able to simply do enough damage that he quits or is run out of office on bogus charges, it will prove to the American People that we cannot have the president we want, and we cannot fight the corruption, or drain the swamp, or make things better for America.

If people like Hillary get in, none of that will matter. Sure, people will wake up and realize that we allowed our country to be destroyed but it will be too late to do anything about it. Many people have suffered the consequences of their collective ignorance, such as Germans did with Hitler. And since human nature doesn't change, that can happen again.

Hillary wanted open borders and one world government, both impossible as long as the United States survives as our founders intended . Some just see free shit or some utopia that will never exist.

The Dems keep making the same promises as Hitler did. Everything is for the greater good. Never mind that their policies have failed and they end up making problems worse instead of solving them. It's about gaining control over us. There are sick people who believe that it's their destiny to rule others since the psychos think they are actually smarter than the masses. The have dumbed down many, likely to make themselves feel smarter. For the rest, who have resisted the attempts at mind control, they are trying to vilify them by claiming that they are hateful greedy racists, etc. A tried and true tactic of past tyrants. Impugn dissenters. Be hard on them to discourage others from joining them.
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I am not embarrassed at all. Who cares about Europe(soon to be shithole) the mess it is in. Those world leaders need to clean their own houses. Trump wields power that is not embarrassing, it is necessary.

you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.

at best, he's in way over his orange head.

at worst he's a Russian asset.

now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.
. Personally I think you ought to be fined for your extreme disrespect against the U.S. president in which you show here, and especially without conclusion of the facts. Just sayin. I mean this is the President in which has to meet with heads of states, and does our business for us, and you disrespect the man like that ?? Kidding me right.

Yeah, just like North Korea and Russia.

That's tho opposite of our First Amendment.

beagle9 Be careful what you wish for and know that under the authoritarian regime you want, you would lose your rights too. Think about that.

Sent from my iPad using
. Don't want nothing but respect for the office again, and our 1st amendment doesn't say anything about having the right to openly threaten the white house (Madonna), or threaten to kill the President with fake senarios suggesting such a thing to happen in plays or videos, or threaten and/or to kill innocent cops, personally attack the President and his family in a most disgusting manor. You say I am the ones pushing for an athoritarion regime ???. I think you got it completely backwards. It is the Demon-crats that are pushing for the thing you are fretting and fearing the most. Wake up man.

funny... I didn't hear rightwingnuts "respect the office" when the black guy was president.

the orange sociopath who called the White House a dump and does putin's bidding isn't worthy of respect.

Obama was Putin's rent boy you stupid heifer
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

They makes stuff up all the time. If Trump farts that's evidence he's planning to drop a hydrogen bomb on Russian enemies.

If this get's bad enough we're in real trouble as a nation. If you think DC is inept now, wholly shit, they'll never be able to function on any level again. It could also lead to civil war.

While "we" should "all" know the Democrats are corrupt, I imagine 90% of liberals don't see it, or really, don't want to see it and/or they lack the knowledge or balls to admit it. Sure we have the evidence, that's why this assault on Trump. What I mean is, you shouldn't say "we all know". Sorry, liberals say this all the time. 99 of 100 times it's code for BS to make themselves feel good.
I am not embarrassed at all. Who cares about Europe(soon to be shithole) the mess it is in. Those world leaders need to clean their own houses. Trump wields power that is not embarrassing, it is necessary.

you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.

at best, he's in way over his orange head.

at worst he's a Russian asset.

now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.
. Personally I think you ought to be fined for your extreme disrespect against the U.S. president in which you show here, and especially without conclusion of the facts. Just sayin. I mean this is the President in which has to meet with heads of states, and does our business for us, and you disrespect the man like that ?? Kidding me right.

Yeah, just like North Korea and Russia.

That's tho opposite of our First Amendment.

beagle9 Be careful what you wish for and know that under the authoritarian regime you want, you would lose your rights too. Think about that.

Sent from my iPad using
. Don't want nothing but respect for the office again, and our 1st amendment doesn't say anything about having the right to openly threaten the white house (Madonna), or threaten to kill the President with fake senarios suggesting such a thing to happen in plays or videos, or threaten and/or to kill innocent cops, personally attack the President and his family in a most disgusting manor. You say I am the ones pushing for an athoritarion regime ???. I think you got it completely backwards. It is the Demon-crats that are pushing for the thing you are fretting and fearing the most. Wake up man.

funny... I didn't hear rightwingnuts "respect the office" when the black guy was president.

the orange sociopath who called the White House a dump and does putin's bidding isn't worthy of respect.
. That's your problem, you are a political hack instead of an individual having principles and morals that guide you. Ever heard "two wrongs don't make a right" ?
Can you imagine the shock and awe if Obama and Hillarys' conversations had been shared with the media equal to what has happened to Trump so far?
There is a bureaucratic "deep state" and it is run by powers that are aligned with Progressive agendas and backed by the media.....not Conservative, traditional agendas.

We do NOT have a level playing field I don't give a shit WHAT the left says otherwise.

Obama had normal conversations with foreign leaders. He didn't brag about his electoral win months after the fact.
Do you have the transcripts? Stop talking out of your ass.

Nope. Cuz nobody in Obama's administration thought it would save the nation to make his conversations public.

Trump embarrassed the nation in those phone calls. And you don't care.

I am not embarrassed at all. Who cares about Europe(soon to be shithole) the mess it is in. Those world leaders need to clean their own houses. Trump wields power that is not embarrassing, it is necessary.

you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.

at best, he's in way over his orange head.

at worst he's a Russian asset.

now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.

You are the one whining. What is with you people? And like you Europe is scared of Putin too.
you should be embarrassed.... for voting for a pathetic incompetent Russian tool.
now stop whining little trump loon snowflake.

Another confused lefty that has no clue that "Snowflake" refers to a leftist Progressive imbecile

She just called Trump supporters Leftist......rofl
This isn;t about left or right. It is about preventing Trump from bringing out the truth on primarily two issues: 911 and Globull warming

Or more importantly, it "could" be about trying to stop Trump from appointing more SCOTUS Justices and Federal Judges. Something that would be a REAL game changer.

The outcome of which could overall determine the interpretation of both 911 AND Global Warming and how US law will deal with both.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

poor sad wing nut.....

how dare decent people stand up to the disgusting slug that is the orange sociopath.



You are not decent people. Decent people voted against your party in the last two elections.

That would mean Republicans are crooks. Do you really believe they're all criminals?

Trump has been breaking the law every single day he's been office.
Decent people believe in and vote to protect the United States and the U Constitution. That's the opposite of voting for Trump"

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You are confused. Can you not read?
They aren't. He has done quite a lot. They are though, obstructing him as much as they can. Even you can't deny that.
He's done a lot of golfing and made a lot of speeches and tweets about how great he is. About the only thing that he has accomplished is appointing Gorsuck to the USSC. The only thing Dems have is their votes. They don't control the agenda or anything else. If anything regarding his agenda doesn't go through, it's because he didn't have enough support from repugs.

Read something, watch some real news, do something to educate yourself.

Real news.

Boston Herald

You would be wise to take my advice.

How long did it take you to develop into a jerk.

You too.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

How does that fact point to a 'fix'?

Because he wants it to go that long. You DO know where we will be in 18 months or so right?

Try to think because you are just boring me.

Or he simply wants a jury that is involved from the beginning rather than playing catch up. There is no indication that he intends it to go the whole eighteen months. That is simply the duration of the jury.

Lol, you really haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.

You ever wonder why you are wrong all the time?

Explain to us when and where Mueller said he intends to take this the entire eighteen months, dope.

Mueller intends to keep you Brown Shirts foaming at the mouth, there will never be anything more.

I suspect even you know this.
A GJ doesn't happen for no good reason.

I suspect even you know this.
PredFan , let's say this is all true. Let's even say that the Republican members of "the swamp" are fine with it. Anything is possible.

Exactly what did Trump supporters expect? That one wild, vulgar billionaire non-politician would be able to change the system by himself?

Did you really think that Republican swampers were just going to bend over for him after he personally insulted them time after time? That the media would instantly acquiesce because they'd be so intimidated, or because they'd develop some overnight objectivity? That the Democrats would cower in the corner, licking their wounds for a few decades?

Seriously, lay it out: What were you expecting?

That is a good point, and it should only help steel his supporters to come out as hard in 2018 against the corrupt republicrats.

Personally I think a lot of the stuff going on in headlines is fluff. People are always doing more behind the curtain in DC than out in the open. The opponents of regressive globalism still have the upper hand.

I think they, and we...just want an investigation. Kinda like you guys did wit Benghazi...or...were you corrupt to the core too? :dunno:

Except that Benghazi was an actual thing, with actual fuck ups and actual lying. This is total bull shit.

In order for your comparison to work, they would have had to hold a hearing to find out if anyone died, or if there even was an attack at Benghazi.

Hate to disappoint you but the Russian interference in our elections was an actual thing.

No one has to die to confirm reality or make something serious.

You guys are just trying to find excuses.
Russia was caught spying and hacking..............but to the extent they actually made a dang difference in the election results is still laughable.......................

I wouldn't say laughable. What I would say, and I've said it over and over - there is no way to objectively know IF or HOW MUCH of a difference they might have made. So that is water under the bridge imo. The election is over, the results are final.

BUT - we damn well better know what happened, how it happened and have a plan in place to prevent or counter it by the next presidential election. People on the right and left focus on "collusion" and if there is collusion, it's serious but by far the most serious thing is what the hacking, spreading of fake news, etc have done in terms of destroying American trust in major democratic institutions including the electoral process itself. If you can't see that...then....I'd say laughable but it really isn't funny.

Russia was ticked at Obama for the Sanctions over Crimea..............No doubt they had a vindictive agenda for the Sanctions....................that doesn't mean Trump colluded with a damn thing..............

They need to DECLASSIFY FISA WARRANTS.................if the WARRANTS were directed at Trump and anybody associated with Trump.........................To prove once and for all the Obama didn't abuse his dang power again...........

Already caught spying on allies like Germany and Israel before...............kinda a trend with him.
Spare me the outrage...........had Trump lost and Hillary found of COLLUSION you probably wouldn't say a word.............

You have no evidence of collusion.......which is why the collusion part lost steam long ago............Now it's moved more to OBSTRUCTION....................

In regards to the hacking...............those responsible were punished........kicked out of the country and Sanctions were placed against Russia................but your side is on a witch hunt to say it was all with you ignore what the hell the DNC did with Bernie......

Where is that concern........then where is the concern when our side got caught doing the same to other countries................

All you have is IF, PROBABLY, MAYBE, PERHAPS..................aka you don't have a damned thing but an agenda to either Take Trump down or stop his policies..................

Again............spare me the fake outrage here.[/QUOTE]

The DNC didn't do anything to Bernie. And if they had - it's a far cry from Russian meddling in our electoral process'. That's what you guys JUST DON'T get. It's all about partisan politics. If it were Clinton who won, and there was evidence that Russians meddled and she might have colluded - damn straight I want it investigated.

And, to add - while I loathe Trump, Pence in power would be worse, so "taking him down" is not part of my agenda until the next election.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

Try the simple obvious facts. You'll find your ignorant bias is showing:

1. Seventeen intel organizations reported that the 2016 election had been compromised by hacking done by the Russians and Mike Flynn, a Republican, lied about his own activities with Russian contacts and communications.
2. The uber sycophant Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself as AG because he lied about his communications with Russians.
3. So he was replaced by a Republican, Rod Rosenstein.
4. Rod Rosenstein had to appoint a special counsel to investigate because:
5. Trump ADMITTED he fired James Comey, a Republican, because he wanted the Russia investigation to end and:
6. He asked Comey to dismiss the investigation into Mike Flynn, a Republican.
7. So Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller III, a Republican.

So your Trump-like whining about Obama and Hillary is just that, little snowflake. Again, try going by obvious shit instead of the shit you make up in your fat head.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

Try the simple obvious facts. You'll find your ignorant bias is showing:

1. Seventeen intel organizations reported that the 2016 election had been compromised by hacking done by the Russians and Mike Flynn, a Republican, lied about his own activities with Russian contacts and communications.
2. The uber sycophant Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself as AG because he lied about his communications with Russians.
3. So he was replaced by a Republican, Rod Rosenstein.
4. Rod Rosenstein had to appoint a special counsel to investigate because:
5. Trump ADMITTED he fired James Comey, a Republican, because he wanted the Russia investigation to end and:
6. He asked Comey to dismiss the investigation into Mike Flynn, a Republican.
7. So Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller III, a Republican.

So your Trump-like whining about Obama and Hillary is just that, little snowflake. Again, try going by obvious shit instead of the shit you make up in your fat head.

You didn't supply any facts.

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