The Flat Tax

Do you

  • Support the flat tax? Why?

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Support the current progressive income tax? Why?

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Support a national sales tax? Why?

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Support another way to fund government? How?

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Demagoguery at its finest. No one likes to pay taxes, but few of us would want government services curtailed to the extent a flat tax of 10% would cause. Some people seem to believe that those who pay a top rate of 90% do so on all of their income. Most of us know that is not true.

The truth being a billionaire pays the same tax that I do and all of us do on equal earnings. The rate goes up on schedules listed in the tax booklet as does income. A flat rate would simply increase the amount of wealth of the very wealthy, rapidly and enormously.

Wealth = Power, and in a society where money can buy political ads and influence our road to a pure Plutocracy would be facilitated by a 10% flat tax. Hence, those Libertarian types who claim to support Liberty and Freedom for the individual really don't. For economic slavery is little different than confinement.
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I support a flat rate with no deductions of about 15 to 18 percent. All would pay that made over a certain amount in income. No deductions no loop holes no getting out of it.

If the Government can not live on that it needs to rethink what it is doing.
Demagoguery at its finest. No one likes to pay taxes, but few of us would want government services curtailed to the extent a flat tax of 10% would cause. Some people seem to believe that those who pay a top rate of 90% do so on all of their income. Most of us know that is not true.

The truth being a billionaire pays the same tax that I do and all of us do on equal earnings. The rate goes up on schedules listed in the tax booklet as does income. A flat rate would simply increase the amount of wealth of the very wealthy, rapidly and enormously.

Wealth = Power, and in a society where money can buy political ads and influence our road to a pure Plutocracy would be facilitated by a 10% flat tax. Hence, those Libertarian types who claim to support Liberty and Freedom for the individual really don't. For economic slavery is little different than confinement.

The problem with that logic is that the tax code should be used to efficiently fund the government. Using it as a social engineering tool and as a source for government funds does neither very well.
I prefer the FairTax, a national sales tax on new goods and services with the prebates for poverty level consumption. Those who consume more pay more and those cutting everything to the bone to save up are encouraged to do so. It's elegant, efficient, and it removes tax avoidance as a main pillar of business operations.
Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?
Demagoguery at its finest. No one likes to pay taxes, but few of us would want government services curtailed to the extent a flat tax of 10% would cause. Some people seem to believe that those who pay a top rate of 90% do so on all of their income. Most of us know that is not true.

The truth being a billionaire pays the same tax that I do and all of us do on equal earnings. The rate goes up on schedules listed in the tax booklet as does income. A flat rate would simply increase the amount of wealth of the very wealthy, rapidly and enormously.

Wealth = Power, and in a society where money can buy political ads and influence our road to a pure Plutocracy would be facilitated by a 10% flat tax. Hence, those Libertarian types who claim to support Liberty and Freedom for the individual really don't. For economic slavery is little different than confinement.

On equal earning. LOL

Problem is that the earnings are not equal. They pay a very large share compared to you.

I support a 15% Flat Tax. No deductions. No loop holes. Based on Individual or joint income and their AGI.
Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.
Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

you started right out of the gate with strawman number 1-

steve forbes has been the granddaddy of the flat tax proposal for 20 years.......


Start by scrapping the tax code. Don't fiddle with it. Junk it. Throw it out. Bury it. Replace it with a pro-growth, pro-family tax cut that lowers tax rates to 17% across the board and expands exemptions for individuals and children so that a family of four would pay no taxes on the first $36,000 of income.

Not one cent to the IRS on the first $36,000. Anything over that would be taxed at a flat, fair 17%.

Online NewsHour: Summary of Steve Forbes' Flat Tax Plan
Flat tax for everyone, no deductions, no exception, no exemptions, to credits.

everyone can bleed the exact same % as the next person.
well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

you started right out of the gate with strawman number 1-

steve forbes has been the granddaddy of the flat tax proposal for 20 years.......


Start by scrapping the tax code. Don't fiddle with it. Junk it. Throw it out. Bury it. Replace it with a pro-growth, pro-family tax cut that lowers tax rates to 17% across the board and expands exemptions for individuals and children so that a family of four would pay no taxes on the first $36,000 of income.

Not one cent to the IRS on the first $36,000. Anything over that would be taxed at a flat, fair 17%.

Online NewsHour: Summary of Steve Forbes' Flat Tax Plan

Steve Forbes is a Plutocrat.

If my income was $100,000, I would pay $17,000. If his income is $10,000,000, how much would he keep.
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Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

I barely looked at it. But it's a straw man because you're saying how most of us allegedly want government to be our nanny. And if you fear a plutocracy; then the Obama regime should scare the hell out of you. Because that's exactly what we have.
Flat tax for everyone, no deductions, no exception, no exemptions, to credits.

everyone can bleed the exact same % as the next person.

I believe in the flat tax after people have went beyond the living wages mark. Because before that, we end up paying for them anyways.
Steve Forbes is a Plutocrat.

If my income was $100,000, I would pay $17,000. If his income is $10,000,000, how much would he keep.

You want to look at the money as a big ball of dough that should be divided equally. Besides the fact that that's insane on its face; it would never happen. People are always going to figure out ways to screw you.

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