The Flat Tax

Do you

  • Support the flat tax? Why?

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Support the current progressive income tax? Why?

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Support a national sales tax? Why?

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Support another way to fund government? How?

    Votes: 4 18.2%

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Flat tax for everyone, no deductions, no exception, no exemptions, to credits.

everyone can bleed the exact same % as the next person.

I believe in the flat tax after people have went beyond the living wages mark. Because before that, we end up paying for them anyways.

Sorry a free ride plus entitlements does not work for me. That is unless you plan on cutting all entitlements by the same rate as the flat tax.
Flat tax for everyone, no deductions, no exception, no exemptions, to credits.

everyone can bleed the exact same % as the next person.

I believe in the flat tax after people have went beyond the living wages mark. Because before that, we end up paying for them anyways.

Sorry a free ride plus entitlements does not work for me. That is unless you plan on cutting all entitlements by the same rate as the flat tax.

It's not a free ride. Are you under the delusion that people being under the living wages mark are getting a free ride? If you're at that point, you're miserable and defeated and we shouldn't pretend at that point that taking money from people who actually need it, is going to be beneficial to the overall system. BTW: I'm not even advocating govt. entitlements in that scenario (though acknowledging their likelihood).
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My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

you started right out of the gate with strawman number 1-

steve forbes has been the granddaddy of the flat tax proposal for 20 years.......


Start by scrapping the tax code. Don't fiddle with it. Junk it. Throw it out. Bury it. Replace it with a pro-growth, pro-family tax cut that lowers tax rates to 17% across the board and expands exemptions for individuals and children so that a family of four would pay no taxes on the first $36,000 of income.

Not one cent to the IRS on the first $36,000. Anything over that would be taxed at a flat, fair 17%.

Online NewsHour: Summary of Steve Forbes' Flat Tax Plan

Steve Forbes is a Plutocrat.

If my income was $100,000, I would pay $17,000. If his income is $10,000,000, how much would he keep.

1. Government by the wealthy.
2. A wealthy class that controls a government.
3. A government or state in which the wealthy rule.

thats your second're not interested in a discussion on the flat tax, you just want to emote...*shrugs*

and this is why I didn't answer the first time, cannot say I didn't try though.
Demagoguery at its finest. No one likes to pay taxes, but few of us would want government services curtailed to the extent a flat tax of 10% would cause. Some people seem to believe that those who pay a top rate of 90% do so on all of their income. Most of us know that is not true.

The truth being a billionaire pays the same tax that I do and all of us do on equal earnings. The rate goes up on schedules listed in the tax booklet as does income. A flat rate would simply increase the amount of wealth of the very wealthy, rapidly and enormously.

Wealth = Power, and in a society where money can buy political ads and influence our road to a pure Plutocracy would be facilitated by a 10% flat tax. Hence, those Libertarian types who claim to support Liberty and Freedom for the individual really don't. For economic slavery is little different than confinement.

Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

Because the question is stupid.
I believe in the flat tax after people have went beyond the living wages mark. Because before that, we end up paying for them anyways.

Sorry a free ride plus entitlements does not work for me. That is unless you plan on cutting all entitlements by the same rate as the flat tax.

It's not a free ride. Are you under the delusion that people being under the living wages mark are getting a free ride? If you're at that point, you're miserable and defeated and we shouldn't pretend at that point that taking money from people who actually need it, is going to be beneficial to the overall system. BTW: I'm not even advocating govt. entitlements in that scenario (though acknowledging their likelihood).

not paying federal a free ride.

The rich getting out of paying taxes...the poor getting out of paying taxes...its all a free ride.
Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.
Sorry a free ride plus entitlements does not work for me. That is unless you plan on cutting all entitlements by the same rate as the flat tax.

It's not a free ride. Are you under the delusion that people being under the living wages mark are getting a free ride? If you're at that point, you're miserable and defeated and we shouldn't pretend at that point that taking money from people who actually need it, is going to be beneficial to the overall system. BTW: I'm not even advocating govt. entitlements in that scenario (though acknowledging their likelihood).

not paying federal a free ride.

The rich getting out of paying taxes...the poor getting out of paying taxes...its all a free ride.

Plenty of rich people making gobs of money merely because they're in a good position to do so. Taking money from people who actually need it is not in society's best interest. I do agree however, that above the poverty mark, people should all be the same percent. Then the tax code is arguably more merit based.
well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

He's been indoctrinated with the we vs. them stuff. It's not about a fair system. It's about who exactly is taking the power. Ironically, the more his camp succeeds, the worse conditions will become. Non merit based systems are destined to create chaos.
well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.
My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.

I was willing to look the other way on your straw man. If you're going to do ad hominem too; it's just time to unsubscribe.
Hey guys and gals. A comment or two would be of interest. 39 stopped by and didn't vote or make a comment. Why?

well, for me at least- I saw the thread title and I said yea cool, why not, so I come in, look at the poll vote then, drop down to the hostile, militant burning strawmen dreck you've posted, that if intended to elicit discussion , at least for me, has failed have your 'opinion' that doesn't brook ir invite discussion, so whats the point?

My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

So instead of funding the government, you want to use taxes for social engineering. So how do you plan to fund the government?
My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.

The wealth does not control the government, if it did Microsoft would never have been hit with an anti trust suit when they refused to pay tribute.
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You liberals want to tax when you make it, tax when you spend it, tax when you invest it, tax when you save it, tax it when you inherit it, tax when you leave it - tax tax tax tax tax tax; ad nauseum!

A flat tax would be equitable, and everyone would have the pride to be able to say that they were a tax payer! The rich would spend more, and thus pay more; simplistic, and we could shit can the IRS; reduce government.
You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.

I was willing to look the other way on your straw man. If you're going to do ad hominem too; it's just time to unsubscribe.

An ad hominem is a personal attack instead of responding to an argument. I called him an idiot simply because he attacked me ("You are afraid of wealth"). The rest of his post was at best vague but included another attack on me ("you don't understand...").

I understand Windbag very well, calling him an idiot was a example of me being nice.
You liberals want to tax when you make it, tax when you spend it, tax when you invest it, tax when you save it, tax it when you inherit it, tax when you leave it - tax tax tax tax tax tax; ad nauseum!

A flat tax would be equitable, and everyone would have the pride to be able to say that they were a tax payer! The rich would spend more, and thus pay more; simplistic, and we could shit can the IRS; reduce government.

Thanks so much for sharing. That I completely disagree with your 'reasoning' notwithstanding.
You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.

The wealth does not control the government, if it did Microsoft would never have been hit with an anti trust suit when they refused to pay tribute.

If Microsoft were owned by the Koch brothers methinks the money Mr. Gates donates to good causes would have been spent 'donating' to members of congress to increase their collective wealth.
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the Koch brothers.....Heeeerrre we go:rolleyes: ....:lol:

so lets see;

New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell: $15 million

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: $25 million

The Hospital for Special Surgery: $26 million

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: $30 million

Prostate Cancer Foundation: $41 million

Deerfield Academy: $68 million

Lincoln Center's NY State Theater: $100 million

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $139 million

Lobbying Spending Database - Koch Industries, 2013 | OpenSecrets

Lobbying Spending Database - Microsoft Corp, 2013 | OpenSecrets

you're such a hackasaurus....:lol:
My opinion was upfront: I fear a Plutocracy. That's not a straw man, it's a real concern for me.

You are afraid of wealth, yet support a government that hands wealth to the politically powerful, and don't understand that they are not getting that wealth because of money.

You're an idiot. That maybe one of the dumbest comments since Stephanie or CrusaderFrank posted.

no, its just over your pin head.

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