The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

Republicans want people to make more money.
That is why they are getting our low income children out of the ghetto schools and into better performing schools.
Since the voucher system, many more children are graduating High School and going on to colleges.

Both parties are to blame for jobs going overseas.
Republicans DO NOT want people to make more money. The majority of workers in this country are ditch diggers, landscapers, housekeeping, factory rats, McD workers and Walmart workers.

These people use to make a lot of money because manufacturing was huge in America and those jobs were unionized/organized. Those jobs are gone now and the GOP does not want McC or Walmart workers to make more nor do they want those factory workers who make $15 hr. to make more. Don't lie.

I can agree with a lot of what you say but not if you are not being honest with me.

I am being honest with you and you are believing that propaganda lie from the left.
The ideology of Republicans is that the free market system will raise the average working hourly wage.
It is not working now because of too much government interference.
Republicans do want people to make more money by getting a college degree and getting out of those types of jobs.
This is why they are doing school vouchers.
Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

Conservatives want Americans employed. Not foreigners who overstay their visas or illegals. If we need them they come here legally. Right now we are overrun with immigrants as the american worker suffers. Right now we have 94 million Americans not working. Right now we have manufacturing leaving this country because of over regulation, and over taxation. Right now we have too much crony capitalism from both parties. Right now we have leftist environmentalist, like Obama pushing cap and trade which will destroy any manufacturing left in this country. It will cause our energy cost to skyrocket. They are even talking about limiting Carbon for individualizes. Maybe they'll put a meter on your house or keep track of the miles you drive and tax you for the carbon there. This is the kind of crazy shit the leftist will implement if they can.:uhoh3:

When my husband was transferred to Saturn with his Canadian team you would not believe the hoops PPG had to go thru to prove absolutely and without a doubt that the Canuck team they were sending in to transfer the Springhill plant to water borne paint were not taking any US jobs. We were up against BASF but we had a far better product and more qualified individuals for what was necessary at the time for the plant.

But whoa geeze they really had to prove that only our guys could launch. Not like today it seems. Walk into the US from any country in the world and expect to take over any American citizen's job.

We all considered our time at Saturn a privilege and not a right. And those times in Tennessee were some of the best times of our lives. 6 hours to the Gulf and seafood right off the boat YEAH BABY.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.

Matthew the EPA hid the information and so did the DHHS. These are the experts who lied their asses off to everyone including the Governor. Did you know that before you posted your bullshit?
Correction: The EPA didn't lie to anyone, It is their silence that damns them. After the EPA discovered the Flint River water had not been treated per federal regulations the agency failed to make that fact public. Instead, EPA was obsequious in the face of an aggressive DHHS . The state agency, DHHS, is the kingpin of this crisis and were criminally negligent by not following the EPA, guidelines for treatment of FR water. The KNEW it was unsafe and they argued against and lied to anyone who questioned their false declaration that the water was safe.

But the disdain for the EPA is what got my attention. That is SO republican. The DHHS leadership must be republicans, I would BET on it. That sense of enlightenment was enhanced further when I discovered that back in 2011, the then EM, Michael Brown, installed Howard Croft, a long time Flint resident, as head of the Flint water department.
Why was THAT necessary? What was wrong with the incumbent director?

Croft was at the center of the failure to treat FR water and has since resigned. Was it his incompetence and lack of knowledge about water works that spurred the EM, via Snyder, to set him up as director of the water department in anticipation of using him as a fall guy? That certainly falls within the realm of possibly. I can't wait to see the congressional inquiry unfold on C-SPAN! And I can't wait to tell YOU : " I told you so."
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.

Matthew the EPA hid the information and so did the DHHS. These are the experts who lied their asses off to everyone including the Governor. Did you know that before you posted your bullshit?
Correction: The EPA didn't lie to anyone, It is their silence that damns them. After the EPA discovered the Flint River water had not been treated per federal regulations the agency failed to make that fact public. Instead, EPA was obsequious in the face of an aggressive DHHS . The state agency, DHHS, is the kingpin of this crisis and were criminally negligent by not following the EPA, guidelines for treatment of FR water. The KNEW it was unsafe and they argued against and lied to anyone who questioned their false declaration that the water was safe.

But the disdain for the EPA is what got my attention. That is SO republican. The DHHS leadership must be republicans, I would BET on it. That sense of enlightenment was enhanced further when I discovered that back in 2011, the then EM, Michael Brown, installed Howard Croft, a long time Flint resident, as head of the Flint water department.
Why was THAT necessary? What was wrong with the incumbent director?

Croft was at the center of the failure to treat FR water and has since resigned. Was it his incompetence and lack of knowledge about water works that spurred the EM, via Snyder, to set him up as director of the water department in anticipation of using him as a fall guy? That certainly falls within the realm of possibly. I can't wait to see the congressional inquiry unfold on C-SPAN! And I can't wait to tell YOU : " I told you so."

Whoa whoa whoa there. My criticisms have not been for the politicians for just that reason. I'm all for a mega investigation of all parties involved and let the chips fall where they may.

This criminal. I don't care who is a D or an R as long as the people responsible for this mess and hiding data let alone altering data are all wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets at the end of the day.

But it doesn't mean that this issue when you get a middle manager at EPA trying to play politics cannot come into the light. I just want them to be straight up at the end of the day and for crying out loud protect Americans.

What a nightmare and the more I read the angrier I get.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Some on the left just don't seem to be capable of seeing the corruption in their own party.
I am starting to believe if they actually did they would go insane.
Maybe it's too much fed into their psyche that Dems are for the people lie for over a hundred years. :)
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Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!
Lead from cars has been in the ground for decades. Plumbing has never been updated. The city of Flint never built a water treatment plant.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Some on the left just don't seem to be capable of seeing the corruption in their own party.
I am starting to believe if they actually did they would go insane.
Maybe it too much fed into their psyche that Dems are for the people lie for over a hundred years. :)

Cripes I remember when lefties on this board actually tried to blame Snyder for Detroit's bankruptcy. Now there's a whopper.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Some on the left just don't seem to be capable of seeing the corruption in their own party.
I am starting to believe if they actually did they would go insane.
Maybe it's too much fed into their psyche that Dems are for the people lie for over a hundred years. :)
Oh, We The People see corruption in BOTH parties. But this thread is about criminal negligence in Michigan. If corruption is integral to that, I don't know. All I know is that the head man is a republican and he set the gears in motion that ultimately resulted in the poisoning of Flint residents. The elected democrats had never had a water crisis before. Now after their power was usurped by republican rule...the water source was switched and the water wasn't properly treated.... Come on....hit me with your best shot.... And don't duck the punch I just threw.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!
Lead from cars has been in the ground for decades. Plumbing has never been updated. The city of Flint never built a water treatment plant.

Now you are beginning to sound dumb. For decades under democrat rule, Flint has never had a water crisis like this one...not even close as far as I know. Correct me if I am wrong. If that is true, your talk about lead in the ground, plumbing updates and water treatment plants is just BS. BTW, When Flint was buying water from Detroit, the water was treated by Detroit BEFORE it came to Flint. That fact might have some bearing, at least initially, when the sources were switched. But there was never a problem like this one that materialized when the republicans took over.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Some on the left just don't seem to be capable of seeing the corruption in their own party.
I am starting to believe if they actually did they would go insane.
Maybe it's too much fed into their psyche that Dems are for the people lie for over a hundred years. :)
Oh, We The People see corruption in BOTH parties. But this thread is about criminal negligence in Michigan. If corruption is integral to that, I don't know. All I know is that the head man is a republican and he set the gears in motion that ultimately resulted in the poisoning of Flint residents. The elected democrats had never had a water crisis before. Now after their power was usurped by republican rule...the water source was switched and the water wasn't properly treated.... Come on....hit me with your best shot.... And don't duck the punch I just threw.

The 50 year water contract was not renewed with Detroit and that was done by the Flint City Council and the Mayor (Dem).
Flint has been run by Dems for 50 years just like Detroit.
Flint did not do the upkeep of newer pipes and the EPA kept the contamination hid.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!
Lead from cars has been in the ground for decades. Plumbing has never been updated. The city of Flint never built a water treatment plant.

Now you are beginning to sound dumb. For decades under democrat rule, Flint has never had a water crisis like this one...not even close as far as I know. Correct me if I am wrong. If that is true, your talk about lead in the ground, plumbing updates and water treatment plants is just BS. BTW, When Flint was buying water from Detroit, the water was treated by Detroit BEFORE it came to Flint. That fact might have some bearing, at least initially, when the sources were switched. But there was never a problem like this one that materialized when the republicans took over.
The Flint water supply was barely below fed levels. Ohio right now has the same problem. The lead in the ground is from car exhaust. Air borne lead settles on everything. Lead is a by product of meth as well. That's why they stripped those houses.
So its not BS, but your sorry ass excuse is..
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.
I guess what disturbs me the most is these professionals knew about the levels of lead and did nothing about it. Now I personally have been more involved with mercury but you say lead poisoning to me being allowed and hidden by experts it's just beyond the pale.

I donate to Doctors without Borders and one of the worst outbreaks with lead was in Nigeria tied directly to mines. OMG. You would not believe what Nigerian officials allowed to go on. Oh and the damage is terrible.

But that's freaking Nigeria. Not America for heaven's sake.

'Lead poisoning has killed hundreds of Nigerian children in recent years. In 2010, at least 400 children died and some 2,000 others affected from lead poisoning in Zamfara. The outbreak was caused by the processing of lead-containing gold ore in the northwestern state and lead contamination was identified in about 50 villages. The dangerous mining practice produced fine particles that contaminated water and food crops and were easily consumed by young children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

“When inhaled or ingested, lead can cause damage to the brain, kidneys, bone marrow and other body systems in young children,” the CDC said in a report last year.'

Nigeria Lead Poisoning 2015: Outbreak Kills 28 Young Children In Niger State, Spreads To Kaduna
Republicans idea of leadership is sitting on their ass and watching people die. These idiots need to be defeated.
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.
But Snyder did not make the final call. He put a democrat in charge of that.
"Earley, who toasted the switch to the river with city leaders in a ceremony in April 2014, said it was his "responsibility to implement the previously accepted and approved plan" since the city's contract with the Detroit water system expired during his term as emergency manager."
Ex-emergency manager says he's not to blame for Flint River water switch

YOUR source says you are lying, YOUR source.

As far as I know everyone was a D (EMs) but my deal still is they are just politicians relying on so called experts who were lying their asses off.

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