The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

You're delusional, For some reason you leftist think federal government mandates and regulations can solve everything. Wages have stagnated under Obama, his EPA spews out more and more regulations..He's killing the coal industry and you leftist congratulate him for it. These poor people could be working, in good paying jobs if not for you leftist nuts. You people are pathetic you don't give a shit about these hicks...:mad:

‘The traveler comes to the Appalachians in the lovely season. He sees the hills, the streams, the foliage—but not the poor.” That passage comes from “The Other America,” Michael Harrington’s 1962 book that opened the eyes of liberal policy makers to America’s invisible poverty. The classic work helped provide the intellectual ammunition for President Lyndon Johnson’s “unconditional war on poverty,” announced in his State of the Union address two years later.

Fast forward to today. The latest touchstone of liberal policy, the regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions, is causing economic destruction and pushing poverty higher in the Appalachians. But those backing the climate-change agenda are doing their best to keep this reality hidden from the public.

Since 2012, 27 coal-mining companies with core operations in Central Appalachia, a region roughly centered in southern West Virginia, have filed for bankruptcy protection. The list includes a number of large-cap, publicly traded entities, such as Alpha Natural Resources, James River Coal and Patriot Coal. Production of coal in southern West Virginia declined by 45% between the first half of 2011 and the first half of 2015, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. Since 2009, 332 coal mines in West Virginia have been closed, and 9,733 jobs—roughly 35% of the industry’s total employment in the state—have been lost, figures from the West Virginia Coal Association show.

This has devastated the state’s economy.

Obama’s Appalachian Tragedy The president’s anti-coal policies have devastated West Virginia. Since 2009, 332 mines have closed. By Paul H. Tice | RUTHFULLY YOURS
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation
Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation


Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused
Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."​

For sure I blame Republicans for the decrease in revenue - the revenue that built the infrastructure and created the highly educated workforce that fueled the world's greatest economy.

If left to Republicans, drinking poisonous brain altering water is part of the deal the Founding Fathers cut with "We The People"? - you're kidding right?

The question is, who do Republicans think pays for "unalienable Rights" guaranteed by the Declaration of independence? - to be FAIR Bernie's right.


"In 1952, the corporate income tax accounted for 33 percent of all federal tax revenue. Today, despite record-breaking profits, corporate taxes bring in less than 9 percent."
— Bernie Sanders on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 in a meme on social media


The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."​

For sure I blame Republicans for the decrease in revenue - the revenue that built the infrastructure and created the highly educated workforce that fueled the world's greatest economy.

If left to Republicans, drinking poisonous brain altering water is part of the deal the Founding Fathers cut with "We The People"? - you're kidding right?

The question is, who do Republicans think pays for "unalienable Rights" guaranteed by the Declaration of independence? - to be FAIR Bernie's right.


"In 1952, the corporate income tax accounted for 33 percent of all federal tax revenue. Today, despite record-breaking profits, corporate taxes bring in less than 9 percent."
— Bernie Sanders on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 in a meme on social media


The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.


That was the best non-response to a post yet.

For sure I blame Republicans for the decrease in revenue - the revenue that built the infrastructure and created the highly educated workforce that fueled the world's greatest economy.

The US Federal Government had a record level of revenue this year. $3.4 Trillion dollars.
The Government has NEVER collected a larger amount of money than it did last year.
Moreover, revenue increased since 2009, and increased from 2003 to 2008.

Infrastructure does not create the economy. It never has. It never will. If infrastructure spending creates the economy, then Spain should be leading the world. Greece should be an economic power house. And China should be growing faster now, than it did in the mid 2000s. All of them invested massively in infrastructure, and all of them are slowing down, or are in bad shape.

Lastly, we spend more money than any other country in the world on education. And our students are coming out dumber every year. Your tax and spend on education routine, has produced the most expensive stupid people on the planet.

If left to Republicans, drinking poisonous brain altering water is part of the deal the Founding Fathers cut with "We The People"? - you're kidding right?

Drinking poisonous water, is due to the exact tax and spend policies that drove Flint into financial crisis. "IF" left to Republicans? Flint "WAS" left to Democrats. That's why they are in the trouble they are in. If it wasn't for left-wing democrats, screwing their city to ruins, there never would have been an Emergency Manager to begin with, trying to figure out how to cut spending so the city doesn't go bankrupt.

Your fault. Not the Republicans. Can't blame them for your incompetence. Sorry.

The question is, who do Republicans think pays for "unalienable Rights" guaranteed by the Declaration of independence? - to be FAIR Bernie's right.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This requires a police force (which leftists attack constantly), a court system (which leftists 'Bork' constantly), and a national defense.

How much of the Federal Budget is taken up by these things? According to the Obama 2016 Budget, $630 Military... VA $160 and just $44 billion or so for 'government' FBI, courts and other funding. That includes a bunch of crap that isn't needed in that $44, but for simplicity, let's go with that.

That's a total of $834 Billion dollars. To cover everything. The government doesn't pay for local police. So that's already covered in your local taxes, as it should be.

Total Federal Revenue? $3.2 Trillion dollars. We could cut all taxes, across the board, by 50%, and still have $800 Billion dollars to pay down debt, and still cover everything the government needs to pay for to secure, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

You people on the left, just make up stuff. You can't argue with the facts, so you just invent your own ideologically driven 'facts'.

The Boston Tea Party was not a protest against huge corporate tax cuts. You morons. The British East India Trading company, was government. They were created by government. Controlled by government. Supported by government, and protected by government.

All of the corporations in the colonies, had to pay a tax, that the Government Sponsored Enterprise, known as the East India Trading Company, got refunded. Allowing them to under cut the companies operating in the Americas. But that wasn't even their main beef.

"The familiar "no taxation without representation" argument, along with the question of the extent of Parliament's authority in the colonies, remained prominent"

That was the problem. Can the Brits arbitrary impose taxes on the colonies, without representation, and does absolute power lay in parliament, rather than in local government.

Same problems we have today. Can the Federal government arbitrary take my money, and how much power is in Washington DC, verse my local state government.

And the closest comparison to the East India Trading company, is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which caused the sub-prime crash.
Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation

Obama's economy is part time and low wage jobs. Obama's economy is shutting down fossil fuel production in this country. Obama economy is giving 100s of millions to crony "green energy" companies who go bankrupt shortly after ,Obama's economy is higher energy bills for the everybody. Highers taxes on business, more big government regulations driving business overseas. He pushes cap and trade which will destroy our economy
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Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation
Part time jobs don't keep up with inflation
Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation
It's really quite simple, you know. Instead of government mandating wage increases, why not just mandate that inflation stop? Think it through carefully.
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They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation

Obama's economy is part time and low wage jobs. Obama's economy is shutting down fossil fuel production in this country. Obama economy is giving 100s of millions to crony "green energy" companies who go bankrupt shortly after ,Obama's economy is higher energy bills for the everybody. Highers taxes on business, more big government regulations driving business overseas. He pushes cap and trade which will destroy our economy
I agree with everything he's doing. And I disagree with you.
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation

Obama's economy is part time and low wage jobs. Obama's economy is shutting down fossil fuel production in this country. Obama economy is giving 100s of millions to crony "green energy" companies who go bankrupt shortly after ,Obama's economy is higher energy bills for the everybody. Highers taxes on business, more big government regulations driving business overseas. He pushes cap and trade which will destroy our economy
I agree with everything he's doing. And I disagree with you.

Because you're a nonthinker. You worship the leftist ideology as it destroys the American dream....i know you can't wait for Cap and Trade:cuckoo:
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Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

Yeah, and if you are a mindless ape, then clearly this was republicans doing. How did Republicans causes this?

Did republicans jack up taxes on corporations, so that they can't pay their workers more?

Did republican jack up health care mandates, so companies can't pay their workers more?

Did republicans jack up Social Security and Medicare taxes, so companies pay less, and you have more of how much you do earn taxed away?

Did republicans introduce tons of regulations that cost companies millions a year, that cause them to pay employees less?

I'm sorry... who exactly is to blame? Democrats. You blame Republicans, for the problems YOU caused.
The problem is inflation. Wages need to keep up with inflation

Obama's economy is part time and low wage jobs. Obama's economy is shutting down fossil fuel production in this country. Obama economy is giving 100s of millions to crony "green energy" companies who go bankrupt shortly after ,Obama's economy is higher energy bills for the everybody. Highers taxes on business, more big government regulations driving business overseas. He pushes cap and trade which will destroy our economy
I agree with everything he's doing. And I disagree with you.

Because you're a nonthinker. You worship the leftist ideology as it destroys the American dream....i know you can't wait for Cap and Trade:cuckoo:
I'm starting to see more and more your sides point. This weekend a guy going to community college and who works (1099) called and asked me if I wanted to give him $30 cash for $60 in foodstamps. Funny thing is he's a Republican. I asked him how he could be a Republican while taking advantage of food stamps. He said, "if I didn't get foodstamps I wouldn't be over here buying $20 in weed.

Yea, we need to definitely cut back on welfare. No doubt about it.

And then my sister in law tells me how many arabs from the middle east are over here on disability gaming the system. It shouldn't surprise me though because I had an uncle doing the same thing in the 80's and 90's. Luckily for Uncle Sam he died when he was 50. Had he lived 30 more years we'd be paying him alone $12000 a year plus medicaid. Too many slackers in our society.

I'm starting to see your sides point.
Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing
Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

Republicans want people to make more money.
That is why they are getting our low income children out of the ghetto schools and into better performing schools.
Since the voucher system, many more children are graduating High School and going on to colleges.

Both parties are to blame for jobs going overseas.
Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

Republicans want people to make more money.
That is why they are getting our low income children out of the ghetto schools and into better performing schools.
Since the voucher system, many more children are graduating High School and going on to colleges.

Both parties are to blame for jobs going overseas.
Republicans DO NOT want people to make more money. The majority of workers in this country are ditch diggers, landscapers, housekeeping, factory rats, McD workers and Walmart workers.

These people use to make a lot of money because manufacturing was huge in America and those jobs were unionized/organized. Those jobs are gone now and the GOP does not want McC or Walmart workers to make more nor do they want those factory workers who make $15 hr. to make more. Don't lie.

I can agree with a lot of what you say but not if you are not being honest with me.
Andy you have studied corporate profits since the Bush era ended. Right? You know major corps have made a ton of money. Right?

How could that be with all the nasty things you say Dems have done to corporations?
The same idiot Republicans who see corporations are making record profits and the CEO's pay has gone up 1000% while the average workers pay isn't keeping up with inflation.

But then these Republicans will blame Obama for workers only making $8 to $15 hr. But wait a minute! They don't want the worker to make more than that.

But they do want to point to their low wages and say, "see, you're doing worse now under Obama".

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

Conservatives want Americans employed. Not foreigners who overstay their visas or illegals. If we need them they come here legally. Right now we are overrun with immigrants as the american worker suffers. Right now we have 94 million Americans not working. Right now we have manufacturing leaving this country because of over regulation, and over taxation. Right now we have too much crony capitalism from both parties. Right now we have leftist environmentalist, like Obama pushing cap and trade which will destroy any manufacturing left in this country. It will cause our energy cost to skyrocket. They are even talking about limiting Carbon for individualizes. Maybe they'll put a meter on your house or keep track of the miles you drive and tax you for the carbon there. This is the kind of crazy shit the leftist will implement if they can.:uhoh3:

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