The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
So that's why Hillary is running on how great things are and she's not going to change nothing....
You guys say "we" aren't better off under Obama. But you think we are takers who deserve to make less.

The people doing bad are the uneducated and low skills workers. Are you claiming Republicans want to help those people?

And in my experience Republicans talk about low taxes but always raise middle class taxes.

I don't vote GOP just because they say the things I want to hear. They got to do the things they say they'll do.

The last bush delay hastert experiment was a disaster.

Nobody raises taxes, but you leftist and RINO Republicans. You also push massive, unrestricted, immigration. Unions were once against all this immigration

American unions should support their Mexican brothers. If they organized their wages would go up.

Pitting us against Chinese Indian and Mexican wages. Terrible.

Just remember liberals didn't get companies to leave America, high wages did.

Sounds like you're for global government..... Not too bright really :slap:

When I see a Mexican manufacturing district I can't help but realize I'm looking at the Republican libertarian dream. Somewhere in mexico is a wealthy business owner. He has 1 manager in each plant that makes good money. The rest of the workers live below the poverty level.

What's stopping those poor Mexicans from starting their own business? They must be lazy.

Boy, sounds like what you say about us.


has kept abreast of the ongoing Flint Water Crisis and the ensuing investigation thereof.

There has been a nominal shift in the focus of who or what agency is most to blame. MDEQ is the face of evil that obstructed and blocked those outsiders who disputed their tests; thereby exacerbating the poisoning of Flint's water supply. But that does not completely exonerate Snyder and others.

I stand by my claim that republicanism is largely to blame here.

1. Although the focus now is on MDEQ as the ultimate culprit, I see their complete disdain for the EPA's initial advice as a manifestation of RW republicanism. The MDEQ people who showed such disrespect for the EPA are surely republicans. I can smell one a mile away and MDEQ reeks of republicanism.

Here is the UPDATE:

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

MDEQ is responsible for drinking water safety and regulation across our entire state. This state agency failed the people of Flint – and did so with extreme disrespect.

MDEQ's complete failure to anticipate and prevent the Flint water disaster is so drastic that it calls into question the agency's ability to regulate and safeguard public drinking water supplies statewide. Indeed, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now investigating MDEQ's ability (or lack thereof) to do just that.

As the Truth Squad timeline documents, MDEQ failed in the following key ways:

  1. MDEQ drinking water regulators allowed the City of Flint to switch drinking water sources to the Flint River in 2014 without requiring any treatment to control corrosion of Flint's water mains. Flint River water is highly corrosive. It rusts old city water mains. That corrosion caused lead to leach into the drinking water. These chemical reactions have long been known in the water safety community. MDEQ did not act to anticipate this problem, which would result in disaster, after the Flint River switch.

  1. 2 MDEQ drinking water regulators grossly misinterpreted federal regulations requiring chemical treatments to control corrosion in Flint water mains.

  2. MDEQ drinking water regulators ignored, and attempted to discredit, numerous serious warning signs of corrosion leading to lead poisoning in the Flint drinking water system. General Motors declared early on that the Flint River water was too corrosive for its manufacturing processes. MDEQ regulators said GM's fleeing from Flint water was not a problem. Within weeks of the 2014 water supply switch, Flint residents complained of discolored, smelly, bad-tasting water and related health maladies. MDEQ issued some minor violations, but reacted with little to no urgency. For example, in a February 2015 briefing memo to Governor Rick Snyder, MDEQ acknowledged "hiccups" in Flint drinking water quality but concluded, "it's not like an eminent threat to public health." (Note: We believe DEQ meant "imminent," meaning urgent.)

  3. 4 MDEQ drinking water regulators disputed, ignored, and attempted to discredit crucial alarms issued by an EPA drinking water regulator. That EPA official, Miguel Del Toral, warned this state agency repeatedly, beginning in February 2015, that the lack of corrosion control in Flint water mains would lead to a serious lead safety hazard in drinking water supplies. In numerous communications, MDEQ officials denigrated Del Toral by describing him as acting on his own without authority, and consistently fought against Del
Or a law ceo's in America can't make more tan 100 times the lowest worker. Or 300. Pick a fair number

I can't say I am all against that. I don't know how it upset the capitalism apple cart but I would not be against it. Carly Fiorina ran down Lucent and got a $75mil severance firing package. I was PO'd.
Or a law ceo's in America can't make more tan 100 times the lowest worker. Or 300. Pick a fair number

I can't say I am all against that. I don't know how it upset the capitalism apple cart but I would not be against it. Carly Fiorina ran down Lucent and got a $75mil severance firing package. I was PO'd.
My brother had to let a sexist bully VP go. A year severance and he probably has tons of stock he'll be able to cash out. Just 1 VP in hr $1 mill
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
So that's why Hillary is running on how great things are and she's not going to change nothing....
You guys say "we" aren't better off under Obama. But you think we are takers who deserve to make less.

You can read my mind now?
The people doing bad are the uneducated and low skills workers. Are you claiming Republicans want to help those people?

If they are doing worse under Obama's rule than they were under GW, it makes sense to put a Republican in the White House.
And in my experience Republicans talk about low taxes but always raise middle class taxes.

What do you think obamadon'tcare was, but a massive middle class tax increase?
I don't vote GOP just because they say the things I want to hear. They got to do the things they say they'll do.

I have the assume then that you vote democrat. How's that working out for you with regards to them doing what they say they will do?
The last bush delay hastert experiment was a disaster.
The Obama Reid Pelosi one didn't work so well either. Face reality, the BEST combination is almost always divided government, with one party in the White House and the other controlling at least one part of Congress. That way, government destruction of the country is slowed down.
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I know smart business owners who know the way to fix the economy is for us to go back to when the rich had 75% of the money and we had 25%. But the GOP socially engineered it so they have 90% of it and they are sitting on it. Maybe we need to return the death tax. Anyone who dies with 30 million gives uncle Sam half. The spoiled siblings can split the other half. If you die with a billion you give half.
I could see doing that if it's money that wasn't already taxed. I could see, for instance, taxing what's left in a 401K after the owner dies, but I don't believe in double or triple taxing income just because you still have some when you die.
Or a law ceo's in America can't make more tan 100 times the lowest worker. Or 300. Pick a fair number

I can't say I am all against that. I don't know how it upset the capitalism apple cart but I would not be against it. Carly Fiorina ran down Lucent and got a $75mil severance firing package. I was PO'd.
My brother had to let a sexist bully VP go. A year severance and he probably has tons of stock he'll be able to cash out. Just 1 VP in hr $1 mill
Then they should have put in the contract conditions under which the VP would forfeit some or all of his severance package.
I know smart business owners who know the way to fix the economy is for us to go back to when the rich had 75% of the money and we had 25%. But the GOP socially engineered it so they have 90% of it and they are sitting on it. Maybe we need to return the death tax. Anyone who dies with 30 million gives uncle Sam half. The spoiled siblings can split the other half. If you die with a billion you give half.

Stealing more money from the people, you hater. Why do you choose to send the bureaucracy more money to feed itself?:dunno:
What about the debt? If you are serious about paying off the debt either your taxes go up a lot or theirs.

Raising the death tax wont decrease the debt. Only cutting government and strong economic growth will do that. Why do you support crony government?
It's one way to control obscene wealth. The founders said if anyone's wealth became so great it challenged the government it should be cut in half when he dies so his kids don't become the future rulers of America.

Oprah doesn't have any kids. Who's getting all that?
She can give it to charities.Certainly no to the federal government, to these politicians, to send to their crony friends. Why do you think that government bureaucrats and politicians are so virtuous?:dunno:
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
So that's why Hillary is running on how great things are and she's not going to change nothing....
You guys say "we" aren't better off under Obama. But you think we are takers who deserve to make less.

The people doing bad are the uneducated and low skills workers. Are you claiming Republicans want to help those people?

And in my experience Republicans talk about low taxes but always raise middle class taxes.

I don't vote GOP just because they say the things I want to hear. They got to do the things they say they'll do.

The last bush delay hastert experiment was a disaster.
You said: The people doing bad are the uneducated and low skills workers. Are you claiming Republicans want to help those people?

The truth is, Republicans ARE those people.
Nah... I think he was white dude who didn't like the fro. Open carry and CCW is a good thing it saves lives in MI
The GOP runs the government? who knew?:dunno: Corrupt politicians, mostly liberals, bankrupted these cities

Yeah, 'Republicanism' in hellholes completely controlled by Democrats for several decades, is absolute wingnut fiction. But hey, they're never gonna accept responsibility for who they themselves chose to put in power.

It's so much easier for them to concoct their 'Republicanism' fantasy. You'll never get through to em. It's why they still live in Flint and Detroit. They ain't too bright.

The liberal ideology doesnt allow for them to actually look at their failures and take responsibility for it, How could it?

Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.

He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
Yeah, 'Republicanism' in hellholes completely controlled by Democrats for several decades, is absolute wingnut fiction. But hey, they're never gonna accept responsibility for who they themselves chose to put in power.

It's so much easier for them to concoct their 'Republicanism' fantasy. You'll never get through to em. It's why they still live in Flint and Detroit. They ain't too bright.

The liberal ideology doesnt allow for them to actually look at their failures and take responsibility for it, How could it?
Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
The liberal ideology doesnt allow for them to actually look at their failures and take responsibility for it, How could it?
Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?

GM received a massive Taxpayer Bailout. Yet it's still outsourcing American jobs. It's Corporate Welfare at its worst. To hell with em.
The liberal ideology doesnt allow for them to actually look at their failures and take responsibility for it, How could it?
Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.
Yeah, 'Republicanism' in hellholes completely controlled by Democrats for several decades, is absolute wingnut fiction. But hey, they're never gonna accept responsibility for who they themselves chose to put in power.

It's so much easier for them to concoct their 'Republicanism' fantasy. You'll never get through to em. It's why they still live in Flint and Detroit. They ain't too bright.

The liberal ideology doesnt allow for them to actually look at their failures and take responsibility for it, How could it?
Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.

Yep! Bill Clinton enthusiastically signed NAFTA (one of 3 or 4 major fuck-ups by Bill Clinton - IMO) but just to be clear - it was the Bush Administration that negotiated NAFTA and-----and it received overwhelming support by Republicans in Congress - then Bill Clinton signed NAFTA...

After much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61-38.Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994​

...then we heard a giant sucking sound as jobs began leaving the USofA for foreign countries, most notably in the automotive industry.
...then, somewhere in TX, Ross Perot stuck his fingers in his substantial ears and gave both parties a big ol' 'neener-neener, told ya so!'

Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?

GM received a massive Taxpayer Bailout. Yet it's still outsourcing American jobs. It's Corporate Welfare at its worst. To hell with em.
1 manufacturing job is worth 5 service jobs. They wanted to break the unions and renig on pensions. Romney would have killed the middle class for good. The GOP have been attacking labor since before Reagan but Reagan started destroying unions.

As unions decline, inequality rises
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?

GM received a massive Taxpayer Bailout. Yet it's still outsourcing American jobs. It's Corporate Welfare at its worst. To hell with em.
1 manufacturing job is worth 5 service jobs. They wanted to break the unions and renig on pensions. Romney would have killed the middle class for good. The GOP have been attacking labor since before Reagan but Reagan started destroying unions.

As unions decline, inequality rises

Gotta agree with you somewhat on that. The Republicans have not been kind to American Workers. They've intentionally driven down wages and Outsourced millions of American jobs.
Not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about Iraq? The redistribution of wealth called the Bush Tax Cuts? The 750,000 jobs the economy was losing each month under Bush? The trillions spent in Iraq? The millions of jobs that moved overseas from 2001 to 2008 and the tens of thousands of factories that were closed under Bush?
Oh, you are talking about all that crap and failure handed to Obama in 2009 and complaining he hasn't fixed all the GOP mess fast enough. Got it! If only we could get the GOP to help instead of obstruct and whine. Don't you agree? You should.
He doesn't believe that many jobs were leaving the country every month. He says that's not possible.

But then Obama sucks because he's only adding 200,000 jobs a month. I mean Snyder. Yea! Let's give Snyder credit for the recovery Republicans denied was happening because then they'd have to admit Obama rocks.

I LOVE reminding Republicans Clinton handed bush a surplus. Two wars tax breaks and a billion offshored jobs later. Sprinkle in illegals they said were doing jobs Americans won't do. Fucking liars

Clinton signed NAFTA and you love him for it. The Republican led congress restrained spending certainly not Bill Clinton. Obama gave GM money and they're building plants in China to build cars to be shipped here

GM to sell Chinese-built car in the United States for first time

Yeah, NAFTA was a killer. And Hussein just signed a possibly even worse deal recently. And the GM Bailout was disgraceful. All that Taxpayer cash and it's still outsourcing American jobs. Shame on em.
They still employ lots of highly paid American workers. Maybe we should bring all those manufacturing jobs back. Ask the Republicans who drafted NAFTA think. Remember the corporations and GOP wrote NAFTA?
There is one really big problem with "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". It's a nice bumper sticker slogan, a feel-good saying, but never going to happen. Let's look at this:

What is being manufactured, and can it be manufactured by a machine? There is very little today that cannot be manufactured by a machine. Heck, they can make better burgers than your average stiff at McD's. Machines don't take breaks, don't go on strike, don't take sick days, and don't complain to the boss. In fact, the only reason things are still manufactured by hand anywhere is it's still cheaper in some places to hire humans than it is to buy and run the machines. If you "bring all those manufacturing jobs back", here's what would happen. In the US, human labor is much, much more expensive than it is overseas. Thus, machines would be cheaper than humans and THEY would do the manufacturing. We still manufacture stuff, it just doesn't take a lot of humans to do it any more. Back in the 70's, for example, it took thousands of workers on the assembly line to build cars. We still build cars, but it takes a relative handful of humans to monitor the robots that do a better, faster job than the humans did. The day of high paying, low skilled jobs are gone and you can't "bring all those manufacturing jobs back". They are a pleasant memory of a time when things like that were possible. IOW, you can legislate to your heart's content and it won't result in a glut of high paying manufacturing jobs in the US. In fact, such legislation would just jack up prices and result in fat cats at the top making a lot more money.

You Can't Lead A Good Life On A US Factory Job Anymore

This is the Republican dream.

In this part of the country, that meant he wanted to work for Caterpillar Inc., the construction equipment powerhouse. Now the Canton, Ill., resident is on the morning shift at the company's East Peoria plant, installing fenders on tractors and working on hydraulic lines, a manufacturing job description that once promised an American middle-class lifestyle. The reality for Ellis is nothing like that.
Ellis is paid $15.57 per hour, but he has no medical benefits for himself or his 3-year-old daughter
That's all GM and Ford workers and Toyota and Honda workers are worth to Republicans. Or even worse, wallmart wages. So don't act like you want to make America great again, because that would mean high wages, and we all know you don't want that. Minimum to $15 hr is the GOP wet dream. Anything more and you are overpaid.

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