The Foley Beheading Video a Fake?

I've seen buzz about this...that he was killed off camera and that they they compiled an execution video.

To me it's rather beside the point. The real issue is that medieval barbarians are intent on destroying civilization, and killed Foley to prove it.
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When I saw the knife in the terrorist's hand, I instantly told myself there's no way he could use that puny thing to behead any creature – let alone a human being. A scimitar - yes. A sharp-edged sword – yes. But that little thing? No way!

Read the story @ Prison Experts James Foley Beheading Video Likely Fake

Let's do an experiment..I'll get a knife about that size and you stand still for a minute.

The video may or may not be fake but I believe foley is dead...and I believe if the victim were tied up a person could cut off their head with a paring knife.
The size of the knife has nothing to do with how lethal it would be on a captive who couldn't resist
Rut Ro. Cue the angry Government Internet Trolls. "YOU HATE AMERICA!!" YOU'RE A TERRORIST!!"... Blah Blah Blah.
When I saw the knife in the terrorist's hand, I instantly told myself there's no way he could use that puny thing to behead any creature – let alone a human being. A scimitar - yes. A sharp-edged sword – yes. But that little thing? No way!

Read the story @ Prison Experts James Foley Beheading Video Likely Fake

Prison Planet?

Good God, man... Why don't you just broadcast: "I've got shit-for-brains!!"!!

My advice - keep it to yourself if you follow psychotic conspiracy theorists.
The video is very suspect. And keep in mind, ISIS is likely a CIA and British Intelligence creation. They wanted Assad out, so they created these evil thugs to do the job. And now, the ugly Blow Back.

Yet another unnecessary interventionist nightmare. When will Americans grow tired of this permanent state of war the Globalist Elites have us stuck in?
I butchered a deer with a paring knife, and deboned it. So yes, it can be done.
And it doesn't take very long if you know what you're doing. The only bone in the neck is the spine, and you cut in between vertebrae and you're golden. The rest is just soft tissue and tendon. Easy peasy.
Staying out of the ME would all be well and good if this was Israel v. the Palestinians. As Foley's boss put it, many people have sincere issues with actions the US has taken in the ME. He's more circumspect, but I'd say we're certainly complacent, if not complicit, in the occupation of the west bank, which arguably fits the post WWII Geneva accords definition of ... genocide.

But, Foley aside, we have a group here who has no issues of mass killings of Christians or other sects of Islam. This is not Rwanda. Foley's job was to tell us about this stuff. The guys who cut off his head don't want the story told.
GlobalPost CEO Shares Details Of Fight To Save James Foley NPR
I get supremely irritated when limp wristed pansies start threads about how something that they have never tried to do and have absolutely no experience with, can therefore never be done by ANYBODY.

Fucking idiots. It's right up there with Pogobozo's contention that he can swerve and miss any deer anywhere, because of his superior driving skills, and the fact that deer never go on the freeway.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA...Just tattoo on your forehead "I AM AN IDIOT" and be done with it.
When I saw the knife in the terrorist's hand, I instantly told myself there's no way he could use that puny thing to behead any creature – let alone a human being. A scimitar - yes. A sharp-edged sword – yes. But that little thing? No way!

Read the story @ Prison Experts James Foley Beheading Video Likely Fake

Prison Planet?

Good God, man... Why don't you just broadcast: "I've got shit-for-brains!!"!!

My advice - keep it to yourself if you follow psychotic conspiracy theorists.
You can be all the jerk you wish to be. Denigrating the messenger doesn't do a think to refute the claim,
I get supremely irritated when limp wristed pansies start threads about how something that they have never tried to do and have absolutely no experience with, can therefore never be done by ANYBODY.

Fucking idiots. It's right up there with Pogobozo's contention that he can swerve and miss any deer anywhere, because of his superior driving skills, and the fact that deer never go on the freeway.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA...Just tattoo on your forehead "I AM AN IDIOT" and be done with it.

One, I too have skinned, gutted, and quartered carcasses so I know what can be done with a knife that size.

The purpose for posting the OP was to show how the video was incomplete and clearly for propaganda.
In my tub, no less, lol. It was one of those deer that don't exist on the highway, that Pogo could have jumped off an enbankment and we nailed it. Into the trunk it went.
I've seen buzz about this...that he was killed off camera and that they they compiled an execution video.

To me it's rather beside the point. The real issue is that medieval barbarians are intent on destroying civilization, and killed Foley to prove it.

Maybe. Wouldn't be the first time a government faked an atrocity to stir the people up into supporting a war. How the Nazis got the German people to support hostilities.

"The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag operation by Nazi forces posing as Poles on 31 August 1939, against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany (since 1945: Gliwice, Poland) on the eve of World War II in Europe. The goal was to use the staged attack as a pretext on the basis of which to invade Poland."
Gleiwitz incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.
I get supremely irritated when limp wristed pansies start threads about how something that they have never tried to do and have absolutely no experience with, can therefore never be done by ANYBODY.

Fucking idiots. It's right up there with Pogobozo's contention that he can swerve and miss any deer anywhere, because of his superior driving skills, and the fact that deer never go on the freeway.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA...Just tattoo on your forehead "I AM AN IDIOT" and be done with it.

One, I too have skinned, gutted, and quartered carcasses so I know what can be done with a knife that size.

The purpose for posting the OP was to show how the video was incomplete and clearly for propaganda.

Well of COURSE it's for propaganda.

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