The Fossil Fuel Industry Misinformation Campaign

Do people who use the phrase “fossil fuels” realize that hydrocarbons do not require dead dinosaurs????
You need to separate what was actually put out by scientists and what was not. Here is sea level rise from 1993 to the present:

View attachment 891952

No one was going to look at these data and forecast NYC being washed away by this point. Note the vertical scale. There is, however, a non-trivial chance of a catastrophic collapse (as opposed to the gradual collapse unstoppably taking place now) of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) that could cause global sea level to rise by 5 meters (16.4 feet) in a matter of days. The mainstream science position is that it will take over a century for the WAIS to collapse. I'm a cynic.

OMG! 3 inches in 30 years. We're doomed!
Do people who use the phrase “fossil fuels” realize that hydrocarbons do not require dead dinosaurs????
Yes, Frank, they generally do.. and much more. Given the benefit of hindsight, use of the term "fossil" was probably not the wisest, least ambiguous term one could have chosen. Probably sounded really good at the time though.. as is true of many, many things. Not perfect. Big whoop.

Fossil Fuels for Dummies:

A fossil fuel[a] is a hydrocarbon-containing material such as coal, oil, and natural gas,[2] formed naturally in the Earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals that is extracted and burned as a fuel.
The Oxford English Dictionary notes that in the phrase "fossil fuel" the adjective "fossil" means "[o]btained by digging; found buried in the earth", which dates to at least 1652,[23] before the English noun "fossil" came to refer primarily to long-dead organisms in the early 18th century.[24]
The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.

Deniers here have also constantly IGNORED the possibility that the fossil fuel industry, seeing global warming mitigation measures as an existential threat, might make efforts to slow the acceptance of the science and the measures required to combat this problem. Unfortunately for them, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that this is precisely what they have done and that all deniers have served admirably as the industry's "useful idiots".

What kind of bugs have you eaten today .....god help you if you dared drive anywhere
Yes, Frank, they generally do.. and much more. Given the benefit of hindsight, use of the term "fossil" was probably not the wisest, least ambiguous term one could have chosen. Probably sounded really good at the time though.. as is true of many, many things. Not perfect. Big whoop.

Fossil Fuels for Dummies:

So Saturns Moon Titan has abundant plant and animal life? Really?

Maybe it’s abiotic?
The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.
Actually I have been arguing they have mistaken a natural warming trend for AGW.
What kind of bugs have you eaten today .....god help you if you dared drive anywhere
What's your opinion of the oil companies lying to us? What did you think of the tobacco companies lying to us? Do you know anyone harmed by tobacco?
Is that really the topic of this thread?


The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.

Deniers here have also constantly IGNORED the possibility that the fossil fuel industry, seeing global warming mitigation measures as an existential threat, might make efforts to slow the acceptance of the science and the measures required to combat this problem. Unfortunately for them, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that this is precisely what they have done and that all deniers have served admirably as the industry's "useful idiots".

You need to separate what was actually put out by scientists and what was not. Here is sea level rise from 1993 to the present:

View attachment 891952

No one was going to look at these data and forecast NYC being washed away by this point. Note the vertical scale. There is, however, a non-trivial chance of a catastrophic collapse (as opposed to the gradual collapse unstoppably taking place now) of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) that could cause global sea level to rise by 5 meters (16.4 feet) in a matter of days. The mainstream science position is that it will take over a century for the WAIS to collapse. I'm a cynic.
I thought this was about the fossil fuel industry? Now you are talking about the sea level?

Crick, berates those who are off topic while leading us all, off topic
I thought this was about the fossil fuel industry? Now you are talking about the sea level?

Crick, berates those who are off topic while leading us all, off topic
You've got me there. Mea culpa.
What's your opinion of the oil companies lying to us? What did you think of the tobacco companies lying to us? Do you know anyone harmed by tobacco?

What's your opinion of the oil companies lying to us?

What lie did they tell you? When?
The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.

Deniers here have also constantly IGNORED the possibility that the fossil fuel industry, seeing global warming mitigation measures as an existential threat, might make efforts to slow the acceptance of the science and the measures required to combat this problem. Unfortunately for them, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that this is precisely what they have done and that all deniers have served admirably as the industry's "useful idiots".

This is the fallback boogey man...

It is all big oil's fault.

Problem - while many Zionist Fascists in the oil industry have bowed to the laughable Co2 FRAUD, planet Earth is not warming at all
You need to separate what was actually put out by scientists and what was not. Here is sea level rise from 1993 to the present:

View attachment 891952

No one was going to look at these data and forecast NYC being washed away by this point. Note the vertical scale. There is, however, a non-trivial chance of a catastrophic collapse (as opposed to the gradual collapse unstoppably taking place now) of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) that could cause global sea level to rise by 5 meters (16.4 feet) in a matter of days. The mainstream science position is that it will take over a century for the WAIS to collapse. I'm a cynic.

Trying to get the sea side real estate from the common folk, for the rich? THAT ARE BUYING IT!

You folks crack me up!
This is the fallback boogey man...

It is all big oil's fault.

Problem - while many Zionist Fascists in the oil industry have bowed to the laughable Co2 FRAUD, planet Earth is not warming at all
Fuck you, you ignorant, lying bigot.

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