The Fossil Fuel Industry Misinformation Campaign

What did the DATA actually say???

We have TWO and ONLY TWO measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2...

unless it has the politically correct Zionist Fascist Left Wing anti America holy alliance behind it, and then it simply FUDGES THE DATA....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

Translation - the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE despite rising Co2

What did the DATA actually say???

We have TWO and ONLY TWO measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2...

unless it has the politically correct Zionist Fascist Left Wing anti America holy alliance behind it, and then it simply FUDGES THE DATA....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

Translation - the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE despite rising Co2

what is climate to you?
what is climate to you?

The first part is understanding what is climate and what is weather. Climate is the parameters of Earth that allow certain ranges of weather. We don't get Cat 10 canes now, but we would if Earth had no ice.

What are the parameters of climate that can change?

Ocean levels
Atmospheric thickness

What controls those?

The amount of ice on the planet. Period. Ocean level is 100% inversely correlated to Earth ice content (on land, not sea ice, which is pathetically small) - duh. Trapped in ice age glacier is compressed gas. When it snows 10 feet, you can compress that into a few inches of ice, and the rest is air, which also gets compressed, when it is under 100k years of ice layers on top of it. When that ice melts, that compressed air is released back into the atmosphere, making it denser. Clearly more ice makes things colder, but it is the discrepancy between the polar circles today that is key to understanding Earth climate change and how it occurs.

90% of Earth Ice is on Antarctica
7% is on Greenland

97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to the poles.... and land moves.

The first part is understanding what is climate and what is weather. Climate is the parameters of Earth that allow certain ranges of weather. We don't get Cat 10 canes now, but we would if Earth had no ice.

What are the parameters of climate that can change?

Ocean levels
Atmospheric thickness

What controls those?

The amount of ice on the planet. Period. Ocean level is 100% inversely correlated to Earth ice content (on land, not sea ice, which is pathetically small) - duh. Trapped in ice age glacier is compressed gas. When it snows 10 feet, you can compress that into a few inches of ice, and the rest is air, which also gets compressed, when it is under 100k years of ice layers on top of it. When that ice melts, that compressed air is released back into the atmosphere, making it denser. Clearly more ice makes things colder, but it is the discrepancy between the polar circles today that is key to understanding Earth climate change and how it occurs.

90% of Earth Ice is on Antarctica
7% is on Greenland

97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to the poles.... and land moves.
Fuck you, you ignorant, lying bigot.
Many hardcore deniers named here along with their funding sources:
Which three are you clowns?
Crick is just a con man trying to scare someone into selling their ocean front property to him cheap.

What's crazy about "my theory" that hydrocarbons are abiotic if we see that Saturn's Moon has lakes of "Fossil Fuels"?
fossil fuels
plural noun: fossil fuels
  1. a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

  1. relating to the study of the earth's physical structure and substance.
    "a geological map of the country"
1. a single living plant, animal, virus, etc.

"Saturn's Moon" = no "living plant, animal, virus, etc."
"Saturn's Moon" = not of "earth's physical structure and substance"
"Saturn's Moon" = no "formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms."

Sorry, but "Saturn's Moon" = no "seeing" lakes of "Fossil Fuels".. liar.

Abiotic hydrocarbons? Sure. Who has argued otherwise? Oh, just you?
You poor, sad little, goalpost shifting, strawman posing putz. :itsok:
fossil fuels



"Saturn's Moon" = no "living plant, animal, virus, etc."
"Saturn's Moon" = not of "earth's physical structure and substance"
"Saturn's Moon" = no "formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms."

Sorry, but "Saturn's Moon" = no "seeing" lakes of "Fossil Fuels".. liar.

Abiotic hydrocarbons? Sure. Who has argued otherwise? Oh, just you?
You poor, sad little, goalpost shifting, strawman posing putz. :itsok:
Earth, the only planet in the Universe that does not have abiotic hydrocarbons?

If it’s from fossils how do some “fossil fuel” fields refill?

If Methane on Earth only comes from organic processes, how does Titan, or any other planet or Moon have methane?
The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.

Deniers here have also constantly IGNORED the possibility that the fossil fuel industry, seeing global warming mitigation measures as an existential threat, might make efforts to slow the acceptance of the science and the measures required to combat this problem. Unfortunately for them, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that this is precisely what they have done and that all deniers have served admirably as the industry's "useful idiots".

What about the "renewable" energy misinformation campaign?

The ignoring that there is actually human bondage and child slavery involved in gathering rare earth minerals
The ignoring of the ecological disasters the mining causes
The fact that these bigger and bigger "clean" electric vehicles will never actually offset the emissions produced in their manufacture
The fact that wind solar and batteries will never be able to keep up with the demands of a 100% electrified economy
What about the "renewable" energy misinformation campaign?

The ignoring that there is actually human bondage and child slavery involved in gathering rare earth minerals
The ignoring of the ecological disasters the mining causes
The fact that these bigger and bigger "clean" electric vehicles will never actually offset the emissions produced in their manufacture
The fact that wind solar and batteries will never be able to keep up with the demands of a 100% electrified economy

What "saving the planet" looks like
What about the "renewable" energy misinformation campaign?

The ignoring that there is actually human bondage and child slavery involved in gathering rare earth minerals
The ignoring of the ecological disasters the mining causes
The fact that these bigger and bigger "clean" electric vehicles will never actually offset the emissions produced in their manufacture
The fact that wind solar and batteries will never be able to keep up with the demands of a 100% electrified economy
I am not a big advocate for BEV vehicles. I have stated here repeatedly that I think we should have gone with hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen combustion but, of course, we already possess an extensive electrical infrastructure. The claim that EVs or wind turbines or solar panels are responsible for more GHG emissions during their construction than they will offset is FALSE. The use of EVs and wind turbines and solar panels reduces our GHG emissions and, of course, as more and more of our electrical power is produced by non-emitting sources, the time for offset gets shorter and shorter and shorter.

There is no law of nature that tells us the the economy cannot be fully supported by non-emitting technologies and implying that there is, is a lie. With fusion power on the horizon, this problem will disappear.
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The deniers here constantly accuse the world's climate scientists of ALL being involved in a massive and decades-long hoat to push global warming in order to 1) Get rich 2) Remain employed 3) Gain control over the population 4) Destroy western civilization. Unfortunately for them, they have ZERO evidence to support those claims.

Deniers here have also constantly IGNORED the possibility that the fossil fuel industry, seeing global warming mitigation measures as an existential threat, might make efforts to slow the acceptance of the science and the measures required to combat this problem. Unfortunately for them, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that this is precisely what they have done and that all deniers have served admirably as the industry's "useful idiots".

Big oil has funded emission reduction studies at major universities for decades and zillions of dollars.

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