The Fourth Branch of Government - the Administrative State (aka, "The Swamp" or "The Deep State")


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
: If you think about mobilizing the federal bureaucracy to reelect Joe Biden don't leave out the top of the list, that's the DOJ, FBI, and the federal police state. There is a three word answer I stand by it, I stand by it during my own presidential campaign.

Shut it down.

We should not have millions of bureaucrats crawling around Washington, D.C. clogging up the pores of our constitutional public. There are three branches of government in the U.S. Constitution, executive, legislative, and judicial. There is no fourth administrative branch. One of the things we've seen in the Biden administration, which I think is one of the most frightening things we've seen in all of American history, is the weaponization of that administrative state to do the political bidding of the administration. Getting done through the "back door" of the deep state, the administrative state, the bureaucrats, what they could not get done through the front door of law-making. That is a danger to the future of our constitutional republic.

And yes, we've seen that at the level of DOJ, FBI. Look at multiple prosecutions of the lead contender of the opposition party. That has never happened in American history. It is happening now. It is not just at the level of the DOJ. It is rampant across three letter agencies across the board.

That is the real threat to our constitutional republic today; it is those unelected bureaucrats, the people who we never elected to run the government, who are wielding political power, backdoor regulatory power across Americans and businesses across this country. The right answer, get in there, you can't reform that beast, you have to slay it. Shut it down. That is what it will take. I think a second Trump term will be poised to go even further than the first Trump term getting that job done. If there's one thing that will save this republic, it is to shut down this fourth branch of government. [END OF QUOTE]

He has a good point. Past generations of Federal bureaucrats wanted to serve the people. Today's generation wants to make policy and implement it, regardless of what the current Administration wants (of course they are complicit with the Democrat Administrations).

Make everyone over GS-14 an "employee at will." Break up the FBI into regional offices, along with DoJ.

Congress has been lax in bringing the Deep State under control, but it is a full time job in itself. Surely, they have staffers who read the Federal Register, etc., and can keep tabs.

You Lefties have to get on board with this. You CANNOT have an independent, unelected "fourth branch" of the Federal government, even if you agree with what they are currently doing. I thought you guys were big on the democracy thing.
If you're listening to that idiot, it means you are just as much of an idiot yourself.

Where is the link?
you are counting incorrectly. the "executive" is one of three branchs of government,. this is the one totally managed by the president (who was that in 2017? i'd like to forget).

cheap insult at your long suffering kindergarten teacher deleted. but was she a "groomer?"
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Americans sat on their hands and on their guns as Biden's government stole the election. The defenders of liberty may not get another chance.

Tough guy talk was and still is cheap!
Over 300 million guns and not a one of them rose up off the table! As long predicted!
Americans sat on their hands and on their guns as Biden's government stole the election. The defenders of liberty may not get another chance.

Tough guy talk was and still is cheap!
Over 300 million guns and not a one of them rose up off the table! As long predicted!
The election wasn't stolen.
The election wasn't stolen.
"people are saying" the signal to bring on the weapons was the pipe bombs, which were defective/not detonated/"forgot to arm" by the bomber.

whichever cooler head prevailed upon trump to try it first without weapons will not be appointed in trump47

i'd like a lot more info on that.
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"people are saying" the signal to bring on the weapons was the pipe bombs, which were defective/not detonated/"forgot to arm" by the bomber.

whichever cooler head prevailed upon trump to try it first without weapons will not be appointed in trump47

i'd like a lot more info on that.
Trump's faithful lieutenants believed that Trump was serious and are now doing time in jails. The next time Trump will be serious and his faithful will trust him again.

They've never lost track of the fact that having the right to bear arms is primarily to prevent government from stealing freedom!

What American can doubt that the Dems are already making changes that will allow them to steal the election?
The election wasn't stolen, but...

The despicable letter from the 51 "national security experts" claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop was "Russian disinformation" shifted enough votes, by itself, to swing the election in Biden's favor according to polls taken in early 2021;

If Zuckerberg had not spent four hundred million dollars in an illegal campaign to harvest votes in mainly Black neighborhoods, Trump would have won; and

If the voting rules of 2016 had prevailed, instead of the massive, mail-in, "no provable fraud" rules, Trump would have won.

Other than that, the election wasn't stolen.
The election wasn't stolen, but...

The despicable letter from the 51 "national security experts" claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop was "Russian disinformation" shifted enough votes, by itself, to swing the election in Biden's favor according to polls taken in early 2021;

If Zuckerberg had not spent four hundred million dollars in an illegal campaign to harvest votes in mainly Black neighborhoods, Trump would have won; and

If the voting rules of 2016 had prevailed, instead of the massive, mail-in, "no provable fraud" rules, Trump would have won.

Other than that, the election wasn't stolen.
You're only causing division within the ranks. Your personal views have become more important for you to parrot than being faithful to the cause.

Who gives a fk what the backsliders think?
Be a Big Guy and Quit Blaming Little Guys

The "Deep State" is the HeirHead Harvard Hierarchy. They are behind the scenes, directing the bureaucrats, hiring only nasty and incompetent flunkies. Besides, "deep" implies not on the surface, hidden from view. So "Deep State" is misleading. Authoritarianism also implies not blaming the higher authorities and picking on their slavish front men.
Republicans will vote their entire lives for people who massively balloon the size of government bigger than Democrats could ever dream of, and then claim to want a smaller government :lmao:

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