The Fourth Joker


Sep 23, 2010
You can add a fourth joker to these three losers:


Establishment Republicans will outdo their penchant for nominating losers. I can see it coming next year when they Combine a long list of losing strategies into one monumental disaster:

1. Ratifying or simply legislating the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

2. Amnesty for Illegals.

3. Including every piece of environmental garbage in the TPP.

4. Surrender America’s sovereignty.

5. You have to pass TPP to find out what’s in it.

Yesterday, the TAA went down like a French hustling girl wearing knee pads. Nothing like defeat focuses a political party more than suffering a stunning “reversal.”

Media and establishment Republicans are more than ever committed to making TPP their campaign theme. The sales campaign is in place. I assume a Republican genius like Paul Ryan figured out that a Republican candidate would lose if he had to defend a string of disasters, but could win if he only had to defend the TPP. The “winning sales pitch” is already being bandied about. Handing America’s sovereignty to global government is good for American jobs and workers; if America does not have a seat at the global economy table, China will do it, and blah, blah, blah goes the rest of it.

Finally, every MSM outlet is behind ratifying the TPP. The only thing new in the news is that at long last FOX came out of the liberal closet. Bill O’Reilly has nothing to fear:

Sean Hannity, the conservative Republican commentator who takes on such controversial issues as Hillary Clinton’s legal work in a communist law firm, could be on his way out of the Fox News Channel as a result of Rupert Murdoch’s decision to turn the company over to his liberal son James.


Marc Gunther of Fortune magazine commented that “Murdoch has boldly promised to make News Corp. carbon neutral by 2010 and to weave environmental issues and themes into his newspapers, TV shows, movies and online properties-a tricky business, particularly when it comes to news.” (emphasis added)
FOX is overloaded with liberals, but Hillary wants to do more than rein in Fox News personalities, she intends to silence them:

The Hillary front organization known as Media Matters has challenged Murdoch to rein in the various Fox News personalities, including Hannity, who have voiced skepticism about the man-made global warming theory. The group complains that conservative voices on Fox far outnumber “progressive” voices and that Fox anchors, reporters, and guests inject pro-Republican views into the shows.
The TPP is very much involved with environmental claptrap:

That means that James’ liberal philosophy on environmental and other matters could become the party line not only of News Corporation but the Fox News Channel. Fox News already has come under conservative criticism for airing a Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. special that claimed human activity was causing global warming.


The London Telegraph reports that “Thanks to friendships with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, he [James Murdoch] has developed deep green instincts?” His father made a $500,000 gift to the Clinton Global Initiative.

“I’ve gotten to know Al [Gore] in a number of different contexts in the last number of years,” James Murdoch told the Financial Times in an interview [1]. We “think the same way about the necessity of being realistic concerning the climate crisis,” Gore piped in during the same interview.


James Murdoch wrote an article for the Guardian attacking the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute for dispensing “inaccurate propaganda” about the global warming issue. But many conservatives regard the theory of man-made global warming as a hoax. Has James Murdoch been persuaded by Al Gore to embrace it?


On July 7, when the LiveEarth concerts were staged around the world, Murdoch’s Foxtel television network was the exclusive Australian broadcast partner for the event. Here, the concerts were aired by the networks owned by GE, whose chairman Jeffrey Immelt also contributes to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Proceeds from the LiveEarth concerts went to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a group headed by Al Gore.

Rupert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son as Successor
Cliff Kincaid — December 11, 2007

Rupert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son as Successor

The manmade climate change fraud is not dead. Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize could not sell the lies. His movie could not sell tickets let only sell the lies. Nobody believes his lies irrespective of the help he gets from the EPA and from Hollywood movies. Now, that FOX is going force-feed the climate change fraud as news to a mostly conservative audience, Al Gore’s lies suddenly got new life.

Finally, I have one question: What does the United Nations' environmental agenda have to do with a treaty about trade?
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