The Front Porch Swing

You gave it to me, Derideo! I want an avatar of a heart on fire. Just a simple heart shape and flames - sounds like a winner. It won't be too hard to find it now. Thanks! - Jeri

Yes, there are plenty of them out there but finding the right one that suits you is not as easy so I came up with two finalists;



I know the second one is not as dramatic but that is the one that I see as being you inside. Yes, your heart is on fire, but in your own special way, you are a light to others!

They are both great but I really like the second one best! That is my avi, Derideo! You found my avatar!!! :eusa_angel: I love it.

Thank you very much! - Jeri

p.s. You always say the most encouraging things to people, Derideo. You have no idea what that means to me. Thank you.
You gave it to me, Derideo! I want an avatar of a heart on fire. Just a simple heart shape and flames - sounds like a winner. It won't be too hard to find it now. Thanks! - Jeri

Yes, there are plenty of them out there but finding the right one that suits you is not as easy so I came up with two finalists;



I know the second one is not as dramatic but that is the one that I see as being you inside. Yes, your heart is on fire, but in your own special way, you are a light to others!

They are both great but I really like the second one best! That is my avi, Derideo! You found my avatar!!! :eusa_angel: I love it.

Thank you very much! - Jeri

p.s. You always say the most encouraging things to people, Derideo. You have no idea what that means to me. Thank you.

Alright, Jerri, you need to have an avi.....that one is really nice. And yes, DT is always very nice to everyone, why he rocks.......:)
You gave it to me, Derideo! I want an avatar of a heart on fire. Just a simple heart shape and flames - sounds like a winner. It won't be too hard to find it now. Thanks! - Jeri

I put "fiery heart" in and came up with some very nice ones.

I googled hearts on fire but those were fancy. Thanks for looking, BD. I will look at the fiery heart site. I appreciate the help because I had no clue what to use as an avatar. It's been over a year with no avatar. Narrowing it down to a heart was huge! I would have never thought of that had Derideo not come up with that first avatar.
Yes, there are plenty of them out there but finding the right one that suits you is not as easy so I came up with two finalists;



I know the second one is not as dramatic but that is the one that I see as being you inside. Yes, your heart is on fire, but in your own special way, you are a light to others!

They are both great but I really like the second one best! That is my avi, Derideo! You found my avatar!!! :eusa_angel: I love it.

Thank you very much! - Jeri

p.s. You always say the most encouraging things to people, Derideo. You have no idea what that means to me. Thank you.

Alright, Jerri, you need to have an avi.....that one is really nice. And yes, DT is always very nice to everyone, why he rocks.......:)

Yes, that is the best avatar I've seen for the hearts because although I thought I wanted a fiery heart when I saw some of them this afternoon - it looked more like a fireball hurling towards earth! :eek:

The tealights is much better idea. Definitely! I need to ask BD Boop to help me put my avi on. I've not done this before and she told me she knows how to do this! It is nice to know someone here that knows how to put those up!
I went to Rio and became quite ill as I did in Mexico. I've only half an intestine and so I don't travel to these Spanish/Italian ports of call. I've never had these issues in the ME, Europe or the Orient.

At this point, I'm staying out of the lounges/taverns/coffee shops other than to come in and post now and then.

Uh- what else can one do in the lounges/teverns/coffee shops? :confused:

Spend more time than now and then?

Or any music thread, really.

I was trying to sleep, and I thought of a song for the music thread, but then I slept and forgot what song. Then I remembered, but now I'm too lazy to go over there.

[ame=]Summer wine - The corrs and Bono (with lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
Pogo doesn't have an Electron Microscope to take them with! :badgrin::badgrin:

DT, sometimes you can be unkind, too! :badgrin::badgrin:

Moi? :eusa_angel:

Pogo is the one always bragging about his prowess with his MINI in the snow! :eusa_whistle:


"We plow deep -- while others sleep"

I think DT's confused here. An electron microscope is a tool for seeing things that are tiny. He's thinking of a space telescope. It's easy to get 'em confused, they both end in 'scope'.

Actually DT I've driven the MINI very little in snow. Around here we've had exactly one decent snowfall in the last three years. However, I did manage to spin it 180° on a ramp I came upon before I expected it, on a wet roadway whilst carrying a piano.
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I want to thank BD Boop for spending almost an hour trying to help me put the avatar on! I am tech challenged! ( seriously! ) This is a beautiful avatar and I appreciate your help, BD, and Derideo for finding it and everyone for a fun day! No cigar for the fishing possum avatar, Pogo. You're outta luck!

Have a wonderful night you guys! Thanks again. - Jeri
I want to thank BD Boop for spending almost an hour trying to help me put the avatar on! I am tech challenged! ( seriously! ) This is a beautiful avatar and I appreciate your help, BD, and Derideo for finding it and everyone for a fun day! No cigar for the fishing possum avatar, Pogo. You're outta luck!

Have a wonderful night you guys! Thanks again. - Jeri

Oh YAY!!!!

Awesome. :)

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