The Front Porch Swing

Today's Porch Pickers: the Cuyahoga Valley Frackers:


I clicked on them....but no music came forth......:lol::lol:
Took a bunch of plants outside today....Weatherman says it's going to be nice for the rest of the week......70', did I create a lot of room in the house..and I still have a bunch left to take out...:)

I've been unable to use the board all day. Site keeps signing me out and now it won't let me sign in. I finally got in by going to another browser that I briefly used when I got this computer. But Chrome can't sign in at all.
Man. Just took a robbery claim (store got held up, the chain in question always has each employee call in a work comp when that happens) from a 22 y/o who just found out she's pregnant. Amazing how everything feels different when it's not just you in the equation anymore.

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