The Front Porch Swing


I can relate to number 2. On the list I mean. Some friends of mine did this in Atlantic City--

In the train station there was a line of pay phones, let's say 27 of them. Somebody went in and got all the phone numbers from these phones, handed them out to 27 different people, and instructed them,

"on the 14th, turn on the 11 o'clock TV news. As soon as you see the news start, call your number, let it ring once and hang up. Then call back, ring twice and hang up, then three, four up to eight and then work backwards back to one. If anyone answers during this, just read random numbers out of the phone book until they hang up".

Five minutes before 11 on the appointed night they had a local vagrant come into the bus station and do a bizarre costumed dance. Then five minutes later the ringing commenced.

Next day the phone company had something like ten trucks out there. :thup:

Lol. Sounds like something out of a Stephen King story, with Rod Serling narrating.

Another prank they pulled, these merry pranksters --

Went into an office building carrying a shopping bag. In the bag was a pair of pants, pair of shoes and a newspaper. This they took to the men's room, where they arranged it in a stall so that from the outside it looked like someone sitting in the stall reading the paper. Then they crawled out under the door and left the dilemma to Security.


Lol...good one.
"I had several epidural injections and none of them were effective. Part of my problem is that one leg, fractured when I was young, healed shorter than the other. Its not a huge amount and I do put a little lift in the heal of one shoe but it still throws everything else off and causes great pain.

On top of that, I also have horrible foot pain. Long story but I've dealt with that for more than 30 years.

I used to have to book stores, was on my feet for 14 hours a day and got up the next day to do it again. Now I can't even make it through an entire grocery store.

When we travel, I get steroid injections in my feet. Very helpful but the effects don't last a long time and too much can be toxic, contributes to osteoporosis, among other things.

Really happy for your relief though. Since I had spine surgery, I just might try the injections again. I'll have to find a different doctor though. The one I was seeing, young guy, half my age, runner, worked out, in excellent condition, told me that since I'm vegetarian I should be taking Vit's B and C and that I should eat red meat and that the Atkin's diet is healthy. He's now dying of colon cancer, no longer able to work. "


My mother had something similar to you. When she was about 25, she was run over by a bus. Broke her leg is two places. they had to remove about 2 inches on bone on one side, and she got used to walking at a tilt for most of her life. Every picture of her showed her skirt 2 inches closer to the ground on her left side. Obviously, her spine became deformed from decades of this. At about 70, she started going in to real pain. The doc gave her an elevator left shoe. After all those years, her body fought this with very serious pain, but she took steroid shots and kept wearing the shoe. It took about 5 years for the pain to stop.

Please try the back epidural. I don't know how long it will work, but IT WORKS! My friends tell me that they have never seen me so happy and animated.
I posted this on my Facepage:

Contours - Do You Love Me - Remastered Bubblerock Video HD - YouTube

You need to do one of those @ list things to attach to this information, Vandal. I think everyone should be able to read what you are saying here about these injections for back pain. This could be news to many people here. - J. p.s. its great news that you are feeling joyful, Vandal. I'm happy for you!

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