The Future Conflict Between the US and International Banking Cartels (& co.)


Mar 4, 2011
Please note that this is the same post by me titled 'The Net Effect of Global Banker Control and the Future US led 'Conflict' Against Them', I wanted a better title. The title I would like to use is The Future Conflict Between the US and International Banking Cartels (& co.). It would be much appreciated if the administrators allow this adjustment and thank you for allowing us to post our views on your message-board. Here is the original post by me:

No, the drones won't come-out to take down 'respectable' bankers in suits and ties! But a different type of conflict will emerge, if it hasn't already, against international shadowy-bankers and co. As absurd as this sounds the probabilities of this occurring later on are quite high, although the probabilities of any of us (the general population) knowing that this is conflict is occurring will be slim. Gate-keepers like the media won't focus on such a conflict because it won't be perceived by the general public as a real conflict. That involves guns etc, doesn't it!?

I use the term 'banker' loosely to mean all those powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world, the people in it and the world's economies, by for example irresponsibly and deliberately issuing more and more debt to pay for existing and future debt (and knowing: 1.that this model will not work, 2. this will further burden the middle classes which would mean that the international bankers will to some extent be able to control them especially at a crucial time). This does NOT include the majority of hard working banking executives around the world, that are not involved and are unaware of such a conflict. Now if you can control the world's economy with issuing more perpetual and unpayable debt, you can control geopolitics in the future as well. Why stop there? There are the seas, the skies and electromagnetic world too. A joke? NO! And the US led fight-back will, and I think has for some time, seen certain higher-order banking related events on the macro level, as a serious long-term threat to stability in the geo-political, economic etc world, and the US's long term interests.

Conflicts, other than battles we see on CNN, are fought every day on the international markets, but are more stealth in nature. Some, like the take-down of a currency, are more aggressive than others, like pegging your own currency to the USD, for example, to protect your domestic and international economic agendas, while slowly jeopardizing someone else's. This is nothing new. What will be, will be the US's interest to get back into the game of overseeing and controlling to some extent the direction of the US's economy and global interests (geopolitical etc) relative to the rest.

If the international 'banking' conglomerates were left to do as they please, then we will end up having a very different world altogether, and quickly too. Not only will they fund all types of governments/countries at all levels and make multiples of more money in the process, the international banker conglomerates would have financed sets of long-term (irreversible) problems for the world. Financing hostile governments with nasty agenda, for one. Without the US-led watchdog service, we would be living in a far more dangerous world. All those conspiracy theories about major wars between, for example, Iran vs Israel/US etc would perhaps become real. And guess who'd be there to finance both sides or nearly all sides? The international banking cartels and all of their supporters/sponsors/backers.

Another problem for the US will be those global bankers and co are well networked with resources, capital (of course) and people of all sorts and in different fields/vocations etc. Unfortunately, some of the interest to transfer power from the United States (military, CIA, NSA etc etc) and transferring it to shadowy international banking groups and their sponsors, is clearly coming form within the US.

There will continue to be a latent and an ongoing conflict at different levels between the US led defense against international banking cartels and their supporters. The net effect, at different periods/times in the future (and it won't be the same) will be the world you and I are living in and have been living in, even if the gatekeepers of the world prevent us from seeing it for ourselves.
A better title would have been " Cleansing the United States of the International Jewish Bankers".
I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.
I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.
...all those powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world...

Before we go any further, safely concerns require proper mind control protection from powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world. These need to be posted:

I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.

That's ONE of the games they've mastered.

The other is to find third world nations where they can buy offr the leaders to assume enormous debts for dubious projects such that the nations are bound to go belly up.

Basically they end up running those nations by economic means.

Its a form of economy imperialism, and it is a highly effecive means of controlling the world.

Make no mistake about it, these people are extremely intelligent and they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine organizations to bend other national government to do their bidding.

Of course their grand assult on the American people was in the setp by step elimination of trade barriers under the guise of FREE TRADE propaganda.

The pernicious effects of that scam are just now becoming manifest in a way that seems likely to bankrupt this government, just as they have bankripted so many government in the third world.

Different technique, of course, but leading to the same outcome.
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I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

I agree the banksters (awesome term!) have been running things for a long long time, centuries even and with numerous motives along the way. In the modern era, let's say the last decade (or even two), there seems to be a move to go at it alone and without the backing of the US and its defense and clandestine agencies. I think this is deliberate as the international banking cartels and co. have realized that the those same US agencies have been a real barrier to creating even larger amounts of wealth and power. Unfortunately for the banksters and co. they are pretty much running-up against the most powerful network that still exists, the US and all its agencies. Maybe it's time for these shadowy banksters and co. to start fearing their own shadows!
I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.

So so true! The packaging of asset classes and other forms of economic creativity is in some way a star-gate or gateway to a new (but dangerous) world.
...all those powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world...

Before we go any further, safely concerns require proper mind control protection from powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world. These need to be posted:


I do like this post a lot, even though I think it's being critical of the point that many make that banksters (thanks editec!) and co. want to control the world. And that doesn't matter really, as it's always good to get feedback.

I also think there is an interesting Napoleonic reference with the formation of the tin foil hat. I'm sure Napoleon was embroiled in some form of bankster dilemma, at a different level to the ones mentioned today.

Now, where is our tin foil kept!:lol:
I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.
Glass/Steagall must be re-instated or we'll never get out of this.

from What Was The Glass-Steagall Act?

referring to 1933:
"Reasons for the Act - Commercial Speculation
Commercial banks were accused of being too speculative in the pre-Depression era, not only because they were investing their assets but also because they were buying new issues for resale to the public. Thus, banks became greedy, taking on huge risks in the hope of even bigger rewards. Banking itself became sloppy and objectives became blurred. Unsound loans were issued to companies in which the bank had invested, and clients would be encouraged to invest in those same stocks. "

Sounds like something to describe market practices today. But surely the magnitude of what goes on today, in terms of frequency and momentum, is far higher, and we're talking multiples (or just bring in your square roots!)

And here's a quote form Wikipedia:


"The argument against preserving the Act (as written in 1987):
Depository institutions will now operate in “deregulated” financial markets in which distinctions between loans, securities, and deposits are not well drawn. They are losing market shares to securities firms that are not so strictly regulated, and to foreign financial institutions operating without much restriction from the Act.
Conflicts of interest can be prevented by enforcing legislation against them, and by separating the lending and credit functions through forming distinctly separate subsidiaries of financial firms.
The securities activities that depository institutions are seeking are both low-risk by their very nature, and would reduce the total risk of organizations offering them – by diversification.
In much of the rest of the world, depository institutions operate simultaneously and successfully in both banking and securities markets. Lessons learned from their experience can be applied to our national financial structure and regulation."

Well, I guess we can make-up our own minds.
I think it not entirely an overstatment to suggest that the BANKSTERS have been basically running the show internationally for our entire lifetimes.

It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.

That's ONE of the games they've mastered.

The other is to find third world nations where they can buy offr the leaders to assume enormous debts for dubious projects such that the nations are bound to go belly up.

Basically they end up running those nations by economic means.

Its a form of economy imperialism, and it is a highly effecive means of controlling the world.

Make no mistake about it, these people are extremely intelligent and they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine organizations to bend other national government to do their bidding.

Of course their grand assult on the American people was in the setp by step elimination of trade barriers under the guise of FREE TRADE propaganda.

The pernicious effects of that scam are just now becoming manifest in a way that seems likely to bankrupt this government, just as they have bankripted so many government in the third world.

Different technique, of course, but leading to the same outcome.

I agree with all that you said, except for "these people are extremely intelligent and they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine organizations to bend other national government to do their bidding." (by editec). Well they are intelligent, but I don't think they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine agencies anymore. In fact, I think that the US military and US clandestine services have been screwed-over (no offense intended) by the international banksters and co. All these agencies source a great deal of their income from the US middle class, and they have been screwed themselves with unpayable contractual debts of different sorts.

Sure the US needed these banking cartels and co. for financing purposes throughout history, as we all did indirectly, and still do. BUT, a turning point must have come about during the beginning of the GFC, when it became obvious that the banking cartels and co. were no longer going to allow the US to prevent it (the banksters) from financing the world the way it sees fit.

Of course, no one can match the US in terms of physical military etc strength, but the US can get out-bidded by these banking cartels and co. The biggest strength these banking cartels and co. have is their enormous and technically limitless amounts of capital and their control of it. So their purchasing power is a real problem if you happen to be on the wrong side of the equation.

"Basically they end up running those nations by economic means." by editec.

This is so true, and one of the reasons I wrote in 'The (Economic) World in 2030', that controlling supply and demand dynamics to boost wealth (which is pretty much an accounting/economists construct) isn't a way to move forward at all! What is is creation and innovation which is lacking; not talking about iphones and apps here. I'm referring to engineering developments and innovations etc (how many engineers do you know that are driving cabs! Nothing wrong with driving cabs, but engineers are better suited elsewhere, I would have thought).

Running nations by economic means has no intrinsic value for the longevity of a nation's welfare. Economists and accountants just don't create like engineers would. When it's left to accountants and economists to create market instruments, that even courts find hard to understand, then you're entering a very dangerous world indeed. We have seen this played-out during and after the GFC, but it is possible that this is a prelude to an even greater catastrophe. One thing's for sure, the international banking cartels will, once again, feel the least amount of heat if this happens. Yes, they are an insulated lot.
When blaming banking cartels and co. i'm not talking about the local bank down the street or even their head office in town. Not the employees of these banks nor its mainstream clients. Although local banks were issuing out bad loans of all sorts, they were receiving pressure, even indirect pressure, from above to boost revenue (for a while) and sales; someone forgot about the profits! So the administrative and logistical side of banking in general (individual banks that seemed to have operated in isolation from the collective lot) would not have been aware of the overall (US and world wide) debacle that was occurring prior to the GFC. But many at the top of the banking/corporate network must have known what was occurring, and they would have for years even. Some banking companies even began shorting banking stocks and were very quick out of the blocks.

But all this was subsequently heavily covered by all media outlets. What wasn't and still isn't, is the intentional moves to destabilize the middle class even further with more and more debt, masquerading as something viable (which it isn't); this is kind of like a next stage to destabilize and transfer power and wealth from middle classes, around the world and high end protective services agencies in their countries! I'm more than convinced of this. Look at Europe at the moment; the politicians and bankers (and co.) are giving each other high-fives over, pretty much burying Europe with more and more debt. They're calling it something other than issuing more debt, and soon they will all run out of names.

This is an international crisis as much as it is a US one. Hard to justify a comment like 'our debt crisis is not as serious as theirs', but I hear this a lot on those finance channels. Those international banking cartels and their cohorts are involved in many practices other than general lending. They are very secretive and highly influential. No point waiting for Sky News, for example, to let you know their next move. They don't want us to know and I have a feeling the cartels or banksters try to keep things from even the very best clandestine agencies, like the NSA and CIA.

So the US is not out to go after all banking institutions; probably not even some. What will be, and probably is, a focus, will be the powerful banking and corporate groups from around the world that:

1. burdened the middle classes with perpetual and unpayable long-term debt, which means the US military, clandestine services of all kinds will not get the necessary funding they deserve, via taxes and robust revenue.

2. perhaps deliberately attempted and are attempting to transfer wealth and power form the United States (and even its allies).

3. are placing the world in a very serious, precarious situation that probably won't be as defensive as before.

4. are ready to finance all forms of governments and any country at all levels, even ones with dangerous agendas.

Personally, I think if congress can't agree on viable and long term measures and if supply from treasury is blocked, the US military and all high level protective services agencies, should have the mandate to:

1. bypass congress and go straight to the treasury and seek a substantial amount of funds to continue to operate at an optimum level, as it sees fit. This can be based on some very real (and secretive) measurements that potentially puts the US in harms way; harms way is NOT just physical! Why shouldn't the US agencies (continue to) protect the future of the United States, no matter what type of macro threat it is.

2. perhaps as a last resort, if things turn south over the next year or so, the President should order high level protective services agencies to take control of parts of the government, unofficially if need be. Not talking about marching on in with guns here. This of course would not sit well with the public, but if it's a matter of preserving the US as much as it can from international and some domestic influences, then so be it. It would only be a transitory measure of sorts, until order is restored. Sure is a controversial point, but who will protect US citizens from further demise? Congress, big business, the so called free markets or bankers?
It really kicked into gear when they were allowed to package and sell securities and such.

That's ONE of the games they've mastered.

The other is to find third world nations where they can buy offr the leaders to assume enormous debts for dubious projects such that the nations are bound to go belly up.

Basically they end up running those nations by economic means.

Its a form of economy imperialism, and it is a highly effecive means of controlling the world.

Make no mistake about it, these people are extremely intelligent and they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine organizations to bend other national government to do their bidding.

Of course their grand assult on the American people was in the setp by step elimination of trade barriers under the guise of FREE TRADE propaganda.

The pernicious effects of that scam are just now becoming manifest in a way that seems likely to bankrupt this government, just as they have bankripted so many government in the third world.

Different technique, of course, but leading to the same outcome.

I agree with all that you said, except for "these people are extremely intelligent and they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine organizations to bend other national government to do their bidding." (by editec). Well they are intelligent, but I don't think they have the backing of the US military and its clandestine agencies anymore. In fact, I think that the US military and US clandestine services have been screwed-over (no offense intended) by the international banksters and co. All these agencies source a great deal of their income from the US middle class, and they have been screwed themselves with unpayable contractual debts of different sorts.

I do not share your optomism in that regard. I have very little doubt that as the nation starts putting gtovernment on the block the very last thing that the masters will do is DEFUND the police state that controls the people, and the clandestine services and military that give then power on the foreign front.

Believe me, the last thing that will not be funded are the mechanizms necessary for the continued domination by the Isider class.

Sure the US needed these banking cartels and co. for financing purposes throughout history, as we all did indirectly, and still do. BUT, a turning point must have come about during the beginning of the GFC, when it became obvious that the banking cartels and co. were no longer going to allow the US to prevent it (the banksters) from financing the world the way it sees fit.

That's where so called "FREE TRADE" comes in. FRee trade not only allows goods to come into this nation to be sold, it also facilitates the ease with which the Banksters can invest offshore. That way their CAPITAL will not be subject to taxation when the staggering debts load THAT THEY RACKED UP in order to gain dominance over this nation and other nations, cannot be TAXED.

Of course, no one can match the US in terms of physical military etc strength, but the US can get out-bidded by these banking cartels and co. The biggest strength these banking cartels and co. have is their enormous and technically limitless amounts of capital and their control of it. So their purchasing power is a real problem if you happen to be on the wrong side of the equation.

What IS the USA?

Is it the 300 million of us or is it REALLY those who control/own its government?

"Basically they end up running those nations by economic means." by editec.

This is so true, and one of the reasons I wrote in 'The (Economic) World in 2030', that controlling supply and demand dynamics to boost wealth (which is pretty much an accounting/economists construct) isn't a way to move forward at all! What is is creation and innovation which is lacking; not talking about iphones and apps here. I'm referring to engineering developments and innovations etc (how many engineers do you know that are driving cabs! Nothing wrong with driving cabs, but engineers are better suited elsewhere, I would have thought).

Engineers are one of those professions only just now beginning to feel the pinch that is the result of interantional trade. But their time is coming. there are no shortage of highly trained engineers in this world willing to work for pennies compared to what US engineers MUST make to survive.

Engineers (and other still doing fairly well professions) are going to find themselves, (as production workers already have) competing for THIRD WORLD wages in the next couple decades or so.

An international economy naturally creates conditions where the value of labor decreases in high paying nations and increases somewhat in lower paying nations. That is where we are at right that transition period.

Running nations by economic means has no intrinsic value for the longevity of a nation's welfare.

Of course it doesn't. CAPITALISM is NOT nationalism. Capital has no patriotic or social obligations. Government do, capital does NOT.

Economists and accountants just don't create like engineers would. When it's left to accountants and economists to create market instruments, that even courts find hard to understand, then you're entering a very dangerous world indeed. We have seen this played-out during and after the GFC, but it is possible that this is a prelude to an even greater catastrophe. One thing's for sure, the international banking cartels will, once again, feel the least amount of heat if this happens. Yes, they are an insulated lot.

Engineers do not control the world. They are, much like the rest of us, mere cogs in the economic machine.

And like all cogs in the machine, they are replaced the moment a cheaper or better proforming cog can be found.
i do not share your optomism in that regard. I have very little doubt that as the nation starts putting gtovernment on the block the very last thing that the masters will do is defund the police state that controls the people, and the clandestine services and military that give then power on the foreign front.

But without the middle classes to fund and support protective services agencies of all kinds, you're going to get what is about to happen now: a reduction in spending on on all these vital agencies, that have protected the US (who else has, at least to that extent?) and its reserve currency, market dominance, the seas, the skies and the list goes on. Sure the military, CIA etc have been funded by US and international banks, but those banking cartels and co. seem to be going at it alone and have cut-off probably all US protective services agencies. The cartels probably see these same agencies as a real barrier to finance the next generation and beyond of asset classes, in any part of the world. In countries with dangerous agendas too.

Believe me, the last thing that will not be funded are the mechanizms necessary for the continued domination by the isider class.

I don't think these banking cartels and co. really care about US domestic affairs or US citizens. They have overburdened the US taxpayer (and military etc) with way too high future debt obligations, and this, I think, is one way to keep them all back, while the banking cartels and co. go about their business and set-up shop anywhere around the world, wherever they see fit, without limitations. A real problem for all of us in the future.

That's where so called "free trade" comes in. Free trade not only allows goods to come into this nation to be sold, it also facilitates the ease with which the banksters can invest offshore. That way their capital will not be subject to taxation when the staggering debts load that they racked up in order to gain dominance over this nation and other nations, cannot be taxed.

Excellent point! Something related to this excellent point is, the middle classes are largely funding all of these transfer of wealth and banster practices indirectly and a lot of this is happening through the issuance of more debt. The United States middle classes (all Americans really) and all of its protective services agencies (military, etc etc) are not being represented by these international banking and corporate groups, that are clearly utilizing US resources of all kinds for their own agenda. It's not just taxation without representation, but the issuance of layers of debt without representation, or a guarantee of any sort!

What is the usa?

The way things are heading, it won't be what we traditionally thought. Another reason why high-end protective services agencies of all kinds (all really!) need to step up to the plate and do what they do best, and congress etc should not be a barrier to this! They (US military, CIA etc NOT congress) are our last line of defense from the transformation of wealth from the United States and the issuance of more debt along the way. Without the military, NSA, CIA, FBI etc etc the geopolitical borders around the world will quickly change, and perhaps change for the worse. I'm living in Australia, but say 'our' because many of us here know that without the US led watch dog service, it would affect the geopolitical region here too. If the US wasn't there to oversee all parts of the world and all activities in it, there would be no other nation to do this! Economists and accountants that are running things for all types of agencies even, are too stupid to see the long-term implications of not having the US protect the world from an infinite amount of possible harm that's out there!

Is it the 300 million of us or is it really those who control/own its government?
Probably the latter for now, but another reason why high-end protective services of all kinds should play a bigger role in government. I still don't see how defense of all kinds would want to screw-over the masses by siding with global banking cartels and multinationals with bad intentions. You just can't bite the very hand that feeds you!

Engineers are one of those professions only just now beginning to feel the pinch that is the result of interantional trade. But their time is coming. There are no shortage of highly trained engineers in this world willing to work for pennies compared to what us engineers must make to survive.

This is one way we got it wrong. In stead of promoting ingenuity and innovations, that no other nation would be able to compete with like in the 50s and 60s, we allowed the accountants and economists to promote a supply and demand dynamic that can be controlled to boost wealth. Free trade is one of their creations too! So we don't need to look at creating things and marketing them to boost wealth. We do it by these artificial and shallow means. And guess what? It just doesn't work the way accountants and economists thought it might in the long run.

Engineers (and other still doing fairly well professions) are going to find themselves, (as production workers already have) competing for third world wages in the next couple decades or so.

And this is why accountants and economists should stop running the world! This is their construct, and of course they had help from politicians etc, and it just doesn't do the rest of us any good in the long run.

An international economy naturally creates conditions where the value of labor decreases in high paying nations and increases somewhat in lower paying nations. That is where we are at right that transition period.

Once again, an accountant's/economist's contribution to the world. Thank you very much!

And like all cogs in the machine, they are replaced the moment a cheaper or better proforming cog can be found.

A country that looks inward on itself to save money like this, but not promote innovations that are world changing initiatives, is a country that is being controlled by accountants, economists and those shadowy banking cartels and their cohorts.
...I'm sure Napoleon was embroiled in some form of bankster dilemma, at a different level to the ones mentioned today...
I was just about to scoff again and then I caught myself because it was Napoleon who created the Bank of France.

The fact that for him the national bank was a solution to a problem means we want to consider what problems the current international banking system is solving before we dump on the banks. By itself just because a system is international doesn't make it bad. Like maybe anyone here that thinks anything international is evil ought to stop using the internet.
...I'm sure Napoleon was embroiled in some form of bankster dilemma, at a different level to the ones mentioned today...
I was just about to scoff again and then I caught myself because it was Napoleon who created the Bank of France.

The fact that for him the national bank was a solution to a problem means we want to consider what problems the current international banking system is solving before we dump on the banks. By itself just because a system is international doesn't make it bad. Like maybe anyone here that thinks anything international is evil ought to stop using the internet.

Of course we have had international banking for quite some time and it in and of itself is not a bad thing.

But when the Banksters gain control of a nation and put their own corporate interests ahead of the nation which is now controls that is a bad development.

How bad?

Well look at how rapidly this nation went from the world's internation CREDITOR to the worlds biggest DEBTOR.

THAT is the perfect example of how these wankers' work to strip a nation of its wealth.
Please note that this is the same post by me titled 'The Net Effect of Global Banker Control and the Future US led 'Conflict' Against Them', I wanted a better title. The title I would like to use is The Future Conflict Between the US and International Banking Cartels (& co.). It would be much appreciated if the administrators allow this adjustment and thank you for allowing us to post our views on your message-board. Here is the original post by me:

No, the drones won't come-out to take down 'respectable' bankers in suits and ties! But a different type of conflict will emerge, if it hasn't already, against international shadowy-bankers and co. As absurd as this sounds the probabilities of this occurring later on are quite high, although the probabilities of any of us (the general population) knowing that this is conflict is occurring will be slim. Gate-keepers like the media won't focus on such a conflict because it won't be perceived by the general public as a real conflict. That involves guns etc, doesn't it!?

I use the term 'banker' loosely to mean all those powerful corporate and banking executives and co. that want to control the world, the people in it and the world's economies, by for example irresponsibly and deliberately issuing more and more debt to pay for existing and future debt (and knowing: 1.that this model will not work, 2. this will further burden the middle classes which would mean that the international bankers will to some extent be able to control them especially at a crucial time). This does NOT include the majority of hard working banking executives around the world, that are not involved and are unaware of such a conflict. Now if you can control the world's economy with issuing more perpetual and unpayable debt, you can control geopolitics in the future as well. Why stop there? There are the seas, the skies and electromagnetic world too. A joke? NO! And the US led fight-back will, and I think has for some time, seen certain higher-order banking related events on the macro level, as a serious long-term threat to stability in the geo-political, economic etc world, and the US's long term interests.

Conflicts, other than battles we see on CNN, are fought every day on the international markets, but are more stealth in nature. Some, like the take-down of a currency, are more aggressive than others, like pegging your own currency to the USD, for example, to protect your domestic and international economic agendas, while slowly jeopardizing someone else's. This is nothing new. What will be, will be the US's interest to get back into the game of overseeing and controlling to some extent the direction of the US's economy and global interests (geopolitical etc) relative to the rest.

If the international 'banking' conglomerates were left to do as they please, then we will end up having a very different world altogether, and quickly too. Not only will they fund all types of governments/countries at all levels and make multiples of more money in the process, the international banker conglomerates would have financed sets of long-term (irreversible) problems for the world. Financing hostile governments with nasty agenda, for one. Without the US-led watchdog service, we would be living in a far more dangerous world. All those conspiracy theories about major wars between, for example, Iran vs Israel/US etc would perhaps become real. And guess who'd be there to finance both sides or nearly all sides? The international banking cartels and all of their supporters/sponsors/backers.

Another problem for the US will be those global bankers and co are well networked with resources, capital (of course) and people of all sorts and in different fields/vocations etc. Unfortunately, some of the interest to transfer power from the United States (military, CIA, NSA etc etc) and transferring it to shadowy international banking groups and their sponsors, is clearly coming form within the US.

There will continue to be a latent and an ongoing conflict at different levels between the US led defense against international banking cartels and their supporters. The net effect, at different periods/times in the future (and it won't be the same) will be the world you and I are living in and have been living in, even if the gatekeepers of the world prevent us from seeing it for ourselves.

There is not now nor has there been since Kennedy a time when U.S. Government fought against the bankster elites. In the time of Kennedy it wasn't the government fighting against them but Kennedy himself. We all saw what that led too.

I am glad that you have posted this topic because it is the biggest topic of them all. The international banks took control over our monetary system in 1913 with the formation of the Federal Reserve. It is solely owned and operated without any government oversight by private bankers. It is, and was formed to be a banking cartel. There are NO elected government officials in its employ, and no FED employee works for the American government.

The Fed prints our currency out of thin air than loans it at interest to the government. Our government has never been able to repay these loans due to their high interest rates, so in order to pay them they go back to the Fed for another loan at interest and so on and so on. Each time the Fed prints currency it devalues the money that's already out there. Right now because of this the American dollar is worth 4 cents compared to what it was in 1913 just prior to the Federal Reserve Act. If our money would of held its value since than, than today our dollar would have the purchasing power of over $22.00.

These bankers after doing this have accumulated massive power and resources. The began to buy up politicians, cooperation's, and the companies that comprise up the industrial military complex.

Throughout our history we have had 5 presidents go against the central banking cartels.
Andrew Jackson fought against and won against the central bank that was than in the United States. They tried to assassinate him, but were not successful. Garfield and McKinley also spoke out against the Fed and were killed. Lincoln after borrowing money from them to finance the civil war was appalled by the outrageous interest we would have to pay back. He decided to that we should print our own debt free money called "Greenbacks". For this he was killed. JFK had written executive order 11110 that would end the Fed and began the creation of debt free U.S. Dollars. He too was assassinated.

Since than we have not had a true American patriot willing to go against the Fed other than Ron Paul. He has been saying we should end the Fed for two decades now.

Ron Paul2012
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...I'm sure Napoleon was embroiled in some form of bankster dilemma, at a different level to the ones mentioned today...
I was just about to scoff again and then I caught myself because it was Napoleon who created the Bank of France.

The fact that for him the national bank was a solution to a problem means we want to consider what problems the current international banking system is solving before we dump on the banks. By itself just because a system is international doesn't make it bad. Like maybe anyone here that thinks anything international is evil ought to stop using the internet.

I wanted to post this to you so you will be able to see what we are facing in a nutshell.

[ame=]‪The American Dream? - FULL LENGTH‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪March 25th, 2011‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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