The Future of News Coverage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Newspaper ad revenues drop and they continue to let go of people in the newsrooms. More and more people get their news from social media and the internet in general.

Democracy depends upon a free press.

This comes from the article but it's something the Founding Fathers clearly understood. So, what it going to be the “free press” of the future? It's so easy to spread lies today, who is going to be the watchdog? Government?

Read more @ Improving media capacity A series on the future of news coverage Brookings Institution

The lies the media tells and the double standard they live by. @

I know the liberals will attack this because of the source. That's no surprise. The part that caught my eye – and I find to be so true – is this:

They will run with a narrative for weeks on end till the truth finally comes out, then they will maybe run a one article retraction of it, and then they move on to the next lie they can tell for the next few weeks,…..inundating us all with the lies and distortions that they want us to have in mind, while as an afterthought give a retraction, if they do, as a maybe one paragraph *if that much.

Anyone care to try to refute that?

Obama Rips Fox_ ‘We’re Going to Have to Change How the Media Reports’

Are any of you surprised by this. And, how can you Lefties decry this when the video is in his own words @ Obama Rips Fox We re Going to Have to Change How the Media Reports - Breitbart
Perhaps if 90%+ of the mainstream newspapers weren't owned by five media conglomerates with painfully synchronous messages and obvious editorial biases, the public wouldn't so readily be seeking out greener pastures online.

The collapse of public faith in the press is symptomatic of the greater collapse of western society. So many of the wells are poisoned, nobody knows where to drink anymore. Reap what you've sown, you corrupt titans of the Fourth Estate.

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