The Future Of The (Scared, White) GOP

Like I posted earlier.

The only reason I can see voting, is to keep Clinton out of the White House.

I doubt any of the others can do as much damage.

If she doesn't get the nomination, let the chads fall as they may.

that seems to be pretty much right on there. but the Democrat base put that thug community agitator no experience in anything but Agitating in as President. so I wouldn't pin my hopes that they have woken up from their stupidity on Hillary. take this thread as an example
Here's what we'll get with Hillary in there:
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

At that point, both parties will have to become coalition parties. Not just the Democrats.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Besides Clinton, he's been the best president since before Reagan. That's why Republicans hate him.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.

I'm afraid so. but Obama is the blame for that along with his base who used the color of his skin to shout down people and the beat them down with accusations of Racist. . Which by the way was all planned. there was no other reason for some Junior nobody Senator hardly anyone in the country ever heard of to run for President.....I hope it's the last Progressive/Democrat elected. but hey put in Obama. so
Dem Party: old, white Socalist
old, white Socalist
and latinos and Blacks and Jews and asians and young people

how many Latinos, Blacks, Jews and Asians, and young people do you have running for president?

Well, we've had a black President for a while now.

No serious Dems are running because they're all afraid of Clinton. Should more minorities run? Sure. I don't know why they don't.

But one things a near certainty: a Caucasian man will win the Republican nomination ... and he will lose the minority and female and young people vote in the general election.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Besides Clinton, he's been the best president since before Reagan. That's why Republicans hate him.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
WillHaftawaite and his ilk are laughing on the outside and shitting his pants on the inside

is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

From the field I see, on both sides of the aisle, the only reason I have to vote in 2016, is to keep Hillary out of office.

I don't see any of the rest being as dangerous to the country as she is.

And I will vote Democrat to keep Republican out WH in 2016.
What are your reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton?
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.

I'm afraid so. but Obama is the blame for that along with his base who used the color of his skin to shout down people and the beat them down with accusations of Racist. . Which by the way was all planned. there was no other reason for some Junior nobody Senator hardly anyone in the country ever heard of to run for President.....I hope it's the last Progressive/Democrat elected. but hey put in Obama. so
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him

Really it is your ilk who are dying off faster then you can spawn, the right wing wing cross groveling, products of pork stenched crackers are the ones shrinking in America and the power that goes with it.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him

Really it is your ilk who are dying off faster then you can spawn, the right wing wing cross groveling, products of pork stenched crackers are the ones shrinking in America and the power that goes with it.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.

FYI - It'll spell trouble for everyone, the entire nation. Trouble makers will stoke the fires of hatred and racism for many decades to come. America is becoming more divided with each passing day. Racism has played a part in many elections, and I doubt that'll change. And, according to history, it's not only "Angry White Men", it's also "Angry Black Men". Anger and hatred are universal in this nation, it plays no favorites.

And right now the angry whites are angry that they are losing power and the current minority population are not being docile and quite anymore.
This Nation has elected its last liberal black man for President. None will follow him.
Besides Clinton, he's been the best president since before Reagan. That's why Republicans hate him.
This country is more divided than ever in its history. You really shouldnt. post while you're drunk. Obama is the worst so-called leader ever elected. Blacks voted for him because they wanted a black president. His lack of qualifications weren't considered.
Yes, in the national elections it will be even more reflective in 2016 then in 2012.

The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans.


Rusty housers twin brother
Really it is your ilk who are dying off faster then you can spawn, the right wing wing cross groveling, products of pork stenched crackers are the ones shrinking in America and the power that goes with it.
Blacks, Mexicans and Asians are going to vote as a block? LOL
Which is why your party is running 3 white men and an old white woman?

What the make up of the GOP running?

2 Cubans, 1 woman, I Indian, etc.

Run with that 'scared white GOP'.

I'll sit back and laugh

And they are not old christer crackers from jesusland
The blacks are more often from 'jesusland' and they vote almost exclusively democrat because they are mostly racists who segregate themselves. And the democrats pander to that.
You have the shoe so on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs are mostly white because they cater to whites. They cater to no race. Democrats pander to race because they are the party of racial segregation. That leaves fewer minorities to vote repub so repubs appear white. And morons can't figure that out.
You are a bigot. And not very bright. Certainly not honest.
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