The Gaystapo is at it again

Jailing gays like they do in countries like Russia is also a human rights abuse, puppy.
Going to jail for violating the law is not a “human rights abuse” you Gaystapo Drama Queen.

Stop operating under your bizarre belief that whatever you support, the rest of the world must support as well. That’s not how it works, Adolf.
How can someone who is anti gay have any credibility denouncing countries for being anti gay?
For starters, who says he would have to? The President sets foreign policy. If I were President, my policy would be “it’s none of our business if a sovereign nation decides to outlaw homosexuality”.

You continue to make all kinds of false accusations and absurd assumptions. Just bring yourself to admit that Cory Booker is an immature, outrageous asshole for asking such an idiotic question. The personal sexual views of an appointed (key word) federal employee are irrelevant. Why do progressives have to make everything sexual and perverse?
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.

So if someone identifies as a robot, we should pretend with him?
That's what it is. It isn't enough that we are supposed to accept his pretending to be a woman. You do realize that is what he is doing, he is pretending to be a woman. A man dressing in woman's clothing, even having silicon pillows inserted into his chest to mock a woman's breast....this doesn't make a man a woman. You realize that? Right?
But no... he DEMANDS everyone to pretend with him so he can more fully fantasize this is all real. He doesn't want to be reminded he is still...a man...that would be just weird.
This is how absurd this whole thing is.
You are spot on, iamwhatiseem. And those same progressive idiots will not extend that same curtesy to other citizens. If I woke up tomorrow truly believing I was Jesus Christ, not only would the left refuse to pass a law mandating that all citizens worship me, they would actually have me detained against my will.

See, if something is disturbing sexually, it gets the left all frothy and they demand that it be embraced and celebrated. But if something is religious, they instantly lose their shit. Let a 49 year old man shower in high heels with 9 year old girls. Ohhhhhhh yes! Put up a nativity scene on the town square at Christmas? Nooooooooo!!

(And no, you idiot progressives, no where in the U.S. Constitution does the term “separation of church and state” exist. So don’t even attempt to pretend like this is the one issue where you’re trying to uphold the constitution because it will make you look even dumber).
You want to end the argument of is easy.
Just say to them.. "You DO realize they are pretending right? I mean you do know it isn't real? Just because a person wants to pretend to be a woman, doesn't MAKE them a woman".
Actual transgender dysphoria is real. But it is very rare. Exceedingly rare.
What we have today is gay men, who are especially effeminate - WANTING to live as a woman. That is different. That is based on part sexual desire, and part fantasy.
Not wanting to pretend with them doesn't make a person bad or wrong. It makes them normal.

....The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.

I agree.
Homosexuality has existed pretty much as long as we have walked the earth. It is not right to punish others because they violate OUR belief system.
Which btw, is equal to punishing a person for not willing to play along with someone's fantasy of pretending to be a woman.
There is no difference. Both seek to criminalize one person for not abiding by the belief of another person.

....The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.

I agree.
Homosexuality has existed pretty much as long as we have walked the earth. It is not right to punish others because they violate OUR belief system.
Which btw, is equal to punishing a person for not willing to play along with someone's fantasy of pretending to be a woman.
There is no difference. Both seek to criminalize one person for not abiding by the belief of another person.

When someone is jailed directly for refusing to use someone's preferred pronoun, you might have a similar argument.

Try a less dissimilar analogy. Tell me something...what harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? Tell me something else, what do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals? Do you know?

....The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.

I agree.
Homosexuality has existed pretty much as long as we have walked the earth. It is not right to punish others because they violate OUR belief system.
Which btw, is equal to punishing a person for not willing to play along with someone's fantasy of pretending to be a woman.
There is no difference. Both seek to criminalize one person for not abiding by the belief of another person.

When someone is jailed directly for refusing to use someone's preferred pronoun, you might have a similar argument.

Try a less dissimilar analogy. Tell me something...what harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? Tell me something else, what do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals? Do you know?

A person pretending to be a woman does not remove their humanity. Therefore they deserve the same rights as anyone else. However, they should not enjoy special rights. Such as the ability to inflict punitive damages against another person because they refuse to play along with their fantasy. It is no different than if a christian could sue or have arrested someone for refusing to acknowledge there is a God. No difference.
And what harm does it cause me. Plenty. I have a right to use my brain. To live in a world of reality. And to not have to circumvent reality because someone else wants to live in a fantasy world. That is what they want to do. They want to FORCE everyone else to pretend with them. That is not right.

....The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.

I agree.
Homosexuality has existed pretty much as long as we have walked the earth. It is not right to punish others because they violate OUR belief system.
Which btw, is equal to punishing a person for not willing to play along with someone's fantasy of pretending to be a woman.
There is no difference. Both seek to criminalize one person for not abiding by the belief of another person.

When someone is jailed directly for refusing to use someone's preferred pronoun, you might have a similar argument.

Try a less dissimilar analogy. Tell me something...what harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? Tell me something else, what do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals? Do you know?

A person pretending to be a woman does not remove their humanity. Therefore they deserve the same rights as anyone else. However, they should not enjoy special rights. Such as the ability to inflict punitive damages against another person because they refuse to play along with their fantasy. It is no different than if a christian could sue or have arrested someone for refusing to acknowledge there is a God. No difference.
And what harm does it cause me. Plenty. I have a right to use my brain. To live in a world of reality. And to not have to circumvent reality because someone else wants to live in a fantasy world. That is what they want to do. They want to FORCE everyone else to pretend with them. That is not right.

It's hugely different. It's night and day different.

And you didn't answer my questions. What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? What do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals?

....The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.

I agree.
Homosexuality has existed pretty much as long as we have walked the earth. It is not right to punish others because they violate OUR belief system.
Which btw, is equal to punishing a person for not willing to play along with someone's fantasy of pretending to be a woman.
There is no difference. Both seek to criminalize one person for not abiding by the belief of another person.

When someone is jailed directly for refusing to use someone's preferred pronoun, you might have a similar argument.

Try a less dissimilar analogy. Tell me something...what harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? Tell me something else, what do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals? Do you know?

A person pretending to be a woman does not remove their humanity. Therefore they deserve the same rights as anyone else. However, they should not enjoy special rights. Such as the ability to inflict punitive damages against another person because they refuse to play along with their fantasy. It is no different than if a christian could sue or have arrested someone for refusing to acknowledge there is a God. No difference.
And what harm does it cause me. Plenty. I have a right to use my brain. To live in a world of reality. And to not have to circumvent reality because someone else wants to live in a fantasy world. That is what they want to do. They want to FORCE everyone else to pretend with them. That is not right.

It's hugely different. It's night and day different.

And you didn't answer my questions. What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun? What do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for transgendered individuals?

It is no different, as shown by your inability to provide a substantive argument against it.
I told you the harm. I should not have to be FORCED to play along with someone else's fantasy. Period. That is the harm.
Another example of how this is creating a mess. As far as I know, no one has done it yet, but they will... a WHITE man preferring to be identified as black. If a college refuses to acknowledge his "right" to be identified as of the black race - then he should 100% be able to sue and FORCE the college to accept his fantasy.
Another one, a white man who wants to open a business, wants to live as a black man. Therefore he should be able to receive the "special rights" afforded to a black man and get additional grant money ans lower taxes as a minority owned business.
Why not?
He isn't genuine?? Woo are you to say so? Who get's the right to decide what fantasy is recognized and what fantasy isn't?
Look how backwards NASA used to be. They went and blabbed to the whole Universe that there are only two genders.

Going to jail for violating the law is not a “human rights abuse” you Gaystapo Drama Queen

You're almost correct...for once.

The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.
No’s not. At all. Anymore than laws criminalizing drugs are a “human rights abuse”. Stop being a Drama Queen. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “abuse”.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.
What does it say about progressives that they exploit that mental illness rather than advocate treatment for those poor souls who are suffering.

Studies show that almost 100% of those that “transition” are just as miserable and unhappy after as they were before. Many commit suicide. Those that don’t often “transition” back.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.
What does it say about progressives that they exploit that mental illness rather than advocate treatment for those poor souls who are suffering.

Studies show that almost 100% of those that “transition” are just as miserable and unhappy after as they were before. Many commit suicide. Those that don’t often “transition” back.
The left is fascist. They exploit murder of human beings and call it "abortion rights". They exploit racism by using black criminals as martyrs. Now they exploit mentally ill sexually confused creatures as another protected class. It's all about keeping power.
Going to jail for violating the law is not a “human rights abuse” you Gaystapo Drama Queen

You're almost correct...for once.

The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.
No’s not. At all. Anymore than laws criminalizing drugs are a “human rights abuse”. Stop being a Drama Queen. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “abuse”.

Yes, they are you fucking Nazi.

What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun?
What harm does it do YOU to worship someone who believes they are Jesus Christ? :dunno:

None at all. What do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for someone who believes they are Jesus Christ? What do mental health professionals recommend as treatment for someone who is transgendered? Are they the same?

While you most assuredly should see a mental health professional, I know you are not one.

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