The Gaystapo is at it again

Going to jail for violating the law is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ you Gaystapo Drama Queen

You're almost correct...for once.

The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.
No sweetie...itā€™s not. At all. Anymore than laws criminalizing drugs are a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Stop being a Drama Queen. Just because you donā€™t like something doesnā€™t make it ā€œabuseā€.

Yes, they are you fucking Nazi.
No sweetie, itā€™s not. Prison is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ you fucking Gaystapo Drama Queen. If it were, ever single nation in the world would be guilty of ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.
Going to jail for violating the law is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ you Gaystapo Drama Queen

You're almost correct...for once.

The law criminalizing homosexuality is the human rights abuse.
No sweetie...itā€™s not. At all. Anymore than laws criminalizing drugs are a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Stop being a Drama Queen. Just because you donā€™t like something doesnā€™t make it ā€œabuseā€.

Yes, they are you fucking Nazi.
No sweetie, itā€™s not. Prison is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ you fucking Gaystapo Drama Queen. If it were, ever single nation in the world would be guilty of ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.

Jailing Jews for being Jewish, journalists for being journalists and gays for being gay are all human rights abuses. How sick and twisted do you have to be not to recognize that?
What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun?
What harm does it do YOU to worship someone who believes they are Jesus Christ? :dunno:
None at all.
So then you will march in the street with a cross demanding that laws be passed forcing people to worship anyone who believes they are Jesus Christ, right?

Are idiots like you trying to pass laws that say he can't be?
What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun?
What harm does it do YOU to worship someone who believes they are Jesus Christ? :dunno:
None at all.
So then you will march in the street with a cross demanding that laws be passed forcing people to worship anyone who believes they are Jesus Christ, right?

Are idiots like you trying to pass laws that say he can't be?
Answer the question. I understand it exposes your astounding hypocrisy but answer it anyway.
Jailing Jews for being Jewish, journalists for being journalists and gays for being gay are all human rights abuses. How sick and twisted do you have to be not to recognize that?
Well for starters, the Bible doesnā€™t say it is a sin to be Jewish or a journalist. Additionally, a gay person doesnā€™t have to tell people they are gay. If theyā€™d just keep their mouth shut, nobody would know and they couldnā€™t go to prison in those nations. is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ to go to prison for breaking the law. And youā€™re changing the subject. At the end of the day, Bookerā€™s typical progressive fascination with homosexuality was outrageous. That question has no business in a Senate confirmation hearing for a Secretary of State.
What harm does it do YOU to identify someone with their preferred gender pronoun?
What harm does it do YOU to worship someone who believes they are Jesus Christ? :dunno:
None at all.
So then you will march in the street with a cross demanding that laws be passed forcing people to worship anyone who believes they are Jesus Christ, right?

Are idiots like you trying to pass laws that say he can't be?
Answer the question. I understand it exposes your astounding hypocrisy but answer it anyway.

No, puppy, it exposes yours. People like you arenā€™t passing laws to keep self described prophets from self describing as prophets. Pass a law that says he canā€™t call himself Jesus Christ and youā€™ll see some marches.
Jailing Jews for being Jewish, journalists for being journalists and gays for being gay are all human rights abuses. How sick and twisted do you have to be not to recognize that?
Well for starters, the Bible doesnā€™t say it is a sin to be Jewish or a journalist. Additionally, a gay person doesnā€™t have to tell people they are gay. If theyā€™d just keep their mouth shut, nobody would know and they couldnā€™t go to prison in those nations. is not a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ to go to prison for breaking the law. And youā€™re changing the subject. At the end of the day, Bookerā€™s typical progressive fascination with homosexuality was outrageous. That question has no business in a Senate confirmation hearing for a Secretary of State.

The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
Pass a law that says he canā€™t call himself Jesus Christ and youā€™ll see some marches.
Nobody passed a law declaring that a man canā€™t call himself a woman, snowflake. But we refuse to perpetuate that lie while you demand that we do. So if you were consistent, you would likewise demand that all people be required to worship anyone who believes they are actually Jesus Christ.
The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
:umno:itā€™s not. Not even a little. Things donā€™t become a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ simply because you donā€™t like it. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.
Pass a law that says he canā€™t call himself Jesus Christ and youā€™ll see some marches.
Nobody passed a law declaring that a man canā€™t call himself a woman, snowflake. But we refuse to perpetuate that lie while you demand that we do. So if you were consistent, you would likewise demand that all people be required to worship anyone who believes they are actually Jesus Christ.

Yes they did, moron. Idiots just like you pass your stupid birth certificate laws.

Again, despite you desperately needing a mental health professional, you aren't one. They do not recommend the same treatment for someone who thinks they are Jesus Christ and someone who wants to change their gender. Only simpletons like you do.
The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
:umno:itā€™s not. Not even a little. Things donā€™t become a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ simply because you donā€™t like it. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.

It is, a lot.
The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

at least 76 countries (home to 44% of the worldā€™s population) continue to criminalize same-sex relations. Six countries (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iraq) implement the death penalty for same-sex relations, as do some provinces in Nigeria and Somalia.​

Just because a homophobic Nazi sympathizer like you doesn't recognize that they are human rights abuses does not make them less so.
The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
:umno:itā€™s not. Not even a little. Things donā€™t become a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ simply because you donā€™t like it. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.

It is, a lot.
The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

at least 76 countries (home to 44% of the worldā€™s population) continue to criminalize same-sex relations. Six countries (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iraq) implement the death penalty for same-sex relations, as do some provinces in Nigeria and Somalia.​

Just because a homophobic Nazi sympathizer like you doesn't recognize that they are human rights abuses does not make them less so.
How LGBT organization calls anything short of surrending to the Gaystapo ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Shocking.

Take your brown shirt with the rainbow logo and go home sweetie.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.

Well, first I would have to work up some interest in what other people think. Should that ever happen, I will then be proud that the most ignorant among them hate me.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.
What does it say about progressives that they exploit that mental illness rather than advocate treatment for those poor souls who are suffering.

Studies show that almost 100% of those that ā€œtransitionā€ are just as miserable and unhappy after as they were before. Many commit suicide. Those that donā€™t often ā€œtransitionā€ back.

More than that, they now want to make it illegal to provide treatment, or even information about treatment, to those who want it. Basically, they want to make it illegal for people with gender dysphoria to do anything except be what the left orders them to be.

Why not just slap chains on them and have done with it?

California Proposes Bills to Outlaw Self-Determination in Medical Therapy, Reports the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
When you take a stand against the politically correct insanity, you're labeled a hateful bigot. Wear that label with pride and always remember that mental illness is such a terrible disease.
What does it say about progressives that they exploit that mental illness rather than advocate treatment for those poor souls who are suffering.

Studies show that almost 100% of those that ā€œtransitionā€ are just as miserable and unhappy after as they were before. Many commit suicide. Those that donā€™t often ā€œtransitionā€ back.

More than that, they now want to make it illegal to provide treatment, or even information about treatment, to those who want it. Basically, they want to make it illegal for people with gender dysphoria to do anything except be what the left orders them to be.

Why not just slap chains on them and have done with it?

California Proposes Bills to Outlaw Self-Determination in Medical Therapy, Reports the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Let's just explore this a little further, shall we? Because if I'm going to be accused of "human rights abuses", I'd like to know that the people doing the accusing have the moral standing to do so, instead of being a pusillanimous bunch of hypocrites.

Three bills moving rapidly through the California legislature threaten to outlaw certain treatments that may be offered by physicians or other therapists, or sought by patients, reports the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Any counseling offered to any person, minor or adult, would have to encourage acceptance of same-sex attraction, even if unwanted, or affirm the patientā€™s stated ā€œgender identification,ā€ if these laws pass, states AAPS.

The bills are AB 2943 (unlawful business practices: sexual orientation change efforts); AB 1779 (sexual orientation: change efforts, applicable to people in custodial care or guardianship); and AB 2119 (foster care: gender affirming health care and behavioral health services). AB 2943 even bans books in church bookstores that might help people cope with unwanted sexual feelings or gender confusion.

ā€œTraditional medical ethics, enshrined in the Oath of Hippocrates, requires physicians to prescribe according to the best of their ability and judgment, and to avoid doing harm,ā€ states AAPS executive director Jane M. Orient, M.D. ā€œAnd patients have the right to choose their therapeutic goals.ā€

ā€œThese bills impose on all Californians, by law, the opinion of an activist lobby that same-sex attraction or the belief that a person is imprisoned in a body of the ā€˜wrongā€™ biological sex is always normal, healthy, and immutable,ā€ states Dr. Orient. ā€œThey require physicians to violate their sacred Oath and withhold therapy they believe to be valuable, or cooperate with treatment they believe to be harmful and/or immoral. They deny patients the right to receive help for impulses they find distressing.ā€

Worst of all, she notes, is forcing medical workers to ā€œmake availableā€ treatments such as puberty-blocking hormones and irreversible mutilating surgery to children, who have no capacity to give informed consent. ā€œThese are life-changing treatments, often resulting in sterility and long-term medical adverse effects. Yet about 85% of children who might be subjected to such intervention would come to accept the reality of their biological sex after puberty.ā€

ā€œThe legislature is proposing radical, uncontrolled experimentation on nonconsenting subjects,ā€ she concludes.

ā€œIn addition to serious interference in the patient-physician relationship, these bills would violate the rights of all Californians to freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.ā€

Is there a leftist in the audience who would like to take on the job of convincing me that THIS sort of nonsense qualifies as "protecting human rights"?
The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
:umno:itā€™s not. Not even a little. Things donā€™t become a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ simply because you donā€™t like it. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.

It is, a lot.
The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

at least 76 countries (home to 44% of the worldā€™s population) continue to criminalize same-sex relations. Six countries (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iraq) implement the death penalty for same-sex relations, as do some provinces in Nigeria and Somalia.​

Just because a homophobic Nazi sympathizer like you doesn't recognize that they are human rights abuses does not make them less so.
How LGBT organization calls anything short of surrending to the Gaystapo ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Shocking.

Take your brown shirt with the rainbow logo and go home sweetie.

The link is from Amnesty International, Nazi Sympathizer.

Amnesty International is a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for all people ā€“ no matter who they are or where they are. We are the worldā€™s largest grassroots human rights organization.​
The fact that there is a law IS the human rights abuse, Nazi sympathizer.
:umno:itā€™s not. Not even a little. Things donā€™t become a ā€œhuman rights abuseā€ simply because you donā€™t like it. Stop being the Gaystapo. Itā€™s repugnant.

It is, a lot.
The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

at least 76 countries (home to 44% of the worldā€™s population) continue to criminalize same-sex relations. Six countries (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iraq) implement the death penalty for same-sex relations, as do some provinces in Nigeria and Somalia.​

Just because a homophobic Nazi sympathizer like you doesn't recognize that they are human rights abuses does not make them less so.
How LGBT organization calls anything short of surrending to the Gaystapo ā€œhuman rights abuseā€. Shocking.

Take your brown shirt with the rainbow logo and go home sweetie.

The link is from Amnesty International, Nazi Sympathizer.

Amnesty International is a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for all people ā€“ no matter who they are or where they are. We are the worldā€™s largest grassroots human rights organization.​
I don't want someone that hates Americans to have the right to come to America to slaughter me and my family. I'm aware that makes a bigot, but I don't care.

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