The Gaystapo is at it again

No specific religion was in the Framers' thoughts when they wrote the First Amendment.
Bullcorn. The Bible was their book. Their culture was Judeo/Christian. Everyone had a Bible. Washington grabbed a Bible when he took his oath. Sell your rewritten history to naïve college kids.
Really? Then why isn't their bible, their religion, specifically mentioned in the First Amendment?
Because they were men of honor and tolerance, not like you. They believed in freedom, unlike you. However, it is true that Washington grabbed a bible to take his oath.
Yes, they believed in in freedom from someone telling them what religion they had to be...and freedom from their tax dollars paying for someone else's superstition being displayed in public places.

And Washington had the freedom to grab a bible.....and we all have the freedom to grab or NOT grab a bible if we wish. It's called CHOICE.
Every four years taxpayers pay for an inauguration where most of the time a Bible is used for the oath of office. Prayers to the One True Judeo/Christian God are spoken. You're not going to stop that.
And that bible is the CHOICE of the person taking the oath. You are so big on the me where in Article II it requires a bible for taking the oath.

Check this moron out:
Whatever. You believe whatever you want, and allow the rest of us Christians to believe whatever we want. If you will do that, there will be peace and harmony. Leave us alone.
And when have you been stopped from believing whatever it is you believe?

Oh....only when you try to force it onto others with christian sharia.....that's when.
You'd like to tell us when and where to practice Christianity. You'd like to ban all pubic displays.
PUBLIC....why should my tax dollars pay for YOUR religious display? Unless you are willing to pony up YOUR tax dollars for MY religious displays...and everyone elses. Are you willing?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
Bullcorn. The Bible was their book. Their culture was Judeo/Christian. Everyone had a Bible. Washington grabbed a Bible when he took his oath. Sell your rewritten history to naïve college kids.
Really? Then why isn't their bible, their religion, specifically mentioned in the First Amendment?
Because they were men of honor and tolerance, not like you. They believed in freedom, unlike you. However, it is true that Washington grabbed a bible to take his oath.
Yes, they believed in in freedom from someone telling them what religion they had to be...and freedom from their tax dollars paying for someone else's superstition being displayed in public places.

And Washington had the freedom to grab a bible.....and we all have the freedom to grab or NOT grab a bible if we wish. It's called CHOICE.
Every four years taxpayers pay for an inauguration where most of the time a Bible is used for the oath of office. Prayers to the One True Judeo/Christian God are spoken. You're not going to stop that.
And that bible is the CHOICE of the person taking the oath. You are so big on the me where in Article II it requires a bible for taking the oath.

Check this moron out:

I know that a bible isn't required for an oath, never said it was. I believe in freedom of choice. You're the one that doesn't. You'd like to ban all public displays of Christianity in government, you just said so.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

how dare people want to be treated equally.

oh nooooooooooo!!!!!!

you spend way too much time thinking about what gay men do.

you have a problem, Susan?
Classic lib fail tactic. No one not a faggot thinks about what faggots do. We just tire of the never ending parade of them and never ending in your face promotion of faggots by hollywood and the media. You can't hardly turn on a movie without having some goddam faggot sucking or blowing.
And when have you been stopped from believing whatever it is you believe?

Oh....only when you try to force it onto others with christian sharia.....that's when.
You'd like to tell us when and where to practice Christianity. You'd like to ban all pubic displays.
PUBLIC....why should my tax dollars pay for YOUR religious display? Unless you are willing to pony up YOUR tax dollars for MY religious displays...and everyone elses. Are you willing?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

how dare people want to be treated equally.

oh nooooooooooo!!!!!!

you spend way too much time thinking about what gay men do.

you have a problem, Susan?
Classic lib fail tactic. No one not a faggot thinks about what faggots do. We just tire of the never ending parade of them and never ending in your face promotion of faggots by hollywood and the media. You can't hardly turn on a movie without having some goddam faggot sucking or blowing.
Like a moth to a flame. The new Mal...and we know why he kept coming to gay threads.
You'd like to tell us when and where to practice Christianity. You'd like to ban all pubic displays.
PUBLIC....why should my tax dollars pay for YOUR religious display? Unless you are willing to pony up YOUR tax dollars for MY religious displays...and everyone elses. Are you willing?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
PUBLIC....why should my tax dollars pay for YOUR religious display? Unless you are willing to pony up YOUR tax dollars for MY religious displays...and everyone elses. Are you willing?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.

Does it? Or does it show your ignorance of Sharia?

Regardless, the founders decided that all religions should be equally treated. The Jews, Christians and Muslims that all worship the same god AND those that worship a different god(s).
PUBLIC....why should my tax dollars pay for YOUR religious display? Unless you are willing to pony up YOUR tax dollars for MY religious displays...and everyone elses. Are you willing?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.

Does it? Or does it show your ignorance of Sharia?

Regardless, the founders decided that all religions should be equally treated. The Jews, Christians and Muslims that all worship the same god AND those that worship a different god(s).
I understand Sharia. Try me. What is it about Islam that you like?
Oh, cut the crap. The United States has been honoring the Judeo/Christian culture since day one and you and your pals keep trying to shut it down. We're gonna keep things like they are, that's all.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.

Does it? Or does it show your ignorance of Sharia?

Regardless, the founders decided that all religions should be equally treated. The Jews, Christians and Muslims that all worship the same god AND those that worship a different god(s).
I understand Sharia. Try me. What is it about Islam that you like?

Pretty much the same things I like about Christianity...not a whole lot. To an "outsider", they are two sides of the same coin.
Why should my money pay for your public display? Is your faith so weak that you cannot sustain it unless there are religious displays everywhere in public? Not a very strong religion then, is it?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

On what do you base your contention that "leftists" abhor the free exercise of religion? Do you need to be reminded again that doesn't just apply to Christianity?
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.

Does it? Or does it show your ignorance of Sharia?

Regardless, the founders decided that all religions should be equally treated. The Jews, Christians and Muslims that all worship the same god AND those that worship a different god(s).
I understand Sharia. Try me. What is it about Islam that you like?

Pretty much the same things I like about Christianity...not a whole lot. To an "outsider", they are two sides of the same coin.
To a person ignorant of both ideologies, they're pretty much two sides of the same coin.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

Your opinion about "biology" is meaningless. This person did what the law required. The cop did not. end of story.

"gaystapo" is pretty funny when you consider that Kendall isn't gay. Educate yourself.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.

Does it? Or does it show your ignorance of Sharia?

Regardless, the founders decided that all religions should be equally treated. The Jews, Christians and Muslims that all worship the same god AND those that worship a different god(s).
I understand Sharia. Try me. What is it about Islam that you like?

Pretty much the same things I like about Christianity...not a whole lot. To an "outsider", they are two sides of the same coin.
To a person ignorant of both ideologies, they're pretty much two sides of the same coin.

Conversely, someone who knows a lot about both sees there is little difference in the religions. What is different is the culture of the followers.
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

On what do you base your contention that "leftists" abhor the free exercise of religion? Do you need to be reminded again that doesn't just apply to Christianity?
It does when the
That's purely your opinion. You're entitled to it, and you can thank the men that believed in the Judeo/Christian God for your freedom to think that opinion because if this were a muslim nation you wouldn't have that right. Idiot.
You are correct that this isn't a muslim nation...nor is it a christian is a secular nation...with rule of law...NOT sharia law of any kind.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

On what do you base your contention that "leftists" abhor the free exercise of religion? Do you need to be reminded again that doesn't just apply to Christianity?
The continual culture war from the left attacking Christians while excusing muslims, and you're one of them.

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