The Gaystapo is at it again

Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
As a community organizer once said, elections have consequences.
Indeed they do......indeed they do. But are you trying to assert that elections allow people to take civil rights from fellow citizens?

That's exactly the motivation behind these constant yammerings about the private lives of others.

Funny thing is, the meddlers don't want others to dictate their personal and intimate life decisions.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Anyone who thinks humans can change sex upon a whim is obviously anti science.
Anyone who things transgenderism is a whim is a complete mouth breathing moron.

I'm heterosexual. I've never questioned that. I do not get up in the morning and decide to be heterosexual again today. I suspect that Weatherman2020 doesn't either but I could be wrong.

Not to mention that the mouth breathers are ignoring that this person followed the letter of the law. The cop did not. In this case, that's all that matters.


I LOVE your signature. LOVE IT.
What law did the cop violate?

I know you won’t answer because you lied.
You're continued misuse and abuse of the term "sharia law" shows only ignorance of Christianity. You should thank your door knob or whatever it is your worship that Bible believers founded this nation instead of muslims.
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
Oh, I see what you mean now. Sure they do if that's what the city council voted on. It's called democracy, majority rules. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Grow up.
BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
As a community organizer once said, elections have consequences.
Indeed they do......indeed they do. But are you trying to assert that elections allow people to take civil rights from fellow citizens?

That's exactly the motivation behind these constant yammerings about the private lives of others.

Funny thing is, the meddlers don't want others to dictate their personal and intimate life decisions.

There's nothing "personal" and "intimate" about this incident. Perhaps if you exhibitionistic narcissists kept it ACTUALLY personal, it would work better.
Anyone who thinks humans can change sex upon a whim is obviously anti science.
Anyone who things transgenderism is a whim is a complete mouth breathing moron.
Anyone who thinks mental state trumps hardware must call me a unicorn, because I feel like a unicorn.

And yet, oddly, actual mental health professionals hold a vastly different view. Why do you imagine that people who have studied these things for decades come to a completely different conclusion than you do?
Just because people will lose their jobs to call some sexual perversions normal only has weight with sexual deviants.
Now you're flailing. Mental health professionals almost universally agree on recommended treatment for gender identity issues. They don't base their conclusions on fear of getting fired, but by studying the issue for years. Have you done that? Did you know that studies of their brains have been done?

Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain?
All mentally ill people have something unique about their brains, duh.
Pretty much the same things I like about Christianity...not a whole lot. To an "outsider", they are two sides of the same coin.
To a person ignorant of both ideologies, they're pretty much two sides of the same coin.

Conversely, someone who knows a lot about both sees there is little difference in the religions. What is different is the culture of the followers.
Wrong. I am well educated in both, and there is a vast difference.

Okay resident theologian, tell us the differences. Top 5 would be fine.
Well, obviously I am better educated in Christianity and Islam than you. First of all The Christian God is Love and forgiveness. Second. The muslim god is a god that requires murder to unbelievers. Third.The Christian God came to earth to show us love and forgiveness of sins, then He paid the price himself for the sins of man. Fourth. The muslim god doesn't forgive sins and didn't die for the sins of man, but requires the blood of each to pay for their own sins. Fifth. The Christian KNOWS they are saved and have eternal Life with God through faith in Jesus. The muslim never knows for sure of their salvation. They have no confidence. They have no Savior.

You can research more on your own if you want to.

So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Why would I worship a door knob. That's just odd. And there were more than bible believers that founded this nation. In fact, they knew what bad could happen in a theocracy, even a christian learning from the Puritans who banished and hanged people different than themselves and those who refused to go to church for hours at a time.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
Oh, I see what you mean now. Sure they do if that's what the city council voted on. It's called democracy, majority rules. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Grow up.
So....whether someone gets their tax money spent on religion and religious symbols is majority ruled?
To a person ignorant of both ideologies, they're pretty much two sides of the same coin.

Conversely, someone who knows a lot about both sees there is little difference in the religions. What is different is the culture of the followers.
Wrong. I am well educated in both, and there is a vast difference.

Okay resident theologian, tell us the differences. Top 5 would be fine.
Well, obviously I am better educated in Christianity and Islam than you. First of all The Christian God is Love and forgiveness. Second. The muslim god is a god that requires murder to unbelievers. Third.The Christian God came to earth to show us love and forgiveness of sins, then He paid the price himself for the sins of man. Fourth. The muslim god doesn't forgive sins and didn't die for the sins of man, but requires the blood of each to pay for their own sins. Fifth. The Christian KNOWS they are saved and have eternal Life with God through faith in Jesus. The muslim never knows for sure of their salvation. They have no confidence. They have no Savior.

You can research more on your own if you want to.

So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Oh, go to hell.
Blah, blah, and more blah. They knew what could happen when a government suppresses freedom of religion. That's why they included that little claus you leftists abhor and wished wasn't there....."free exercise thereof".

BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
Oh, I see what you mean now. Sure they do if that's what the city council voted on. It's called democracy, majority rules. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Grow up.
So....whether someone gets their tax money spent on religion and religious symbols is majority ruled?
Well, it's how things work in America. You know that. We vote for the city council and they determine how money is spent. Duh!
Conversely, someone who knows a lot about both sees there is little difference in the religions. What is different is the culture of the followers.
Wrong. I am well educated in both, and there is a vast difference.

Okay resident theologian, tell us the differences. Top 5 would be fine.
Well, obviously I am better educated in Christianity and Islam than you. First of all The Christian God is Love and forgiveness. Second. The muslim god is a god that requires murder to unbelievers. Third.The Christian God came to earth to show us love and forgiveness of sins, then He paid the price himself for the sins of man. Fourth. The muslim god doesn't forgive sins and didn't die for the sins of man, but requires the blood of each to pay for their own sins. Fifth. The Christian KNOWS they are saved and have eternal Life with God through faith in Jesus. The muslim never knows for sure of their salvation. They have no confidence. They have no Savior.

You can research more on your own if you want to.

So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Oh, go to hell.
There is no hell....just what people make in their own minds.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
Many will even say Merry Christmas.
BS Filter
You should come to the US. You can practice whatever religion you choose, anyplace you wish.

In fact, you are free to NOT be forced to agree with any religion if you wish.

One real problem though - It dosn't matter which god you worship, in the US you are forced to subsidize christians. You have no choice about paying higher taxes to support christian holidays. Pretty crappy but throughout the world, christians get special treatment.
US citizens are forced to pay taxes for Christian holiays? Do tell. Explain that one to me....if you can.
Do our taxes pay for religious decorations in cities/towns/villages?
Oh, I see what you mean now. Sure they do if that's what the city council voted on. It's called democracy, majority rules. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Grow up.
So....whether someone gets their tax money spent on religion and religious symbols is majority ruled?
Well, it's how things work in America. You know that. We vote for the city council and they determine how money is spent. Duh! had no problem with the city councils that voted to remove Con-federate statues....Cool.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.

Yep. That's a right that has been taken away from us. We are forced to treat xmas as a holiday. Worse, we're forced to pay higher taxes for it.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
Many will even say Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays too.....
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.

Dummy doesn't even know that christian holidays were stolen from Pagans.

All of christianity is based on, stolen from older religions.

You just said you know every thing about christianity but you really need to educate yourself.
Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.

Dummy doesn't even know that christian holidays were stolen from Pagans.

All of christianity is based on, stolen from older religions.

You just said you know every thing about christianity but you really need to educate yourself.
I'll take my chances. Good luck.

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