The Gaystapo is at it again

Hilarious how Leftards are so easily offended and hyperventilate over the stupidest of things. A normal human just shrugs or laughs over such silly things.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.

Yep. That's a right that has been taken away from us. We are forced to treat xmas as a holiday. Worse, we're forced to pay higher taxes for it.

Hey, I'm forced to treat MLK Jr Day as a holiday. Life sucks sometimes when you live around other humans.
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
Haha, this is so perfect. This is perfectly stated, in a nutshell, how religious people delude themselves into thinking they know things and have "the correct beliefs".

They simply say it is what god believes...ignoring the obvious fact that they have subjectively chosen their god and what it believes.

Good stuff. Very childlike.
Okay resident theologian, tell us the differences. Top 5 would be fine.
Well, obviously I am better educated in Christianity and Islam than you. First of all The Christian God is Love and forgiveness. Second. The muslim god is a god that requires murder to unbelievers. Third.The Christian God came to earth to show us love and forgiveness of sins, then He paid the price himself for the sins of man. Fourth. The muslim god doesn't forgive sins and didn't die for the sins of man, but requires the blood of each to pay for their own sins. Fifth. The Christian KNOWS they are saved and have eternal Life with God through faith in Jesus. The muslim never knows for sure of their salvation. They have no confidence. They have no Savior.

You can research more on your own if you want to.

So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Oh, go to hell.

Sorry, I don’t believe in the existence of hell. Muslims and Christians both do. How weird.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
Well, obviously I am better educated in Christianity and Islam than you. First of all The Christian God is Love and forgiveness. Second. The muslim god is a god that requires murder to unbelievers. Third.The Christian God came to earth to show us love and forgiveness of sins, then He paid the price himself for the sins of man. Fourth. The muslim god doesn't forgive sins and didn't die for the sins of man, but requires the blood of each to pay for their own sins. Fifth. The Christian KNOWS they are saved and have eternal Life with God through faith in Jesus. The muslim never knows for sure of their salvation. They have no confidence. They have no Savior.

You can research more on your own if you want to.

So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Oh, go to hell.

Sorry, I don’t believe in the existence of hell. Muslims and Christians both do. How weird.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
There is only One True Living God, Creator of the Universe. You know, the God that our Founding fathers believed in. The One you don't.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
And all of that is pagan in origin.......:71:
Dufus thinks Christmas falls on the winter solstice.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
I love it. Haters always think they’re theologians.
"Haters" Don't hate you....but I understand that for many religious people, they have this need to feel if that somehow makes their faith more real.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
And all of that is pagan in origin.......:71:
Dufus thinks Christmas falls on the winter solstice.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
It doesn't matter. I also don't believe the crucifixion occurred on a Friday, but on a Wednesday because of the Passover days. All the Old Testament festivals were a picture of prophesy fulfilled in Jesus. You have this weird notion that all Christians are mind controlled, huh. Some of the pseudo Christian cults are, but the majority aren't.

So convenient, isn't it.
One can be "christian" while not bothering to believe in much of anything.
Its not called cafeteria christianity fer nuthin'.
The Church of St. Luby's.
Yep, and those heathen will also be exchanging gifts and stuffing their lying faces with turkey, ham and prime rib. Major hypocrites.
And all of that is pagan in origin.......:71:
Dufus thinks Christmas falls on the winter solstice.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
I love it. Haters always think they’re theologians.
"Haters" Don't hate you....but I understand that for many religious people, they have this need to feel if that somehow makes their faith more real.
He's right. The leftists somehow think they understand Christianity, something most of them don't. They're always trying to tell us what Jesus did and taught. Many have told me Jesus was a homo socialist. You're funny little creatures.
Rule of would someone like you feel if it was muslim displays in the public square as opposed to christian displays.
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.

Yep. That's a right that has been taken away from us. We are forced to treat xmas as a holiday. Worse, we're forced to pay higher taxes for it.

Hey, I'm forced to treat MLK Jr Day as a holiday. Life sucks sometimes when you live around other humans.
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
I have quite often worked on was called being on duty, protecting this
Thread is about a sexual pervert being offended, but I’ll take the bait.

As soon as I hear one leftist refusing to take Christmas as a holiday I’ll answer your question.

Yep. That's a right that has been taken away from us. We are forced to treat xmas as a holiday. Worse, we're forced to pay higher taxes for it.

Hey, I'm forced to treat MLK Jr Day as a holiday. Life sucks sometimes when you live around other humans.
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
I have quite often worked on was called being on duty, protecting this country.
What about on your civilian job? Did you take the holiday pay and the day off?
So you lied when you said you knew a lot about both...
Oh, go to hell.

Sorry, I don’t believe in the existence of hell. Muslims and Christians both do. How weird.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
There is only One True Living God, Creator of the Universe. You know, the God that our Founding fathers believed in. The One you don't.
And that's what YOU believe....but the cool thing is, I don't believe that and you are not in a position of power to make me and others believe that or else. Cool that we live in a country where our secular civil rights trump you forcing your god on us, isn't it?
Oh, go to hell.

Sorry, I don’t believe in the existence of hell. Muslims and Christians both do. How weird.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
There is only One True Living God, Creator of the Universe. You know, the God that our Founding fathers believed in. The One you don't.
And that's what YOU believe....but the cool thing is, I don't believe that and you are not in a position of power to make me and others believe that or else. Cool that we live in a country where our secular civil rights trump you forcing your god on us, isn't it?
I could not care any less what you believe. What I do care about is the truth, and when you and your pals attempt to rewrite our American history about our founding fathers, you're going to be called on it.
And all of that is pagan in origin.......:71:
Dufus thinks Christmas falls on the winter solstice.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
I love it. Haters always think they’re theologians.
"Haters" Don't hate you....but I understand that for many religious people, they have this need to feel if that somehow makes their faith more real.
He's right. The leftists somehow think they understand Christianity, something most of them don't. They're always trying to tell us what Jesus did and taught. Many have told me Jesus was a homo socialist. You're funny little creatures.
You know another cool thing.....we aren't required to "understand christianity"....our civil rights under our secular laws protect us from being forced to believe in your god or your religion. Isn't that wonderful?
Yep. That's a right that has been taken away from us. We are forced to treat xmas as a holiday. Worse, we're forced to pay higher taxes for it.

Hey, I'm forced to treat MLK Jr Day as a holiday. Life sucks sometimes when you live around other humans.
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
I have quite often worked on was called being on duty, protecting this country.
What about on your civilian job? Did you take the holiday pay and the day off?
It depends on what I need to do and when it needs to be done. I'm the business owner...the business world doesn't stop for holidays anymore.
Dufus thinks Christmas falls on the winter solstice.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
I love it. Haters always think they’re theologians.
"Haters" Don't hate you....but I understand that for many religious people, they have this need to feel if that somehow makes their faith more real.
He's right. The leftists somehow think they understand Christianity, something most of them don't. They're always trying to tell us what Jesus did and taught. Many have told me Jesus was a homo socialist. You're funny little creatures.
You know another cool thing.....we aren't required to "understand christianity"....our civil rights under our secular laws protect us from being forced to believe in your god or your religion. Isn't that wonderful?
Never said you were. Man, you're full of straw men. When you try to tell us what we believe, we're gonna set you straight. That's all.
Hey, I'm forced to treat MLK Jr Day as a holiday. Life sucks sometimes when you live around other humans.
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
I have quite often worked on was called being on duty, protecting this country.
What about on your civilian job? Did you take the holiday pay and the day off?
It depends on what I need to do and when it needs to be done. I'm the business owner...the business world doesn't stop for holidays anymore.
How sad for you, Scrooge. So you don't give your employees Christmas day off with pay, huh.
Sorry, I don’t believe in the existence of hell. Muslims and Christians both do. How weird.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
There is only One True Living God, Creator of the Universe. You know, the God that our Founding fathers believed in. The One you don't.
And that's what YOU believe....but the cool thing is, I don't believe that and you are not in a position of power to make me and others believe that or else. Cool that we live in a country where our secular civil rights trump you forcing your god on us, isn't it?
I could not care any less what you believe. What I do care about is the truth, and when you and your pals attempt to rewrite our American history about our founding fathers, you're going to be called on it.
And I could care less about what you long as you don't try to take my taxes or try to force me to involuntarily follow your dogma.
Close enough...

Let me think the christmas story occurs in the winter. :71:
I love it. Haters always think they’re theologians.
"Haters" Don't hate you....but I understand that for many religious people, they have this need to feel if that somehow makes their faith more real.
He's right. The leftists somehow think they understand Christianity, something most of them don't. They're always trying to tell us what Jesus did and taught. Many have told me Jesus was a homo socialist. You're funny little creatures.
You know another cool thing.....we aren't required to "understand christianity"....our civil rights under our secular laws protect us from being forced to believe in your god or your religion. Isn't that wonderful?
Never said you were. Man, you're full of straw men. When you try to tell us what we believe, we're gonna set you straight. That's all.
Where exactly did I tell you what you believe?
What religion is that tied to, again?
When your job paid you for Christmas Holiday, did you give the money back and go to work?
I have quite often worked on was called being on duty, protecting this country.
What about on your civilian job? Did you take the holiday pay and the day off?
It depends on what I need to do and when it needs to be done. I'm the business owner...the business world doesn't stop for holidays anymore.
How sad for you, Scrooge. So you don't give your employees Christmas day off with pay, huh.
Don't have a lot of employees...and they ask for it off, I give it to them, because that's how we roll......not all ask however....not everyone has this desperate need to celebrate christmas exactly on the 25th....or go to christ mass either.

Oh, and a funny thing about you mentioning Scrooge....before Charles Dickens inventing him....celebrating christmas was small potatoes in English speaking countries thanks to the Puritans who had outlawed it.....and Dickens pretty much made the term "Merry Christmas" a thing. All for his non-christ mentioning ghost story.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what God believes.
And we are back to the question of which god or goddess. There are multiple ones and there are people of multiple faiths and no faiths that are equal citizens in the U.S.
There is only One True Living God, Creator of the Universe. You know, the God that our Founding fathers believed in. The One you don't.
And that's what YOU believe....but the cool thing is, I don't believe that and you are not in a position of power to make me and others believe that or else. Cool that we live in a country where our secular civil rights trump you forcing your god on us, isn't it?
I could not care any less what you believe. What I do care about is the truth, and when you and your pals attempt to rewrite our American history about our founding fathers, you're going to be called on it.
And I could care less about what you long as you don't try to take my taxes or try to force me to involuntarily follow your dogma.
Um, the church never takes your taxes, never has. The government takes your money. Man, you're really confused.

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