The Gaystapo is at it again

Muslims are killing gays and beating their wives here, in the United States every day and nobody is saying a word? You sure that's your contention? Christian parents have murdered their children here in the United States too, likely on a far greater scale than Muslims wouldn't you say?

I live in the United States. Here, as a gay person, I am at far greater risk of personal harm from extremist Christians than I am from Muslim extremists. There are a far greater number of Christian extremists in the US than there are Muslim extremists. If we were in the Middle East, that would not be the case.

Here in the United States it is not Muslims that want to take away my right to marry. It's not Muslims that want the right to fire gays or refuse to serve them. I am a citizen of the United States and therefore my concerns lean more locally. That's not to say I'm not concerned about Russia jailing gays, extremist Muslims in the Middle East throwing gays off buildings or other human rights abuses, but just as I don't condemn American Russians for what their former countrymen are doing, I don't condemn American Muslims for the actions of extremists elsewhere. Why do you?
And there it is. The Christian is your biggest threat, not Islam. This is why you're an idiot. You somehow believe muslims in America are going to act differently than muslims in other countries where they are the majority. That's ignorance in full bloom.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Muslims are killing gays and beating their wives here, in the United States every day and nobody is saying a word? You sure that's your contention? Christian parents have murdered their children here in the United States too, likely on a far greater scale than Muslims wouldn't you say?

I live in the United States. Here, as a gay person, I am at far greater risk of personal harm from extremist Christians than I am from Muslim extremists. There are a far greater number of Christian extremists in the US than there are Muslim extremists. If we were in the Middle East, that would not be the case.

Here in the United States it is not Muslims that want to take away my right to marry. It's not Muslims that want the right to fire gays or refuse to serve them. I am a citizen of the United States and therefore my concerns lean more locally. That's not to say I'm not concerned about Russia jailing gays, extremist Muslims in the Middle East throwing gays off buildings or other human rights abuses, but just as I don't condemn American Russians for what their former countrymen are doing, I don't condemn American Muslims for the actions of extremists elsewhere. Why do you?
And there it is. The Christian is your biggest threat, not Islam. This is why you're an idiot. You somehow believe muslims in America are going to act differently than muslims in other countries where they are the majority. That's ignorance in full bloom.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Don’t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

I’m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it can’t be foisted on you by the government. Aren’t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasn’t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

”And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.”

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
And there it is. The Christian is your biggest threat, not Islam. This is why you're an idiot. You somehow believe muslims in America are going to act differently than muslims in other countries where they are the majority. That's ignorance in full bloom.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

And there it is. The Christian is your biggest threat, not Islam. This is why you're an idiot. You somehow believe muslims in America are going to act differently than muslims in other countries where they are the majority. That's ignorance in full bloom.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Don’t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

I’m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it can’t be foisted on you by the government. Aren’t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasn’t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

”And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.”

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.
Muslims have one goal...and that is to take over the whole world with their religion. And they are doing a pretty damn good job of it..with the help of people who refuse to believe that is their goal.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
Muslims have one goal...and that is to take over the whole world with their religion. And they are doing a pretty damn good job of it..with the help of people who refuse to believe that is their goal.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.
Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Don’t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

I’m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it can’t be foisted on you by the government. Aren’t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasn’t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

”And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.”

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasn’t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

LOL, you hate Gays, but love Blacks?

I don't support Gays due to spreading a lot of STD's, however Blacks not only spread STD's, they form gangs, put larger pressures on schools, prisons, welfare etc. many of them hate White people, they are a direct threat to our heritage.

Hands down, there's nothing from Gays that's so bad as this list.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

That’s up to the District or the court to decide. I don’t think the color red or blue is disruptive, but my kids can’t wear those colors to school.
Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Don’t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

I’m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it can’t be foisted on you by the government. Aren’t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasn’t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

”And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.”

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasn’t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.
I don't support Gays due to spreading a lot of STD's, however Blacks not only spread STD's, they form gangs, put larger pressures on schools, prisons, welfare etc. many of them hate White people, they are a direct threat to our heritage.

Hands down, there's nothing from Gays that's so bad as this list.
But here's the thing - polaks spread STD's, laziness, incompetence, and worst of all - ignorance. Most polaks need help tying their shoes. They are a burden to society. Why don't you speak out against them? :dunno:
I don't support Gays due to spreading a lot of STD's, however Blacks not only spread STD's, they form gangs, put larger pressures on schools, prisons, welfare etc. many of them hate White people, they are a direct threat to our heritage.

Hands down, there's nothing from Gays that's so bad as this list.
But here's the thing - polaks spread STD's, laziness, incompetence, and worst of all - ignorance. Most polaks need help tying their shoes. They are a burden to society. Why don't you speak out against them? :dunno:

Haha, good joke, you clearly have a very retarded view of the World.
There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this?
You make outrageous claims and fail to back them up with a link 100% of the time. I don't know of a single Christian who has ever made that claim.

I'm sure there is some whack job out there who has told his wife that. But it's probably less than 0.0000001% of the Christian nation. Meanwhile, about 85% of the muslim nation either engages in terrorism, provides material support for terrorism, or approves of terrorism.
Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Don’t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

I’m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it can’t be foisted on you by the government. Aren’t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasn’t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

”And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.”

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasn’t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, that’s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this?
You make outrageous claims and fail to back them up with a link 100% of the time. I don't know of a single Christian who has ever made that claim.

I'm sure there is some whack job out there who has told his wife that. But it's probably less than 0.0000001% of the Christian nation. Meanwhile, about 85% of the muslim nation either engages in terrorism, provides material support for terrorism, or approves of terrorism.

I did link to it, moron.
Haha, good joke, you clearly have a very retarded view of the World.
That's what happens when one looks at the world through the lens of a polak.

You're clearly incapable of logic.

If you were, you'd clearly explain data, by data how Blacks are somehow better than Poles, or Gays.

You can't, you're not all there, typical simple minded British White trash that liters the U.S Southern states.
Haha, good joke, you clearly have a very retarded view of the World.
That's what happens when one looks at the world through the lens of a polak.

You're clearly incapable of logic.

If you were, you'd clearly explain data, by data how Blacks are somehow better than Poles, or Gays.

You can't, you're not all there, typical simple minded British White trash that liters the U.S Southern states.

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