The Gaystapo is at it again

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal ā€œIslamist extremistā€ attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 ā€œfar-right extremistā€ attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Are you really trying to contend that an American Muslim is exactly like an ISIS terrorist simply because they are Muslim?

Between September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal ā€œIslamist extremistā€ attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 ā€œfar-right extremistā€ attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

American Muslims are also much more accepting of gay a lot, than evangelicals.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Donā€™t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

Iā€™m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it canā€™t be foisted on you by the government. Arenā€™t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasnā€™t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

ā€And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.ā€

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.ā€

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.
Ok, which is it today? The Old Testament counts...the Old Testament doesn't count? And if the OT doesn't count, why are Christians in places like Arkansas putting big stone 10 Commandment monuments up? That's OT junk.
Have you been to Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations where women aren't allowed to vote or drive? Do you realize that beating your wife is endorsed in the Quran. You're ignorant of Islam. If Saudi Arabia didn't have oil, they'd be a living in tents and riding camels. Islam is a backwards ignorant tribal cult.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Me neither.

The Bible endorses beating children. Donā€™t religions suck, especially patriarchal ones?

Iā€™m so glad to live in a secular country where each person is free to believe whatever they want to personally, but it canā€™t be foisted on you by the government. Arenā€™t you?

How do you not understand that all that BS is cultural not religious or we would still be burning witches and stoning adulterers. The Bible hasnā€™t changed since we did that, what did?
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

ā€And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.ā€

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.ā€

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.
Ok, which is it today? The Old Testament counts...the Old Testament doesn't count? And if the OT doesn't count, why are Christians in places like Arkansas putting big stone 10 Commandment monuments up? That's OT junk.

It still counts for all the anti gay stuff, but shellfish is totally okay now and itā€™s not cool to kill mouthy kids.
The bible doesn't endorse beating children. Spanking isn't "beating". The Quran explicitly states that a husband may beat his wife with a stick. The Quran explicitly states that if a wife is owned by her husband. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives and to treat them with gentleness because they are weaker than men. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you.

Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

ā€And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.ā€

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.ā€

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.
Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

ā€And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.ā€

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.ā€

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.
The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The old testament was law and judgement for sin, but the new testament is the church, love and grace. You really need to learn more about your topic if you seriously want to understand. To sum up once again, there is no teaching in New Testament Scripture that teaches men how to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. It can't be made any plainer. Here it is again. Now, we're done here.
Answering Muslims: Does the Qur'an Say Men Can Beat Their Wives?
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You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The old testament was law and judgement for sin, but the new testament is the church, love and grace. You really need to learn more about your topic if you seriously want to understand. To sum up once again, there is no teaching in New Testament Scripture that teaches men how to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. It can't be made any plainer. Here it is again. Now, we're done here.
Answering Muslims: Does the Qur'an Say Men Can Beat Their Wives?

And like it or not the Bible has instructions on beating children, stoning adulterers and disobedient children. We were operating under NT rules when we were still doing those things here. What changed? Not the Bible, surely.

The Bible has been used to justify slavery, misogyny and segregation. Itā€™s also been used to counter those things...good and evil, depending on who is interpreting it just like the Quran.
Define a rod...

The Bible also defines the wife as the property of the husband.

The Quran also tells men to treat their wives with love and gentleness.

ā€And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.ā€

O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.ā€

Both the Bible and Quran, Islam and Christianity have good parts and shitty parts...throw in Judaism and the Torah for an unholy holy trinity.
Like all leftists, you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments. You probably don't want to because if you did, you wouldn't have anything to argue. Ignorance is your only tool. Show us the Scripture in the book of Ephesians in the New Testament of how husbands are supposed to treat their wives. Go ahead.

The NT wasnā€™t written a mere 200 or so years ago was it? How do you explain that 200 or so years ago that we were burning witches and stoning adulterers?

There ARE Christians here in the United States that believe the Bible gives them the authority to beat their wives and children. Do you deny this? Is it the religion or them?
The Christians that burned witches 200 years ago were wrong. You're taking behavior by people and comparing. I'm talking about what it says in the New Testament and the Quran. You compare a small faction of misbehavior by a few Christians and then ignore what it says in the Quran. There are hundreds of thousands of muslims in this world that mistreat their wives and it's condoned in the Quran, and you're trying to justify it. I don't expect you to see what you're doing because your blind to it. Your hatred for Christianity overrules your common sense.

You have an incredible blind spot when it comes to Christians and have tunnel vision where Muslims are concerned, thatā€™s for sure.

Do you know who the Anti-balaka are? Look them up. They are the Christian version of ISIS. How about Eastern Lightning or National Liberation Front of Tripura? Ever hear of them? These are just a small handful of the identified Christian terrorist groups in the world.

So, is it the religion or the culture?
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.
Who are you to say they aren't christian? Maybe they think YOU aren't christian.

I love playing "No True Scotsman".
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
They aren't Christians. You're still not getting it and I doubt you ever will. When Christians act like terrorists, they're acting AGAINST the New Testament and Jesus. When muslims act like terrorists, they're acting like the Quran and Mohammed. I doubt you'll ever be able to see that because of your spiritual blindness and deliberate ignorance.

And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The old testament was law and judgement for sin, but the new testament is the church, love and grace. You really need to learn more about your topic if you seriously want to understand. To sum up once again, there is no teaching in New Testament Scripture that teaches men how to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. It can't be made any plainer. Here it is again. Now, we're done here.
Answering Muslims: Does the Qur'an Say Men Can Beat Their Wives?

And like it or not the Bible has instructions on beating children, stoning adulterers and disobedient children. We were operating under NT rules when we were still doing those things here. What changed? Not the Bible, surely.

The Bible has been used to justify slavery, misogyny and segregation. Itā€™s also been used to counter those things...good and evil, depending on who is interpreting it just like the Quran.
You're an idiot, and I'm done with you.
And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The old testament was law and judgement for sin, but the new testament is the church, love and grace. You really need to learn more about your topic if you seriously want to understand. To sum up once again, there is no teaching in New Testament Scripture that teaches men how to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. It can't be made any plainer. Here it is again. Now, we're done here.
Answering Muslims: Does the Qur'an Say Men Can Beat Their Wives?

And like it or not the Bible has instructions on beating children, stoning adulterers and disobedient children. We were operating under NT rules when we were still doing those things here. What changed? Not the Bible, surely.

The Bible has been used to justify slavery, misogyny and segregation. Itā€™s also been used to counter those things...good and evil, depending on who is interpreting it just like the Quran.
You're an idiot, and I'm done with you.
I see this running away thing as a pattern of cowardice.
And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
Neither are Christians. You're deliberately still not getting it. Christ
And the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent extremists that beat their wives. How dense are you that you donā€™t get it is cultural not religious?
I just showed you from the Quran where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Show me from the New Testament (Christianity) where it teaches men how to beat their wives. Go ahead.

Why do they bother still printing the OT if it is, as you claim, null and void? The Bible, whether you ā€œcafeteria Christianā€ that part or not, is just as horrific as the Quran. The Quran, conversely, has the same kind of passages about kindness, love and forgiveness that the Bible does. Two sides, same coin.

Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travelers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God. (Al Quran 2:178)
The old testament was law and judgement for sin, but the new testament is the church, love and grace. You really need to learn more about your topic if you seriously want to understand. To sum up once again, there is no teaching in New Testament Scripture that teaches men how to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. It can't be made any plainer. Here it is again. Now, we're done here.
Answering Muslims: Does the Qur'an Say Men Can Beat Their Wives?

And like it or not the Bible has instructions on beating children, stoning adulterers and disobedient children. We were operating under NT rules when we were still doing those things here. What changed? Not the Bible, surely.

The Bible has been used to justify slavery, misogyny and segregation. Itā€™s also been used to counter those things...good and evil, depending on who is interpreting it just like the Quran.
You're an idiot, and I'm done with you.

You're a pussy without the strength of your convictions.

You're like the trailer trash douchbag sitting on the porch of his ramshackle pile of shit bitching about the jalopy in his neighbor's yard. :lol: Guess what? You both live in crap piles!
If a person believes all this, he's against human liberty.
If a person doesnā€™t, heā€™s a sick fuck against personal liberty. I donā€™t have to call a man a ā€œwomanā€ just because he wants me to call him a ā€œwomanā€. And I donā€™t have to do it just because youā€™re a fascist either.
The difference between your position and mine: mine is logically and intellectually consistent.

Yeah, in Bizarro World. "If you refuse to say things that you don't believe, simply because some stranger will feel bad if you don't, then you're against human liberty."

That's only "logically and intellectually consistent" if you're a narcissist who thinks other people are merely ambulatory props in their personal life movie, instead of real, individual beings.
The difference between your position and mine: mine is logically and intellectually consistent.
Yeah...nothing says ā€œlogicalā€ and ā€œconsistentā€ like fascism. :lmao:
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.

Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust - Wikipedia

He's right. He's not a fascist.

He's a sociopath.
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.
Advocating that the government has the right and the power to force citizens to perpetuate a lie (and ignore science) by referring to a man as a woman is the textbook definition of fascism, you immature nitwit.
No, it isn't.
Well of course a fascist isnā€™t going to acknowledge that the polices they advocate (namely the government forcing citizens to relinquish their 1st Amendment rights and perpetuate a bold-faced lie) is fascism.

Itā€™s the textbook definition, you uneducated nitwit.
Who is forcing you to relinquish your first amendment rights? Who has even proposed such a thing?

Shout your unenlightened, unintelligible nonsense from the rooftops.

Just don't expect to not pay a social price for it.

New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun, sponsor denies that would happen

And before you give me any dismissive smokescreen about "Oh, Fox News", here's the actual legislation:

Bill Text - SB-219 Long-term care facilities: rights of residents.

(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), it shall be unlawful for a long-term care facility or facility staff to take any of the following actions wholly or partially on the basis of a personā€™s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status:

(5) Willfully and repeatedly fail to use a residentā€™s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.

A violation of this chapter shall be treated as a violation under Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 1250), Chapter 2.4 (commencing with Section 1417), or Chapter 3.2 (commencing with Section 1569).

And from the synopsis:

The bill would require a violation of these provisions to be treated as a violation under the Long-Term Care, Health, Safety, and Security Act of 1973, the California Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly Act, or specified provisions providing for the licensure and regulation of health facilities, which may include the imposition of civil penalties. By expanding the definition of existing crimes, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

New California Law Requires Posting of Transgender Rights in the Workplace and More - Law Blog

SB 396ā€“Ensuring Transgender People Know Their Rights
The first of the two substantial changes to take effect in January was SB 396ā€“requiring employers to post transgender rights explanations in the workplace. It also requires employers with 50 or more employees to include an understanding of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in their pre-existing mandatory sexual harassment prevention training.

The poster, titled ā€œTransgender Rights in the Workplace,ā€ covers several topics including defining terms under the law and explaining the rights associated with gender identity. The poster itself can be viewed here.


There some additional considerations under the law for dress codes, bathrooms, showers, and locker room facilities. Under California law, employers can only enforce dress codes in a non-discriminatory manner. This means dress codes in general are allowed but restrictions on dress and grooming must be applied in a manner that allows transgender or gender non-conforming employees to dress ā€œin accordance with their gender identity and gender expression.ā€

Any employer must allow transgender or gender non-conforming people to use the restroom or locker room associated with their gender identity or expression. Where possible, an employer must provide a unisex single stall bathroom.

However, they cannot force and employee to use such a bathroom as opposed to the bathroom of their gender identity. It is illegal to require or push a transgender employee to use such a bathroom either by policy or through harassment. In addition to this, California law requires that any single-user bathrooms be identified as unisex unless it has a special exemption from elsewhere in the law.

Bill Text - AB-2943 Unlawful business practices: sexual orientation change efforts.

I just LOVE this one.

The Legislature finds and declares the following:
(a) Contemporary science recognizes that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is part of the natural spectrum of human identity and is not a disease, disorder, or illness.

(p) Courts Courts, including in California, have recognized the practice of sexual orientation change efforts as a commercial service, and service. Therefore,claims that sexual orientation change efforts are effective in changing an individualā€™s sexual orientation, may constitute unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business practices under state consumer protection laws. This bill intends to make clear that sexual orientation change efforts are an unlawful practice under Californiaā€™s Consumer Legal Remedies Act.

(28) Advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual.

None of this is a "social price". It's all government-mandated laws, telling you what you can say, where, when, and how, and backed up by legal penalties. Please explain to me how that is NOT a violation of the First Amendment, or an attempt to force people to say things they do not believe to be true.
IF I choose to be polite and the person is a friend of mine...sure. I will call him whatever he prefers. But in general...I refuse to bow down to pressure to go along with her, she if its a him he. And nobody can FORCE me to. Which is the problem. Forcing.
If a gay person forces you to become gay, I will stand at your side and defend your rights.

If a gay person says "I'm a human being and I deserve dignity and respect" and you try to shout him down, I will stand at his.

And if a gay person says, "Dignity and respect means that you have to pretend to agree with me, or face legal penalties", you will stand with him, because you don't give a damn about anything other than your agenda, no matter WHAT sort of lofty motivations you try to cloak it in.
Businesses do not have a right to bigotry in commerce.

Sorry, but that's the law.

I hate to break it to you, but saying, "You do not have a right to express opinions I think are wrong" is the same as saying, "You do not have a right to freedom of speech". Please keep in mind that YOU are, right now, exercising your right to express opinions that WE think are utterly repugnant, and even bigoted toward those who disagree with you. Do you REALLY want to set a precedent of passing laws that punish people for disagreeing with whoever currently has power?

Sorry, but "that's the law" is not the same as "that's morally correct".
IF I choose to be polite and the person is a friend of mine...sure. I will call him whatever he prefers. But in general...I refuse to bow down to pressure to go along with her, she if its a him he. And nobody can FORCE me to. Which is the problem. Forcing.
If a gay person forces you to become gay, I will stand at your side and defend your rights.

If a gay person says "I'm a human being and I deserve dignity and respect" and you try to shout him down, I will stand at his.
What about the straight human being that wants dignity and respect? Or do you just reserve that standing for gays?

Now, don't be narrow-minded. He reserves that standing for ANY opinion . . . that he agrees with.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.
Why should I do this? We don't have many Muslims here in the U.S. much less Muslims who do the things you mentioned. However, we have a bumper crop of non-Muslim assholes. You are just trying to deflect.
Why do you and your leftist pals defend muslims and insult and artack Christians?

Defending Muslims involves only defending a person's right to choose a religion and practice it without harming others. Nobody is insulting or attacking all of the millions of people who profess faith in Jesus, only the phony assholes who try to justify their aggressive and fascist actions against others with a sick and twisted imitation of this faith. There is no connection between the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and making a big deal about sex or sexual orientation. The obsession of these jackasses stems only from some emotional hangup. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with their hysterical psychological state.

And actually, I'm quite middle of the road politically and don't like it when people go off the deep end. These jackasses have done so.
Yet you and others on the left defend Islam while insulting and demonizing Christianity. Islam is far worse on treatment of queers and women than Christianity. It doesn't make sense. You do it because you know you're supposed to. Muslims are a protected class by the left, so that's why you do it. If you actually used your brain and practiced some careful thought, you'd realize you're a pawn in their game, the left's game.

I've never insulted or demonized Christianity. However, there are a lot of jerks here who call themselves Christians and are just backwards assholes abusing the name to push their garbage; the perkins, grahams, dobsons, and the rest of the monkeys. They don't represent "Christianity," just a cult of assholes.

I don't do anything because I "know" I'm "supposed to." The Muslims in my community are nice people and good citizens. The Muslims I met in the Middle East were wonderful and friendly people. What I know is what I have observed, not some idiotic stories spread by ignorant people with big chips on their shoulders; many of whom seem to want a religious war for no reason. That's just plain stupid. Every religion has a problem with adherents who mix their specific religion with primitive tribalism and can't parse between them. We see this phenomenon among Christians in the U.S., and Muslims and Hindus in the Middle East and south Asia.

It is not "Muslims" that is a "protected class;" the classification is "religion." Read the laws. You do not have to suggest that I use my brain and practice "careful thought," as these are the things that I do every day. You are being played and you don't even know it. I suggest that you try to practice some careful and independent thought.

I just heard "I don't insult and demonize Christianity, so long as it's practiced the way I think it should be." Was that what you meant to say?
Muslims have one goal...and that is to take over the whole world with their religion. And they are doing a pretty damn good job of it..with the help of people who refuse to believe that is their goal.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.

Both the Supreme Court and the ACLU disagree with you, silly.

Student Dress Code

In the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), the court upheld the free speech rights of students to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War, explaining that students do not ā€œshed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.ā€

Why do I think that if she'd been wearing a Gay Pride t-shirt and had been told to change it, your panties would be in a HUGE ruffle over it?

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