The Gaystapo is at it again

So you have a perverted view of the Justice system...not at all surprising...
Not nearly as perverted as your view of “liberty” (where you get to control the thoughts, beliefs, views, and actions of everyone). Gaystapo.
The most perverted view of the justice system is having hearings on family same sex marriage or adoption..& disincluding the key parties to those tests from having counsel brief the court on their unique interests & benefits.

I'm talking about kids wanting a say on having either mother or father contractually ripped away from under their roof for life.
I'm talking about kids wanting a say on having either mother or father contractually ripped away from under their roof for life.

Where’s the father under your roof? I guess that doesn’t matter since there isn’t a contract or something. :lol:
So you have a perverted view of the Justice system...not at all surprising...
Not nearly as perverted as your view of “liberty” (where you get to control the thoughts, beliefs, views, and actions of everyone). Gaystapo.
The most perverted view of the justice system is having hearings on family same sex marriage or adoption..& disincluding the key parties to those tests from having counsel brief the court on their unique interests & benefits.

I'm talking about kids wanting a say on having either mother or father contractually ripped away from under their roof for life.

Not really- you don't give a damn about what kids want- you just want to promote policies that will hurt gays and their children.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.

This isn't liberty moron.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
The left will not rest until they can eliminate all constitutional rights...
If the measure becomes law, it could punish speakers like Ryan T. Anderson of The Heritage Foundation if they appear in California to advocate a traditional view of marriage and human sexuality.
“Punish” people for their religious views? “Punish” people for speaking? Fascism in its purest form.

California Considers Bill That Would Make Traditional Views on Sexuality Illegal
such horseshit... you are being fooled...
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.

As anyone not steeped in their goofy cult can see.
The left will not rest until they can eliminate all constitutional rights...
If the measure becomes law, it could punish speakers like Ryan T. Anderson of The Heritage Foundation if they appear in California to advocate a traditional view of marriage and human sexuality.
“Punish” people for their religious views? “Punish” people for speaking? Fascism in its purest form.

California Considers Bill That Would Make Traditional Views on Sexuality Illegal
such horseshit... you are being fooled...
Such an “intelligent” response to indisputable fact. I know that progressives are shaken by the truth when they lash out like small children because the facts don’t lineup with the ideology they have been conditioned to embrace, accept, and obey.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.

As anyone not steeped in their goofy cult can see.
Cast a line out... liberal bigot on the hook. Time to reel in the dumb ass.

Go on... liberals believe song writers should be forced to produce music for Klan rallies.
Such an “intelligent” response to indisputable fact.
It;'s not,. sorry. You are a gullible rube being fooled by people who -- trust me on this one -- would not piss on you, if you were on fire.
And that is the difference between me and you. You want to get pissed on. I don’t. Even if I’m on fire. At the end of the day, the link is there for everyone to see a 100% factual event.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation
So? It’s a private business, run by a private citizen, on private property. They have a right to deny anything to anyone at any time for any reason. And nobody cares that you fascists don’t like it.
In the public marketplace, governed by the laws that govern businesses in the public marketplace. Dude, you are simply wrong that they do not have to follow laws regarding businesses which serve the public. Like, embarrassingly wrong, and you sound more ridiculous the more you repeat it. there are libraries full of such laws. They keep the metal shavings out of your noodles at the soup kitchen, for instance.

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