The Gaystapo is at it again

They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
Describe the decorations they demanded. I will wait.
Huh? I don't have to describe the cake. I am saying you are lying, when you say it was a penis cake. You either made that up or were spoonfed that lie.
So you admit you have no clue. Thanks.

Describe the cake that was requested.
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
For arguments sake, can you concede that to a baker with a set moralistic viewpoint, the sale of baked goods to another could fundamentally be disparate from the commissioning of a wedding cake? Might the commonplace purchase of cookies, bread etc. (over an extended period of time) not hold the significance (to the baker) that a commissioned wedding cake does in the solemn sanctity of a marriage ceremony...
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.

As anyone not steeped in their goofy cult can see.

Humans are either male or female. Our original 'orientation' is the genitals and sex we are born with. The cases of human beings born with both genitals is very rare and abnormal. There is no proof of a 'gay gene'......Therefore, homosexuality must be an environmental influence.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.

As anyone not steeped in their goofy cult can see.

Humans are either male or female. Our original 'orientation' is the genitals and sex we are born with. The cases of human beings born with both genitals is very rare and abnormal. There is no proof of a 'gay gene'......Therefore, homosexuality must be an environmental influence.

People ARE born gay. If there is an "environmental influence" then it is in utero. Sexual orientation is an immutable trait.
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?

So you can stop. It wasn't about what they wanted, but what they wanted it for. They hadn't even got to the part where they picked out a cake. As soon as he knew it was for the wedding of two men, he stopped the interview and they left his store.

They wanted a wedding cake just exactly like anyone else's wedding cake. Mine was white with roses. It was indistinguishable from anyone else's wedding cake on the planet. It was who, not what, the baker objected to.
They refused to make a penis cake.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?

So you can stop. It wasn't about what they wanted, but what they wanted it for. They hadn't even got to the part where they picked out a cake. As soon as he knew it was for the wedding of two men, he stopped the interview and they left his store.

They wanted a wedding cake just exactly like anyone else's wedding cake. Mine was white with roses. It was indistinguishable from anyone else's wedding cake on the planet. It was who, not what, the baker objected to.
so you can stop.

you did not address any of the other cakes this man would not make. can you force him to make you a halloween cake or a penis cake for a bachelorette party for example? he wouldn't do that either. can these people now take him to court also?

if this "simple" then i'd have to think he had one made already and they could have had that. did he refuse to sell them ANYTHING AT ALL?

gay marriage is legal,
Eh...that can be overturned in the blink of an eye.
It won't be. The genie is out of the bottle and it will never be put back in. You can give up that fantasy.
lol. the cites o Sodom & Gomorrah are believed to be near the border of present day Syria... seems like their 'gene' got 'Sharia'd' right back into the bottle!


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Syria may face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Article 520 of the penal code of 1949, prohibits "carnal relations against the order of nature", and provides for up to three-years imprisonment.[1]

In Islamic State-held areas, women and the LGBT community in particular are targeted for attacks. As part of its imposition of Sharia law, ISIS punishes those who have "committed the acts of the people of [Prophet] Lot,"[2] which they also refer to as "sodomy." This terminology is based on the story of the prophet Lot in the Quran, whose people were destroyed for sexual transgressions.

In territories in Syria controlled by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, LGBT Syrians are arrested, beaten, and executed.[3][4]
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
it's because they hate America as much as the left.....the left promotes anyone and anything that hates the US.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.

Of course, they'd never actually take it to that conclusion. They'd come up with excuses why this or that case is different from cases involving Christians, and basically twist the law so that it enshrines bigotry against ONLY Christians.
Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Just carrying it out to it's absurd conclusion. Libs are wetting their beds over the fact some Christians didn't feel like making a penis cake. Unless they are complete fakes, they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.

As anyone not steeped in their goofy cult can see.

As I said, they'll come up with reasons why "this is different", and feel perfectly comfortable with the hypocrisy of "It's okay to discriminate against and persecute Christians because REASONS!"

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