The Gaystapo is at it again

Liberals want to force Jews to bake Hitler cakes and force Muslim restaurants to serve bacon at breakfast.
You’re kidding, right? Liberals bow to every whim of muslims. It’s the one group the refuse to attempt to control. I think they have a deep respect for the mutual disgust for liberty and the U.S.
Progressivism, the whole kit and caboodle of LGBT...and whatever UVWXYZ they conjure up next, is a scourge! but on the other hand fundamental Islam from the mouth of their profit, as practiced by extremists, is death! I do not understand the catering to Muslims the whole thing is backwards & upside down... evil is lauded and virtue is condemned... It's a sick, sick culture we have and the last damn thing I'm gonna do is be polite about it!
Progressivism, the whole kit and caboodle of LGBT...and whatever UVWXYZ they conjure up next, is a scourge
Progressivism is why the woman in your avatar did not have her head bashed in for her brazen behavior. ya sound like a goddamn idiot.
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Whatever you say, you are still a fascist pig that makes ridiculous demands of people trying to make their way in life. Make me a fucking penis cake or I will sue you? Really?
Progressivism, the whole kit and caboodle of LGBT...and whatever UVWXYZ they conjure up next, is a scourge
Progressivism is why the woman in your avatar did not have her head bashed in for her brazen behavior. ya sound like a goddamn idiot.
You're so deluded to think that! What was the whole reason the Pilgrims left England to come to America? Why did we fight the Revolutionary War? As a female with a mixed ethnic background I think I would have done just fine here in the Americas... Don't fall all over yourself in your piety as a progressive... I aint PC nor strive to be & am more than willing to keep calling you out on your sanctimonious Sheite... lol
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
I'll be ready for JBonds baton pass... lol
Progressivism is why the woman in your avatar did not have her head bashed in for her brazen behavior. ya sound like a goddamn idiot.
Progressivism threatens women with violence and calls strong, intelligent women “brazen”. The left’s War on Women is alive and well.
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Lol. So predictable. Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies? The radical Democrat fascist movement is gaining steam.
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Whatever you say, you are still a fascist pig that makes ridiculous demands of people trying to make their way in life. Make me a fucking penis cake or I will sue you? Really?

"Make me a fucking penis cake or I will sue you?"

Completely madeup scenario. They did not request a penis cake. You are in la-la land, ya drunk ol' evangelical...
Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies?
Those are different scenarios, because of why they are different. You try to focus on the similarity, because it evokes emotional effect and you think strong emotion justifies your own, embarrassing behavior. It doesn't, you sound like an idiot, the differences between those and this scenario are more important than the similarities, and you will lose the next round in court on this one. The SCOTUS really punted this time.
Have you checked the scoreboard lately?
I have!

White House: Republican (1-0)
House: Republican (2-0)
Senate: Republican (3-0)
States: 33 of 50 Republican (4-0)
Supreme Court: Anti-progressive (5-0)

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Of course, genius, I meant policy and law. Check again, ya freak.... homosexuals are now a protected group in most of this country, gay marriage is legal, homosexuality is generally accepted and , in fact, just about ubiquitous.

And that's what you will leave when you die... a society that changed for the better, in spite of you, on this issue...
Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies?
Those are different scenarios, because of why they are different. You try to focus on the similarity, because it evokes emotional effect and you think strong emotion justifies your own, embarrassing behavior. It doesn't, you sound like an idiot, the differences between those and this scenario are more important than the similarities, and you will lose the next round in court on this one. The SCOTUS really punted this time.
I knew you would run away. You want to force some people to do some things, but then flake out when challenged. Stop making excuses for your inconsistencies. Lazy libs.
Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies?
Those are different scenarios, because of why they are different. You try to focus on the similarity, because it evokes emotional effect and you think strong emotion justifies your own, embarrassing behavior. It doesn't, you sound like an idiot, the differences between those and this scenario are more important than the similarities, and you will lose the next round in court on this one. The SCOTUS really punted this time.
I knew you would run away. You want to force some people to do some things, but then flake out when challenged. Stop making excuses for your inconsistencies. Lazy libs.
How did I run away? I was very clear and direct. I pointed out the differences, and I said I believe the differences are more important than the similarities. that's about as much as I can dumb it down for anyone. If you disagree, fine... but no, you are you, so you claim victory (you always do, after all)
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Lol. So predictable. Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies? The radical Democrat fascist movement is gaining steam.

No one is being asked to make or carry a product they don't make or sell. A wedding cake is a wedding cake. It's WHO is purchasing their product they object to...And in some places it's illegal to object on that basis.
Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Lol. So predictable. Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies? The radical Democrat fascist movement is gaining steam.

No one is being asked to make or carry a product they don't make or sell. A wedding cake is a wedding cake. It's WHO is purchasing their product they object to...And in some places it's illegal to object on that basis.
They refused to make a penis cake. Meanwhile a semi-retarded baker refused to place summa cum laude on a cake because he objected to the cum portion of the message.

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