The Gaystapo is at it again

Liberals want to force carpenters to build shrines to Satan.

I can do this forever.
Actually, no, you can't. you see, old, archaic cultists like you are dying off pretty quickly. you will die one day, as well. So no, you freaks actually can't do this forever. Have you checked the scoreboard lately? Your entire worldview will be a funny bedtime story within a couple of decades.
Lol. So predictable. Should Jews be forced to make Hitler cakes, should song writers be forced to created great music for Klan rallies? The radical Democrat fascist movement is gaining steam.

No one is being asked to make or carry a product they don't make or sell. A wedding cake is a wedding cake. It's WHO is purchasing their product they object to...And in some places it's illegal to object on that basis.

The old favorite: "It should be illegal because it's illegal!"

God forbid any leftist EVER understand that citing the law is irrelevant and nonsensical in a discussion about whether that law is wrong.
False. You are a liar. I think you know it.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?

So you can stop. It wasn't about what they wanted, but what they wanted it for. They hadn't even got to the part where they picked out a cake. As soon as he knew it was for the wedding of two men, he stopped the interview and they left his store.

They wanted a wedding cake just exactly like anyone else's wedding cake. Mine was white with roses. It was indistinguishable from anyone else's wedding cake on the planet. It was who, not what, the baker objected to.
so you can stop.

you did not address any of the other cakes this man would not make. can you force him to make you a halloween cake or a penis cake for a bachelorette party for example? he wouldn't do that either. can these people now take him to court also?

if this "simple" then i'd have to think he had one made already and they could have had that. did he refuse to sell them ANYTHING AT ALL?


That doesn’t change anything. The cake is a cake. He refused to make the same cake he would make for a straight couple so it’s not about the cake. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake, there is only wedding cake.
The genie is out of the bottle and it will never be put back in.
You don’t know that. President Trump has already stuffed so many progressive genies back into their bottles that his hands are sore! :laugh:

King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...
Fascinating. During Attila the Obama's reign of terror, you were adamant that he had unlimited power to do anything he wanted - including "reversing" SCOTUS decisions. Absolutely adamant. Not a single time did I ever hear you state that Barack Insane Obama didn't have the power to do something - even when he took the U.S. Constitution and ran it through the shredder in the Oval Office.

You cheered like hell when he bragged that he had a "pen and a phone". Odd how you suddenly embrace constitutional government and separation of powers now that (the great) Donald Trump is President.
they also agree Jews should be forced to make Hitler cakes and Muslims must serve bacon at restaurants that serve breakfast.
They are denying services based on sexual orientation, which is much different from both wanting bacon and committing genocide.
That may be the most absurd comment on USMB for 2018. Forcing a Jew to bake a cake for a Nazi is not "genocide", snowflake. Why do you resort to such desperate and disingenuous arguments? Oh yeah, that's right, because you hold completely irrational positions built on unstable emotions rather than logic and reason.
King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...
Fascinating. During Attila the Obama's reign of terror, you were adamant that he had unlimited power to do anything he wanted - including "reversing" SCOTUS decisions. Absolutely adamant. Not a single time did I ever hear you state that Barack Insane Obama didn't have the power to do something - even when he took the U.S. Constitution and ran it through the shredder in the Oval Office.

You cheered like hell when he bragged that he had a "pen and a phone". Odd how you suddenly embrace constitutional government and separation of powers now that (the great) Donald Trump is President.

Link to these statements, liar.
The genie is out of the bottle and it will never be put back in.
You don’t know that. President Trump has already stuffed so many progressive genies back into their bottles that his hands are sore! :laugh:

King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns. No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.
The genie is out of the bottle and it will never be put back in.
You don’t know that. President Trump has already stuffed so many progressive genies back into their bottles that his hands are sore! :laugh:

King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns. No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.

No, but they can and most likely will tell you that you don't get to force other people to approve of your "marriage".

"Do what you want, and leave other people out of it" is a perfectly reasonable position . . . unless you're a leftist who can't feel good about him/herself unless constantly applauded and agreed with.
The genie is out of the bottle and it will never be put back in.
You don’t know that. President Trump has already stuffed so many progressive genies back into their bottles that his hands are sore! :laugh:

King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns. No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.

No, but they can and most likely will tell you that you don't get to force other people to approve of your "marriage".

"Do what you want, and leave other people out of it" is a perfectly reasonable position . . . unless you're a leftist who can't feel good about him/herself unless constantly applauded and agreed with.

Nobody is forcing approval of marriage. Public Accommodation laws are separate from marriage laws and would and did exist prior to marriage equality.
You don’t know that. President Trump has already stuffed so many progressive genies back into their bottles that his hands are sore! :laugh:

King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns. No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.

No, but they can and most likely will tell you that you don't get to force other people to approve of your "marriage".

"Do what you want, and leave other people out of it" is a perfectly reasonable position . . . unless you're a leftist who can't feel good about him/herself unless constantly applauded and agreed with.

Nobody is forcing approval of marriage. Public Accommodation laws are separate from marriage laws and would and did exist prior to marriage equality.

Oh, my holy freaking God, would you PLEASE quit with this canard? I doubt very much that YOU believe that homosexual activists aren't trying to force public approbation, and I can assure you you're not convincing anyone else of it.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns.
Well since neither of those are ever going to happen, there is a better than average chance that President Trump will be appointing 1 or more justices before he reaches his term limit.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

To be fair, if I were talking to someone with multiple personalities I would first ask who I was talking to before addressing them.
No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.
You're right. But half the existing justices would overturn the unconstitutional ruling of the previous court that created law from the bench. And all it will take is one more Trump appointee of one of the progressive political activists (like Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, etc.) and it will be done.

Will it happen? No idea. I don't have a crystal ball. And unlike all of the progressives on this board, I don't pretend to. But it absolutely can happen. In fact, if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to pick, I would have to pick that it will happen simply based on the fact that Trump is likely to appoint 1 or more justices before his time is up.
King George the Trump can’t reverse a SCOTUS decision...and the SCOTUS won’t reverse it either.
I didn't imply that, baby doll. But you know what (the great) President Trump can do? He can appoint more Supreme Court Justices that actually respect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
There has to be an opening...before he's impeached or resigns. No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.

No, but they can and most likely will tell you that you don't get to force other people to approve of your "marriage".

"Do what you want, and leave other people out of it" is a perfectly reasonable position . . . unless you're a leftist who can't feel good about him/herself unless constantly applauded and agreed with.

Nobody is forcing approval of marriage. Public Accommodation laws are separate from marriage laws and would and did exist prior to marriage equality.

Oh, my holy freaking God, would you PLEASE quit with this canard? I doubt very much that YOU believe that homosexual activists aren't trying to force public approbation, and I can assure you you're not convincing anyone else of it.

What canard would that be? Facts are facts. Marriage laws have nothing to do with public accommodation laws since legal approval is not required. Gays have been marrying in churches for decades. Even this Masterpiece case predates legal civil marriage.
No justice is going to reverse marriage equality.
You're right. But half the existing justices would overturn the unconstitutional ruling of the previous court that created law from the bench. And all it will take is one more Trump appointee of one of the progressive political activists (like Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, etc.) and it will be done.

Will it happen? No idea. I don't have a crystal ball. And unlike all of the progressives on this board, I don't pretend to. But it absolutely can happen. In fact, if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to pick, I would have to pick that it will happen simply based on the fact that Trump is likely to appoint 1 or more justices before his time is up.

It won't. My marriage is safe as desperately you'd like it not to be true, asshole.
the baker in colorado?

he won't customize bachelor party cakes
he won't customize lewd cakes
he won't even customize or make halloween cakes.

if you spent 5 minutes putting your vast wisdom down for a minute and simply google the baker, you'd see all this is true. he's well known in the area for NOT doing these things.

he also said the gay couple could buy any cake in his store they wished and do whatever they want with it. he just wouldn't customize it is all.

now if this baker is well known for all this, why would a gay couple demand he customize their cake when they know he won't unless they're simply trying to make an example out of him. they went in looking for a fight and would not come out without one.

there are also well over 30 bakeries in the town. i looked. he's rated #6 on the list so he's a good one. but he's certainly not the only one.

What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?

So you can stop. It wasn't about what they wanted, but what they wanted it for. They hadn't even got to the part where they picked out a cake. As soon as he knew it was for the wedding of two men, he stopped the interview and they left his store.

They wanted a wedding cake just exactly like anyone else's wedding cake. Mine was white with roses. It was indistinguishable from anyone else's wedding cake on the planet. It was who, not what, the baker objected to.
so you can stop.

you did not address any of the other cakes this man would not make. can you force him to make you a halloween cake or a penis cake for a bachelorette party for example? he wouldn't do that either. can these people now take him to court also?

if this "simple" then i'd have to think he had one made already and they could have had that. did he refuse to sell them ANYTHING AT ALL?


That doesn’t change anything. The cake is a cake. He refused to make the same cake he would make for a straight couple so it’s not about the cake. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake, there is only wedding cake.
so heres no such thing as a gay wedding?

and again can someone now sue cause they demand a dick cake and he refuses?
What was "custom" about the cake the gay couple ordered?
dunno. ask the gay couple what they wanted on the cake. but it was the customization he wouldn't do. he offered to sell him anything that was complete in the shop for them to do with what they wanted.

now if you say he must do this for the gay couple, would he also have to make all the rest "on demand" for people who just want him to do things he doesn't feel right doing?

So you can stop. It wasn't about what they wanted, but what they wanted it for. They hadn't even got to the part where they picked out a cake. As soon as he knew it was for the wedding of two men, he stopped the interview and they left his store.

They wanted a wedding cake just exactly like anyone else's wedding cake. Mine was white with roses. It was indistinguishable from anyone else's wedding cake on the planet. It was who, not what, the baker objected to.
so you can stop.

you did not address any of the other cakes this man would not make. can you force him to make you a halloween cake or a penis cake for a bachelorette party for example? he wouldn't do that either. can these people now take him to court also?

if this "simple" then i'd have to think he had one made already and they could have had that. did he refuse to sell them ANYTHING AT ALL?


That doesn’t change anything. The cake is a cake. He refused to make the same cake he would make for a straight couple so it’s not about the cake. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake, there is only wedding cake.
so heres no such thing as a gay wedding?

and again can someone now sue cause they demand a dick cake and he refuses?

Of course there's such a thing as a "gay wedding cake". If they want a cake with a groom-groom cake topper, rainbows, and "Congratulations, Adam and Steve" (or whatever the hell their names are), that's not "the same cake he would make for a straight couple".
I've never heard of a baker turning away people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time.

Has anyone?



Matthew 19:9. Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

And that's how you know the bigots' claim of biblical compliance is a steaming pile of horseshit.


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