The Gaystapo is at it again

I've got news for you, you are in fact male or female. There is literally no other scientific possibility. None.

An ‘intersex’ person sued because passports only allow male and female – and it’s been decided

I’m going to sue next because even though I was born 50+ years ago, I identify as a 21 year old. I want my passport to reflect “who I really am”. Otherwise the application will force me to lie about “who I really am”.

I hope that crock of bullshit legal finding is on appeal? It has more holes than Swiss cheese. A three year old could shoot it down.
So write out the ticket as per the driver's license and everybody go their own way.

There is no such thing as "Gaystapo." This sounds like it came from the same morons who gave us "feminazi" and "virtue signalling."

This is from the Blaze. Good grief.

Yeah, except if my driver's license said I was black, the cop wouldn't write out my ticket that way, because I'm obviously NOT black. You do realize that the identifying information put on a legal document is required to actually IDENTIFY the person encountered, right? They aren't just scribbling that shit down for the fun of writing fiction.
So write out the ticket as per the driver's license and everybody go their own way.

There is no such thing as "Gaystapo." This sounds like it came from the same morons who gave us "feminazi" and "virtue signalling."

This is from the Blaze. Good grief.

Yeah, except if my driver's license said I was black, the cop wouldn't write out my ticket that way, because I'm obviously NOT black. You do realize that the identifying information put on a legal document is required to actually IDENTIFY the person encountered, right? They aren't just scribbling that shit down for the fun of writing fiction.
You know what? Progressives such as Lysistrata are so astoundingly ignorant, they actually don't realize that the information on legal documents is designed to identify a person by reality (actual race, actual sex, actual nation of origin, etc.).

It's sad...but we are living the moving Idiocracy. The left has bred themselves into a state of near-retardation. Years of stoned homeless hippies "making love, not war" have resulted in generations of low IQ liberals with bad genes suffering from student development due to drugs and alcohol while in the womb.
So write out the ticket as per the driver's license and everybody go their own way.

There is no such thing as "Gaystapo." This sounds like it came from the same morons who gave us "feminazi" and "virtue signalling."

This is from the Blaze. Good grief.

Yeah, except if my driver's license said I was black, the cop wouldn't write out my ticket that way, because I'm obviously NOT black. You do realize that the identifying information put on a legal document is required to actually IDENTIFY the person encountered, right? They aren't just scribbling that shit down for the fun of writing fiction.
You know what? Progressives such as Lysistrata are so astoundingly ignorant, they actually don't realize that the information on legal documents is designed to identify a person by reality (actual race, actual sex, actual nation of origin, etc.).

It's sad...but we are living the moving Idiocracy. The left has bred themselves into a state of near-retardation. Years of stoned homeless hippies "making love, not war" have resulted in generations of low IQ liberals with bad genes suffering from drugs and alcohol while in the womb.

You dingbats have never, ever come out to to explain yourselves. Where is the backing for your thought? Please find some backing for backing for what you say. It might have to do with reports that actually have reports/ research from credible source. Have you ever read a report from a credible source that has a footnote in it? Come forth wish your scholarship; your footnotes from reliable sources.
I've got news for you, you are in fact male or female. There is literally no other scientific possibility. None.

An ‘intersex’ person sued because passports only allow male and female – and it’s been decided

I’m going to sue next because even though I was born 50+ years ago, I identify as a 21 year old. I want my passport to reflect “who I really am”. Otherwise the application will force me to lie about “who I really am”.

I hope that crock of bullshit legal finding is on appeal? It has more holes than Swiss cheese. A three year old could shoot it down.

There are people out there , mostly residing in institutions, who really think they are Napoleon or Jesus H. Christ. Should we be catering to their fantasies by referring to them as if they actually were what they think? If they sued to force us to , would they win?
So write out the ticket as per the driver's license and everybody go their own way.

There is no such thing as "Gaystapo." This sounds like it came from the same morons who gave us "feminazi" and "virtue signalling."

This is from the Blaze. Good grief.

Yeah, except if my driver's license said I was black, the cop wouldn't write out my ticket that way, because I'm obviously NOT black. You do realize that the identifying information put on a legal document is required to actually IDENTIFY the person encountered, right? They aren't just scribbling that shit down for the fun of writing fiction.
You know what? Progressives such as Lysistrata are so astoundingly ignorant, they actually don't realize that the information on legal documents is designed to identify a person by reality (actual race, actual sex, actual nation of origin, etc.).

It's sad...but we are living the moving Idiocracy. The left has bred themselves into a state of near-retardation. Years of stoned homeless hippies "making love, not war" have resulted in generations of low IQ liberals with bad genes suffering from drugs and alcohol while in the womb.

You dingbats have never, ever come out to to explain yourselves. Where is the backing for your thought? Please find some backing for backing for what you say. It might have to do with reports that actually have reports/ research from credible source. Have you ever read a report from a credible source that has a footnote in it? Come forth wish your scholarship; your footnotes from reliable sources.
My "footnotes" are all of the posts on USMB from progressives (such as yourself). Idiotic stuff, like it's ok to put false information on identification documents.
Gays have been at the top of the list of who Republicans hate for decades.
I've got news for you, you are in fact male or female. There is literally no other scientific possibility. None.

An ‘intersex’ person sued because passports only allow male and female – and it’s been decided

I’m going to sue next because even though I was born 50+ years ago, I identify as a 21 year old. I want my passport to reflect “who I really am”. Otherwise the application will force me to lie about “who I really am”.

I hope that crock of bullshit legal finding is on appeal? It has more holes than Swiss cheese. A three year old could shoot it down.
I've often said that I "identify" as President of the United States. So failure to give me the nuclear codes and unfettered access to the Oval Office is unacceptable! And if the left wasn't a bunch of illogical, inconsistent assholes, they would agree and facilitate it for me!
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Liberty is when you are free to do what you like so long as you aren't using force against another person. Using the pronoun of your choice is part of freedom, not using government force to compel the world to comply with your demands.
Gays have been at the top of the list of who Republicans hate for decades.
That's because they have been incessant in their use of government to force us to comply with their idiotic anti-social demands for decades.
Gays have been at the top of the list of who Republicans hate for decades.

That's a load of crapola of course.

Before the man's unfortunate death, Donald Trump used the services of Homosexual Legal Guru Roy Cohn in dealing with some of his lawsuits.

Republicans always appreciated the work of the preeminent gay lawman of the 20th Century, J. Edgar Hoover.
I've got news for you, you are in fact male or female. There is literally no other scientific possibility. None.

An ‘intersex’ person sued because passports only allow male and female – and it’s been decided

I’m going to sue next because even though I was born 50+ years ago, I identify as a 21 year old. I want my passport to reflect “who I really am”. Otherwise the application will force me to lie about “who I really am”.

I hope that crock of bullshit legal finding is on appeal? It has more holes than Swiss cheese. A three year old could shoot it down.
You go right ahead....let us know how that works out for you.
I've got news for you, you are in fact male or female. There is literally no other scientific possibility. None.

An ‘intersex’ person sued because passports only allow male and female – and it’s been decided

I’m going to sue next because even though I was born 50+ years ago, I identify as a 21 year old. I want my passport to reflect “who I really am”. Otherwise the application will force me to lie about “who I really am”.

I hope that crock of bullshit legal finding is on appeal? It has more holes than Swiss cheese. A three year old could shoot it down.
You go right ahead....let us know how that works out for you.
It would work out fine if you bat-shit crazy leftists were consistent in your views. All of you would be 100% behind it. But because YOUR own idiotic view here wasn’t proposed by a fellow wing-nut, you will reject your own idiotic view.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
You fantasize about them?
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
You fantasize about them?
Do I fantasize about the day that left-lunatics will accept reality, tell the truth, and acknowledge science? Yes. Yes, I do.
This is disgusting and disturbing on an unimaginable level.
A whistleblower teacher from Great Britain alleges that 17 young students at the school where she teaches have been coerced into changing their genders. Some of the students are even mentally disabled, the teacher alleges. She charges that a powerful "transgender lobby" is behind the push.
The left lives to exploit children for their various political agendas.

Whistleblower teacher says 17 students in British school are changing genders, some were ‘tricked’
This is disgusting and disturbing on an unimaginable level.
A whistleblower teacher from Great Britain alleges that 17 young students at the school where she teaches have been coerced into changing their genders. Some of the students are even mentally disabled, the teacher alleges. She charges that a powerful "transgender lobby" is behind the push.
The left lives to exploit children for their various political agendas.

Whistleblower teacher says 17 students in British school are changing genders, some were ‘tricked’

Apparently, BlackFag thinks that such extreme sexual abuse of children is amusing.

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