The Gaystapo is at it again

Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".
Muslims have one goal...and that is to take over the whole world with their religion. And they are doing a pretty damn good job of it..with the help of people who refuse to believe that is their goal.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.

Both the Supreme Court and the ACLU disagree with you, silly.

Student Dress Code

In the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), the court upheld the free speech rights of students to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War, explaining that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

Why do I think that if she'd been wearing a Gay Pride t-shirt and had been told to change it, your panties would be in a HUGE ruffle over it?

Students and teachers have different rules.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.
Muslims have one goal...and that is to take over the whole world with their religion. And they are doing a pretty damn good job of it..with the help of people who refuse to believe that is their goal.
Do you know any American Muslims?
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.

Both the Supreme Court and the ACLU disagree with you, silly.

Student Dress Code

In the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), the court upheld the free speech rights of students to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War, explaining that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

Why do I think that if she'd been wearing a Gay Pride t-shirt and had been told to change it, your panties would be in a HUGE ruffle over it?

Students and teachers have different rules.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Except this wasn't a "political message", there's a difference between "it might be best" and "you have to", and I still doubt very much that you would take this attitude if her t-shirt had had a message you agreed with.
Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.
Why do I think that if she'd been wearing a Gay Pride t-shirt and had been told to change it, your panties would be in a HUGE ruffle over it?
Because the Gaystapo believes that children should be inundated with pedophilia, homosexuality, and all other forms of depravity. Just look at this “teacher” in the pathetic state of California. This is so repulsive it defies adjectives:

View attachment 190860

No decent, self-respecting person would ever assume positions like that in public. And even an indecent person with no self-respect wouldn’t do it in front of children. And the Gaystapo is so fucking disturbed - they have passed a law making it illegal to pull your child out of their obscene classes.

California Bans Parents From Pulling Kids From ‘Obscene’ LGBT Sex Ed Classes

Oh, geez, dude. I just ate lunch!
Oh, geez, dude. I just ate lunch!
Ok...I just deleted that post. I need to research it further. It may not be accurate.
You asked for an example of Christian suppression in our public schools. Here's one. Every time I come across one, I'll post it for you.
Alabama teacher says school told her to change shirt with 'just pray' on it

Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".
Dress codes are not the government silencing your free speech, silly.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Yes, that is what that means.
Yes, they are when they pertain to something like prayer. No one is harmed by this. That's an excuse to silence. Her shirt isn't harming anyone. The school administrator doesn't like it. That's too bad.

That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.

Okay, if that’s the sad way you view the judicial system, ain’t much I can do about that.

I mean if you want to play that, any judicial action is “anything you can get away with”.

She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?
She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?
Here is what I know: your repugnant Gaystapo actions ends with the “definitive end” to the Dumbocrat Party. You bat-shit crazies continue to turn more and more people conservative.
Every time Obama made a speech about more gun control, gun sales went up. I sure miss him.
That would be up to a court to decide.

Can I wear items conveying political or religious opinions in the classroom?

The Supreme Court has ruled that students can wear armbands to school as an expression of their political views and that their right to free speech can only be limited if the speech would cause “substantial and material disruption.” The right of teachers to express their views in school on public matters is not so clear. The courts in Washington state have not yet looked at this issue, and courts from other states have come to different conclusions. The trend seems to be that, if the items are not disruptive, they are protected as free speech. For example, you can probably wear a necklace with a religious symbol on it. However, a court has ruled that a school may ban teachers from wearing buttons supporting a current political candidate, as this could be considered “disruptive.” Courts have also upheld discipline for teachers wearing T-shirts with political messages or slogans. The same rule applies to classroom decorations or displays: it is best to avoid any appearance that you are advocating a particular religious or political view.

Free Speech Rights of Public School Teachers in Washington State
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.

Okay, if that’s the sad way you view the judicial system, ain’t much I can do about that.

I mean if you want to play that, any judicial action is “anything you can get away with”.

She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?

You misunderstand (BIG surprise). That's not how I view the judicial system; that's how I view the twisted, manipulative way you leftists pervert the judicial system.

"She can do as we tell her, or she can outrageously decide to do use our own tactics, which we disapprove of in anyone else."

I think you leftists are going to have to learn to live with the fact that fear of your displeasure no longer cows people into silence. You've badly overplayed your tantrums and riots and character assassinations.
The T shirt asking for prayer isn't causing any "disruption". Try again.

"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.

Okay, if that’s the sad way you view the judicial system, ain’t much I can do about that.

I mean if you want to play that, any judicial action is “anything you can get away with”.

She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?

You misunderstand (BIG surprise). That's not how I view the judicial system; that's how I view the twisted, manipulative way you leftists pervert the judicial system.

"She can do as we tell her, or she can outrageously decide to do use our own tactics, which we disapprove of in anyone else."

I think you leftists are going to have to learn to live with the fact that fear of your displeasure no longer cows people into silence. You've badly overplayed your tantrums and riots and character assassinations.

So you have a perverted view of the Justice system...not at all surprising...
"Causing a disruption" is defined, in libspeak, as "forcing leftists to throw a massive hissy fit by confronting them with the fact that other viewpoints exist".

Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.

Okay, if that’s the sad way you view the judicial system, ain’t much I can do about that.

I mean if you want to play that, any judicial action is “anything you can get away with”.

She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?

You misunderstand (BIG surprise). That's not how I view the judicial system; that's how I view the twisted, manipulative way you leftists pervert the judicial system.

"She can do as we tell her, or she can outrageously decide to do use our own tactics, which we disapprove of in anyone else."

I think you leftists are going to have to learn to live with the fact that fear of your displeasure no longer cows people into silence. You've badly overplayed your tantrums and riots and character assassinations.

So you have a perverted view of the Justice system...not at all surprising...

Be sure to wash your fingers later after you pull them out of your ears. Wax, y'know.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
America has become the silliest nation in the world
Disruptive would be at the discretion of the courts I reckon.

In other words, whatever leftists can get away with. Which is what I already said.

Okay, if that’s the sad way you view the judicial system, ain’t much I can do about that.

I mean if you want to play that, any judicial action is “anything you can get away with”.

She can choose to take off the shirt, take it to court or make a social media issue out of it which just gets a bunch of folks like you all upset. Which one do you think end up with a definitive conclusion?

You misunderstand (BIG surprise). That's not how I view the judicial system; that's how I view the twisted, manipulative way you leftists pervert the judicial system.

"She can do as we tell her, or she can outrageously decide to do use our own tactics, which we disapprove of in anyone else."

I think you leftists are going to have to learn to live with the fact that fear of your displeasure no longer cows people into silence. You've badly overplayed your tantrums and riots and character assassinations.

So you have a perverted view of the Justice system...not at all surprising...

Be sure to wash your fingers later after you pull them out of your ears. Wax, y'know.

Why? I’m reading, not listening. I read that you have a perverted view of the judiciary, thinking it’s only for “liberals to get their way”. That’s #sad...

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