The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

It's not about the money now.

[ame=]Obamacare Promotional Song Contest Winn - YouTube[/ame]
LOL. Drama Queen much?

Yes. Yes you Dumbocrats do "drama queen" MUCH! Remember all of you little bitches in the streets during the Bush Administration? I sure do... :lol:

Of course you remember. You had nothing else to do and your life has amounted to being a professional (unpaid) complainer.

You remind me of a child with his bib on waiting for his next spoon full.

Thank you daddy Bammy, may I have more?
I think that all advertising by everybody ought to be outlawed.

So what ... Because you support sending more money to the government and the government keeps doing stupid things with it ... Like promoting more advertising.
That just means you are both ineffective and inefficient ... Along with the fact you are counterproductive to what you want to happen as far as advertising is concerned.

That is three strikes against you and you are still standing at the plate.


Advertising has become a hugely expensive arms race for business. Everybody has to do it to not fall behind but it gives nobody a competitive advantage anymore.

More money will be spent by business just during the Super Bowl than your figure.

The rest of your post is typical conservative trash talking employed when you have no point but want to argue anyway.
The government ought to have it's own TV and Radio channel that it exclusively advertises or gives government information to us on, and it should never pay the private sector for any messaging it has to bring forward to the American people. The only reason that the government uses private industry to get the message out, must undoubtedly be because it is scratching the backs of it's political supporters from that industry. This makes our government waste our money big time in this way, and it makes it to become corrupted just as it is these days. I mean the airways or airwaves frequency's that are still up above last time we checked, are still free, so why is the government paying this kind of money out to private industry, when it can get the message out for free to the people ? I mean of course it would have the cost of the government running the channel that it would run, but the tax payers wouldn't mind paying for something like that. I think a full investigation needs to be done for the people, upon the goings on as to why government is blowing the tax payers money as it is doing in these ways. Don't yall think ? Do they still have the capabilities for an arms services radio channel ? I think this would be the one that was operated during world war two right ?
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Taxpayer subsidies come from my wallet ... And you want more of them.
Other than that ... I couldn't tell you who has an ad during the Super Bowl ... Or the last time I watched one ... So neither you nor I could say any of that money comes from my wallet because neither of us knows.
It doesn't come out of anyone's wallet as a matter of legislation ... The desire to expand government ... Or through taxation.

In any case ... You still don't have a point.


The point that I have made is that you are unable to think past the propaganda that you are unable to defend yourself from. You're stuck there. You will reject, without any consideration, any fact contrary to it.

I encourage you to keep that up as your tribe gets voted off of the island. It guarantees your continued irrelevance.

You are the only one stuck with propaganda ... And that is pretty much the extent of most of what you offer.
I try to engage you in conversation all the time ... And you reject the idea of any consideration that isn't blinded by your own eagerness to swallow the Liberal Kool-Aid.

Keep trying ... You still haven't made a point ... And you cannot blame me for your inefficiency, ineffectiveness and general lack of anything productive.


You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.
You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.

There you go with Fox again ... And it doesn't matter to you that I don't watch Fox.
Just another one of your propaganda plugs ... Meaningless ... Like most everything you post.

You still don't have a point ... And day by day the ACA suffers, the people suffer ... And you strut around like what you or the government has anything to offer those in need.
You are a victim of your own propaganda ... And think you can project that on others.

We were both Republicans, when they moved authoritarian I moved to the libertarian conservative views you moved to authoritarian socialist views. IOW your politics are the opposite of mine.

Our politics are opposite. But, we want the same things. I want them for everyone.
I also want them for everyone, we have two completely different approaches. Mine is tried and true and works to the betterment of everyone. Yours lacks common sense and has been a proven failure in every way in every situation from the dawn of man.

Yours is do nothing. That's been tried, and guess what? Surprise. Doing nothing results in nothing. What's criminal is if Bush had done nothing we'd be debt free now. Thousands of Americans killed in his holy wars would be alive. The Great Recession would be only a nightmare, not history.

Doing nothing will maximise the cost of AGW and the largest project mankind has ever undertaken, the conversion to sustainable energy.

Business continuing to do nothing about growth will keep the most productive workers in the world, idle.

Doing nothing is what Boehner and his house thugs accomplish with their strike of Congress, and periodic shutdown of government.

Doing nothing has resulted in our extreme and extremely dysfunctional wealth distribution that is putting the middle class out of business.

Doing nothing about health care insures our completely uncompetitive 2X the cost, mediocre results health care non-system will stay the anchor keeping us out of global business success.

The good news is that Republicans will have lots of time to do nothing as former Congress members booted by an informed electorate.
This is really is key. The core conceit of the statist is that there's one right way to live and it's up to government to force us all down that path.

As I've said before, I go through everyday abiding by the law and don't even notice it. There is nothing illegal that I feel compelled to do. That's true of everyone that I know too. If you are always feeling restricted from compelling actions by our law, I'd worry more about you personally, than the law.

I hear you. And I believe you're being honest here. But maybe you should consider what you're confessing to. You 'go through everyday' without ever thinking, and certainly not caring, about the fact that there are others who don't see things as you do, people with different goals, different concerns and different values than those you take for granted.

Your political ideology, regardless of what you call it, has nothing but disdain for the American political traditions of individuality, diversity and freedom of conscience. Those values stand in the way of everything you believe in and, based on the views you've been expressing, you won't miss them when they're gone.

Here's what you are completely oblivious to. My political persuasion is the centrist perspective that has always worked for America. What's changed is that the power of propaganda has dragged conservatives to extremes previously unknown to Americans. Destroyed pride in our capability, our democracy, and our purpose. Brought into disdain the American dream and replaced it with self centered, me first and only, wealth centric, aristocracy.

From where you've been led to you can't even see America.
You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.

There you go with Fox again ... And it doesn't matter to you that I don't watch Fox.
Just another one of your propaganda plugs ... Meaningless ... Like most everything you post.

You still don't have a point ... And day by day the ACA suffers, the people suffer ... And you strut around like what you or the government has anything to offer those in need.
You are a victim of your own propaganda ... And think you can project that on others.


The failure of ACA is merely the scenario that Republicans have portrayed for the last five years in their propaganda that you claim that you never watch but report on daily.

Why do you think that even though their claims have failed to materialize for the last five years this time they are real?

Stop being a sucker.
Our politics are opposite. But, we want the same things. I want them for everyone.
I also want them for everyone, we have two completely different approaches. Mine is tried and true and works to the betterment of everyone. Yours lacks common sense and has been a proven failure in every way in every situation from the dawn of man.

Yours is do nothing. That's been tried, and guess what? Surprise. Doing nothing results in nothing. What's criminal is if Bush had done nothing we'd be debt free now. Thousands of Americans killed in his holy wars would be alive. The Great Recession would be only a nightmare, not history.

Doing nothing will maximise the cost of AGW and the largest project mankind has ever undertaken, the conversion to sustainable energy.

Business continuing to do nothing about growth will keep the most productive workers in the world, idle.

Doing nothing is what Boehner and his house thugs accomplish with their strike of Congress, and periodic shutdown of government.

Doing nothing has resulted in our extreme and extremely dysfunctional wealth distribution that is putting the middle class out of business.

Doing nothing about health care insures our completely uncompetitive 2X the cost, mediocre results health care non-system will stay the anchor keeping us out of global business success.

The good news is that Republicans will have lots of time to do nothing as former Congress members booted by an informed electorate.

That you somehow think that Republicans are the only ones responsible for this is somewhat strange. Do you really believe that the democrats in the federal house have any more interest in your well being than Republicans.

If so, you are deluded.

I would welcome a discussion on the bolded topic above as I think many conservatives would agree that we have a system that is rigged against wealth mobility. Unfortunately, people like you don't see that is as much the fault of government as it is anyone else. I've got some very good first hand examples if you are interested.

The government involvement in health care is only going to exacerbate the issue as they will burden and tax us with more and more. about those proposed special unions ? I am looking for more data on those, but right now, it seems pretty suspicious.
The point that I have made is that you are unable to think past the propaganda that you are unable to defend yourself from. You're stuck there. You will reject, without any consideration, any fact contrary to it.

I encourage you to keep that up as your tribe gets voted off of the island. It guarantees your continued irrelevance.

You are the only one stuck with propaganda ... And that is pretty much the extent of most of what you offer.
I try to engage you in conversation all the time ... And you reject the idea of any consideration that isn't blinded by your own eagerness to swallow the Liberal Kool-Aid.

Keep trying ... You still haven't made a point ... And you cannot blame me for your inefficiency, ineffectiveness and general lack of anything productive.


You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.

What have you analyzed ? Please, by all means...tell us.
The point that I have made is that you are unable to think past the propaganda that you are unable to defend yourself from. You're stuck there. You will reject, without any consideration, any fact contrary to it.

I encourage you to keep that up as your tribe gets voted off of the island. It guarantees your continued irrelevance.

You are the only one stuck with propaganda ... And that is pretty much the extent of most of what you offer.
I try to engage you in conversation all the time ... And you reject the idea of any consideration that isn't blinded by your own eagerness to swallow the Liberal Kool-Aid.

Keep trying ... You still haven't made a point ... And you cannot blame me for your inefficiency, ineffectiveness and general lack of anything productive.


You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.

LOL.....that's right.......its all the fault of FOX that 3/4 of the population think this Obamacare stuff is absurd.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
It comes from your wallet.

Taxpayer subsidies come from my wallet ... And you want more of them.
Other than that ... I couldn't tell you who has an ad during the Super Bowl ... Or the last time I watched one ... So neither you nor I could say any of that money comes from my wallet because neither of us knows.
It doesn't come out of anyone's wallet as a matter of legislation ... The desire to expand government ... Or through taxation.

In any case ... You still don't have a point.


The point that I have made is that you are unable to think past the propaganda that you are unable to defend yourself from. You're stuck there. You will reject, without any consideration, any fact contrary to it.

I encourage you to keep that up as your tribe gets voted off of the island. It guarantees your continued irrelevance.

You are the tribe that got voted out in 2010 (and not much changed in 2012). That wasn't supposed to happen. So where did you go wrong ?
People need to ask themselves.......if the economy crashes due to this impossible to succeed healthcare law, who wins??!!

WHen people call this "the holy grail" for liberals, it has nothing at all to do with health.
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The failure of ACA is merely the scenario that Republicans have portrayed for the last five years in their propaganda that you claim that you never watch but report on daily.

Why do you think that even though their claims have failed to materialize for the last five years this time they are real?

Stop being a sucker.

I have said that welfare and entitlement programs have failed to produce acceptable results ... But you have said that yourself in that you constantly post about how people are suffering.
I said the ACA is suffering ... Because to say it has failed is not even something we can assess yet ... Hell, we haven't even seen half of it enacted at this point.
I know that the government had 4 years and more than $600 million to build a website and couldn't ... When IBM offered to build it for free.

The only thing that has failed to materialize over the last 5 years is anything worth a damn coming from the government ... You still don't have a point and are the only sucker for it.

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I also want them for everyone, we have two completely different approaches. Mine is tried and true and works to the betterment of everyone. Yours lacks common sense and has been a proven failure in every way in every situation from the dawn of man.

Yours is do nothing. That's been tried, and guess what? Surprise. Doing nothing results in nothing. What's criminal is if Bush had done nothing we'd be debt free now. Thousands of Americans killed in his holy wars would be alive. The Great Recession would be only a nightmare, not history.

Doing nothing will maximise the cost of AGW and the largest project mankind has ever undertaken, the conversion to sustainable energy.

Business continuing to do nothing about growth will keep the most productive workers in the world, idle.

Doing nothing is what Boehner and his house thugs accomplish with their strike of Congress, and periodic shutdown of government.

Doing nothing has resulted in our extreme and extremely dysfunctional wealth distribution that is putting the middle class out of business.

Doing nothing about health care insures our completely uncompetitive 2X the cost, mediocre results health care non-system will stay the anchor keeping us out of global business success.

The good news is that Republicans will have lots of time to do nothing as former Congress members booted by an informed electorate.

That you somehow think that Republicans are the only ones responsible for this is somewhat strange. Do you really believe that the democrats in the federal house have any more interest in your well being than Republicans.

If so, you are deluded.

I would welcome a discussion on the bolded topic above as I think many conservatives would agree that we have a system that is rigged against wealth mobility. Unfortunately, people like you don't see that is as much the fault of government as it is anyone else. I've got some very good first hand examples if you are interested.

The government involvement in health care is only going to exacerbate the issue as they will burden and tax us with more and more. about those proposed special unions ? I am looking for more data on those, but right now, it seems pretty suspicious.

What is wealth mobility?
People need to ask themselves.......if the economy crashes due to this impossible to succeed healthcare law, who wins??!!

WHen people call this "the holy grail" for liberals, it has nothing at all to do with health.

Who wins? Anyone short an S&P index.
You are the only one stuck with propaganda ... And that is pretty much the extent of most of what you offer.
I try to engage you in conversation all the time ... And you reject the idea of any consideration that isn't blinded by your own eagerness to swallow the Liberal Kool-Aid.

Keep trying ... You still haven't made a point ... And you cannot blame me for your inefficiency, ineffectiveness and general lack of anything productive.


You report the current Republican propaganda from Fox. You don't engage anybody in conversation. You, like Fox, tell them what to believe. Most of us aren't as gullible as you. We don't just believe. We question, we think, we research, we analyze.

You meekly accept.

LOL.....that's right.......its all the fault of FOX that 3/4 of the population think this Obamacare stuff is absurd.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

That's what propaganda is designed to do.
Our politics are opposite. But, we want the same things. I want them for everyone.
I also want them for everyone, we have two completely different approaches. Mine is tried and true and works to the betterment of everyone. Yours lacks common sense and has been a proven failure in every way in every situation from the dawn of man.

Yours is do nothing. That's been tried, and guess what? Surprise. Doing nothing results in nothing. What's criminal is if Bush had done nothing we'd be debt free now. Thousands of Americans killed in his holy wars would be alive. The Great Recession would be only a nightmare, not history.

Doing nothing will maximise the cost of AGW and the largest project mankind has ever undertaken, the conversion to sustainable energy.

Business continuing to do nothing about growth will keep the most productive workers in the world, idle.

Doing nothing is what Boehner and his house thugs accomplish with their strike of Congress, and periodic shutdown of government.

Doing nothing has resulted in our extreme and extremely dysfunctional wealth distribution that is putting the middle class out of business.

Doing nothing about health care insures our completely uncompetitive 2X the cost, mediocre results health care non-system will stay the anchor keeping us out of global business success.

The good news is that Republicans will have lots of time to do nothing as former Congress members booted by an informed electorate.
You are so retarded.
I also want them for everyone, we have two completely different approaches. Mine is tried and true and works to the betterment of everyone. Yours lacks common sense and has been a proven failure in every way in every situation from the dawn of man.

Yours is do nothing. That's been tried, and guess what? Surprise. Doing nothing results in nothing. What's criminal is if Bush had done nothing we'd be debt free now. Thousands of Americans killed in his holy wars would be alive. The Great Recession would be only a nightmare, not history.

Doing nothing will maximise the cost of AGW and the largest project mankind has ever undertaken, the conversion to sustainable energy.

Business continuing to do nothing about growth will keep the most productive workers in the world, idle.

Doing nothing is what Boehner and his house thugs accomplish with their strike of Congress, and periodic shutdown of government.

Doing nothing has resulted in our extreme and extremely dysfunctional wealth distribution that is putting the middle class out of business.

Doing nothing about health care insures our completely uncompetitive 2X the cost, mediocre results health care non-system will stay the anchor keeping us out of global business success.

The good news is that Republicans will have lots of time to do nothing as former Congress members booted by an informed electorate.
You are so retarded.

And so much smarter and better informed than you.

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