The Glenn Beck Channel!

This must be really, really important.... since this is the fourth thread about it.

Yet, here you are.

Well, you know some liberals and their obsessions....

Is that similar to your obsession with Liberals, jackass? :lol:

Kinda dull.

The 3 hours of our Flag waving was funny, but I got bored and didn't make it into prime time.

but hey, thanks for keeping Becks name out there! If it wasn't for the lefts constant hate fest I never would have watched his show.

It's cute that you want people to believe that.

Honest injun!

I didn't give 2 hoots about FOX or really any news until I read hate post after hate post about FOX and Glen Beck on a different site called Open.Salon.

It's odd how yall get focused on a couple of meanings less things, like talking heads or a TV station while your own people are exploding the debt and calling it a good thing. And since they have told you that FOX lies, and you lack the ability to free think, when FOX tells you exploding the debt is bad, you assume the opposite. Just like you have been conditioned to do.
This must be really, really important.... since this is the fourth thread about it.

Well, you know some liberals and their obsessions....

It now qualifies as a legitimate mental disorder.... Repetitive Beck Syndrome.

This is an interesting rhetorical device but it in no way counters the idiocy Beck spouts or the fact his paranoid nonsense has a negative effect on many people. Calling out hatred for what it is is essential in a society whose goal is civility.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
Well, you know some liberals and their obsessions....

It now qualifies as a legitimate mental disorder.... Repetitive Beck Syndrome.

This is an interesting rhetorical device but it in no way counters the idiocy Beck spouts or the fact his paranoid nonsense has a negative effect on many people. Calling out hatred for what it is is essential in a society whose goal is civility.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

Post Of The Day!!!
It now qualifies as a legitimate mental disorder.... Repetitive Beck Syndrome.

This is an interesting rhetorical device but it in no way counters the idiocy Beck spouts or the fact his paranoid nonsense has a negative effect on many people. Calling out hatred for what it is is essential in a society whose goal is civility.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

Post Of The Day!!!

"Post of the day' for somebody who has obviously never sat down to listen to a whole Beck radio program or watched a whole Beck television show. If he had, he would never have attributed anything Beck ever said to Hoffer's comment.
Post of the day because it speaks perfectly to the whole teabagger nonsense of looking for someone to direct their inner anger at instead of dealing with their empty lives.

Thanks for this important thread.
No problem.
It was reported this week that the conservative commentator Glenn Beck may start his own cable channel when his contract with Fox News expires this year. Here’s a preview:


People keep telling me to watch Glenn Beck, but I never do. If the libs on USMB didn't say anything about Beck, I wouldn't know anything about him.
It was reported this week that the conservative commentator Glenn Beck may start his own cable channel when his contract with Fox News expires this year. Here’s a preview:


People keep telling me to watch Glenn Beck, but I never do. If the libs on USMB didn't say anything about Beck, I wouldn't know anything about him.

Then you are not a sheeple fox fan . Good for you.
This must be really, really important.... since this is the fourth thread about it.

And it must mean that BECK is getting under their skin... what a sad bunch to be bothered by a political COMMENTATOR...

Why is it every time we show you a nut from your side, we are "obsessed" with them and they scare us?

We are afraid of Palin, Bachmann, Brewer, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly etc? Really!??

We laugh at them. The reason why Beck is talking aout his career after this contract is up is simple......he lost half his audience in the last year. Fox wont ask him back so he has no choice. Even the becksters are starting to get it. The world is not coming to an end and this nut is a fear monger. Its what he does and he called it, he is a circus clown.

Carny's and rubes is what your side have and WE ARE NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM..we like showing how much an idiot he and your side are.

God bless.
This must be really, really important.... since this is the fourth thread about it.

And it must mean that BECK is getting under their skin... what a sad bunch to be bothered by a political COMMENTATOR...

Why is it every time we show you a nut from your side, we are "obsessed" with them and they scare us?

We are afraid of Palin, Bachmann, Brewer, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly etc? Really!??

We laugh at them. The reason why Beck is talking aout his career after this contract is up is simple......he lost half his audience in the last year. Fox wont ask him back so he has no choice. Even the becksters are starting to get it. The world is not coming to an end and this nut is a fear monger. Its what he does and he called it, he is a circus clown.

Carny's and rubes is what your side have and WE ARE NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM..we like showing how much an idiot he and your side are.

God bless.

Oh sure (the rhetorical) you 'laugh at them" and are "not the least obsessed with them'. Which is why almost all of the threads started with intent to bash or accuse or blame Beck, Palin, et al, are started by left wingnut types. :)

And from my chair and from observing this phenomenon for awhile, I could be wrong, but it really seems that. . . .

. . . anybody who starts a thread to discuss a concept raised by one of these media icons will generally find it trashed by those same left wingnut types who only want to bash or accuse or blame the media personality and who generally have no interest whatsoever in discussing a concept or idea.
And it must mean that BECK is getting under their skin... what a sad bunch to be bothered by a political COMMENTATOR...

Why is it every time we show you a nut from your side, we are "obsessed" with them and they scare us?

We are afraid of Palin, Bachmann, Brewer, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly etc? Really!??

We laugh at them. The reason why Beck is talking aout his career after this contract is up is simple......he lost half his audience in the last year. Fox wont ask him back so he has no choice. Even the becksters are starting to get it. The world is not coming to an end and this nut is a fear monger. Its what he does and he called it, he is a circus clown.

Carny's and rubes is what your side have and WE ARE NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM..we like showing how much an idiot he and your side are.

God bless.

Oh sure (the rhetorical) you 'laugh at them" and are "not the least obsessed with them'. Which is why almost all of the threads started with intent to bash or accuse or blame Beck, Palin, et al, are started by left wingnut types. :)

And from my chair and from observing this phenomenon for awhile, I could be wrong, but it really seems that. . . .

. . . anybody who starts a thread to discuss a concept raised by one of these media icons will generally find it trashed by those same left wingnut types who only want to bash or accuse or blame the media personality and who generally have no interest whatsoever in discussing a concept or idea.

So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.
Why is it every time we show you a nut from your side, we are "obsessed" with them and they scare us?

We are afraid of Palin, Bachmann, Brewer, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly etc? Really!??

We laugh at them. The reason why Beck is talking aout his career after this contract is up is simple......he lost half his audience in the last year. Fox wont ask him back so he has no choice. Even the becksters are starting to get it. The world is not coming to an end and this nut is a fear monger. Its what he does and he called it, he is a circus clown.

Carny's and rubes is what your side have and WE ARE NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM..we like showing how much an idiot he and your side are.

God bless.

Oh sure (the rhetorical) you 'laugh at them" and are "not the least obsessed with them'. Which is why almost all of the threads started with intent to bash or accuse or blame Beck, Palin, et al, are started by left wingnut types. :)

And from my chair and from observing this phenomenon for awhile, I could be wrong, but it really seems that. . . .

. . . anybody who starts a thread to discuss a concept raised by one of these media icons will generally find it trashed by those same left wingnut types who only want to bash or accuse or blame the media personality and who generally have no interest whatsoever in discussing a concept or idea.

So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. Okay. But seems like you expend a whole lot of time, effort, and ban width to do that just with those particular folks and ignore a whole lot who deserve it more.

Looks like an obsession to me. Sorry.
Oh sure (the rhetorical) you 'laugh at them" and are "not the least obsessed with them'. Which is why almost all of the threads started with intent to bash or accuse or blame Beck, Palin, et al, are started by left wingnut types. :)

And from my chair and from observing this phenomenon for awhile, I could be wrong, but it really seems that. . . .

. . . anybody who starts a thread to discuss a concept raised by one of these media icons will generally find it trashed by those same left wingnut types who only want to bash or accuse or blame the media personality and who generally have no interest whatsoever in discussing a concept or idea.

So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. Okay. But seems like you expend a whole lot of time, effort, and ban width to do that just with those particular folks and ignore a whole lot who deserve it more.

Looks like an obsession to me. Sorry.

Then by your definition, you are obsessing on me and the anti right people.

Still laughing at you here.

waiting for your waste of bandwidth and obsession to respond to this ....

el o el.
So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. Okay. But seems like you expend a whole lot of time, effort, and ban width to do that just with those particular folks and ignore a whole lot who deserve it more.

Looks like an obsession to me. Sorry.

Then by your definition, you are obsessing on me and the anti right people.

Still laughing at you here.

waiting for your waste of bandwidth and obsession to respond to this ....

el o el.

I'm participating in a conversation with you. Hardly an obsession. Now if I was starting thread after thread after thread after thread with the intent to bash, ridicule, demean, or diminish Zona, THAT would be an obsession.
Oh sure (the rhetorical) you 'laugh at them" and are "not the least obsessed with them'. Which is why almost all of the threads started with intent to bash or accuse or blame Beck, Palin, et al, are started by left wingnut types. :)

And from my chair and from observing this phenomenon for awhile, I could be wrong, but it really seems that. . . .

. . . anybody who starts a thread to discuss a concept raised by one of these media icons will generally find it trashed by those same left wingnut types who only want to bash or accuse or blame the media personality and who generally have no interest whatsoever in discussing a concept or idea.

So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. Okay. But seems like you expend a whole lot of time, effort, and ban width to do that just with those particular folks and ignore a whole lot who deserve it more.

Looks like an obsession to me. Sorry.
By this piss-poor reasoning, the Right is terrified by and obsessed with Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, and Bill Maher.
So let me get this are saying most..(all really) threads started to bash idiots like beck or palin are started by the left.

Well, no shit sherlock. Why would the right start a thread that shows the idiocy of people they admire?

We don't obsess, we point and laugh. We laugh at beck, oreilly, rush and people like you who defend them.
God bless.

Uh huh. Sure. Right. Okay. But seems like you expend a whole lot of time, effort, and ban width to do that just with those particular folks and ignore a whole lot who deserve it more.

Looks like an obsession to me. Sorry.
By this piss-poor reasoning, the Right is terrified by and obsessed with Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, and Bill Maher.

I am unaware of thread after thread after thread being started by rightwingers re those folks unless it was a REALLY big media event. But if they're doing it, yeah, they are obsessed.

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