The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the just plain Inexplicable: A Message to the Anti-Trump Protestors

They should not only continue but intensify. A little lost property is the price of freedom, always has been. I'm rooting for them to board a ship at 2 AM and throw the cargo into the bay!

That first 'throwing cargo into the bay incident' was to protest (in modern terminology) cronyism resulting in a monopoly and to challenge the authority of a non-representative government - the current leadership. It was to help establish free elections - not abolish them. Is that what you really want to see protested? - the current leadership? Free elections?

Parse it however you like.

I leave that to you. Parsing history is the attempt to draw a parallel between the Boston Harbor protests and todays violence. There is none. The Sons of Liberty were fighting for free elections, not against them. There are other historical events in other countries that more closely match what you are advocating.
You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.
Here is the problem. Imagine that you are competing against an opponent in a game and you KNOW your opponent will cheat. Would you accept the result if he wins? For me, the answer is definitely NO. What Trump said in the debate was essentially: "we will have to wait and see". Wait and see what? The results and WHETHER the election is a fraud. If it was a fraud, measures would be taken. It's just that simple, but the media twisted it into a different message -- they implied that Trump will not accept the result as long as he loses. Millions of people bought it, and it's just SAD!!!

Now regarding these protesters, they might feel Trump won by cheating, but they have no evidence what-so-ever. Our constitution clearly defines the process of the election, and the electoral college is part of that process. Just "FEEL" bad of something doesn't justify rioting and violence. On the other hand, if strong evidence can be found to prove the result of the election is changed by frauds, it is an entirely different story. I could understand your intent to avoid bloodshed. However, you should never give up the right to fight against those who intend to steal an election. Should they dare, the people WOULD give their lives to defeat them.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Yeah, it's reminiscent of when Obama won the election. You know, how the conservatives took to the streets, chanting "Not My President", smashing windows, destroying cars, beating people... Oh, wait... None of that shit happened... It's funny if you think about it... They're being, doing exactly what they so often accuse their conservative counterparts of being and doing; angry, intolerant, violent... And what's with the very loud and public calls for Trump's assassination? On Twitter? These people are messed up... I'm still waiting to hear someone denounce that shit...

I have an idea, give them all a fucking participation trophy, I bet they'll go home happy...

You know, I'm not particularly thrilled that Donald Trump won the election, but, just like I did with President Obama, I'm prepared to wait and see what the mutant Oompa Loompa does before pissing in his Cheerios.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Yeah, it's reminiscent of when Obama won the election. You know, how the conservatives took to the streets, chanting "Not My President", smashing windows, destroying cars, beating people... Oh, wait... None of that shit happened... It's funny if you think about it... They're being, doing exactly what they so often accuse their conservative counterparts of being and doing; angry, intolerant, violent... And what's with the very loud and public calls for Trump's assassination? On Twitter? These people are messed up... I'm still waiting to hear someone denounce that shit...

I have an idea, give them all a fucking participation trophy, I bet they'll go home happy...

You know, I'm not particularly thrilled that Donald Trump won the election, but, just like I did with President Obama, I'm prepared to wait and see what the mutant Oompa Loompa does before pissing in his Cheerios.

There's an entire thread on the twitter assassinate-Trump stuff. It was roundly denounced, including by leftists. Did you happen to miss that?

There've been a multitude of assassinate Obama Twitter craps as well. I don't recall any particular outrage at that. Do you? Do you remember if the anti-Obama folk denounced it in the way you seem to think hasn't happened here?

For your enlightenment:
24 People Who Hope Obama Gets Assassinated -- Or Want To Do It Themselves (with tweets) · davidbadash
Teen's personal information released after Obama assassination tweet
Man pleads guilty to Twitter threat to kill Obama

There was even one big-time Trump supporter here on USMB who's signature was an assault type rifle on a rooftop saying "Vote from the Roof Tops". Not much outrage there either.

Apparently a pro-Trumper got pissed off at an anti-Trumper and shot into the crowd wounding someone. Oops. No denouncements there.

Most of the protests have been largely peaceful - even if senseless because it isn't going to change anything. Where violence has occurred - it's unforgiveable and should be denounced. But this isn't the Rodney King riots. This isn't Ferguson. And this behavior - from these people -has been heavily condemned by their own side.
You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Here is the problem. Imagine that you are competing against an opponent in a game and you KNOW your opponent will cheat. Would you accept the result if he wins? For me, the answer is definitely NO. What Trump said in the debate was essentially: "we will have to wait and see". Wait and see what? The results and WHETHER the election is a fraud. If it was a fraud, measures would be taken. It's just that simple, but the media twisted it into a different message -- they implied that Trump will not accept the result as long as he loses. Millions of people bought it, and it's just SAD!!!

Now regarding these protesters, they might feel Trump won by cheating, but they have no evidence what-so-ever. Our constitution clearly defines the process of the election, and the electoral college is part of that process. Just "FEEL" bad of something doesn't justify rioting and violence. On the other hand, if strong evidence can be found to prove the result of the election is changed by frauds, it is an entirely different story. I could understand your intent to avoid bloodshed. However, you should never give up the right to fight against those who intend to steal an election. Should they dare, the people WOULD give their lives to defeat them.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Hillary cheated or would have cheated, just as there is none against Trump. There's only belief and you are using that belief to justify any violence that could have occurred had Clinton won.

That's pretty whacked, but it's also part and parcel of this whole election. The other side cheated - no proof but I "know it" becuase of that belief, violence becomes righteous. Do you see where this leads our country? One of the hallmarks of a successful democracy is the PEACEFUL transmission of power. Once you start to disrupt that - ESPECIALLY with unproven allegations - you are entering very dangerous territory for our country, and that is one reason why we should all adhere to a rigid standard of proof and let the law take it's course should there be valid evidence of improprieties.

Edited to add: The reaction to Trump's answering of the question "would you accept the results" - goes beyond that one question. It's the compilation of his constant reiteration of "the election is rigged" everytime he went down in the polls. It's a regular theme of his candidacy that puts into question the legitimacy of the entire process - SHOULD the results go against him. That is dangerous imo, because there is no real evidence to support rigging. Go back to the 2000 - would Gore supporters have been justified in erupting into violence due to "hanging chads" and an election ultimately determined by the courts in the state in which his opponent's brother was governor? No.
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Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Trump didn't win by cheating. Too bad if they feel that, I don't think they do. It appears they think the wrong guy won - they are anti-democratic simple as that.

Back in Bush's time, the left hadn't regressed so much.
If Clinton had won it wouldn't have been by cheating either. Would your side have accepted it with grace? I wonder...too much anger.

We wouldn't have known whether or not clinton cheated, since the democrats refuse to go along with having voter i.d. laws.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.
You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Here is the problem. Imagine that you are competing against an opponent in a game and you KNOW your opponent will cheat. Would you accept the result if he wins? For me, the answer is definitely NO. What Trump said in the debate was essentially: "we will have to wait and see". Wait and see what? The results and WHETHER the election is a fraud. If it was a fraud, measures would be taken. It's just that simple, but the media twisted it into a different message -- they implied that Trump will not accept the result as long as he loses. Millions of people bought it, and it's just SAD!!!

Now regarding these protesters, they might feel Trump won by cheating, but they have no evidence what-so-ever. Our constitution clearly defines the process of the election, and the electoral college is part of that process. Just "FEEL" bad of something doesn't justify rioting and violence. On the other hand, if strong evidence can be found to prove the result of the election is changed by frauds, it is an entirely different story. I could understand your intent to avoid bloodshed. However, you should never give up the right to fight against those who intend to steal an election. Should they dare, the people WOULD give their lives to defeat them.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Hillary cheated or would have cheated, just as there is none against Trump. There's only belief and you are using that belief to justify any violence that could have occurred had Clinton won.

That's pretty whacked, but it's also part and parcel of this whole election. The other side cheated - no proof but I "know it" becuase of that belief, violence becomes righteous. Do you see where this leads our country? One of the hallmarks of a successful democracy is the PEACEFUL transmission of power. Once you start to disrupt that - ESPECIALLY with unproven allegations - you are entering very dangerous territory for our country, and that is one reason why we should all adhere to a rigid standard of proof and let the law take it's course should there be valid evidence of improprieties.

Edited to add: The reaction to Trump's answering of the question "would you accept the results" - goes beyond that one question. It's the compilation of his constant reiteration of "the election is rigged" everytime he went down in the polls. It's a regular theme of his candidacy that puts into question the legitimacy of the entire process - SHOULD the results go against him. That is dangerous imo, because there is no real evidence to support rigging. Go back to the 2000 - would Gore supporters have been justified in erupting into violence due to "hanging chads" and an election ultimately determined by the courts in the state in which his opponent's brother was governor? No.

Trump campaign: Video shows Clinton coordinated with liberal group to incite crowds
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.

Does that mean that the KKK and white supremecists and neo-Nazi's who supported Trump are...."your people"?
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.

Does that mean that the KKK and white supremecists and neo-Nazi's who supported Trump are...."your people"?

No, they're yours as well. They traditionally vote democrat or libertarian.

Despite your fantasies to the contrary.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.

Does that mean that the KKK and white supremecists and neo-Nazi's who supported Trump are...."your people"?

No, they're yours as well. They traditionally vote democrat or libertarian.

Despite your fantasies to the contrary.

Actually, they traditionally vote Republican or Libertarian. They haven't voted Democrats took on Civil Rights and lost the south. These people specifically and loudly supported a Trump candidacy. At this point - they are part of your wing, and like we have to do with our "deplorables" - you need to do with yours. Marginalize them and denounce them. Don't pretend they're someone elses cockroaches.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.

Does that mean that the KKK and white supremecists and neo-Nazi's who supported Trump are...."your people"?

No, they're yours as well. They traditionally vote democrat or libertarian.

Despite your fantasies to the contrary.

Actually, they traditionally vote Republican or Libertarian. They haven't voted Democrats took on Civil Rights and lost the south. These people specifically and loudly supported a Trump candidacy. At this point - they are part of your wing, and like we have to do with our "deplorables" - you need to do with yours. Marginalize them and denounce them. Don't pretend they're someone elses cockroaches.

Now you're just lying, like you always do when you're exposed as a know-nothing ignoramus.

One of the first things that Trump is going to do it yank federal funding from schools, thus putting a halt to federal meddling in education. Hopefully that will be the end of the Useful Idiot show put on by our schools.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
These are your people, coyote. Enjoy the show. We've been having to treat them as if they are reasonable, normal people for the past 8 years.

They aren't. They're just criminal lunatics.

And apparently the chief of police in Portland thinks that Planned Parenthood is a "human rights organization". At least that's what he said when he was telling people that it was illegal to protest, and that if they were interested in human rights violations to contact PP.

Proof that the insanity goes all the way to the top with these loons.

Does that mean that the KKK and white supremecists and neo-Nazi's who supported Trump are...."your people"?

No, they're yours as well. They traditionally vote democrat or libertarian.

Despite your fantasies to the contrary.

Actually, they traditionally vote Republican or Libertarian. They haven't voted Democrats took on Civil Rights and lost the south. These people specifically and loudly supported a Trump candidacy. At this point - they are part of your wing, and like we have to do with our "deplorables" - you need to do with yours. Marginalize them and denounce them. Don't pretend they're someone elses cockroaches.
You're so lame..and predictable.

Democrats, the "anti hate pro inclusion" group, is proving to be a bunch of exclusive haters. They are just hypocrites. It's human nature. Liberals need to get their head out of their holier than thou asses and learn to ABIDE. Put down the Molotovs and the placards and ABIDE.
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Really good stuff. I hope that most of the liberal media idiots in the above video were actually playing a role to where they were supposed to be over-the-top flabbergasted and scared to stir ratings. Surely that many supposedly "smart" people can't be that stupid.

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Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Way. To. Go.
Really good stuff. I hope that most of the liberal media idiots in the above video were actually playing a role to where they were supposed to be over-the-top flabbergasted and scared to stir ratings. Surely that many supposedly "smart" people can't be that stupid.

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Liberal are a sharp bunch and for the most part, decent people I think. I used to adore liberalism, but it has lost it's luster. I can't put my finger on it, but the immigration issue made me realize just how out of touch with reality and American people Liberals are, and that issue made me realize how out of touch and delusional liberalism has become.
Democrats, the "anti hate pro inclusion" group, is proving to be a bunch of exclusive haters. The are just hypocrites. It's human nature. Liberals need to get their head out of their holier than thou asses and learn to ABIDE. Put down the Molotovs and the placards and ABIDE.

Much as I hate to say it, you are right. You can only go so far pointing fingers at the other side before you run out of fingers and need to begin examining your own side.

I'm embarrassed and angry that MY side HAS become the side of EXCLUSION and that we are NO BETTER than our opponents who say are so horrible - we aren't. It's as bitter a pill to swallow as Trumps win, but it needs to be faced head on rather than with "ya but" excuses...and it's painful.

And there have been signs all along amongst us.

My mother is a liberal and leftwinger. She attends a Unitarian Church, and she has run into the same kind of intolerance that we accuse the right of. It's a church that is supposed to be inclusive of all faith traditions...well...except maybe Christianity. So she enjoys some of the Christian aspects of the winter holidays, but no one else wants to include them. So much for inclusiveness. She's a scientist. She prefers evidence-based theories. So when a group of people were going on about the evils of drinking milk (and yes, the dairy industry IS abusive) and - how it's not really healthy for you anyway and we're healthier without it. So she politiely points out that actually - cow milk made a huge difference in the nutritional status of people - for example - in post-war Japan and in alleviating certain deficiency-induced illness. Milk was a comparatively cheap solution. They were incensed - the vegan soymilk brigade. They were as intolerant as...lactose in a matter of speaking. So here we are - supposed to be TOLERANT - and we're supposed to tolerate DIVERSITY - but hey, only the right type of diversity?

That's the thing...we should be inclusive of diversity. We're supposed to be. What it means to be liberal (and I'm not talking about the political definitions) - is to be inclusive, to accept diversity - even if you disagree. I don't mean that that means accepting the truely reprehensible - but then, I think some of us seem to think that drinking cows milk is right up there with Goebbels.

Disclaimer: I don't drink milk, I do eat cheese, I don't like the dairy industry, but there are ways to be more ethical in that industry with out abolishing it.

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