The GOP, Cheaters, Ron Paul won the State of Maine

Are you republicans holding your nose and sticking your fingers in your ears?

sigh..............par for the course I suppose........

Not quite. I like Ron Paul. I personally think he is the identity of a great part of the Republican party. How this party will look in the future I can not say, but I can state with confidence the wing that aspires to Ron Paul's message will survive and grow.

As of right now, I am actually on the borderline between who to vote for. I don't believe in much that the democrats have to offer, and I personally find them saying one thing, and holding out their hand for the back alley feed with the other.

With Republicans, they can't get over the fact that they really let us down in the last 8 years in power with a war that has nearly bankrupted us and a Wall Street crash that they helped foster on their watch. They feed their base with diversion from knowing the real truth that things like affordable health care very well might be good for the country. Ask Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts.

Depending on how things go, this might be the first vote in a presidential election that I cast for a Democrat. I personally don't like Obama. I think he is kind of a turkey. Romney I feel is a good man, but, he doesn't seem to want this very much. He isn't a fighter. America likes a fighter. Besides, there really is a lot of change that still should happen in this country, and my fellow Republicans just haven't caught onto that yet.
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so at first all you didn is insult me and Offer NO facts but only your opinion.

Then you denied your own oppinion when I put it back on you.

Then you ask a litany of questions without answering any.

Your a spoiled little fuck arent you

are you a 15 year old boy?
how many of your question of do I have to answer before you answer ANY of mine?
My questions are your answers. By the end of it I'll have you arguing with yourself. Straight out no bullshit.

I'm not sure what you are doing to be honest with you. It seems as if you know the answers, but you don't apply them. Which... I find odd.
shelly you are doing nothing.

you have shown in NO WAY why the gold standard has any use in this world today.

how old are you?
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so at first all you didn is insult me and Offer NO facts but only your opinion.
You aren't worth explaining anything to yet. You might never be. It's up to you.

Then you denied your own oppinion when I put it back on you.
I didn't deny it. I asked you to tell me my opinion through my own words. Thus, I was showing you your strawman crap.

Then you ask a litany of questions without answering any.
***I*** can't make you look stupid. Only you can do that. If you don't want to educate yourself by actually applying what you know... *shrugs*

Your a spoiled little fuck arent you

are you a 15 year old boy?
Opinions vary.
shelly you are doing nothing.

you have shown in NO WAY why the gold standard has any use in this world today.
You're right... I haven't. Until you prove you are worth it I won't either. I'll continue to ask you questions until you are.

how old are you?

Oh yeah you dont answer anything you just insult and ask questions

did you have to go back to class after library free time?
*laughs* Is this how you feel like you "win" on the internet? Wear them down with post after post? I can play that game.
It has been clinically proven, and published in peer-reviewed periodicals, that TM knows exactly -0% about truth OR the proper form of debate.

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