The GOP, Cheaters, Ron Paul won the State of Maine

This is how the right sees debate.

they offer nothing but think that makes them "clever".

it just make you look stupid and dishonest.

And you wonder why the right gets very few new converts
You think that is the quality of post you should get a serious response to?

You have nothing to say.

how does that make you correct on any issue?
It doesn't make me correct on anything. Doesn't make me incorrect either.

It is the effect of how you address things. If you don't address that issue, you won't get what you want. Most people learn this line of thinking as children... Why has it taken you so long?
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Yeah -- I'm outraged.. But I'm also tired of being discriminated against every time there's an election.. We work our ASSES OFF just to be on the ballot in all 50 states.. We're the only 3rd Party that consistently rises to that challenge.. MILLIONS of dollars, tons of lawyers, and petty bullshit from the REPS/DEMs later -- we start a campaign already exhausted.

Maine is CAUCUS -- not an audited election.. It's an INTERNAL PRIVATE PARTY function. It's indicative of what happens when there are not enough ACTIVE party members with principles to stop this kind of thievery. This is why Ron Paul is NOT BEHOLDING to his party. Because he has stronger PRINCIPLES they have...

Like I've said in other threads -- DISS the party and you'll be campaigning out of a phone booth with a rotary dial phone.. People need MORE CHOICES in the parties that back their candidacies. So that COMPLETE OBEDIENCE is not required to get and remain elected..

If America is too stupid to understand that ---- live with this kind of shoddy representation.

That's the response I expect from a real Ron Paul supporter.

Don't know if I should react to that Toro... :eusa_shifty:

Could be a compliment --- Or NOT!! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time.. :razz:

It's not NOT a compliment. Its consistent.
Some here may be wondering why I have taken such a strong stance against Romney recently and apparent support for Obama...even though I just could not stomach voting for him after what the DNC did to Hillary....(another long story)

well, I'm going to tell you why....

It's because the GOP here in Maine Cheated. FLAT OUT CHEATED.

Mainers or Mainiacs if you don't like us, are very independent people....they work hard with 2-3 jobs each, and mind their own business kind of people.

My husband is a life long Republican, he has voted in every election since he was 18 years old, local and national, primaries and elections....he's the most honest person I have ever met in my entire life, and I am not saying this because I love him and am married to him....anyone who knows him, knows this about him....he is liked by everyone he meets, Republican, Democrat, just can't help but like him...that's how he won me over :D, that and his music and some of the love songs he had written (another long story :) )

The hubby has a young, honest, friend, who used to be an employee of his...he worked with Matt until he got the job he wanted, being a Pastor. His name is Matthew also, Matthew McDonald. I am giving you his name because I want you to do some googling yourself, to read up on the situation here with the Maine Caucus and I certainly have Matthew McDonald's permission to shout what happened here in Maine with the GOP from the rooftops.

Matthew McDonald was elected the head of the Caucus for the GOP Caucus that took place in a small town called Belfast, Maine. Right before the Caucus, he got a phone call from the head of the GOP in Maine, as did ALL OTHER caucus heads for the GOP in Maine, and was told to NOT TO DO A PUBLIC COUNT on the caucus result and to just forward the votes to to the head quarters. Well, Matthew McDonald did not follow the GOP's request to not count the votes in public, and in his district, they counted the votes one by one, out loud in front of the voters and crowd, the vote went something like this.....8 votes for Ron Paul, 7 votes for Santorum, and 5 votes for Romney, then they forwarded them to the headquarters as requested. A few days later he went to the website where the votes were being displayed by district and he saw that they did not have any votes for his town or his county in the tally. He then called the party headquarters and asked why the votes for his small town were not showing...they hymned and hawed, for a bit, but then he asked them to tell him what the votes were that they had on Belfast....and the person came back and said something like 9 votes for Romney, 2 votes for Ron Paul and 5 votes for Santorum.....THEY CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then said to them, NOOOOOOOO, that is not what the vote tally came to....and the Gop person said nastily, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS WRONG?

(she or he felt confident in confronting Matthew McDonald on the vote tally because all the Caucus heads were INSTRUCTED BY THE GOP, TO NOT COUNT THEIR VOTES IN THE PUBLIC)

And he told her, because WE DID A PUBLIC COUNT, our votes were tallied in front of the citizens of the town. She or He about fell over....and could not hang up on him quick enough...

So, the GOP HERE IN MAINE, CHEATED to make Romney the winner...they PLANNED IT ahead of time by instructing the Caucus heads not to do a Public count.

RON PAUL WON MY STATE, NOT ROMNEY. It was set up to cheat, and give the State to Romney.

Then at their state convention in May, the GOP CHEATED AGAIN, and voted on the delegates to send to the national convention and did this WITHOUT A was a madhouse and craziness that you would think only happens in movies...keeping the Ron Paul voters from choosing delegates to the electoral collage.....Ron Paul supporters were outraged. And somehow the gop romney supporters are suing for something, and Ron Paul voters are calling BS and a whole mess of things that I truly do not understand????maybe one of you guys who have participated in a Caucus before can make Reason out of this???

And also, the gop called the win for romney in a close race with Ron Paul right up there, before 1 county even voted. They had a pending snow storm and had to put their caucus voting off until later. Of which the GOP apologized for later on, but sheesh...whoopdee doo....

Matthew McDonald is just a kid to me...I think he is in his late 20's....and he's been thrown in to this mess, via his own honesty.

You would think this would have been front page news across this Nation....?

I realize that Maine is a low populated State and we really don't count for much in the overall picture of things but SINCE the gop CHEATED here in Maine, via telling their caucuses not to do a public count so they could CHANGE the republican voter's tallies, YOU KNOW these instruction to not do a public count, ALSO TOOK PLACE in other States.

Here are some links I found on the subject.....

these 2 are Rachel Maddow, i know, i know...ugh rachel maddow
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(1-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(2-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube

Exclusive Report: GOP Chair. Matt McDonald talks to RevPac's Aaron Jones | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Civilians News - Civilians News Media - By the People For the People

Ron Paul supporters fight back as Romney backers allege voter fraud at Maine GOP convention — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

State committee votes to keep Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster in place despite caucus mess — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

RP Supporter Chairman of Belfast Maine Caucus Calls State GOP to Confirm Vote Tally, result "not even close" to the actual vote! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution


Regardless of what you may think of Ron Paul, this issue with Romney cheating is something I just can't's how I felt when the DNC screwed Hillary. I'm sickened over it.

Honesty is the Best Policy....yes Honesty. And cheating is NOT ACCEPTABLE under ANY circumstance. You all may be able to go on with your lives, while the lies swirl around you....but as human being, who does care for other fellow human beings and the truth....this happening in my home State, has blown my faith in mankind.

care is right , the republicans cheat their asses off
Yes... She is correct. Democrats seem to be doing the same kind of stuff as well.
Everybody knows how Dems feel about cheating...

"The answer is clear: In an election that promises to be every bit as close as Bush v. Gore in 2000, each side is going to need every vote it can get. And one way, historically, that Democrats have been able to swing close elections is through fraud. Consider:

* In the 2004 Washington state governor’s race, the Republican’s early lead was overcome by the miraculous discovery of previously uncounted ballots squirreled away in the Democratic stronghold of Seattle, handing the election to the Democrat.
* In the close governor’s race in Connecticut in 2010, a mysterious shortage of ballots in Bridgeport kept the polls open an extra two hours as allegedly blank ballots were photocopied and handed out in the heavily Democratic city. Dannel Malloy defeated Republican Tom Foley by nearly 7,000 votes statewide — but by almost 14,000 votes in Bridgeport.

Read more: Vote fraud is real—Michael Walsh -
Al Franken’s 2008 defeat of incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman may be directly attributable to felons voting illegally.
Coleman led on election night, but a series of recounts lasting eight months eventually gave the seat to the former Saturday Night Live star.
Later, a conservative watchdog group matched criminal records with the voting rolls and discovered that 1,099 felons had illegally cast ballots. State law mandates prosecutions in such cases; 177 have been convicted so far, with 66 more awaiting trial.
Franken’s eventual margin of “victory”? A mere 312 votes."

And that gave Obama care that one vote it needed...​

"Democrats’ chicanery extends back to the days of Tammany Hall and other big-city machines. But today, much of the dirty work is done by lawyers. So maybe it’s not so surprising that Holder is either “investigating” or actually suing states like South Carolina, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania that have instituted tougher new requirements, including the presentation of government-issued ID.
Never mind that the Supreme Court by a 6-3 vote has already upheld the constitutionality of requiring valid identification in a 2008 case in Indiana.
Holder, the most politicized attorney general since Nixon’s John Mitchell, has consistently moved against any efforts to protect the integrity of the ballot box in the service of the party that keeps him employed.
Infamously, he dropped prosecution of members of the New Black Panther Party, who were intimidating white voters outside a Philadelphia polling place during the 2008 presidential election."

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Everybody knows how Dems feel about cheating...

"The answer is clear: In an election that promises to be every bit as close as Bush v. Gore in 2000, each side is going to need every vote it can get. And one way, historically, that Democrats have been able to swing close elections is through fraud. Consider:

* In the 2004 Washington state governor’s race, the Republican’s early lead was overcome by the miraculous discovery of previously uncounted ballots squirreled away in the Democratic stronghold of Seattle, handing the election to the Democrat.
* In the close governor’s race in Connecticut in 2010, a mysterious shortage of ballots in Bridgeport kept the polls open an extra two hours as allegedly blank ballots were photocopied and handed out in the heavily Democratic city. Dannel Malloy defeated Republican Tom Foley by nearly 7,000 votes statewide — but by almost 14,000 votes in Bridgeport.

Read more: Vote fraud is real—Michael Walsh -

The Republican Party filed a lawsuit in Chelan County Superior Court contesting the election, but the trial judge ruled against it, citing lack of evidence of deliberate electoral sabotage.[1] Rossi chose not to appeal to the Washington State Supreme Court, formally conceding the election on June 6, 2005. Gregoire is Washington's second female governor.,_2004
Dem-Bots like Ravi the Raving Lunatic and this OP pretending to care about this, is so lame. They just think it's somehow an advantage for their Democrats to bitch about it. They don't care about the System or Ron Paul. They're very disingenuous people. Now if they were genuine Ron Paul supporters, i would listen. But they're not. They're just shallow Dem-Bots.
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Some here may be wondering why I have taken such a strong stance against Romney recently and apparent support for Obama...even though I just could not stomach voting for him after what the DNC did to Hillary....(another long story)

well, I'm going to tell you why....

It's because the GOP here in Maine Cheated. FLAT OUT CHEATED.

Mainers or Mainiacs if you don't like us, are very independent people....they work hard with 2-3 jobs each, and mind their own business kind of people.

My husband is a life long Republican, he has voted in every election since he was 18 years old, local and national, primaries and elections....he's the most honest person I have ever met in my entire life, and I am not saying this because I love him and am married to him....anyone who knows him, knows this about him....he is liked by everyone he meets, Republican, Democrat, just can't help but like him...that's how he won me over :D, that and his music and some of the love songs he had written (another long story :) )

The hubby has a young, honest, friend, who used to be an employee of his...he worked with Matt until he got the job he wanted, being a Pastor. His name is Matthew also, Matthew McDonald. I am giving you his name because I want you to do some googling yourself, to read up on the situation here with the Maine Caucus and I certainly have Matthew McDonald's permission to shout what happened here in Maine with the GOP from the rooftops.

Matthew McDonald was elected the head of the Caucus for the GOP Caucus that took place in a small town called Belfast, Maine. Right before the Caucus, he got a phone call from the head of the GOP in Maine, as did ALL OTHER caucus heads for the GOP in Maine, and was told to NOT TO DO A PUBLIC COUNT on the caucus result and to just forward the votes to to the head quarters. Well, Matthew McDonald did not follow the GOP's request to not count the votes in public, and in his district, they counted the votes one by one, out loud in front of the voters and crowd, the vote went something like this.....8 votes for Ron Paul, 7 votes for Santorum, and 5 votes for Romney, then they forwarded them to the headquarters as requested. A few days later he went to the website where the votes were being displayed by district and he saw that they did not have any votes for his town or his county in the tally. He then called the party headquarters and asked why the votes for his small town were not showing...they hymned and hawed, for a bit, but then he asked them to tell him what the votes were that they had on Belfast....and the person came back and said something like 9 votes for Romney, 2 votes for Ron Paul and 5 votes for Santorum.....THEY CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then said to them, NOOOOOOOO, that is not what the vote tally came to....and the Gop person said nastily, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS WRONG?

(she or he felt confident in confronting Matthew McDonald on the vote tally because all the Caucus heads were INSTRUCTED BY THE GOP, TO NOT COUNT THEIR VOTES IN THE PUBLIC)

And he told her, because WE DID A PUBLIC COUNT, our votes were tallied in front of the citizens of the town. She or He about fell over....and could not hang up on him quick enough...

So, the GOP HERE IN MAINE, CHEATED to make Romney the winner...they PLANNED IT ahead of time by instructing the Caucus heads not to do a Public count.

RON PAUL WON MY STATE, NOT ROMNEY. It was set up to cheat, and give the State to Romney.

Then at their state convention in May, the GOP CHEATED AGAIN, and voted on the delegates to send to the national convention and did this WITHOUT A was a madhouse and craziness that you would think only happens in movies...keeping the Ron Paul voters from choosing delegates to the electoral collage.....Ron Paul supporters were outraged. And somehow the gop romney supporters are suing for something, and Ron Paul voters are calling BS and a whole mess of things that I truly do not understand????maybe one of you guys who have participated in a Caucus before can make Reason out of this???

And also, the gop called the win for romney in a close race with Ron Paul right up there, before 1 county even voted. They had a pending snow storm and had to put their caucus voting off until later. Of which the GOP apologized for later on, but sheesh...whoopdee doo....

Matthew McDonald is just a kid to me...I think he is in his late 20's....and he's been thrown in to this mess, via his own honesty.

You would think this would have been front page news across this Nation....?

I realize that Maine is a low populated State and we really don't count for much in the overall picture of things but SINCE the gop CHEATED here in Maine, via telling their caucuses not to do a public count so they could CHANGE the republican voter's tallies, YOU KNOW these instruction to not do a public count, ALSO TOOK PLACE in other States.

Here are some links I found on the subject.....

these 2 are Rachel Maddow, i know, i know...ugh rachel maddow
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(1-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(2-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube

Exclusive Report: GOP Chair. Matt McDonald talks to RevPac's Aaron Jones | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Civilians News - Civilians News Media - By the People For the People

Ron Paul supporters fight back as Romney backers allege voter fraud at Maine GOP convention — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

State committee votes to keep Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster in place despite caucus mess — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

RP Supporter Chairman of Belfast Maine Caucus Calls State GOP to Confirm Vote Tally, result "not even close" to the actual vote! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution


Regardless of what you may think of Ron Paul, this issue with Romney cheating is something I just can't's how I felt when the DNC screwed Hillary. I'm sickened over it.

Honesty is the Best Policy....yes Honesty. And cheating is NOT ACCEPTABLE under ANY circumstance. You all may be able to go on with your lives, while the lies swirl around you....but as human being, who does care for other fellow human beings and the truth....this happening in my home State, has blown my faith in mankind.

I never doubted you would be supporting Obama over Romney due to your support of Obamacare.

I like how you spun it to seem like your support for Obama was now due to republican "shenanigans" though, classic :).
Yes PP, my OUTSPOKEN support against romney has come out the last few weeks.

As far as being a liberal, I have never ever denied such, and you know it, don't cha?

How can anyone vote for someone that does not believe or have the same or near the same ideals? I personally, don't think it is possible....

I don't support getting rid of Medicare or Social Security
I don't support giving the wealthiest such as romney even more tax breaks and loopholes.
I don't support Corporations as being people.
I don't support Creationism being taught in school although I am a devout Christian.
I don't support the Rush Limbaughs callin Ms. fluke a slut and a prostitute just because she believes that women should have birth control covered under health insurance.
I don't support not cutting the defense budget.
I don't support the group of people that call ALL OF THE POOR, lazy son of bitches....while lifting up as though Gods the wealthiest.
I don't support most of what the right wingers want to do to this country, so how could I possible support a person that does not have even some of the same ideals as myself, in an election?

I wouldn't expect you to do such.

Truth is truth PP....and the truth is, that all the lies being told about Obama crashing this economy and all of our Ills being ALL his fault that the wingers are parroting, are simply not the truth....but hey, politics is politics and scummy.

His main weakness is not knowing how to work with people that hate him, and despise him to the very core of his soul...Clinton was great at it and knew how to fight fire with fire, and was able to accomplish things that were on his own agenda by doing such...Obama, not so much.

Doth protest too much :lol:

So transparant. Half your list isn't even accurate about decribing Romney. You know, as well as myself and many other posters on this forum who have read your postings over the years, that you were against whomever the republican was before Romeny was nominated.

I still haven't decided if I'm voting for Romney or the libertarian/write in/some other 3rd party yet....I have decided I'm not voting for obama after seeing how he is domestically over the last 4 years. Too bad because I do like Obama's foreign policy.
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Some here may be wondering why I have taken such a strong stance against Romney recently and apparent support for Obama...even though I just could not stomach voting for him after what the DNC did to Hillary....(another long story)

well, I'm going to tell you why....

It's because the GOP here in Maine Cheated. FLAT OUT CHEATED.

Mainers or Mainiacs if you don't like us, are very independent people....they work hard with 2-3 jobs each, and mind their own business kind of people.

My husband is a life long Republican, he has voted in every election since he was 18 years old, local and national, primaries and elections....he's the most honest person I have ever met in my entire life, and I am not saying this because I love him and am married to him....anyone who knows him, knows this about him....he is liked by everyone he meets, Republican, Democrat, just can't help but like him...that's how he won me over :D, that and his music and some of the love songs he had written (another long story :) )

The hubby has a young, honest, friend, who used to be an employee of his...he worked with Matt until he got the job he wanted, being a Pastor. His name is Matthew also, Matthew McDonald. I am giving you his name because I want you to do some googling yourself, to read up on the situation here with the Maine Caucus and I certainly have Matthew McDonald's permission to shout what happened here in Maine with the GOP from the rooftops.

Matthew McDonald was elected the head of the Caucus for the GOP Caucus that took place in a small town called Belfast, Maine. Right before the Caucus, he got a phone call from the head of the GOP in Maine, as did ALL OTHER caucus heads for the GOP in Maine, and was told to NOT TO DO A PUBLIC COUNT on the caucus result and to just forward the votes to to the head quarters. Well, Matthew McDonald did not follow the GOP's request to not count the votes in public, and in his district, they counted the votes one by one, out loud in front of the voters and crowd, the vote went something like this.....8 votes for Ron Paul, 7 votes for Santorum, and 5 votes for Romney, then they forwarded them to the headquarters as requested. A few days later he went to the website where the votes were being displayed by district and he saw that they did not have any votes for his town or his county in the tally. He then called the party headquarters and asked why the votes for his small town were not showing...they hymned and hawed, for a bit, but then he asked them to tell him what the votes were that they had on Belfast....and the person came back and said something like 9 votes for Romney, 2 votes for Ron Paul and 5 votes for Santorum.....THEY CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then said to them, NOOOOOOOO, that is not what the vote tally came to....and the Gop person said nastily, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS WRONG?

(she or he felt confident in confronting Matthew McDonald on the vote tally because all the Caucus heads were INSTRUCTED BY THE GOP, TO NOT COUNT THEIR VOTES IN THE PUBLIC)

And he told her, because WE DID A PUBLIC COUNT, our votes were tallied in front of the citizens of the town. She or He about fell over....and could not hang up on him quick enough...

So, the GOP HERE IN MAINE, CHEATED to make Romney the winner...they PLANNED IT ahead of time by instructing the Caucus heads not to do a Public count.

RON PAUL WON MY STATE, NOT ROMNEY. It was set up to cheat, and give the State to Romney.

Then at their state convention in May, the GOP CHEATED AGAIN, and voted on the delegates to send to the national convention and did this WITHOUT A was a madhouse and craziness that you would think only happens in movies...keeping the Ron Paul voters from choosing delegates to the electoral collage.....Ron Paul supporters were outraged. And somehow the gop romney supporters are suing for something, and Ron Paul voters are calling BS and a whole mess of things that I truly do not understand????maybe one of you guys who have participated in a Caucus before can make Reason out of this???

And also, the gop called the win for romney in a close race with Ron Paul right up there, before 1 county even voted. They had a pending snow storm and had to put their caucus voting off until later. Of which the GOP apologized for later on, but sheesh...whoopdee doo....

Matthew McDonald is just a kid to me...I think he is in his late 20's....and he's been thrown in to this mess, via his own honesty.

You would think this would have been front page news across this Nation....?

I realize that Maine is a low populated State and we really don't count for much in the overall picture of things but SINCE the gop CHEATED here in Maine, via telling their caucuses not to do a public count so they could CHANGE the republican voter's tallies, YOU KNOW these instruction to not do a public count, ALSO TOOK PLACE in other States.

Here are some links I found on the subject.....

these 2 are Rachel Maddow, i know, i know...ugh rachel maddow
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(1-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(2-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube

Exclusive Report: GOP Chair. Matt McDonald talks to RevPac's Aaron Jones | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Civilians News - Civilians News Media - By the People For the People

Ron Paul supporters fight back as Romney backers allege voter fraud at Maine GOP convention — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

State committee votes to keep Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster in place despite caucus mess — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

RP Supporter Chairman of Belfast Maine Caucus Calls State GOP to Confirm Vote Tally, result "not even close" to the actual vote! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution


Regardless of what you may think of Ron Paul, this issue with Romney cheating is something I just can't's how I felt when the DNC screwed Hillary. I'm sickened over it.

Honesty is the Best Policy....yes Honesty. And cheating is NOT ACCEPTABLE under ANY circumstance. You all may be able to go on with your lives, while the lies swirl around you....but as human being, who does care for other fellow human beings and the truth....this happening in my home State, has blown my faith in mankind.

I never doubted you would be supporting Obama over Romney due to your support of Obamacare.

I like how you spun it to seem like your support for Obama was now due to republican "shenanigans" though, classic :).
Care has represented herself truthfully for as long as I've seen her posting here. She was never a fan of Obama.



If you weren't so bigoted against Muslims, Conservatives, and Christians I'd take your neg rep to heart, but I don't care about negs from people of your stature.
I never doubted you would be supporting Obama over Romney due to your support of Obamacare.

I like how you spun it to seem like your support for Obama was now due to republican "shenanigans" though, classic :).
Yes PP, my OUTSPOKEN support against romney has come out the last few weeks.

As far as being a liberal, I have never ever denied such, and you know it, don't cha?

How can anyone vote for someone that does not believe or have the same or near the same ideals? I personally, don't think it is possible....

I don't support getting rid of Medicare or Social Security
I don't support giving the wealthiest such as romney even more tax breaks and loopholes.
I don't support Corporations as being people.
I don't support Creationism being taught in school although I am a devout Christian.
I don't support the Rush Limbaughs callin Ms. fluke a slut and a prostitute just because she believes that women should have birth control covered under health insurance.
I don't support not cutting the defense budget.
I don't support the group of people that call ALL OF THE POOR, lazy son of bitches....while lifting up as though Gods the wealthiest.
I don't support most of what the right wingers want to do to this country, so how could I possible support a person that does not have even some of the same ideals as myself, in an election?

I wouldn't expect you to do such.

Truth is truth PP....and the truth is, that all the lies being told about Obama crashing this economy and all of our Ills being ALL his fault that the wingers are parroting, are simply not the truth....but hey, politics is politics and scummy.

His main weakness is not knowing how to work with people that hate him, and despise him to the very core of his soul...Clinton was great at it and knew how to fight fire with fire, and was able to accomplish things that were on his own agenda by doing such...Obama, not so much.

Doth protest too much :lol:

So transparant. Half your list isn't even accurate about decribing Romney. You know you were against whomever the republican was before Romeny was nominated and so does anyone else who has read your posts over the years.

I still haven't decided if I'm voting for Romney or the libertarian/write in/some other 3rd party yet....I have decided I'm not voting for obama after seeing how he is domestically over the last 4 years. Too bad because I do like Obama's foreign policy.

Yup. A loyal Dem-Bot feigning outrage over this. I call Bullshite. Funny stuff. :)
Dem-Bots like Ravi the Raving Lunatic and this OP pretending to care about this, is so lame. They just think it's somehow an advantage for their Democrats to bitch about it. They don't care about the System or Ron Paul. They're very disingenuous people. Now if they were genuine Ron Paul supporters, i would listen. But they're not. They're just shallow Dem-Bots.

I don't care about it at all. Ron Paul is a loon and so are most of his followers. And I already knew that dishonest fucktards inhabit the GOP.
I never doubted you would be supporting Obama over Romney due to your support of Obamacare.

I like how you spun it to seem like your support for Obama was now due to republican "shenanigans" though, classic :).
Care has represented herself truthfully for as long as I've seen her posting here. She was never a fan of Obama.



If you weren't so bigoted against Muslims, Conservatives, and Christians I'd take your neg rep to heart, but I don't care about negs from people of your stature.

:rolleyes: You imagine yourself with big Stature, do ya?

Don't be an asshole, the subject matter of the OP is not dependent upon who posts it but Care4all is a well known and well respected entity who is known for her honesty and integrity...

To say I will only take this subject seriously if the OP is a Paul supporter is just beyond dumb, and since your stature as a rocket surgeon is already evident, it's no surprise all you could do was join in attacking the messenger or those who defend the messenger. Hint: A debate on the merits of Mitt Romney as a Presidential Candidate is actually not relevant to the point of the OP, and even though I may also take issue with some of that, I take it from where it comes and let it go in this context.

Go on with your bad self and high-five one of dumbest posters ever, go pat yourself on the back for your imagined "stature" as you demonstrate your uncanny ability to miss the point while you hack away by taking pot shots at political rivals.

The OP states the man she devoted her live to is a lifetime Republican and she simply offers a personal account of events in her State primary which she felt very passionate about. Despite all the morAns who failed to comprehend her OP, she SAID she can't stomach voting for Obama either for similar reasons. You partisan hacks need to calm down and get a grip on reality and stop posting AT people...scoffing at her that she is so transparent..really? What a jerk...REALLY!
Dem-Bots like Ravi the Raving Lunatic and this OP pretending to care about this, is so lame. They just think it's somehow an advantage for their Democrats to bitch about it. They don't care about the System or Ron Paul. They're very disingenuous people. Now if they were genuine Ron Paul supporters, i would listen. But they're not. They're just shallow Dem-Bots.

I don't care about it at all. Ron Paul is a loon and so are most of his followers. And I already knew that dishonest fucktards inhabit the GOP.

Do I care what you think about Ron Paul? no.. But lemme get this straight. A Republican who would end wars and concentrate on defense, stop corporate/govt collusion, treat drug abuse as a medical problem, prefer a common -- not elite following, bring transparency to the Fed Reserve, vote his conscience not his party, restore fiscal sanity and doesn't have a trailer full of fundy baggage is a loon.. But not -- Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid?

Did I get that right? :eusa_clap:

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