The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

You know damn well that Hillary has broken plenty of laws. Don't be the ostrich with your head in the sand.

I know better than to waste time on someone like you. You've had 25 years to know the facts. I'm not playing your game.
the deflection of the day award goes too......

Not a deflection at all. If this were an academic debate, then the burden of proof would be on me. But this is a message board, and I'm going to use my power of discernment to spot someone that has no interest in the truth and would only waste my time with apologist antics. You come at me with Hillary's an angel? Fuck that.
that's just a straight up dodge!

So, when you get called out, you just do your come-ons. You're worse than the FZ trolls. They at least admit they're trolls. You're only here to throw wrenches into the dialogue.
It is also really amusing how much effort the candidates put in to Iowa, which does not even slightly reflect mainstream American political thought. Yet, what these hog farmers think seems to matter to the people who send money to the candidates.
and the only one on your short bus is Hillary. (and she hasn't driven for over 25 years)
neither have most of the gop short bus .
your point?

That she's RIDING the short bus, not driving it.
neither are they..

Make up your mind. Are they in a clown car, or the short bus.
a regular short bus converted to a clown short bus.

"that's just a straight up dodge!"
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

that's funny.

to normal people it looks like you've got a clown car of losers.

sorry, but the clown car is all yours and the head clown is hillary. she's all you have, and she is a loser
OK, dims. question time.

give us a list of Hillary's accomplishments and a list of the reasons why you would vote for her

hint, the D behind her name is not a valid reason
Hillary has a shitload of baggage and is considered untrustworthy by most people.

She's the best the Democrats have....

Hillary has a shitload of baggage and is considered untrustworthy by most people.

She's the best the Democrats have....


they call the GOP the party of old fat white guys and their candidate is an old fat white woman. She is their McCain and Dole in a fat legged pant suit.
OK, dims. question time.

give us a list of Hillary's accomplishments and a list of the reasons why you would vote for her

hint, the D behind her name is not a valid reason

Does the Reset button count?
she couldn't even beat an unknown black man, and if she had not thrown her support behind said black, he'd have lost to a lop Republican
she couldn't even beat an unknown black man, and if she had not thrown her support behind said black, he'd have lost to a lop Republican

yep, its her turn and she will destroy any dem who tries to deny it to her. She and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman for the next 20 or 30 years.
More excuse making, I thought you people were inspired by Obama? lol
nope you just have a problem with reality what happened in 2014 is nothing special except when you are grasping at straws.

Meh you are in denial, Dem's occupy the fewest seats in congress since 1921 how's that reality for you. Got nothing to say? Thought so.
it's temporary, If the conservatives keep doing what they're doing it will even more temporary.
it staying the way it is right now is about AS Likely as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day or the Chicago cubs wining the world series .

Pardon me if we don't take the advice of Democratic party losers.
funny coming from the proven losers...
btw who the fuck is we?
I thought conservatives were independent and had no need for the appeal to the masses fallacy of we?.

Who even knows what you are babbling about, return when the drugs ware off and you can put a coherent sentence together.
LOL dude the Dem's were beaten to a pulp and not by the hapless GOP establishment, it was the voters who dished out the beating that's what should scare the left.
fasle assumption only 20% of voters voted .

I find it hilarious you libs blame Obama for not turning out the vote. :laugh:
making false assumptions is epidemic in conservative land.

More excuse making, I thought you people were inspired by Obama? lol
nope you just have a problem with reality what happened in 2014 is nothing special except when you are grasping at straws.

And yet when the Democrats took control of congress in 2006 you people said it was a repudiation of Bush, the people had spoken and given them a mandate, and on and on. OH SNAP!!
neither have most of the gop short bus .
your point?

That she's RIDING the short bus, not driving it.
neither are they..

Make up your mind. Are they in a clown car, or the short bus.
a regular short bus converted to a clown short bus.

"that's just a straight up dodge!"
dodge makes busses?
nope you just have a problem with reality what happened in 2014 is nothing special except when you are grasping at straws.

Meh you are in denial, Dem's occupy the fewest seats in congress since 1921 how's that reality for you. Got nothing to say? Thought so.
it's temporary, If the conservatives keep doing what they're doing it will even more temporary.
it staying the way it is right now is about AS Likely as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day or the Chicago cubs wining the world series .

Pardon me if we don't take the advice of Democratic party losers.
funny coming from the proven losers...
btw who the fuck is we?
I thought conservatives were independent and had no need for the appeal to the masses fallacy of we?.

Who even knows what you are babbling about, return when the drugs ware off and you can put a coherent sentence together.
your ignorance slip is showing.
fasle assumption only 20% of voters voted .

I find it hilarious you libs blame Obama for not turning out the vote. :laugh:
making false assumptions is epidemic in conservative land.

More excuse making, I thought you people were inspired by Obama? lol
nope you just have a problem with reality what happened in 2014 is nothing special except when you are grasping at straws.

And yet when the Democrats took control of congress in 2006 you people said it was a repudiation of Bush, the people had spoken and given them a mandate, and on and on. OH SNAP!!
people say lot's of things that turn out differently from what they expect.
you are doing just that!
btw It was a repudiation of bush. where the fuck do you get the idea that your "repudiation" of Obama has any more weight or clout than that one?

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